[BRAINSTORM] Improve WiFi N quality - Nexus One Android Development

I love the fact that my N1 has WiFi N but it's most definitely a poor-man's version. I don't know for a fact, but I'm pretty sure it's single band 2.4 GHz which already chops off some quality and the phone's chip may also create a speed bottleneck.
I have a 30 Mbps connection that works fine on my laptop (get DL speeds of 3.5 MBps ) yet my N1 can only get roughly 15 Mbps when I'm standing directly next to the router.
Unfortunately, I'm not a developer. I do like to dabble with code here and there but VERY basic so I could probably only help with donations/testing.
Any devs think this would be possible? Maybe find out where the bottleneck is and see if we can eradicate it?
Thanks for listening!

You can't make a chip run better unless you:
a. Overclock (Theres really nothing to overclock)
b. Re-write drivers (If they are broken)
c. Replace the chip.
Out of luck IMO, sorry.

x986123 said:
You can't make a chip run better unless you:
a. Overclock (Theres really nothing to overclock)
b. Re-write drivers (If they are broken)
c. Replace the chip.
Out of luck IMO, sorry.
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Maybe there is something that can be overclocked? Or something else?
That's why we brainstorm!


HTC Hero Overclocking

Is it possible to overclock the HTC Hero's processor to past 528 mhZ? I've heard that it is slightly sluggish and i thought if it is possible, then this might solve the issue
First of all, its sluggish, when many applications an widgets run at the same time, thats ok for a MOBILE PHONE, Mobile phones do not have to be multitasking pros.
But yeah, i asked this myself too yesterday and googled about that, but found no real answer.
So, if theres a way to overclock the Magic's or Dream's CPU it should also be possible for the HERO! MY Hero in a few days in germany
the processor maxes out a 528
if u get it past that ur just damaging it...
just like overclocking a computer
the higher u go the more cooler power u need
mobile phones are not cooling geniuses lol
That doesnt exclude the possibility to overclock a mobile cpu, many people overclocked their HTC Herald CPU, like me from 198MHZ to 250MHZ, and it was perfekt.
Rotkaeqpchen said:
That doesnt exclude the possibility to overclock a mobile cpu, many people overclocked their HTC Herald CPU, like me from 198MHZ to 250MHZ, and it was perfekt.
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But if I remember correctly, just like the Dream/Magic, the Hero CPU runs the same MSM7200a proc. as the Dream/Magic which maxes out at 528Mhz. However, HTC has, for whatever the reason, underclocked them. It runs at 328Mhz max typically on the Dream (& i'm assuming this is the same on Magic).
We Dream/Magic users aren't really overclocking the CPU as much as just clocking it. I forget the exact parameter but in the beginning we just used a terminal command to set the cpu_scaling_freq (or something like that) to the max 528Mhz. Once root is gained on the Hero this should be easily accomplished there from the terminal or an app as well.
Rotkaeqpchen said:
That doesnt exclude the possibility to overclock a mobile cpu, many people overclocked their HTC Herald CPU, like me from 198MHZ to 250MHZ, and it was perfekt.
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The Herald just as my old Hermes ran OMAP processors, pretty easily tweaked.
No one has as of yet discovered a way to overclock a Qualcomm , and they have been round a good year or 2 now.
p.s.. Processors dont max out as such, they just overheat and burn!!!
Fact is, that before trying to do stuff like this you first need to gain root on the Hero.
And indeed like said before: The G1/Magic _underclock_ their CPU to save battery. Only in a few situations will it do it's job at 528mhz, otherwise it's 320-something mhz.
So when a G1/Magic user is telling they 'overclocked' their CPU, they just removed the underclock and it's running at the normal 528mhz for the MS7200.
Really _over_clocking it, by running it at like 650mhz or higher, I didn't see before.
PS: The slugginess is more a RAM and disk i/o thing than directly cpu-related.
thanks for all the info guys. so should i be worried about getting the phone, or do u think it won't be that bad?
No you shouldnt, i am waiting too for my hero to arrive. So can anyone tell, what it means to "root" android? why should i root my hero when i have it and what does it affect? thanks in advice.
Rotkaeqpchen said:
So can anyone tell, what it means to "root" android? why should i root my hero when i have it and what does it affect? thanks in advice.
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you become a superuser with more privileges and total control.
Thank you, now i understand. So how can we set the clockspeed to 528mhz permanentely?
Rotkaeqpchen said:
Thank you, now i understand. So how can we set the clockspeed to 528mhz permanentely?
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First off, we don't know if it's even needed. Maybe it's running on 528mhz already.
Second: You can't. Until the Hero is rooted nothing like this is possible, so getting 'root' access if first step in ANY kind of tweaking.
Ok, thanks. so lets wait till we hold our heroes in our hands to see at what speed it runs and hopefully be able to root the phone.
