CM 12.0 Camera need help - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys i installed cyanogenmod 12.0 (golden nova) on my Samsung GT I-8190
Now when i want to take videos they are always green/purple and buggy.
Somebody knows how to fix this?
Edit: The Sound is there and you can at least see if im holding the cam to the light or not (bright, dark).


anyone have the camcorder apk for miui room

i have flash the miui room on my fascinate so far i love the room the only problem is the camera it only display in black end white end it doesn't record video does anyone know how to fixed.
Maybe read the MIUI ROM thread and see that the camcorder is listed as one of the things that isn't working in the first post...

(Q) Hardware buttons in CM10.1 GP 5.0 INTL

I know you guys are very good and I know I put CM10.1 was not easy, especially with bluethooth and camera working.
but .....
You could make the kernel to version INT?
or just using the buttons on the screen?
in build.prop to get software keys.
I compiled a CM 10.1 nightly build with working bluethooth but witout working camera. It work only in non-stock apps, and rear camera can't get photo and video. And HW buttons are working on INTL devices. Here is link
Thanks a lot!! You save my player. My wife would kill me if it did not worked

[Q] Front Camera Issue [Slimbean Build 4]

I just flashed the to my Galaxy GT-i9300 and it is working smoothly but one thing I noticed is that the front camera freezes on first [front camera] shot. Can anyone of you confirm this?

How to turn off camera sound on YP-GS1(US)

I have the Samsung Galaxy Player 3.6(YP-GS1)(US version) and the camera sound is annoying, I can't take a picture without everyone knowing. I have already cameraclick.ogg from /system/media/ui/ with ROM Toolbox lite and there is no option to turn sound in camera. Also all my sounds are turned off before launching the app. Can someone please help me to disable this camera sound?
I also have CM5 which was uploaded from ODIN 3.04
*I know this is for SGP 4.0 and 5.0 but there arent any places for 3.6 :crying:

Google Camera Not Working in MIUI 10 China Alpha

Hey there,
Last day I tried the all new MIUI 10 on my mido.
It's awesome with some cool stuff. No bugs were there in the ROM.
But one single problem is that Gcam is not working in it.
It's Just a black screen.
But Panorama and Photo Sphere is working.
Lens Blur is also working. But Portrait mode isn't.
It was the much needed feature.
Tried many versions but no use. can anybody do something for the Portrait Mode to work ?
It would be very Good .
Rom is Missing elements And it Breaks The Camera Api 2
i did logcat and compared both frameworks miui 9 and 10 and they are identical so am not sure
which mod are you using?please help also in trouble
Same here...I'm using miui 10 8.6.22 no lag or noticable bug but google camera is showing the blank viewfinder
Please make a solution
without gcam photo looks so bad
Same here. I was trying to get gcam work in my phone, but no good result at all. Is there someone who can help us out...
Back to MIUI 9 and re-instal Gcam ?
Same here
I am facing the same problem, plz any developer help
Same here
Same here. Going back to miui 9. When the oreo update comes it'll be working
Maybe that's the purpose of the developers in miui 10. To disable the users using gcam mod ?
iam face the same proplem plz developer help <3
I am facing the same issue after updating in miui 10 official beta. Gcam arnova8 is not working. Please someone Fix this issue because lots of Redmi Note 4 users use Gcam arnova8.
Using miui 10 8.7.12, the google camera not working ??
It's working like a charm on miui 9, so it's a shame if google camera no longer working on miui 10 because miui deliberately disable it.
in customs roms of miui 10 its work
Merli- said:
in customs roms of miui 10 its work
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can u specify which one ?
Still the same after updating to MIUI 10 8.7.26. Please someone help us
The problem still persists in MIUI 10 8.7.26.
Kindly solve this as the MIUI camera is worst
I am using miuipro 10 and gcam is not working. Only black screen. That's a custom rom, I've not checked epic rom though.
The epic rom is the same
It isn't only on gcam even with manual camera!!

