how do I maximize wifi speed - Moto Z Questions & Answers

I just got a gigabit connection, and my 2x2 mimo laptop is able to get close to 600mbps down aI just got a gigabit connection, and my 2x2 mimo laptop is able to get close to 600mbps down and up on wifi, but my phone struggles to even pass 200 (with a link speed of 867). What are the maximum that you guys are seeing, and do you have an tips or settings to achieve that? My sisters' iPhone is able to get over 500mbps down, so my Moto Z should be able to as well.
Even my old LG G4 which has a link speed of 433 can download 270+ with no sweat.nd up on wifi, but my phone struggles to even pass 200. What are the maximum that you guys are seeing, and do you have an tips or settings to achieve that?


Umm, so I can maximize my speed and download faster? WTF kind of question is that?

ssmaster said:
Umm, so I can maximize my speed and download faster? WTF kind of question is that?
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Sorry, but I can't imagine for what purpose you could use 200+ Mbit/s transferrates on a Smartphone. Regardless of my personal opinion, I have absolutely no clue how to "optimize" the settings to reach these rates. But I will test it for myself so I can provide you some comparative values. :good:


Close to goin nuts here. Sprint Touch Pro EVDO Internet Speed vs. Mogul.

Sigh. Close to goin nuts here. Sprint Touch Pro EVDO Internet Speed vs. Mogul.
Trying to be clear and concise as possible here. I've searched forums here and at PPC and Google. I don't think I'm that much of a n00b ROMing and customizing my Mogul for the past almost 18 months.
Heres the issue: I have, for the last 3 days, Activated, Deactivated, and Reactivated my Mogul and my Touch Pro (Raphael) to test something I am experiencing.....
Severely sluggish Internet Speed Tests on my Touch Pro.
I am using which is the 1MB file download.
Sitting in the same exact seat, either here at my office or at home I get around 900 down on the Mogul. IF, and only IF, the Touch Pro is able to completely download the dummy file for the speed test (it usually craps out right at 460) the test is rated in the 150 down range.
I'd like to also add, that when downloading the file, I will have 4 Bars and the In/Out Airows and then all the suddent they will dissappear and reappear... this is usually when the time out occurs.
I started tooling with this because I found I could not watch Youtube or Sprint TV like I used to be able to on the Mogul without it to either take a long time to buffer in the beginning or just play the first minute or so and then start buffering forever again.
I can not figure this out. Is anyone else experiencing EVDO performance issues versus their previous Sprint EVDO Rev. A device?
I have tried all of the different Radios, no change, and different ROMs from Stock, to Boreds, to MightyMouse and back to Stock.
Care to weigh in?
Tweaking your Sprint Touch Pro
Try downloading the Advanced Configuration Tool from:
It is a free application and helps to tweak the bandwidth for download/upload and a lot of other settings. It also adjusts the sensitivity of the screen so you don't have to press as hard during scrolling. There are over 200 adjustments that can be made and some of them have "advised" settings to help you out. It makes a noticeable difference for internet speeds and other items.
Also get Net Framework 3.5 from Microsoft:
PHM Registry Editor will also be needed to adjust some settings depending on what Mods you download:
I hope this helps of luck
what settings need to be tweaked in the Advanced Configuration Tool and the Registry to fix this because my internet is also very sluggish at times too.
also having a problem. Mogul gets 1500-1900k, my TP gets ~300k. On sprint.
[HOTFIX] - Go under Advance Config Tool and under the network settings tap increase the tcp window size to the greatest value. My internet is flying now just had 1500 kb/s on the Sprint EVDO Network compared to 500k/b i used to have
jayvon2304 said:
[HOTFIX] - Go under Advance Config Tool and under the network settings tap increase the tcp window size to the greatest value. My internet is flying now just had 1500 kb/s on the Sprint EVDO Network compared to 500k/b i used to have
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Is the TCP Window the only thing you changed? I changed mine and my speed went from 300 kb/s to 190 kb/s.
mtg1974 said:
Is the TCP Window the only thing you changed? I changed mine and my speed went from 300 kb/s to 190 kb/s.
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Yea it was but make sure your tcp retransmissions are set to 8 or 10 times and make sure DHCP is enabled. Also keep taking the test it might take awhile for connections 2 be received. There might be something interferring with ur connection if like a tweak(cab) or registry edit u might have done.
I just used a program that I down loaded from a Russian site called tcptune. worked great. Don't use any of the presets just play with the tweaks. I have mine optimized, and I am getting about 900-1500 mbs. Works great. You may alos wan to go to for some tips. I have attached the file