Have been using my Hero for a few days now - and don't really notice any speed issues that concern me.
I have a Hero and have for a couple of days on Orange, and have no qualms about the speed whatsoever.
HTC say the processor dynamically clocks up to the maximum 528MHz when needed, so unless you want to push it out of spec (if its even possible) - there's no need to set the clock. Leave it be
thats sounds reasuring, thank u for letting me know
to be honest i just bought mine yesterday
and its not terribly slow
ive read bout it and be careful we are talking bout reviewers and most review websites dont know a lot bout half of what the say
slow no
unresponsive no
a bit laggy yes
this phone is brilliant
and is quite speedy considering how much things you got on desktop
for anyone worried about the slow speed of the Hero, the firmware update fixes this. its soooooooooo much faster.
Bump, what spped is hero running on? I have mcr 3.1 installed and since we have root now............
AFAIK, the Hero runs at 528MHz when in use, but underclocks to ~300 when not in use (ie. screen off etc.) Really, in MCR3.1, you shouldn't be needing to overclock- it really flies. If not, did you do a wipe before install?
If not, I strongly recommend you do (back up data first!), as it made mine a lot faster and was worth the hassle!

Froyo Speed boost of 400-500% (or something similar can't really remember)

As the title says, Froyo is supposed to bring a massive speed increase.
Right now with OCed kernel (w/o JIT) we can get ~3Mflops so if we manage to port of Froyo, would that mean we can can get say >9Mflops?
we can get ~5Mflops >>> Superhero ROM.
Rememeber that the Hero doesn't have the graphics hardware that might be needed for some things, so we likely won't get the full performance gains.
We are getting >5Mflops on SuperHero though
ahh, of course. the limitations of the old qualcomm processors. at least its better than my previous windows mobile phone (HD)
anon2122 said:
Rememeber that the Hero doesn't have the graphics hardware that might be needed for some things, so we likely won't get the full performance gains.
We are getting >5Mflops on SuperHero though
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>5?! ive only reached 4.8... this the new superhero coming out?

[Q] Unable to overclock and keep running

First I am aware that overclocking is not "safe" and all that kind of stuff
However for some reason I am unable to OC my SGS2 and run the phone on a steady way.
I have tried several ROMs (stock and custom) with different kernels and OCing apps with no avail.
I am not even able to run at 1.4Ghz or 1.6Ghz without having my phone reboot or hard lock on me.
Is there a particular or recommended setting (most successful combination) that anyone out there can suggest me trying?
Sometimes it will hang under heavy gaming but sometimes even browsing app and regular stuff will cause the phone to reboot or lock. If I work with no OCing at all then everything is fine and dandy.
Thanks, you can see my current configuration @ my signature.
Sounds like a very temperamental cpu. Currently I have the same setup you do and have never had issue with 1400mhz or 1600mhz. Though I usually leave mine at 1200mhz. What app are you running when it hangs?
And just as important, do you have alot running in the background? The modified touchwiz launcher unnamed comes with can be enabled to show a red dot next to the apps that have been opened and are in the background.
If you could list the apps with the red dots.
Sent from my páhhōniē
gr8hairy1 said:
The modified touchwiz launcher unnamed comes with can be enabled to show a red dot next to the apps that have been opened and are in the background.
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It does? That sounds more like one of the themes that includes TW4.5.
Not all CPUs can overclock - there's a reason it was sold as a 1.2 GHz chip.
Well as I've mentioned before, it could even hand when browsing through my apps menu, browsing the gallery, playing a game (non in particular) and the funny part is that the phone is not even hot to touch.
What I know for sure if that if no OC = no hangs, no reboots.
I do have the App monitor widget that comes with the stock ROM and currently using it on UnNamed 1.3.1 and I only have Widget Locker App. However I have try closing it and still will happen.
Not sure if maybe this CPU is somehow having an issue that makes it unstable as soon as I OC it.
Entropy512 said:
Not all CPUs can overclock - there's a reason it was sold as a 1.2 GHz chip.
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Now that is new to me, I thought that all of them were OCable. Is there anyway to identify which can be or not OCed?
nope.. just by testing. it does have to do a little bit with the kernel and rom. the roms didnt originally have stable OC. i would assume that all of them do now. one thing you might try is giving them a little more voltage (just a little) at the higher clocks, but be careful. if you increase the voltage that means that you will sink more enery through the cpu and it will get hot quick. make sure you watch the temp.
i find that setcpu is less stable than the built in cm7 oc menu but cm7 doesnt have a voltage menu.
but on the same token... why OC? i can and i did but i dont need to... everything is like butter and i didnt see that huge a gain by OCing it anyways
tmckenn2 said:
nope.. just by testing. it does have to do a little bit with the kernel and rom. the roms didnt originally have stable OC. i would assume that all of them do now. one thing you might try is giving them a little more voltage (just a little) at the higher clocks, but be careful. if you increase the voltage that means that you will sink more enery through the cpu and it will get hot quick. make sure you watch the temp.
