[Q] Does your S9+ whites shift red at an angle? - Samsung Galaxy S9+ Questions & Answers

So I'm well aware of the AMOLED tech and that there is always some sort of a slight blue shift at an angle. I'm, honestly, completely fine with this. What is bothering me is that when my device is tilted it shifts slightly red before shifting blue. That happens at about a 30 degrees angle or so.
I saw somewhere in another thread around here that someone measured the whites to be calibrated at 6500K which is a bit yellow-ish than most LCD screens. In all honesty, though, my eyes can get perfectly callibrated to that temperature and if I haven't seen a bluer screen in a while I start perceiving the whites on the S9+ as perfect. And here's where the slight red shift just before the blue one starts to really bother me. For some odd reason, especially at night when the room is completely dark, this slight hinge of red completely decallibrates my eyes and when I get back to looking at the display straight-on whites appear to be very yellow-ish for a while. And getting into the red shift zone (about 30 degrees tilt) is actually rather common whilist handling a 6.2" inch device.
So do you experience a slight red shift before the blue one when you tilt your S9+ and if so - does it affect you in the same manner as it does affect me? I'm really curious as to whether I have an outlier display or this slight red shift is actually the norm across S9's and it's just me who has to suck it up eventually and just move on. Thank you for the input!

I had three s9+ devices and all of them had the exact same thing that you've described, so i'm pretty sure it's a common thing across all of the devices and therefore it shouldn't bother you

Is that an issue? Possibly all have it.

Sobertooth said:
Is that an issue? Possibly all have it.
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That's what I'm asking. So far only one person has responded, though. Is that so hard for people to just answer with a goddamn "yes" or "no"... :/
My first S9+ had a more pronounced blue shift but didn't shift pink before it shifted blue. Unfortunately, they had mistakenly sent me a single SIM variant even though I ordered a dual one. Second one was the correct variant but I noticed that it shifted red so I got the best of my 14-day return window and sent it back. My third one was similar to my first one and nothing in it really bothered me but as it turns out it had a dead pixel right in the middle of the display - somehow it took me 4 days to even notice it but once I did I just couldn't cope with it. So now I'm having my fourth S9+ and it's the same red shift right before it goes blue, just like the second one. I'm just trying to understand how common is the red shift because I'm this close to returning this phone as well but at the same time don't want to put the retailer through any more crap as I already returned 3 phones. It's actually an issue for me, even more so than any black crush or whatnot else. It's just that if I see a lot of people having similar displays that it might actually help me cope with it and move on until my next purchase somewhere in the future.

mine does and that's perfectly normal


g.buyukliev said:
So I'm well aware of the AMOLED tech and that there is always some sort of a slight blue shift at an angle. I'm, honestly, completely fine with this. What is bothering me is that when my device is tilted it shifts slightly red before shifting blue. That happens at about a 30 degrees angle or so.
I saw somewhere in another thread around here that someone measured the whites to be calibrated at 6500K which is a bit yellow-ish than most LCD screens. In all honesty, though, my eyes can get perfectly callibrated to that temperature and if I haven't seen a bluer screen in a while I start perceiving the whites on the S9+ as perfect. And here's where the slight red shift just before the blue one starts to really bother me. For some odd reason, especially at night when the room is completely dark, this slight hinge of red completely decallibrates my eyes and when I get back to looking at the display straight-on whites appear to be very yellow-ish for a while. And getting into the red shift zone (about 30 degrees tilt) is actually rather common whilist handling a 6.2" inch device.
So do you experience a slight red shift before the blue one when you tilt your S9+ and if so - does it affect you in the same manner as it does affect me? I'm really curious as to whether I have an outlier display or this slight red shift is actually the norm across S9's and it's just me who has to suck it up eventually and just move on. Thank you for the input!
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My issue is the always on display. The clock has a pink hue to it. I've only hady S9 plus for about 2 months. Weird part is my girl got hers at the same time and hers has it also. It's very annoying. On top of that if I go to an all white screen mine has more pink than hers. I tried a painful factory reset and it's all the same.

