Multitasking problem after updating to marshmallow - Xperia Z2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

What about you?

I only used Marshmallow for a few days. It is OK for a Beta, but not a daily driver. Can't multi-task at all because apps get killed!

Download kernel adiutor and in Low Memory Killer set Light or Very Light settings
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[ROM] [P760] [4.2.2] [BUILD1] [01.08.2013] PolishBlood AOSP

Polish Blood Project
Android Open Source Project
for LG P760
by mikegapinski​
Clean stock Android, the google way. That is AOSP. Performance and stability, no rubbish.
What I improved over cm_10.1 and AOSP itself:
Fixed GPS bugs from CM, updated vendor blobs
Performance settings backported from CM with custom option to change GPU clock on the fly; #note1
Added a powerhal to do the CPU frequency autoscaling. Now it should work the right way;
Replaced AOSP keyboard with Sony’s one. It simply works better and has multiple dictionaries.
#note1 You need to change gpu clock every time you boot, not a bug - need to implement feature to save the clock.
Add CPU and GPU voltage scaling to performance tab in settings
Overclocking to 1200 MHz;
Option to overclock GPU in userspace;
Backport entire wifi driver from P940 to fix power managment;
Updated interactive cpu governor code from google kernel (branch android-3.4);
Remove all not needed cpu governors, only interactive does the scaling job well.
Add option to scale CPU and GPU voltages on the fly in userspace;
Merge more upstream patches;
Add more steps for CPU(also needs to be reworked in system power hal);
Write a little piece of code for GPU autoscaling, should result in better power management
Focus on testing the CPU and WIFI power managment, this are main things I focus on - after getting it to work like it should I will add more features to kernel. I need a great base to start making new things.
Build 1:
First build
Code on and
Awesome !!
Thanks for your work ! :good:
Very good.
Sent from my LG-P760 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Excuse me, I do not really understand what it is that AOSP? This is what the Nexus phones use?
SentryMescudi said:
Excuse me, I do not really understand what it is that AOSP? This is what the Nexus phones use?
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Yes, clean Android from google, hardest to port
mikegapinski said:
Yes, clean Android from google, hardest to port
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Thank you very much for your work Mike, your return is really appreciated
Could you provide your kernel separately so that I can test it on other roms?
PreemPalver said:
Thank you very much for your work Mike, your return is really appreciated
Could you provide your kernel separately so that I can test it on other roms?
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Without my system kernel won't play it's role with PM
mikegapinski said:
Without my system kernel won't play it's role with PM
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I see, then can you make a kernel compatible with other aosp or cm based roms?
I mean, I understand that this kernel would be compatible but can you make a kernel which fixes battery drain?
Just to confirm that this has no relation with cm 10.1 right ??because CM still has lot of problem
thanks in advance :good:
So there is no high battery drain like CM ?
Any chance for mirror? Cause now second time I couldn't download it (suddenly stops around 100 MB).
Michał, could you tell me how you make GPS to work on AOSP? I'm getting RIL errors on e.g. AOSPA+, but I know only that it could be RIL problem (from other device maintainers).
SentryMescudi said:
So there is no high battery drain like CM ?
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Maybe but I didn't see any deepsleep state on this rom so battery is eaten quite fast. Still some optimalisation is needed, but this rom is a good start :thumbup:
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sebx_g1 said:
Maybe but I didn't see any deepsleep state on this rom so battery is eaten quite fast. Still some optimalisation is needed, but this rom is a good start :thumbup:
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You did something wrong.
PM is perfect - wasted a few long days on hal - I tested it multiple times.
mikegapinski said:
You did something wrong.
PM is perfect - wasted a few long days on hal - I tested it multiple times.
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can you make a report about the battery?
I get 2 day easilly, up to 3 if mobile data is off. I have beed tesing thir for a month before published, all is fine
mikegapinski said:
You did something wrong.
PM is perfect - wasted a few long days on hal - I tested it multiple times.
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Nothing wrong clean install, maybe more time is needed to enter deepsleep state on this rom much more than on others? I'll check it later.
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sebx_g1 said:
Nothing wrong clean install, maybe more time is needed to enter deepsleep state on this rom much more than on others? I'll check it later.
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Battery in linux kernel needs a few days to calibrate stats itself, but with DS I have no idea - I am simply using my phone not looking at cpu spy all day
Doesn't boot