i find that setcpu is less stable than the built in cm7 oc menu but cm7 doesnt have a voltage menu.
but on the same token... why OC? i can and i did but i dont need to... everything is like butter and i didnt see that huge a gain by OCing it anyways
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I know, this Exynos processor is the best out there right now, forget about Qualcomm's Snapdragon on the Skyrocket. I am just trying to OC for the fun of it
Guti1977 said:
I know, this Exynos processor is the best out there right now, forget about Qualcomm's Snapdragon on the Skyrocket. I am just trying to OC for the fun of it
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Although it makes me wonder if the CPU could be having an issue, since it hard locks when attempting to.
Guti1977 said:
Although it makes me wonder if the CPU could be having an issue, since it hard locks when attempting to.
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have you ever overclocked PC CPUs? if you have spent much time doing that, then you would know that not every chip, even within the same model/family, will clock the same. take 2 CPUs, from the same batch, same model, with identical hardware tied to them. you will probably find that one clocks higher stable speeds than the other.
its very likely the proc in your phone just cannot handle the overclocks that the next person's could.
Like pirate said, no two pieces of hardware are identical. Sort of shows how much variance there can be in a manufacturing process. Id guess theres a few chips that come off the same line that arent stable at 1.2 ghz, but they dont make it to the devices, whereas one that can handle a higher clock will. (No sense tossing one that exceeds minimum requirements, thatd just be throwing good hardware away)
You could try nudgin the voltage up and seeing how it behaves, just use caution.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
garyd9 said:
It does? That sounds more like one of the themes that includes TW4.5.
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My bad. You are correct.
Sent from my páhhōniē
To get mine to overclock to 1.4 and 1.6Ghz I had to actually INCREASE the voltage settings via Voltage control app. So my settings are: 1.6Ghz= 1475mV and 1.4Ghz=1325mV
Try those out and see if is better for you. I tried undervolting the higher voltages and would either lockup or reboot instantly until I tried adding voltages. So you may need to play with your settings to get it to work for you.
Sent From My KickAss ATT SGS2 SPORTING CM7
twiggums said:
Like pirate said, no two pieces of hardware are identical. Sort of shows how much variance there can be in a manufacturing process. Id guess theres a few chips that come off the same line that arent stable at 1.2 ghz, but they dont make it to the devices, whereas one that can handle a higher clock will. (No sense tossing one that exceeds minimum requirements, thatd just be throwing good hardware away)
You could try nudgin the voltage up and seeing how it behaves, just use caution.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA App
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Yup, or if they want to sell a "premium" device with a higher clock rate, they will take the parts that test well at 1.4 and sell them as such - meaning parts rated 1.2 will be LESS likely to be overclockable if a device comes out with CPUs rated at 1.4 - like the Galaxy Note did.
Before, anything that could meet the requirements of stable at 1.2 was sold to any Galaxy S II - but now, the premium parts are going into the Note.
RockRatt said:
To get mine to overclock to 1.4 and 1.6Ghz I had to actually INCREASE the voltage settings via Voltage control app. So my settings are: 1.6Ghz= 1475mV and 1.4Ghz=1325mV
Try those out and see if is better for you. I tried undervolting the higher voltages and would either lockup or reboot instantly until I tried adding voltages. So you may need to play with your settings to get it to work for you.
Sent From My KickAss ATT SGS2 SPORTING CM7
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I am having the same issue as the original poster on my new GS2. I will have to try the settings you mention but would it be possible to do this and also apply /UV to the remaining lower (1000ghz to 200ghz) processor speeds and maintain stability?


Just wondering if anyone has done this with success. I have heard of speeds as high as 2GHz and was skeptical of this being safe. I figured it would cause some overheating issues. Also what is the best app for this? If this is done is there any noticeable differences in performance(most likely as this doubles the CPU power)? How much battery life lost? Is it worth it?
Seriously, use the search or take a peek in the dev section. 1.6 GHz is no problem at the moment. Oh, and for me, it is worth it.
Check out vipercontrol mod in dev. Section. Allows overclock to either 1.5 or 1.6ghz. PRIME CAN EASILY HANDLE this as it was tested by Asus themselves on those speeds. It was seen in the source at first but we couldn't use it. NOW Viperboy made it possible to use those higher speeds. Its more of a mild to normal overclock. Its very easy to do. You will need to install vipercontrol mod to your prime and also terminal emulator. INSTRUCTIONS are in that thread.
WE have even found another method to run parallel to vipercontrol mod to allow overclocking of all 4 cores to 1.6Ghz. Vipercontrol, St the moment, doesn't do that by itself. JUST ALLOWS normal overclocking as Asus had it.