Just Did some Tweaks with the software I recommended. Here are the results from
You should be able to get some great results. I have been looking for software to do this for a longtime.
I have attached a screen shot of the results. I would like to get some banter going on tweaks for internet speed re: HTC Touch Pro, and in particular Sprint EVDO rev A.
It's like nobody else does this? I have been tweaking internet speeds on my PC's for years to optimize speed.
So has anybody else been tweaking. I just tweaked my phone with a higher rwin, and have got some great speeds.
My speed test
I have a HTC Touch Pro on the way, should be here in the morning. I ran the speed test on and my result was 8445 kbps at 3MB on my mogul 6800. Why am I so much faster than what you guys are showing? I hope I can get my Touch Pro up to this speed.
What browser are you using?
I used the software that i provided (tcptune). After doing research, my final settings for Cellular line 1, and Cellular line 2, I set the settings up as following:
Rwin: 98304
Windows Scaling on
TTL 128
MTU Discovery on
Selective Acks on
Time Stamps off
I posted the one screen shot where I got over 2500 kbps on a lucky day
I regularly get 1200 to 1500 kbps with the tweaks I noted.
My previous speeds were 350-450 kbps regularly.
I am on Sprint, and let me tell you these tweaks make a world of difference, with no ill effects.
Are sure about those numbers. 8445 kbps is 8.5 Mbps
I don't think that Verizon or Sprint even support those speeds.
You are talking like close to Ethernet (10 Mbps) speeds over wireless.
Are you sure you not talking 844 kbps?
TheDempster said:
Are sure about those numbers. 8445 kbps is 8.5 Mbps
I don't think that Verizon or Sprint even support those speeds.
You are talking like close to Ethernet (10 Mbps) speeds over wireless.
Are you sure you not talking 844 kbps?
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I know it sounds crazy, thats why I posted it. When I used I got around 1000kbps and sometime 600kbps. With Im a Rock Star!!!! I just ran it again and it is 8108 kbps. I am using Opra Mini for my browser.
I ran the same test on my work computer (desktop) to see what it would be and I was reported running at around 3652 kbps. So my phone was faster than my work connection. LOL
I just got my Touch Pro, and I have never sync my mogule to my computer.
How do I get my contacts to my new PRO? I am running Vista and my mobile Device Center is not doing anything when I connect my 6800.
Are you using opera for the speed test?
If yes, you cant use opera.. Try internet explorer.
the 8.5m is not ur speed it is opera's proxy server speed
remember opera mini and skyfire use proxy servers, so all ur internet requests with those browser go from ur phone to there servers and then those servers have super fast internet to grab the page that u requested wich then they will make it a lot smaller and send it right back to u
Internet explorer 425kbps...... That sucks, thanks a lot guys!!!!!
TheDempster said:
I used the software that i provided (tcptune). After doing research, my final settings for Cellular line 1, and Cellular line 2, I set the settings up as following:
Rwin: 98304
Windows Scaling on
TTL 128
MTU Discovery on
Selective Acks on
Time Stamps off
I posted the one screen shot where I got over 2500 kbps on a lucky day
I regularly get 1200 to 1500 kbps with the tweaks I noted.
My previous speeds were 350-450 kbps regularly.
I am on Sprint, and let me tell you these tweaks make a world of difference, with no ill effects.
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I set the rwin to 225000 and Im getting a little over 1500kbps right now. I cant wait to see what its like this evening.
When I go to dslreports I get slow speeds but when I go to mobilespeedtest I get phenomenal speeds. Which one should I believe?

[BRAINSTORM] Improve WiFi N quality

I love the fact that my N1 has WiFi N but it's most definitely a poor-man's version. I don't know for a fact, but I'm pretty sure it's single band 2.4 GHz which already chops off some quality and the phone's chip may also create a speed bottleneck.
I have a 30 Mbps connection that works fine on my laptop (get DL speeds of 3.5 MBps ) yet my N1 can only get roughly 15 Mbps when I'm standing directly next to the router.
Unfortunately, I'm not a developer. I do like to dabble with code here and there but VERY basic so I could probably only help with donations/testing.
Any devs think this would be possible? Maybe find out where the bottleneck is and see if we can eradicate it?
Thanks for listening!
You can't make a chip run better unless you:
a. Overclock (Theres really nothing to overclock)
b. Re-write drivers (If they are broken)
c. Replace the chip.
Out of luck IMO, sorry.
x986123 said:
You can't make a chip run better unless you:
a. Overclock (Theres really nothing to overclock)
b. Re-write drivers (If they are broken)
c. Replace the chip.
Out of luck IMO, sorry.
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Maybe there is something that can be overclocked? Or something else?
That's why we brainstorm!