Sense 5 - Facebook picture Contact sync

Even since I updated to Sense 5, I noticed that the pictures of synced contacts does not stay in high resolution. I manually updated each contact by clicking on it and the photo updates to high-resolution but the next day it's blurry again.
Does anyone have a fix for this?
I have the same issue! It's annoying I am fighting with this without any idea :-/ I have HTC one with sense 5.5
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Official Flyme OS For Xiaomi Mi3/Mi4

Official Build:
Based on 5.0.2
Installation takes long time.
For me (in CWM Recovery), ROM flashing took about 9 minutes and than the 1st boot took 8 minutes so be patient.
Do no flash GApps without 1st boot, it will give FC if you do so.
For root you have to flash SuperSU zip on your own.
Includes Normal (or named as powersave) and Performance mode sticking max frequency at 1.9 GHz and 2.3 GHz respectively.
Doesn't change Wi-Fi MAC address like other custom ROMs, if that matters.
Doesn't have dedicated WCDMA only mode, and resets automatically to preferred if you set in testing after reboot as in general ROMs
How battery life , performance?
any bugs?
please give us review.
patelumangv said:
How battery life , performance?
any bugs?
please give us review.
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Well battery life seems fine. I can't comment on battery life of any ROM, I can't notice difference in battery life matter at all.
Performance seems OK, not very snappy but is good.
But I believe I will flash some other ROM now as only this ROM is one which is giving problem with playing Vainglory. Touching the screen scrolls down notification little bit most times in the app (not anywhere else but the specific game I olay)
ROM is fine not very highly intuitive or something just normal. Has inbuilt different immersed bar. And iOS like smart touch little white button.
Has themes available too.
Bugs idk didn't come across except I mentioned already.
ROM is usable for daily use, test yourself.
And do get rid of stock keyboard, it doesn't write letters despite getting tapped
patelumangv said:
How battery life , performance?
any bugs?
please give us review.
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Battery life just sucks it drains damn fast then cm12 roms.
proximity sensor bug during incoming call.
Heating issue present on heavy usage.
the rom is still in beta stage
Anyone knows how disable hardware buttons backlight? I have Mi4.
ROM is very good do far in my opinion. Good performance, very nice camera (better than cm).
Wysłane z mojego MI 4W przy użyciu Tapatalka
Best battery life on this rom! MI4 LTE
Sent from my MI 4LTE using Tapatalk
This is for mi4 only..
Or can flash on mi3
dododol said:
This is for mi4 only..
Or can flash on mi3
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It can be flash into mi3w
any idea how to synchronise contact from google account?
Install google installer for installing google apps
Sent from my MI 3W using Tapatalk
anyone have option control manual mode camera? I tried at my Mi3 when at manual mode only can change exposure + and - mode. no option change ISO etc. Front camera very clear/good compare MIUI camera.
And how to activate option/back button. I tried only can using menu button at mi Mi3 problem when answer incoming call...
cant hear caller voice...
Or should change..any setting..
I was on miui v7 global developer
i tried installing from cwm
but stuck on mi logo
anyone know how much to wait???