Seems kind of odd that ASUS backed off on the performance by 30% don't you think? Maybe they just wanted to do more testing, or maybe it was a last minute change based on their first prototypes.
Mine seems OK at 1.6, but I don't feel the need to overclock it in general use - unlike my phone which I think will have a shorter life as a device anyway.
tshoulihane said:
Seems kind of odd that ASUS backed off on the performance by 30% don't you think? Maybe they just wanted to do more testing, or maybe it was a last minute change based on their first prototypes.
Mine seems OK at 1.6, but I don't feel the need to overclock it in general use - unlike my phone which I think will have a shorter life as a device anyway.
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I think it was more about more money down the road. AS I'm sure you've heard of Lenovo tablet coming out months down the road. Its gonna use exact same tegra3 chip except with the 1.6ghz enabled on it.
THINK of it this way, why would Asus/Nvidia release its first quad core device already at 1.6ghz? Its already the most powerful tablet at its current state. They did this so down the line when newer tablets come out, it'll be more incentive to like the device or think it's more powerful if its clocked higher. If prime came out with 1.6ghz enabled already, then how would that look to consumers who buy tablets months later that have exact same speeds. PRIME would be the better value and those newer tablets wouldn't be all that appealing, As far as power goes. SO the newer manufacturers can have something to boast about. Like hey look at our device its clocked higher therefore more powerful. Another reason also they didn't enable it on the Prime was for battery life. At its current state, stock, prime gets excellent battery life no matter what mode you in really. HAVING 1.6ghz enabled, as I do now, drains the battery at least at the same rate as performance mode or more. PLusbif you add the extra boost to vipercontrol overclock using system tuner, then battery really drains alot faster. Because then I have all 4 cores running Max 1.6ghz at the same time. Viper control doesn't go that extreme, yet.
YOU ALSO have to remember Asus and Nvidia designed the Prime together. SO prime n tegra3 speeds are really a testing ground for future setups in future tablets. That's how we were already able to see the higher speeds a couple updates back but couldn't use them till vioerboy made it possible or you figured out how to do it with root and going into /system/etc and executing the cpu5.sh script.
I LOVE the overclock but find myself now going to stock speeds to see how they compare. STOCK speeds are really good, especially with ICS. EVERYthing is smooth n superfast.. Overclocking does make it even faster but the tradeoff is slightly faster battery drain. PLUS there's nothing out now that stock prime really can't handle. SO no real use for needing to overclock, yet. UNLESS you just want your device to be the fastest it can be. I keep switching now. Lol. Ill have it on stock speeds n as soon as I see a mention of overclock. It compels me to do it. N vs. Versa. ACTUALLY. Even with vioerboy overclock, battery life is still good. Just not as good as it would be on stock configuration. Now once bootloader unlocked, we will see overclocking paired with undervolting. So we can get Max speed and Max battery life. Or at least get the overclock to get same battery life or better as stock configuration. DONT be surprised if you see us hitting 2Ghz overclock soon. Its coming. Then if paired with system tuner, we could have all 4 cores running @ 2Ghz a piece all at the same time. unbelievable!

Replacement Prime came Overclocked!

First, I KNEW the thread title would get your attention. Second, i hear 95% of you calling BS, and I would too. In fact, I am still not sure what to make of it, and it makes ME think the number I am getting is BS.
Here's the deal. Got my replacement Prime back from repair, and like more than a few (read the RMA thread) I was lucky enough to get a replacement instead of a repair. I had sent in my Prime, originally received on 1/3 (shipped on 12/23... GROUND, from Best Buy, though I had paid for overnight. Serial was: BCOKAS**5153
Sent if for repair mostly for a cosmetic issue, scratches on screen border, but I had among the worst GPS compared to others I have seen, no sats indoors, maybe 3-4 outside, never a lock. After the 1/19 update (the one that we still haven't seen a change-log for) I started getting reasonably crappy GPS, LOL as in 4-6 sats inside, and 9-12 Outside, occasional locks, but nothing usable. My Wifi was decent, actually quite good I would say. Bluetooth did not dropout when streaming to BT headset watching Netflix.
The support folks offered to open the replacement and test it before sending, and I said: **** yeah: Test everything: GPS, Wifi/BT check for stuck pixels, make sure the serial shows, also check for light bleed. I was promised they would do all these things. Then it was overnighted to me.... All in all I felt it was a reasonably GOOD RMA/support/repair experience, especially in light of the horror stories, and stories of general incompetence we have seen.
