When is the release-date for xBound or any other news regarding xBound? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I ask this here as I'm unable to find the homepage for the xBound, if someone has the right link to it, please post it.
And I'm also wondering if someone have heard of any other release-date or if anyone has been able to hear something about the project in whole?
And for those who don't know what xBound is:
It's a Android mirroring-device that send audio/video and mirror it to the the TV through Wi-Fi to a reciever wich then sends it into the TV using HDMI.
Thanks in advance for answers.
Best regards RazerBlader.

razerblader said:
I ask this here as I'm unable to find the homepage for the xBound, if someone has the right link to it, please post it.
And I'm also wondering if someone have heard of any other release-date or if anyone has been able to hear something about the project in whole?
And for those who don't know what xBound is:
It's a Android mirroring-device that send audio/video and mirror it to the the TV through Wi-Fi to a reciever wich then sends it into the TV using HDMI.
Thanks in advance for answers.
Best regards RazerBlader.
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Try Googling "xbounds" instead of "xbound". I would also like to know what happened to this; they were saying it would be released by q3, and, well, here we are, waiting patiently!


Anyone heard of this polyMIDI.cab file?

Hello all,
I was wondering about this site:
There's a reference to Polyphonic / MIDI ringtone integration on WM 2003. But the link does not seem to work. Does anyone have this file and does it work?
Let me know please.
I too was looking for this !
is it a hoax?
has anyone even heard of it ?
has anyone even read this post?
Tried to download it once it was posted a while ago. Emailed the Developer and still haven't heard back from him. :? Sounds cool, but right now vapor :roll:

Is there an application to change songs by shaking the phone ?

Hi I need to get an application that when you shake the phone right/left the song changes. There was a same application on iPod Touch and iPhone called PocketTouch and was only for Jailbroken devices. Also Sony Ericsson has this fuction on Walkman Phones.
Is there a possibility that it will be coded an application for this or to get the code from pockettouch , modify it and make it for Android ? Or it would be better if there is one....
Come on guys answer me , an app like this is needed for me!!!
Why don't you answer me please ? I need this as soon as possible and I search all over the internet
Maybe nobody knows of one?
Maybe there isn't one?
It's counter-productive for everyone to reply and say "I don't know" so until someone does know, you get no answers.
omokas said:
Why don't you answer me please ? I need this as soon as possible and I search all over the internet
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Do a search on market, I had seen several apps that did that.
Pillock said:
Maybe nobody knows of one?
Maybe there isn't one?
It's counter-productive for everyone to reply and say "I don't know" so until someone does know, you get no answers.
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Ding ding ding. Sheesh.

Direct share broken since .224?

Hi there,
Is direct share working on your devices? For me its only working when I share more than one file at once, I think its broken since .224, the problem is still there at .253 .
Anybody else see this?
Best regards
Same here... I'm sad cause I'm a huge user of Hangout and just after few days that Hangout got updated for direct share, I received this software update that removed it.
Hmm, okay, thats weird.
Anybody found a solution for that?
I have forwarded this issue to the Sony developers. In the reply, they said that they will hopefully fix it in the next update.

Android 5+ Wifi Repeater / fqrouter2 alternative

Hi all,
I've been looking for quite some time now for a way to turn my phone into a Wifi repeater.
About a year ago I read somewhere about a chinese app called "fqrouter2", which is mainly
used as a vpn tunnel but also has a feature for rooted phones to host a hotspot while being
connected to another wifi network.
The last version of fqrouter2 was released more than a year ago and only supported up to
Android 2.3. While I found quite a few people saying on the Internet that it is possible
on a rooted phone to use the wifi modules for sending AND recieving at the same time,
I was not able to find any alternative app so far.
I have pretty much no programming skills, so I have no idea how hard it is to write such an app,
but I can't believe that I am the only person who wants such a feature for their phone, so maybe
there is something/someone out there which/who could help me?
Made an account just now to reply, plus xda is awesome.
I hope someone can figure this out, I to need this android 5.0
No alternative?! Is this really the only App that can be used as a WiFi-Extender?!
did my monthly research, still couldnt find any new app/solution to turn my phone into a wifi repeater
Would be great to find an alternative in case this app ceased to update.
looks promising (untested):
aydink said:
looks promising (untested):
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Is anyone else getting this error?
Siddhu1605 said:
Is anyone else getting this error?
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But how did you even get there?
I mean what did you download, install and run?
At the start i am getting an error,"XX-net exit unexpectedly"
And finally what is the name of your phone?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in future.

How Does This Work??

I wasn't sure where to post this question. Is there a way to use my Miracast and surf the web on my phone at the same time? Thanks for your help.
If your Android version supports screen casting then I guess YES.
How Does This Work
Thanks for getting back to me. Do you know how I would go about doing this? Hope it doesn't sound too stupid.
Look inside here.

