Galaxy S II Storage problem - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all, I have problem with my Galaxy S II, the problem is that I used to have 12 GB of memory, and now it show me that I have 2,50 GB of memory, and before the problem I'm was using the original firmware, that was on the phone when I bought it (2012 year), and it was terrible, so I instaled Cyanogenmod 10, after that I updated to Cyanogenmod 12, and finaly I updated to Cyanogenmod 13, on the 12th and 13th I had the problem, so I wanted to get back to the 11th, but I can't, because of the memory issue, that says "Insufficient storage space available in System partition."
So what should I do because my phone now don't have any OS, it only have ClockworkMod Recovery, and I searched in Google for help, but nothing helped me, I tried everything I found about Odin, about flashing different type of files, and nothing, if someone could help me ? If you know something write it.


[Q] How do I restore the partition table of my Galaxy Tab 10.1 LE (Google I/O)

Hey all! This is my first post. I'm a Nexus guy so all of this work to root the Galaxy Tab 10.1 LE (from Google I/O) is a little new to me.
After trying several things with ODIN and nvflash, I'm still up and running, but I've managed to resize my partitions. When I boot up into a working rom I constantly get warnings that the internal storage is low (before installing anything) and looking at the application usage, "Device Memory" is reported at 299 MB (281 used and 18 free).
I saw mentioned on this thread about the boot loader size and want to know how to resize my partitions back to normal. It appears to not be the boot loader partition that is the problem.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I think I got it. Just rebooted into recovery and did a factory data reset. I tried that from the software (Settings) before and it failed, but now it shows 28 GB free.
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A

[Q] Cyanogenmod updates?

I got my EVO back yesterday, installed CM 10.1 4.2.2, its mostly running smoothly except one thing. its auto updater is looking to be downloading an update but it never stops download process, so i always see a xx files downloading in status bar. probably its also reason of poor battery performance.
Any ideas?
ps : sorry if this is already asked but used search before posting
just found out that it was because of my sd card was not detected so, CM was trying to download to unavailable location. its working after re-partitioning sd card

Weriedest BUG EVER - Galaxy S2 fakes available storage?

Hi Everyone,
My brother's galaxy s2 is giving me a fake available storage
I have a CUSTOM ROM (Paranoid android i flashed today) and before that Resurrection Remix - the bug is not from today..
this bug doesn't allow him to install/update apps, taking even a device screenshot..
Do you see the impossible?
by the info I have 200MB available, but the bar of the storage on the top shows that I have like 80% storage available..
I have tried doing some stuff like installing "DiskUsage" app and it gave me some of the following info:
By looking at the last image - is it possible that lost+found take this storage?
I have also tried HAWKER's GS2ROMClean (
Other info:
Thanks in advanced,

[Q] How to upgrade or flash my LG-KU5900 smart phone?

Yesterday my cousin, who lives in Korea, gave me his old LG-KU5900 smartphone.
Phone is good. Has 1 GB internal storage, has a 5.5 GB SD card along with it.
But problem is I cannot install WhatsApp on it because it when I try to install, it says that my current Android version is not compatible.
The current Android version on this phone is Android 2.2.2.
How can I be able to install WhatsApp on it and if not then can I upgrade it using some tool/procedure?
I have previously flashed/installed custom ROMS on my HTC set, but don't know how to do that for LG.
Can someone please guide. Many thanks in advance.

Trouble Installing OTA LineageOS 17.1 Updates

Hi I just recently installed lineageOS 17.1 on my old Moto E5 just to try out a custom ROM. Must say I love it, its given this old phone new life.
Anyways, I just received my first OTA update ( dated 11-19-20) and can't seem to get it to install. When I get to TWRP recovery mode, I can't seem to find the file to install. Other forums I have come across say to look into the /data folder but its empty on my end. Also when I go to select "storage" in TWRP, only the SD card shows anything stored (internal & USB show 0mb).
I'm sure I'm looking past something or made a mistake along the line. I am new to the custom ROM world and I think I like it here. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