New unit arrived, looked cosmetically perfect. One spot on back, it was glue or tape adhesive from assembly no doubt. Screen appears perfect, with just the tiniest bit of light bleed. Wifi is decent, not outstanding, but close to what I had. No stuck pixels, have yet to test BT streaming. GPS? I got another dead one. I have yet to see a SINGLE FREAKING SATELLITE, Outdoors or in, though it's cloudy here today, LOL (If it's so bad that clouds kill it, it's pretty ****ed up)
So that was a bummer. Yes, it's true I will probably not use it in the car (though I did use my OG that way once in a while, but I refuse to accept something that does not work. It is not in me to say: I can do without that.... even if I CAN, LOL. They are gonna get me another one, cause I am NOT RMA'ing this and going without it a week again... not for GPS anyway. If the WiFi was borked, it would be a different story.
One additional improvement. The power button on this one works correctly. I never knew how bad mine was, but compared to the 3 TF101's I had, it sucked. You never felt it bottom ot, or any detectable motion al all. It was just stiff and stuck, and I had to just press on it super hard to get any effect from it. The new one is perfect, the spring is stronger than the TF101 switches were, but at least it has a positive motion, with a solid detent, and you can tell when it hits bottom. Man, I can't believe how bad what I had was, and I had fully planned to live with it, LOL!
Okay so now for the weirdness. I am putting the new one through tests today, and among the, I ran Antutu. The numbers I got were nothing all that amazing, but the Processor speed threw me for a loop: 1600 Hz. WTF?????
Serial is C1OKAS**1793 I thought I was hallucinating. This thins is NOT ROOTED. I have NO performance tweaks, and nothing changed other than my 126 installed apps... How weird is this???
The numbers that I got were 10222, and a couple more in that range. This was running in Balanced mode. I switched it to Performance Mode (what used to be "normal" back in the Honeycomb days" ) rebooted, and ran Antutu again. Best number to date is 11089. Like I said, not up to par with folks that have REALLY overclocked, but somewhat better than my original... Anyone want to take a stab at explaining this to me? Maybe I am missing something super obvious?
Attached the Antutu result, and one other thing: The box sticker from a "C" serial number, for those who are curious: Check it: NO GPS LISTED!!!!I forgot to take a picture of my original box before RMA, screwed up there. Took dozens of the tablet to protect myself against claims of "CID" Customer Induced Damage, and forgot the box... grrrr.
GOOD NEWS: At least for the present the BOX LABEL still shows GPS. As many of us have discussed, as long as it SAYS GPS, we can still break chops to get them to fix it (or try to, I suppose) but what is with the question mark? Does anyone know the significance of that? That is kind of weird. I am pleased they left GPS spec on the box, expecially since I now have a completely dead GPS setup. I guess it's time to practice my Vulcan Nerve Pinch, but the few squeezes I gave it so far near the GPS Pogo Pins have been completely useless. Not a SINGLE SATELLITE HAS APPEARED YET.
An the Asus Support guy went on about how the Jan 19th patch was on this one. I said: as long as you see a few sats. send it along, He said (laughably) that it would get GPS performance as good as my TF101 did. Hmm. Well, to do that, it would need to start by getting ANY performance, LOL. Then it would need to work, in the car, with CoPilot live, all the way up the East Coast... Somehow, I don't see it happening. Sorry for the long post, but I was up late last night reading the huge tear down thread, and I had no energy for posting to a dozen separate threads today, on my latest "interesting" mix of features and performance with my new Prime. These feel like hand built devices.. every one is unique, LOL!
Hmm i have a C serial too and my GPS is fine. Little worse than my dhd but fine.
Get something like CPU Spy & see what it shows in the "unused cpu states" list at the bottom.
It's not overclocked at all, since ICS the Prime has 1.5 and 1.6 ghz in the kernel, however, they are both disabled. This is the only reason we currently have over clock scripts, with root we can enable these settings.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
Doktaphex said:
It's not overclocked at all, since ICS the Prime has 1.5 and 1.6 ghz in the kernel, however, they are both disabled. This is the only reason we currently have over clock scripts, with root we can enable these settings.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
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TF201 | XDA Premium
Antutu says mine is 1600 too.
Doktaphex said:
It's not overclocked at all, since ICS the Prime has 1.5 and 1.6 ghz in the kernel, however, they are both disabled. This is the only reason we currently have over clock scripts, with root we can enable these settings.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
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This was what I was going to show with the cpu spy app
I just checked my prime, 1.6ghz with the latest update, no modifications.
Mine too
BCOKAS serial number
Lock-N-Load said:
This was what I was going to show with the cpu spy app
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Exactly. If you all use cpu spy like lock says you will see it never enters the 1.6 state. The processor has those steps built in but aren't enabled in the firmware
People in here are funny..lmao. we already went thru this when ICS first dropped. All primes were showing 1.6ghz in the stats n benchmarks. But this isn't the case. WE KNOW THIS FOR A FACT. If you take CPU spy app n look it'll show the 1.5 n 1.6Ghz speeds disbled. MEANING YOU ARE NOT OVERCLOCKED. Only real overclock you can have is if your rooted and Running ViperControl mod or using SaturnDe ATP tweaks app or running script manually from directory /system/etc..
