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Hello, I just bought a second hand a wifi 32gb variant.
The issue is your stuck in wifi on and can't skip it.
I did a factory reset/partition and it didn't work..
My seller told me to flash another rom
I've done a lot of flashing through my galaxy s4 using my ext sd card/odin. But I'm a complete noobie when it comes to adb
Please help me, thanks
What roms do you recommend ect..


Noob needs some direction (hand holding)

My first tablet a GT-P7500 so it's the 16Gb Wi-Fi + 3G. Not installed a sim card yet just using it on Wi-Fi at the moment. Really interested to root the device and play with some custom roms. I did this with my old HTC HD2 phone and never had any difficulties and was able to restore it to stock state before I sold it. Would like some info on where I can get the original Samsung 7500 rom for safekeeping prior to playing and also a good rooting tutorial. Much of what I have read here seems to assume some prior knowledge, of which I have none!
Pointing in the right direction to get me learning much appreciated.
All your questions are answered here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1171089
And just as the above thread says, firmware can be got here: http://www.samfirmware.com/tablets.htm
Thanks, some happy readimng ahead then.
For further "hand holding" Don't forget to back everything up to your computer! I get a little cocky sometimes and think I'm good enough to just start flashing away only to get stuck in a bootloop locked out of recovery and without a backup of files.

