Calendar + Assistant + repeating notifications recommendation needed please! - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi everyone. I've finally managed to get my Google calendar on my Huawei to give me notifications for Reminders! However, I would really like repeating reminders on these notifications in case I don't see or hear the reminder or just plain forget to do what they say! Ideally I'd like the notifications to keep going off every couple of minutes if I don't respond to them, and Google calendar doesn't have this functionality at all, as far as I can tell.
I tried a Program called calendar Notifications Plus, which looks perfect for my needs, but doesn't seem to work on my phone, it simply doesn't pick up on any reminders I set, so doesn't actually do a thing on my system.
I noticed that in the Google settings you can specify an alternative calendar app, so I was going to try that with a third party calendar app. Does anyone have any recommendations for an app, ideally with this repeating functionality built into it, and on top of that I'd like to talk to Google assistant to set up the reminders if possible, like I do currently.
For example I say "Hey Google, remind me to punch a badger at 12pm today" and it sets up the reminder which gets put into the thirtld party app, which will notify me at 12pm and then continue to vibrate/play a notification sound every 2 minutes until I dismiss the notification.
Anyone have any experience running a setup like this please?
Thanks so much!
P.S - I really wouldn't recommend punching badgers as they (a) don't like it (b) can be quite vicious, and (c) often carry tuberculosis. ?

Ah, turns out the Alternative calendars setting isn't for alternative third party apps, but for alternative calendars, like Chinese, Hebrew, Indian, etc.
So I guess my new question is - does anyone know how I can get notifications to repeat and keep beeping/vibrating every couple of minutes until I dismiss the notifications?


Appointment Notifications - Can they repeat until answered?

The appointment notification only sounds once, whereas the alarm chime can be set to repeat until answered (dismissed). Can the appointment notification be set to repeat until answered? that when I come back into the office after being outside, I will here a chime or alarm and suddenly remember the forgotten appointment?
Would make sense but NO!
I keep whining about notifications... missed calls, voice mail, and appointments. No dice.
There are some third party software pieces out there that do appointment repeat alarms, can't remember the name off hand but saw it in several places. Something fairly popular.
Nice and vague!
No dice on the phone part on repeat notifications. Which to me just seems whacky.
Don't you guys try to solve the problem before asking for it?????????????
Yes you can set the appointments alarm to repeat go to sounds and notifications, notification, choose from the drop down menu reminder and check the (repeat) checkbox.
and there is also a third party software called sbp pocket plus
Msg to ArcticCat re. appointment notifications
My version of software does NOT appear to have an option to 'Repeat' the notification (the only options are Play Sound; Display Message; Flash Light; and Vibrate)....and yes, I did go through every menu item several times before lodging the question, and felt that I must have missed something!
My Pocket PC version is 3.0.12039....... perhaps I need to upgrade my software. What version is yours?
Thanks for the info. re. third party software....I will look into it.
Regards, Paul
You can search for "How to Enable Repeat Play Audio Sound Notifications in Windows Mobile"
and you will eventually find the solution to this repeat notifications question!

Reminder App

I thought this would be easy to find a GOOD app for this but it hasn't.
I'm after an app that will give reminders for notifications other than my calender and sms ones eg missed call, facebook, facebook messenger, touchdown email, etc.
At the moment I have calender snooze for my appointments which works great, and also go sms pro for messages with its inbuilt repeat reminder.
Now does anyone have one that will work for other notifications and not interfere with with my existing reminders, well I could turn go sms repeat reminders off i guess but not calender snooze.
Still Looking
Should have turned this into a battery thread about a cheap 5500mAh battery for $15. Woulda sure had replies
I can't quite work out specifically what you're after, but this seems to fit the bill.
Thankyou. Sure to give this a go.
Stupid thing is I searched a fair amount and all I found only did missed calls or text messaged etc.... Maybe I just left key words from my search and used the wrong terminology.
But this looks like it works for whatever program that has normal android notifications to be added. So can leave go sms pro out of the list and this won't duplicate the good built in repeat reminders.

[q] I.M. with notification on contact logins

I'm curious to know what instant messengers other people are using.
Currently I'm using trillian, and I like it, however I'd like the option to get a notification when certain contacts login (but not every contact). Is there any app that does this?
It would also be usefull if it supported multiple protocols, I'd rather not have multiple i.m. apps running at once.
tried IM+....only other multi client I know of with a decent gui...not sure about individual alerts based on contact
Should try Amazingly simple UI and works really well.
I forgot to mention, I need to use a messenger that works over data and not sms since I don't have a messaging plan. also I read this comment under the comments section "Changing the status of all my accounts to a promotion without asking is completely unacceptable, and a shame because the app works great."

Notification Led usable?

as here in this forum are so many people with great knowledge, I hope somebody can help me:
Is there any way to make the integrated notificiation LED of the Tablet S usable for calendar notifications? I tried it with and without lightflow but the led does not blink when there's an event reminder. And a notification for an appointment is moreimportant than email notifications.
Perhaps somebody has a working solution
Thank you
I'm Affraid there is none ATM, but its a great idea, sadly it will not be as easy to ask to the official calendar app maker, which is Google in this case, because not all devices has this function, in fact even if all devices support this way of alarming, then not all users want to have this option, but you could always try to contact google via google play, and search the callendar if its not shown in the market then you should send a normal message, tell them to make a checkbox within the app, so you can choose to use or block this option,
personally i hate it, because i take my tab regulary to my bethroom so sometimes i get a notification and my whole room is flashing green xD very annoying,
Maby i'm not right but as far as i know there isn't any option like this
Ps: understand that my english is not that good, cause i'm still dutch XD
system02 said:
as here in this forum are so many people with great knowledge, I hope somebody can help me:
Is there any way to make the integrated notificiation LED of the Tablet S usable for calendar notifications? I tried it with and without lightflow but the led does not blink when there's an event reminder. And a notification for an appointment is moreimportant than email notifications.
Perhaps somebody has a working solution
Thank you
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I used LightFlow (the free version) for a short while and it reminded me of calendar events, as long as there was a Reminder set in the event (i.e. for 10 minutes before etc). I never had problems with it. Did you set up the Calendar notification in LightFlow?

[Q] Google calendar

First sorry for my bad english if something is not written corectly and i hope this is the right place to ask this question. Me and my wife use the google calendar to manage our tasks and common events. When one of us add a new event and adds someone to this event as participent i would like to recive on my android a push notification in drop down menu of the phone so that i know something has been added to the calendar and i can confirm and accept it. I know about the email notification but to be honest i have missed it many times when you get lots of emails. Is there any way to get push notification like FB has for all of its ****ty things?