I was the first one to assume what all of you are saying also when ICS first came out. Then we dug in n researched further n found out this wasn't the case. It did lead us to a true overclock though since we knew it was in the kernel but just disabled. Me, I'm running a "TRUE" 1.6Ghz overclock using ATP tweaks app. Mines is confirmed through CPU spy. Plus my Antutu scores are well over 13,000. So 10,000 would be bad for an overclock like that if you really had one.
SORRY TO RAIN ON YALL PARADE BUT YOURE NOT OVERCLOCKED. Only through Root n methods I listed would you "Truely" be overclocked. CPU Spy will confirm your false claim. Don't feel bad, we thought so to at first when ICS first came out but quickly realized the real truth.
No Biggie
demandarin said:
People in here are funny..lmao. we already went thru this when ICS first dropped. All primes were showing 1.6ghz in the stats n benchmarks. But this isn't the case. WE KNOW THIS FOR A FACT. If you take CPU spy app n look it'll show the 1.5 n 1.6Ghz speeds disbled. MEANING YOU ARE NOT OVERCLOCKED. Only real overclock you can have is if your rooted and Running ViperControl mod or using SaturnDe ATP tweaks app or running script manually from directory /system/etc..
I was the first one to assume what all of you are saying also when ICS first came out. Then we dug in n researched further n found out this wasn't the case. It did lead us to a true overclock though since we knew it was in the kernel but just disabled. Me, I'm running a "TRUE" 1.6Ghz overclock using ATP tweaks app. Mines is confirmed through CPU spy. Plus my Antutu scores are well over 13,000. So 10,000 would be bad for an overclock like that if you really had one.
SORRY TO RAIN ON YALL PARADE BUT YOURE NOT OVERCLOCKED. Only through Root n methods I listed would you "Truely" be overclocked. CPU Spy will confirm your false claim. Don't feel bad, we thought so to at first when ICS first came out but quickly realized the real truth.
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Uhm... No rain on MY parade. I think you misread my meaning I don't Have any great desire to overclock my ATP. Maybe later, for now I AM interested in the Kernel Module for Background I/O. Cranking up the processor does diddly when the Prime lags, and freezes every so often, especially under any type of background disk activity. 1.4 single. 1.3 ghz Multicore speeds are more than sufficient. People that overclock do so often for the wrong reasons. Why should I be cranking along at 1.6 ghz to browse a news article? If I had ultimate control I would like to control WHEN the additional core kick in, not how fast they tick along, doing a lot of nothing. I did miss your discovery that with ICS, it shows these rates. Right now I would give my right arm to know how, if you do all your posting with the prime, you deal with the cursor misbehavior in text boxes, like when it jumps to the first character position in the box, or insists on jumping to a spot and only the arrow keys will override that. And why is it "mines" do you have multiple Primes?
Edit: Also, I wasn't stating that "11, 089" was a enormous score, if you read I was stating that it was a BETTER score than my returned Prime, but not what I would expect if overclocked. I'm glad your numbers are so impressive. Maybe someday MY Prime will have a Antutu score of over 13,000! That's really fast! And that helps exactly how?
Also, since the processor has those steps built in it technically isn't overclocking to enable the 1.6GHz step. You are only overclocking when you go above that.
SmartAs$Phone said:
Uhm... No rain on MY parade. I think you misread my meaning I don't Have any great desire to overclock my ATP. Maybe later, for now I AM interested in the Kernel Module for Background I/O. Cranking up the processor does diddly when the Prime lags, and freezes every so often, especially under any type of background disk activity. 1.4 single. 1.3 ghz Multicore speeds are more than sufficient. People that overclock do so often for the wrong reasons. Why should I be cranking along at 1.6 ghz to browse a news article? If I had ultimate control I would like to control WHEN the additional core kick in, not how fast they tick along, doing a lot of nothing. I did miss your discovery that with ICS, it shows these rates. Right now I would give my right arm to know how, if you do all your posting with the prime, you deal with the cursor misbehavior in text boxes, like when it jumps to the first character position in the box, or insists on jumping to a spot and only the arrow keys will override that. And why is it "mines" do you have multiple Primes?
Edit: Also, I wasn't stating that "11, 089" was a enormous score, if you read I was stating that it was a BETTER score than my returned Prime, but not what I would expect if overclocked. I'm glad your numbers are so impressive. Maybe someday MY Prime will have a Antutu score of over 13,000! That's really fast! And that helps exactly how?