[Q]WiFi stuck on "Turning On" message

I have a problem with my 16GB Galaxy Tab 10.1 in that for some reason, while trying to pick up a WiFi signal from my Sky Broadband router (which none of my other WiFi devices has any problems picking up a signal from), the WiFi option seems to be stuck on the "Turning On" message and I don't know how to get it unstuck so that I can pick up a WiFi signal again from any device.
If anybody has any suggestions (I'm already looking at trading it in for a Asus Transformer Pad Infinity) to fix it, I'd be very grateful for them.
I had a similar problem. It occurred after using rom manager to install cwm on stock rooted rom and a factory reset fixed the problem for me, did you try it?
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
Panos_dm said:
I had a similar problem. It occurred after using rom manager to install cwm on stock rooted rom and a factory reset fixed the problem for me, did you try it?
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
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Sorry for the late reply.
I haven't tried it because I didn't know how to back up everything on my Galaxy Tab 10.1 to do so.
My problem occured weeks after I installed CWM on my Galaxy Tab 10.1
Also, does anybody else know if there's an alternate way to fix this problem without needing a factory reset?
Try to flash a different kernel. Odin or cwm doesn't matter. And you won't lose data!
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
Panos_dm said:
Try to flash a different kernel. Odin or cwm doesn't matter. And you won't lose data!
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
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Thanks for the advice! What's the best kernel to use as I don't have a custom ROM on my Tab 10.1 because all I did was just root it, nothing more.
Here: http://droidbasement.com/db-blog/
But sorry to say it but I don't think you will avoid wipe data. I could be wrong but wiping fixes almost all problems...
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
Panos_dm said:
Here: http://droidbasement.com/db-blog/
But sorry to say it but I don't think you will avoid wipe data. I could be wrong but wiping fixes almost all problems...
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
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I just hope I don't have to do a wipe as it would be a pain in the ass to have to do so (It's stuff like this plus the fact that I'm on my third Galaxy Tab 10.1 due to all the constant problems I've had with them that's making me switch to the Transformer Pad Infinity when it comes out!).
What's the best way of doing a kernel installation with this as I've never done one before? Also, how do I do a complete backup of the device?
I've installed the kernel via CWM after doing a wipe (and I did a backup in ROM Manager as well as via Titanium Backup AND backed up everything possible to my hard drive) and now my device is stuck on the Galaxy Tab 10.1 boot screen! (The one which says "Samsung GALAXY Tab 10.1" on it)
Does anybody have any suggestions on how to fix it?
UPDATE: I also can't switch it off using the Power button as well!
Did you flash the correct kernel? There are different kernels for ics and hc and they are different for every device as well. Get into recovery and wipe dalvik cache and cache.
Since you wiped the data, the best solution is still to go here:
Download your stock firmware, flash it via odin, root again and restore everything with titanium!
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
Panos_dm said:
Did you flash the correct kernel? There are different kernels for ics and hc and they are different for every device as well. Get into recovery and wipe dalvik cache and cache.
Since you wiped the data, the best solution is still to go here:
Download your stock firmware, flash it via odin, root again and restore everything with titanium!
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
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It looks like I used the ICS kernel for the 3G version (which is the version of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 that I have) instead of the HC version by mistake!
In the meantime, should I wait until the battery drains completely and try to recharge it to see if your advice works?
With the backup that I made with Titanium, I take it that's still safe on the device if I can get back into it?
You can flash without draining the tab. Also, everything in your /sdcard (music, videos, cwm backups, etc) don't get wiped. What you loose is only the apps you have installed. Just if you use odin flash only the Rom and not a pit file, as it will COMPLETELY wipe the tab, including sdcard.
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
Panos_dm said:
You can flash without draining the tab. Also, everything in your /sdcard (music, videos, cwm backups, etc) don't get wiped. What you loose is only the apps you have installed. Just if you use odin flash only the Rom and not a pit file, as it will COMPLETELY wipe the tab, including sdcard.
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
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I'm just downloading the firmware right now and I was wondering which option in the Files section on Odin do I use to flash the firmware. (Sorry for being such a noob, but it's been quite a while since I've used it to flash a ROM and I can't remember what the option was to do so)
In the meantime, thank you for answering my questions (I'm still going to get me a Asus Transformer Pad Infinity in any case) and showing patience to someone who's had nothing but problems with the device since he got his first one a few months back.
UPDATE: I drained the battery and recharged it, but from the looks of things it's still stuck on the same screen and still won't let me switch it off! It's a shame that I've been having so much with the Galaxy Tab 10.1 even though I've forgiven it for its lack of microSD slot.
Hey no prob. That's the best way I can contribute here for the moment. I am glad that my advices are somewhat useful to you.
Here is a complete guide to restock the tab:
You don't have to use the provided stock rom, since you are downloading your own! Just skip the pit part, unless you have backed up everything in your hard drive. I don't know the exact options, since I have never used odin for the tab, but it explains it all with screenshots.
I have a small favor to ask. Can you check whether the binary counter will increase after that? In theory it shouldn't be affected, because you flash a stock rom but I would be grateful if you could tell me what happens.
Yeah, the only thing which bothers me too is the lack of the microsd but ok, I decided I can live with that!
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
Panos_dm said:
Hey no prob. That's the best way I can contribute here for the moment. I am glad that my advices are somewhat useful to you.
Here is a complete guide to restock the tab:
You don't have to use the provided stock rom, since you are downloading your own! Just skip the pit part, unless you have backed up everything in your hard drive. I don't know the exact options, since I have never used odin for the tab, but it explains it all with screenshots.
I have a small favor to ask. Can you check whether the binary counter will increase after that? In theory it shouldn't be affected, because you flash a stock rom but I would be grateful if you could tell me what happens.
Yeah, the only thing which bothers me too is the lack of the microsd but ok, I decided I can live with that!
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
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The device is still stuck on the screen with the Galaxy Tab logo on it and won't switch off at all! Does that mean it's unfixable or is it one of those boot loop problems that I've read about here?
I'm seriously looking at sending it off for repair or replacement if it can't be fixed.
This happened after odin? Just wait a little bit. It usually takes a while for the first boot.
Sent from my Nokia 3210
I haven't used it with Odin yet. Should I wait for it to drain fully and recharge fully before trying again?
Also, it's good to know that my data is safe and all I need to do is to root it again and reinstall my apps using Titanium Backup.
It's best to be full before you flash. If the battery is drained before the process is finished then you have a brick!! Just please check your binary counter before and after you flash the stock firmware. I really need to know this... You can see this number in the downloading mode screen. Your tab will be fine...good luck!
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
I've fully charged it up to 100% so hopefully it should be safe to try and fix the problem.
Also, I've downloaded what seems to be the latest Vodafone UK stock ROM and I take it that's the one I should be definitely using to return the device to stock?
Yes, that is correct, although it does't matter which rom you choose as long as it is for p7500. I am waiting for an update with good news!
Sent from my amazing 10.1 galaxy tab
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, been kept busy.
I've plugged it into the laptop after charging it up to 100% but it's not being recognised by the laptop at all even after reinstalling the USB drivers.
I've managed to get into the screen with the Android Downloading icon on the right and the folder logo on the left. What should I do next?