games are laggy

Is there anyway to fix this? I upgraded it already to the latest firmware... Already rooted aswell almost all games are laggy. even the 2d games...
Me too ?
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You can try the mod for disable sony limitations to cpu. (You should use performance-friendly)
First use performance goovernor to cpu. In interactive is lagging with any modifing.. (tested..)
Good is remove bloatware, yes with lastest is better but still some to delete..
Change the rom to 112,root,clean,xposed,gltools,greenefy autostart,smart ram,put scripts in init.d.
I play.GTA SA in 100 distance with shadows,reflects and traffic standart and high textures at 30fps,sametimes 24fps, MC5,DEAD EFECT 2,RR,Vainglory all at max graphics. 37000 Antutu.
Only game I cant play is half life2, only 15fps,but is for gltools because to work,I need activate a option that drop too much fps.
alby_var said:
You can try the mod for disable sony limitations to cpu. (You should use performance-friendly)
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Where is that? How to do it?
is there a list of total apps i should clean out?
Ok quick question. What is the best firmware for games?
Best is root, remove bloatware, use performance goovernor when you start playing, maybe use one of mod. If you delete unused bloatware apps, phome will speed up. . Im using newest. 167 and playing games smoothly, im using No Aggresive (4th mod).
For downloading games im using Dolphin browser, and i mounting it with FolderMount. With Link2SD you can uninstall system apps and move to system better using apps. (Like FB, Messenger, Root Browser better than Default File Manager,..)
But best is experiment and try what you like.
I download App to change governor and choose ondemand.Now Phone work very good and no lagging. GTA SA work on this settings on medium.If You don want very modding use my solution
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do i use ondemand governor on little and big cpus? and also in the gpu? I tried to put all on ondemand and it heats up and when I play injustice the phone restarts hmmm

stock kernel tweaks

Hi guys,
if anyone interested I did some tweaks to stock kernel which if anyone interested i will share screenshots.
Note that u have to be rooted and should have some kernel app like FK kernel manager app.
Below r some changes u can do based on ss.
goto Kernel settings - misc. Here by default thermal is "NOT SET". So, change it to dynamic if u r not sure what to change. Gamers can set to pubg as well.
I believe this is the reason ppl getting device heating.
If u feel like apps r getting killed, then u can reduce the GC aggression as below -
goto kernel settings - memory and choose as below.
couple of more tweaks i tried for much better idle stats. see below my idle . I will share it in next post
see idle n active stats
Please share more tweaks for better idle! Thanks @mady51
below is for prime cluster.
in kernel app goto governor options of prime cluster and do the below change.
go to caf cpu boost and set the boost interval to 40ms. by default its 120ms.
Nice to you from OnePlus 3 days
desiresiscool said:
Nice to you from OnePlus 3 days
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built stock kernel but wifi isn't working, so didnt released.
Good Kernel needs time - thx for the tweaks ?
Battery Backup on stable, with your Kernel tweaks. Could get easily ~10h SoT on average usage. With a lot of Video recording and taking pictures.
Can somebody maybe tell me how to make the kernel tweaks persist in FK Kernel app after a reboot?
The settings seem to work pretty great so far! Just having to reenter after a restart is a bit annoying.
userguy said:
Can somebody maybe tell me how to make the kernel tweaks persist in FK Kernel app after a reboot?
The settings seem to work pretty great so far! Just having to reenter after a restart is a bit annoying.
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you have the option to apply on reboot in the FK kernel app itself. just enable it.
mady51 said:
you have the option to apply on reboot in the FK kernel app itself. just enable it.
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Thanks. But this option is only there for rhe "low memory killer presets". The other tweaks like on primary cluster for the better idle stats can not be saved?
userguy said:
Thanks. But this option is only there for rhe "low memory killer presets". The other tweaks like on primary cluster for the better idle stats can not be saved?
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if u look at my ss, u can see a toggle button seen for every setting. u can enable that toggle
will these settings be good for k20 pro rom 20.2.20 dev weekly.?
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can you send your settings? I'm looking for settings that would have between performance and battery.
Wysłane z mojego Mi 9T Pro przy użyciu Tapatalka
Hi bro, @mady51
Thanks for share this...but im on miroom stock kernel..
Have a enable toggle for changes works?
Thanks in advance
Like this?
ivoxda said:
Hi bro, @mady51
Thanks for share this...but im on miroom stock kernel..
Have a enable toggle for changes works?
Thanks in advance
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