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You are correct. Stock speeds are more than sufficient for everyday usage. Overclock just makes everything even more faster n snappier. Web pages load up faster, apps open up faster, etc.. Its not for everyone. But for me its so easy to do and has no ill effects on my tablet. I'm like why not harness the extra power. Its in the kernel anyways and newer tegra3 tablets down the line will have exact same chip but the 1.6Ghz speeds enabled Stock. I do find myself going back to stock speeds alot because I truly appreciate how fast this device already is stock and ill get better battery life on stock. I do get pretty good battery life also on 1.6Ghz overclock.
Also, yes, I DO ALL MY POSTINGs, from the prime. I don't experience the major slowdowns or lags some seem to experience. Mostly only occurred sporadically in stock browser. I used ATP settings to change scheduler from noop(stock) to cfq. It seemed to help for a while but then came across an issue before, where I never had before, where the whole stock browser seemed to just freeze up or stop loading. Before it might freeze n then prompt come up saying to wait or close. After the switch it didn't do any of this. So i switched back to noop I/o scheduler n everything has been running great for me. I mainly just use the ATP tweaks app now for quick access to overclocking. Less steps needed vs. Having to go into terminal emulator and pulling up vipercontrol. With ATP all I do is open up the app n press Turbo2 n I'm overclocked. I did try out the deadline I/o scheduler also but didn't seem to make much of a difference. Actually acted kinda funny at times so i switched back to Noop. As Noop is the best out of all of them. Its just some people switch to other schedulers based on their needs for prime to PC file transfers n such. So its really a preference thing and what you experience with your personal usage and benefit the change makes for you.
AS far as bench scores go, I just said that cuz you mentioned yours n wanted to show another form of proof you weren't overclocked. Now for the cursor jumping around, I know what you mean..lol. but I use thumb keyboard, split mode, n very use to using the arrow keys to correct anything. Yeah the cursor does jump around at times but it still goes where you want most of the time through touching where u want it. Plus copying n pasting is very easy for me now that o got the technique down packed. So all of this is working pretty well for me and not a hassle at all as majority of my post count had been made with my prime alone. Before I got the prime, I was posting from my Ipad n Atrix4g. I can type very fast using thumb keyboard. Love it. Also, I only have one prime. The "mines" must've been a typo.
---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 PM ----------
rand4ll said:
Also, since the processor has those steps built in it technically isn't overclocking to enable the 1.6GHz step. You are only overclocking when you go above that.
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Yeah yeah..lmfao but we can't enable it stock. So its still "Technically" considered overclocked since it is higher than allowed out the box. Only if you running a "true" overclock using vipercontrol mod or ATP tweaks.

It's all good.
demandarin said:
You are correct. Stock speeds are more than sufficient for everyday usage. Overclock just makes everything even more faster n snappier. Web pages load up faster, apps open up faster, etc.. Its not for everyone. But for me its so easy to do and has no ill effects on my tablet. I'm like why not harness the extra power. Its in the kernel anyways and newer tegra3 tablets down the line will have exact same chip but the 1.6Ghz speeds enabled Stock. I do find myself going back to stock speeds alot because I truly appreciate how fast this device already is stock and ill get better battery life on stock. I do get pretty good battery life also on 1.6Ghz overclock.
Also, yes, I DO ALL MY POSTINGs, from the prime. I don't experience the major slowdowns or lags some seem to experience. Mostly only occurred sporadically in stock browser. I used ATP settings to change scheduler from noop(stock) to cfq. It seemed to help for a while but then came across an issue before, where I never had before, where the whole stock browser seemed to just freeze up or stop loading. Before it might freeze n then prompt come up saying to wait or close. After the switch it didn't do any of this. So i switched back to noop I/o scheduler n everything has been running great for me. I mainly just use the ATP tweaks app now for quick access to overclocking. Less steps needed vs. Having to go into terminal emulator and pulling up vipercontrol. With ATP all I do is open up the app n press Turbo2 n I'm overclocked. I did try out the deadline I/o scheduler also but didn't seem to make much of a difference. Actually acted kinda funny at times so i switched back to Noop. As Noop is the best out of all of them. Its just some people switch to other schedulers based on their needs for prime to PC file transfers n such. So its really a preference thing and what you experience with your personal usage and benefit the change makes for you.
AS far as bench scores go, I just said that cuz you mentioned yours n wanted to show another form of proof you weren't overclocked. Now for the cursor jumping around, I know what you mean..lol. but I use thumb keyboard, split mode, n very use to using the arrow keys to correct anything. Yeah the cursor does jump around at times but it still goes where you want most of the time through touching where u want it. Plus copying n pasting is very easy for me now that o got the technique down packed. So all of this is working pretty well for me and not a hassle at all as majority of my post count had been made with my prime alone. Before I got the prime, I was posting from my Ipad n Atrix4g. I can type very fast using thumb keyboard. Love it. Also, I only have one prime. The "mines" must've been a typo.