[Q] clockworkmod on samsung galaxy s advance

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this so sorry if it isn't.
A few weeks ago my little brother decided to install clockworkmod on my phone for some reason. He however though I had a Samsug galaxy S but I have a Samsug galaxy S advance. So he decided to install clockworkmod for samsung galaxy s on my pone. Ever since he did that my phone has been crashig every 10 minutes and has just been slower in performance.
I don't know anythig about how rooting and all this work and I just can't figure out how to remove it.
Can anyone help me?
manananana said:
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this so sorry if it isn't.
A few weeks ago my little brother decided to install clockworkmod on my phone for some reason. He however though I had a Samsug galaxy S but I have a Samsug galaxy S advance. So he decided to install clockworkmod for samsung galaxy s on my pone. Ever since he did that my phone has been crashig every 10 minutes and has just been slower in performance.
I don't know anythig about how rooting and all this work and I just can't figure out how to remove it.
Can anyone help me?
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The right place would be the device spcific forum for the sgs+.
But anyway.. Backup all your files, download the firmware for your phone (on sammobile for example) and flash it via odin. (You can get odin on many websites, just google.)
There are many tutorials how to use odin, so view one of them.
Then your phone should work correctly again. But it's completly wiped, so all your files would be deleted, except the ones located on your sd. So again, backup everything like sms, contacts etc.
Good luck.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
use this link http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1945806

[Q] Cannot mount efs on gs3 gt-i9300!!!!

10 hours after i tried using the swapper 2...my galaxy s3 GT-I9300 rebooted suddenly and got stuck in the galaxy s3 logo. I was rooted and had sotmax v14 running on it. I flashed it several times with that ROM and also cm 10.1 from the sd card. Then i flashed it with a stock ROM using odin. I had access to download mode and recovery mode. In the stock recovery mode it showed something like "E:/eror mounting efs((invalid arguement)).
I have very little knowledge about flashing and i do not even know what EFS is and thus i dont remember of taking a backup of that efs. I flashed it with CF root to access CWM recovery. Now in CWM recovery when i chose sd car it says
"E:cant mount sd card" and when i tried to mount efs it displayed "error mounting efs".
I have been trying hard for 2 days with little food. Any help would be highly appreciated. Help me. What should i do now?? Iam stuck on the galaxy s3 logo no matter what i do...i tried everything factory reset wipe data cache etc etc. please help!!!!
I have very little knowledge about flashing and i do not even know what EFS
So why start complicated stuff on an expensive phone .
You already have one bricked phone thread running .
You would be better off at a service centre as you just keep digging a deeper hole for yourself .
You posted in the US GSIII forums so you won't find any good help from us here. I'll get a mod to move this to the international GSIII section, you'll find more relevant help there.
Be very careful to make sure you always pick the right device forum so you do not end up with a $700 paperweight.
Thread moved to Intl forums

Newbie with a ROM request

Hello everyone, long time lurker, now I finally joined
I own a second hand store, and someone brought in a Pantech Flex P8010
The phone will boot up to the AT&T logo, and then shut off
I have tried everything, restore, wipe, etc, so what I think I need now is just a copy of the stock rom to load up from an sd card
I have tried a few but they just end up failing at the signature verification, probably because they are not for that phone
I don't need any root or anything, just whatever came with the phone
Thanks again
hello guys, im the new one..
newbie,.. nice to meet you all..
can you share the best rom , which you are using
Yeah. Are you using a custom ROM?
Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S