[Q] Slow WiFi connection.....

Hi guys,
I've got a question for you, my fellow Flyer users.
Recently I got a new Modem/Router from my ISP.
I installed everything and it all works without a hick up.
After the installation I tested the internet speed using the site.
On both my Windows laptops an my wives Macbook the speed was excellent, about 40 Mbps download and 2.5 Mbps upload and a 15 ms ping.
Same on the Ipad 3 we have.
However, on my HTC Flyer I only get between 5 and 10 Mbps download but I do get 2.5 upload but the ping is nearly 100 ms.
Does anyone have a clue what the problem could be or what app I can best use to see whats up. I now think the Flyer only connects in WiFi B mode instead of G or N. And it has been doing this all the time. I used to think the browser was slow but I now think this might be the problem. Is there any way to change this forcefully?
The router is a Cisco EPC3925 and I use WPA2 TKIP-AES security. It's on channel 1, 40 Mhz wide (wide channel 5) and in 2.4 Ghz mode ...not 5 Ghz.
Hope you can help.
Try to use channel 11....strange enough this helped me in the past when I had several problems with my wi-fi network. Otherwise you could try this....go to the wi- fi settings on you flyer, choose Advanced and then choose the first option.
Tried channel 11 and it doesn't make a difference.
Connection speed also varies alot.
My laptops and the Ipad have good speed everywhere in the house.
But the HTC only in the proximity (< 4m.) of the router. And even then it is still way slower than the other devices. If I move further from the router the speed collapses.
Best I get is about 28Mbps while the others get around 38 and up to 52 Mbps.
Shame, I had a higher expectations of the Flyer.
Next I will put my old Belkin N router in the network as access point and see what happens.
First time I ever heard anyone complain about 20Mbs. you sure you got those numbers right? Most of use don't have a ISP that can even approach that. So you will get little sympathy. Anyway ping should only be between your router and the external IP, so whats up with that? is a poor way to measure device performance since there are so many factors in between. Use a local lan speed test or you might just be measuring browser speed and nothing to do with the hardware.
I've seen a similar behavior some time ago.
Here is what I've got:
Speedtest on my desktop gives me about 20-25M
I turn my Flyer on, run the test, I get 4-6M.
I turn Airplane mode on, turn it off, test the speed. I get 20-25M.
I'm guessing throughput got something to do with the sleep mode.
Hi all,
First of, I'm talking about Mbps (Mega bits per second) NOT MBs (Mega Bytes per second). Huge difference there.
And 20 Mbps is of course a good speed, but its unsteady and way slower than the other devices.
As I wrote before my Ipad and laptops never go below 35 Mbps and I'm lucky if I get the Flyer over 20 Mbps. With my ISP promissing about 50 Mbps thats a big difference.
So I'm just dissapointed with the performance of the Flyer which I thought to be a top of the line tablet.
So thats why I placed the thread. I tried the air plane mode thing and different channels, taking into account which are busy around me. But stil slower than the rest and alot of different readings between messurments. Even using my ISP speedtest app, even then same result.
But judging by the lack of respons I gather I am the only one. Pity I hoped for a solution.
Any thanks for taking the time to help me.

