Direct share broken since .224? - Xperia Z5 Compact Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi there,
Is direct share working on your devices? For me its only working when I share more than one file at once, I think its broken since .224, the problem is still there at .253 .
Anybody else see this?
Best regards

Same here... I'm sad cause I'm a huge user of Hangout and just after few days that Hangout got updated for direct share, I received this software update that removed it.

Hmm, okay, thats weird.
Anybody found a solution for that?

I have forwarded this issue to the Sony developers. In the reply, they said that they will hopefully fix it in the next update.


[Q] Youtube Login Problem

Hello all,
Today I have discovered that I cannot upload videos to youtube anymore because there is a login problem with it. From what I have seen this comes from the HTC Sense Account Manager Login that fails to login this.
Anyone having any ideas of why this is happening? Everyone having the same problem or is it working for someone?
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
Same Problem here. Artemis ROM
I discovered the same problem. Stock TMOUS ROM.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
That's got something to do with the link between youtube and google accounts.
But, you don't have to enter youtube login data on your HD2 for uploading a video.
- login to
- goto Account Settings
- goto Mobile Setup
- there you will see an email address
- send your video from your HD2 as attachment to that email address
That's it.
Have also a look on this tutorial or this site:
Yes indeed this is a solution as well...I was just thinking if it would be possible to solve this issue and make it work as it was before. But yes indeed the solution you have proposed should work perfectly with an email account on the device.
Thank you very much for the help.
staurakis said:
Hello all,
Today I have discovered that I cannot upload videos to youtube anymore because there is a login problem with it. From what I have seen this comes from the HTC Sense Account Manager Login that fails to login this.
Anyone having any ideas of why this is happening? Everyone having the same problem or is it working for someone?
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
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Yes, I have the same trouble and no fix!
deeking2 said:
Yes, I have the same trouble and no fix!
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This is definitely not the first and maybe not the last thread on that topic.
There is no fix and got nothing to do with Sense.
Haven't you seen my answer two posts above yours and how YouTube/Google wants videos to be uploaded/shared from mobile devices?
Again: have a look here:
I had heard of this problem before, and it happened to me once. The solution for me was to connect over cell network only (disable wifi). Then I was able to connect.
Or maybe it was the other way around (disable phone and try wifi only), but I'm pretty sure I had to disable my wifi, then it worked.
Anyway, try it.

When is the release-date for xBound or any other news regarding xBound?

I ask this here as I'm unable to find the homepage for the xBound, if someone has the right link to it, please post it.
And I'm also wondering if someone have heard of any other release-date or if anyone has been able to hear something about the project in whole?
And for those who don't know what xBound is:
It's a Android mirroring-device that send audio/video and mirror it to the the TV through Wi-Fi to a reciever wich then sends it into the TV using HDMI.
Thanks in advance for answers.
Best regards RazerBlader.
razerblader said:
I ask this here as I'm unable to find the homepage for the xBound, if someone has the right link to it, please post it.
And I'm also wondering if someone have heard of any other release-date or if anyone has been able to hear something about the project in whole?
And for those who don't know what xBound is:
It's a Android mirroring-device that send audio/video and mirror it to the the TV through Wi-Fi to a reciever wich then sends it into the TV using HDMI.
Thanks in advance for answers.
Best regards RazerBlader.
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Try Googling "xbounds" instead of "xbound". I would also like to know what happened to this; they were saying it would be released by q3, and, well, here we are, waiting patiently!

[Q] Does the Google Now Update let you create Calendar events w/o the work around?

I have read about the Google now work around but that was before the most recently update.
I was curious if any one has gotten it to work since Aug when the workaround was posted.
I only ask since I have been able to get it to post directly to my calendar just not to the right time but I have gotten the correct date.
If someone has gotten it to work correctly without the work around could you please post a video how the exact way that you say the command to get it to register the time.
Thanks in advance to anyone who helps.

[Q] Downloading text/email (picture) attachments

Hi all,
I recently got my htc one, have messed around with it, rooted it, and applied some cool mods. I just need one more thing to really fall in love with the phone. I noticed that whenever I get an attachment via text(haven't checked if it's the same with email attachments) it ALWAYS saves it to the folder " dowloads ". In previous phones I've had, if memory serves, you could chose where to save the attachment.
Does anyone know if this option is available on the One at all? or if a mod or app out there that can help with this?
I have done some research, but haven't gotten an answer or seen anyone else bring up this query. If this was already discussed and solved, it would be great if you could leave a link. Otherwise, feel free to suggest possible solutions, or what your attempts at solving this " issue " were, if it was an issue for you.
Thanks everyone,
please ask questions in the questions section. thanks

[Q] Downloading text/email attachments

Hi all,
I recently got my htc one, have messed around with it, rooted it, and applied some cool mods. I just need one more thing to really fall in love with the phone. I noticed that whenever I get an attachment via text(haven't checked if it's the same with email attachments) it ALWAYS saves it to the folder " dowloads ". In previous phones I've had, if memory serves, you could chose where to save the attachment.
Does anyone know if this option is available on the One at all? or if a mod or app out there that can help with this?
I have done some research, but haven't gotten an answer or seen anyone else bring up this query. If this was already discussed and solved, it would be great if you could leave a link. Otherwise, feel free to suggest possible solutions, or what your attempts at solving this " issue " were, if it was an issue for you.
Thanks everyone,