---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 PM ----------
Yeah yeah..lmfao but we can't enable it stock. So its still "Technically" considered overclocked since it is higher than allowed out the box. Only if you running a "true" overclock using vipercontrol mod or ATP tweaks.
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I am glad that I am not alone with the cursor thing. A bit distracting, but for the most part I use the Hardware Keyboard in the dock when doing any serious typing. Like with my TF101 I like that the dock acts as a "stand" and a cover/case. and at home I tend to do a lot of wen/newsreader browsing, and posting, as you know.
I know you mentioned that battery life seems decent when running at full clock speed (okay, we know it's technically not "overclocked") so I say "full speed to avoid being corrected, LOL! I am curious about battery performance with it running at a true 1.6, and before you answer that it is not bad, can you say for certain, as in have you tested the discharge times with the Turbo2 enabled full time? Or, if you can at least say that it's not too bad, what would you peg the loss to be? 10% or more? I agree that if I had an app to easily toggle it on/off like the build in app that prioritizes processors, I would like to use it at times.. The built in one I think does the following:
Power Saving: Runs all Cores at reduced speed, I think its 600 MHz, 700 MHz when three are active, and 1 GHz when one or two are active
in "Balanced mode" - the cores are capped at 1.2 GHz
and in Performance Mode (used to be normal mod, just to keep it sounding exciting, they changed it to "Performance with ICS, LOL!) a single core runs at 1.4, or all 4 cores can run at full clip of 1.3
Not sure where they came up with these choices, but I will bet it was only after Nvidia ran them every which way, and came to these numbers as the best compromise of power and battery life. I think the Tegra 3 SOC also controls the video brightness and depth on the fly as well. All told a nice implementation. I still see lags occasionally, and games like Riptide GP freeze in a "Stutter Frame" kind of lock, till I exit to home screen, and resume the game, and it's good again.
Anyone else get that?
SmartAs$Phone said:
I am glad that I am not alone with the cursor thing. A bit distracting, but for the most part I use the Hardware Keyboard in the dock when doing any serious typing. Like with my TF101 I like that the dock acts as a "stand" and a cover/case. and at home I tend to do a lot of wen/newsreader browsing, and posting, as you know.
I know you mentioned that battery life seems decent when running at full clock speed (okay, we know it's technically not "overclocked") so I say "full speed to avoid being corrected, LOL! I am curious about battery performance with it running at a true 1.6, and before you answer that it is not bad, can you say for certain, as in have you tested the discharge times with the Turbo2 enabled full time? Or, if you can at least say that it's not too bad, what would you peg the loss to be? 10% or more? I agree that if I had an app to easily toggle it on/off like the build in app that prioritizes processors, I would like to use it at times.. The built in one I think does the following:
Power Saving: Runs all Cores at reduced speed, I think its 600 MHz, 700 MHz when three are active, and 1 GHz when one or two are active
in "Balanced mode" - the cores are capped at 1.2 GHz
and in Performance Mode (used to be normal mod, just to keep it sounding exciting, they changed it to "Performance with ICS, LOL!) a single core runs at 1.4, or all 4 cores can run at full clip of 1.3
Not sure where they came up with these choices, but I will bet it was only after Nvidia ran them every which way, and came to these numbers as the best compromise of power and battery life. I think the Tegra 3 SOC also controls the video brightness and depth on the fly as well. All told a nice implementation. I still see lags occasionally, and games like Riptide GP freeze in a "Stutter Frame" kind of lock, till I exit to home screen, and resume the game, and it's good again.
Anyone else get that?
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See I don't even have a dock n typed all that with no problem. Thumb keyboard makes typing so easy n fast on the prime. All I use is 2 thumbs to type n can do it very fast with the split keyboard mode.
AS for battery life if you ever ran the built in performance mode full time, then you will know it drains the fastest out of all modes because its running the higher speeds. Now with 1.6Ghz it drains about the same or a lil faster than performance mode. I've noticed lately I've been getting battery life even better than performance mode on my overclock. For the quick implementation of it that's easy. It can't get no easier then this. Check this out..lol. if you rooted, all you have to do is go into prime developement section. Go to ATP tweaks thread. Download and install ATP app into prime. Then open it. Allow superuser permissions. Then just press the Turbo2 tab n bam! Now you St 1.6Ghz overclock. The real one. You can use CPU spy to confirm that 1.6ghz speed is enabled.
hen if you want to disable it, just reboot tablet. Then whenever u want. All u have to do is open up that app n press turbo2 tab. There's a turbo1 also n that's for 1.5Ghz.. There is a step to do a more hardcore overclock to where you can run ALL 4 CORES @1.6GHZ at the same time all the time. Of course this burns up the battery the fastest. I doubt u ready for that yet though... lmfao just take it slow..lol use the regular overclocks. Get ATP tweaks app in developement section.
For the games, I don't have no stutters or freezes even on stock speeds.