OpenSignalMaps vs SpeedTest

Has anyone experienced getting drastically different speeds measuring either wifi or data with these two apps? With OpenSignalMaps, I'm getting a little over half of what I'm getting with SpeedTest.
Which one's more accurate?
clankfu said:
Has anyone experienced getting drastically different speeds measuring either wifi or data with these two apps? With OpenSignalMaps, I'm getting a little over half of what I'm getting with SpeedTest.
Which one's more accurate?
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There are many different speed test apps or websites out there. May of them utilize different technologies like Java or Flash and therefore can give different values. This has been an oft debated issue in the internet world. Personally I believe SpeedTest because it usually gives me the speed value I expect. I'll make two points though:
1. You have to be sure you are talking about the same number, i.e. Megabits per second vs. Megabytes per second
2. Depending on the location of servers you are connecting to to run your test, or the sites connected in between you can get different numbers. i.e. One test connect to a server 100 miles away and the other server being 1000 miles away.
both apps give me basically the same results. make sure u account for bits vs bytes. Openmaps is way more advance. the tower map and compass is awesome. especially when trying out prls
raptoro07 said:
There are many different speed test apps or websites out there. May of them utilize different technologies like Java or Flash and therefore can give different values. This has been an oft debated issue in the internet world. Personally I believe SpeedTest because it usually gives me the speed value I expect. I'll make two points though:
1. You have to be sure you are talking about the same number, i.e. Megabits per second vs. Megabytes per second
2. Depending on the location of servers you are connecting to to run your test, or the sites connected in between you can get different numbers. i.e. One test connect to a server 100 miles away and the other server being 1000 miles away.
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And don't always trust the server closest to you... I live in Tampa, and be it over the phone nor the PC, I get faster and better pings and speeds using the Atlanta server...
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
spaceosc said:
both apps give me basically the same results. make sure u account for bits vs bytes. Openmaps is way more advance. the tower map and compass is awesome. especially when trying out prls
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They both measure by bits don't they?
clankfu said:
They both measure by bits don't they?
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Yes, I believe so. If one is eight times faster than the other, then one is bits the other bytes. As for different speeds, the server makes a big difference. Speedtest usually uses the closest server so it's speeds tend to be faster for me. I have Bright house in Tampa and they host the local speedtest server, so my home speed always matches my advertised speed .
Save the Drama for your Mama with Tapatalk 2
coal686 said:
Speedtest usually uses the closest server so it's speeds tend to be faster for me. I have Bright house in Tampa and they host the local speedtest server, so my home speed always matches my advertised speed .
Save the Drama for your Mama with Tapatalk 2
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Gotcha...makes sense.
Depends on methodology
Going to jump in here as one of the developers behind OpenSignalMaps.
When it comes to speed test there isn't really such thing as 'more accurate', its really just a question of the methodology you employ. There are all sorts of different choices you can make, such as, do you use the closest servers? how many http connections do you use? how large of a file do you download? do you discard any data points? The answers to all of these questions really depends on what exactly you are testing. The ethos behind OpenSignalMaps has always been that we are trying to measure the actual user experience as accurately as possible so all the decisions we've made in our speed testing methodology are in order to recreate what a user would experience in general usage of their device. I think the methodology behind Ookla's app (which is fantastic) could be more accurately described as testing the raw, highest capacity of your network connection. Thus in general you should see higher speeds with the app than the OpenSignalMaps app, but our aim is that our speeds would more closely mirror what you actually experience on your device.
One example is server choice: encourages you to use the nearest server, usually in the same city. We do use many different servers (to remove geographical bias), but in general the server will not be so close to you and we would argue that in general browsing of the web you aren't likely to be served by a server so close to you. We actually host our Speedtests on multiple popular CDNs in order to emulate a large proportion of general web traffic.
Another example is that will discard some of the result data before calculating the average speed as they argue its representing the TCP/IP algorithm rather than the raw HTTP throughput of the connection (see page 20 of an excellent paper "Broadband Speed Measurements" by Bauer, Clark and Lehr - google it). At OpenSignalMaps we don't care if the bottleneck is the TCP/IP algorithm or the actual network connection we just want to give you the most accurate representation of your connection speed.
Just to clarify I'm not trying to argue one is better than the other and we have great respect for Ookla and other speedtest providers, just that it depends on what you want to test. If you are looking to see if your ISP is providing you with the max speed that the are advertising, is probably going to be the best tool for that. If you want to try and gauge what speeds you are actually seeing in day to day usage then we are trying to build OpenSignalMaps as the application for that. We still have a huge amount to do to achieve that but we have a lot of great features in the pipeline
bmdgill said:
Going to jump in here as one of the developers behind OpenSignalMaps.
When it comes to speed test there isn't really such thing as 'more accurate', its really just a question of the methodology you employ. There are all sorts of different choices you can make, such as, do you use the closest servers? how many http connections do you use? how large of a file do you download? do you discard any data points? The answers to all of these questions really depends on what exactly you are testing. The ethos behind OpenSignalMaps has always been that we are trying to measure the actual user experience as accurately as possible so all the decisions we've made in our speed testing methodology are in order to recreate what a user would experience in general usage of their device. I think the methodology behind Ookla's app (which is fantastic) could be more accurately described as testing the raw, highest capacity of your network connection. Thus in general you should see higher speeds with the app than the OpenSignalMaps app, but our aim is that our speeds would more closely mirror what you actually experience on your device.
One example is server choice: encourages you to use the nearest server, usually in the same city. We do use many different servers (to remove geographical bias), but in general the server will not be so close to you and we would argue that in general browsing of the web you aren't likely to be served by a server so close to you. We actually host our Speedtests on multiple popular CDNs in order to emulate a large proportion of general web traffic.
Another example is that will discard some of the result data before calculating the average speed as they argue its representing the TCP/IP algorithm rather than the raw HTTP throughput of the connection (see page 20 of an excellent paper "Broadband Speed Measurements" by Bauer, Clark and Lehr - google it). At OpenSignalMaps we don't care if the bottleneck is the TCP/IP algorithm or the actual network connection we just want to give you the most accurate representation of your connection speed.
Just to clarify I'm not trying to argue one is better than the other and we have great respect for Ookla and other speedtest providers, just that it depends on what you want to test. If you are looking to see if your ISP is providing you with the max speed that the are advertising, is probably going to be the best tool for that. If you want to try and gauge what speeds you are actually seeing in day to day usage then we are trying to build OpenSignalMaps as the application for that. We still have a huge amount to do to achieve that but we have a lot of great features in the pipeline
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Thanks for the response and explanation.

