Global Address List and received calls - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is it possible that when i receive a call from a gal contact that the phone can retrieve the name from that contact?
If i search for a contact on gal they all show up, but if i receive a call, i can only see the number and not the name from the contact.


Missed Call - Unknown?

I've missed a few calls frompeople who are not in my contact list.
However when I go to the 'Call Log' to check the call, it does not show the number of the person that has rung me. It just says 'Unknown'.
Is there anyway that I can change this so that it tell me the number atleast of the missed call so that I can call back?
It won't work.
The problem in your case is, that the people who have called you didn't transmit their telephone number.
So, there is no number to show. If a call come in from a number that is transmitted and is not in your contacts it will show you the number....

Message (SMS) was send from which Nr.?

How do I see from which number a Text Message (SMS) was send?
Here is the problem: A friend of mine wend abroad and is using a different mobile phone number. I saved the new number in the contact file under "Home2 phone". Now, if I recieve a text message I actually dont see were it came from, do I?
(Even after clicking on the Message it opens the contact but shows the mobile phone number, not the one it was send from.)
Thanks for anwser
When receiving the message, all you can see is the name of the sender.
When you click on the contact, it shows you only the mobile phone number because, theoretically you can receive sms messages only from mobile phone numbers. A stationary phone number cannot be used to send sms
Torque77: Wrong. You CAN either send and receive SMS from fixed lines in most EU countries. And Rose can handle it without any problems.
Gipo: Just hit Enter when the received message is selected. Contact card will open with proper sender's phone number highlighted. BTW in threaded messages is enough if you just simply hit "Reply" - it will be sent automatically to correct number. (In fact, every number - even different number of the same contact - creates a new thread).
EDIT: OOPS, you're right. It just shows the card without highlighting the number (having a look I saw a last call, not the message). Then only way is direct reply in the thread then. Nevertheless, it's simple and reliable.
lelopet said:
Torque77: Wrong. You CAN either send and receive SMS from fixed lines in most EU countries. And Rose can handle it without any problems.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry then. Guess Moldova is waaaay behind and this chapter.
No problem... Just an reminder. Nevertheless, you can't be sure, if it is a phone able to receive it (again - some operators forwards SMS as a voice message then).
At least at the moment you already know, that Rose can send SMS on ANY phone number stored with contact - if you have somebody e.g. with more mobile phones.
Yes, if you just choose a contact in the list and select "SMS" by right-left arrows, the mobile number is used. But if you hit Enter in Addresse field in empty SMS form, select an user, Rose will show you all available phone numbers for the contact and is able to send the message at any of them.
thanks guys

incoming call unknown contact

My wp7 are connected to exchange and all contact are synced without any problems I can find contact via people and call to but if I receiving call event from callers with already in my address book i get "unknown contact" msg, why so? I can’t found any setting with can bring caller info name from people. Please help.
Because they hide their number?
i see phone number but no name
No one use exchange and have this problem?
no exchange and sometimes it recognizes the number sometimes not
it's because of the country (f.e +44 or 0044) phone codes before the phone number. I have the same problem!
The incomming calls are without the codes. If you have stored the contact with the country code, the phone won't recognize it. Strange thing for a phone made in 2010. Next thing is that the incomming SMS have the country codes! I solved it the following way:
1) I sync my Mozart with hotmail;
2) I installed outlook connector and added the hotmail account to my outlook.
3) Exported the contacts to excell file
4) Copied all phone numbers to another phone number column (fe.Home_Phone) and removed all country codes from the phone numbers in that column. As result I have two phone numbers for each contact - one with country code (to recognize incomming SMS) and one without country code (to recognize incoming calls);
5) Imported the excell file back to the hotmail contacts in outlook by "replacing items with imported", pressed "rend/receive" to sync with hotmail - done.
I hope you got my idea and sorry for my broken english!

My Profile Work Phone #

So in the contact section under My Profile, I have my work #, work cell #, and home #. Yet when I call from one of those 3 #'s it just say call from "Me" it just shows incoming call from XXX-XXX-XXXX like a non address book contact. Short of making a separate contact in the phonebook for me is there a way for it to show my name when I call from one of those?

Possible? call forwarding on single contacts

I search for call forwarding on single contacts
contact A call me and forwarded to number 1
contact B call me and forwarded to number 2
the provider settings make all or nothing
Did anyone know if its possible?