[Q] Very High Speed @ Play Store but low in browser

Hi guys,
This has been bothering me for quite a long time and its very unusual for me at least.
So my friend has a WiFi connection (in theory 512 kbps )
When we try to download from browser from PC or Mobile(browser) speed is normal i e 70 - 80 kbps max.
But in Google Play Store speeds are ridiculously high. We tried from his Micromax and my Moto G too.
For example yesterday i downloaded Pocket Tanks (40 mb) in just few seconds. Updates are super fast too.
Even my 2 Mbps WiFi doesn't go so fast.
Its a good thing but I am trying to figure out why not on PC or Browser but only in Play Store?
Any guesses?
iosstu said:
Hi guys,
This has been bothering me for quite a long time and its very unusual for me at least.
So my friend has a WiFi connection (in theory 512 kbps )
When we try to download from browser from PC or Mobile(browser) speed is normal i e 70 - 80 kbps max.
But in Google Play Store speeds are ridiculously high. We tried from his Micromax and my Moto G too.
For example yesterday i downloaded Pocket Tanks (40 mb) in just few seconds. Updates are super fast too.
Even my 2 Mbps WiFi doesn't go so fast.
Its a good thing but I am trying to figure out why not on PC or Browser but only in Play Store?
Any guesses?
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It's possible that you're reading different measurements. Remember the difference between a B and a b. A B is byte. A b is a bit. A byte is 8 bits. Speeds are typically measured in amounts of bits, not bytes. Thus, one thing might give you a measurement in Kb or Mb, and something else might be measured in KB or MB.
Planterz said:
It's possible that you're reading different measurements. Remember the difference between a B and a b. A B is byte. A b is a bit. A byte is 8 bits. Speeds are typically measured in amounts of bits, not bytes. Thus, one thing might give you a measurement in Kb or Mb, and something else might be measured in KB or MB.
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Nope there is no question of measurements....
I know this is very unusual and thats what im trying to figure out...
I guess I would have to post video regarding this.... besides other phones camera how do you record onscreen activity of mobile?
So I was trying to record speed using android dev kit and when downloading it I was getting 3 - 4 mbps.
So I'm getting high speeds from google servers as ADK and play store apps are on those servers...
Can someone plz explain it further?
i have the same issue and was wondering if i could get high speeds on my browser too?have you found out anything new?
Yeah, few day back I read somewhere, that if you get very high speed on the following sites :-
-> Google Playstore
-> Google Drive
-> Youtube. etc
Or any other site related to GOOGLE, You are directly connected to GOOGLE's Server. I'am also getting very high speed on these sites from yesterday. I think Google is providing direct support of its servers to different Service Providers.