blane73 said:
My issue is the always on display. The clock has a pink hue to it. I've only hady S9 plus for about 2 months. Weird part is my girl got hers at the same time and hers has it also. It's very annoying. On top of that if I go to an all white screen mine has more pink than hers. I tried a painful factory reset and it's all the same.
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It might be because of the wallpaper you're using
The clock (at least on the lock screen) will always have the same coloring and shading to it as the wallpaper
So maybe that goes for aod as well? Not sure because I'm not using aod, but it's worth a check


Possible pixel problem on second Hero phone, help ;(

Yesterday i bought a HTC Hero (my first one). When i turned it on and toke a good look at the starting screen (the one that says Hero, and HTC), i found a white pixel, probably dead or something. I went back to the store to get a new phone. This was not a problem at all and i got a new Hero. Now again, when i turned on the phone and toke a good look at the black screen, i also found 2 pixels with a other wierd problem:
The pixels also turned out white when i looked at them in a specifica angle. Just to be clear, i am watching on a black screen (starting screen). If you look at the screen and not in a specific angle i cant spot the pixels directly, but when i tilt over the phone slightly they show up and are 2 little white dots.
After i found out i downloaded the Detect Dead Pixel app. This app can create a black screen, the same screen as the home screen. When i use this app to spot the pixels again they are way less visible than on the home screen... I can spot 1 of them a little bit if i look at the screen in a certain angle and i can see a little dot, but i cant see them that good as on the home screen. They are not visible on other colors, only black.
I really dont know what to do with the phone now ... does anyone know what this is? im a bit concerned. Thanks!
After a bit more research on my phone i firugred that the dots really arent that visible. Maybe its just dust under the screen? When i put on a black screen using some kind of Android app i can not spot them. If the pixel is lazy or dead it should be clearly visible on a black screen right? for the lazy one then.
Anyway, i spotted a other problem on a black screen:
A brighter spot on the top part of the screen (like someone is pressing on it a little bit). Is this a problem ? im deciding if i should return the phone again..
Well its entirely upto you mate - i dont know what contract you've taken out but you may have that phone for 2 years. If your not entirely happy with it i'd take it back while you still can.
Issues with the screens rarely correct themselves.
My first Hero had around 10 dead pixels and i got it replaced as i wasn't happy with it. I now have one with a perfect screen and i'm really happy with it!
Well i just returned to the store and got another phone. This is the 3th one, and it still has problems, even more then the previous ones ....
On the boot screen there are about 10 very very tiny white wierd points visible ... im getting a bit frustrated here. What is this with all the screen problems ? :S
looks like they got a bad batch in your shop... have you considered powering up the phone while you are still in the store? might save you same time and way...
kendong2 said:
looks like they got a bad batch in your shop... have you considered powering up the phone while you are still in the store? might save you same time and way...
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I have done that, but as i said, its only really visible in a dark room with screen brightness on 100%. I have checked the phone in the store and it just wasnt visible. When i checked the screen in a complete dark room i spotted the little things again. Looks more like dust to me =\
If your brightness is 100% you should see that one single pixel immediately.
Try making an image in paint (480*320) with a black background and a single white pixel. Open that image on your phone. The dead/lazy pixel should be just as bright as the one you drew.
Also the brighter spot is normal. It's called "backlight bleeding". Every lcd screen has this 'problem'.
They are not clearly visible, i think they are smaller then pixels, but they are countable on the bootup screen. When i tilt the screen them seem to change color (might just be dust). Green etc. I dont know what to think of it, come on. A wrong batch shouldn't be the problem if its dust, then its just a assamblation error. But 3 in a row?
I'm getting a bit pissed
It's dust or a fingerprint blocking a very small subpixel. Can't you just wipe it off? But I suspect very tiny scratches.
idk whether this is possible, but it might be dead subpixels. that would explain why they are smaller than a full pixel...
Does anyone know if that is possible? it sounds like a good explaination. Dead sub pixels could be the problem. They are smaller then pixels, but beg enough to be counted (i can count over 13). Little white dots on a 100% brightness black screen.
It must be dust, its a common question among hero owners. Most of the time the things they see is dust. It would be crazy if all new hero's have up to 10 or 13 dead pixels.
Ok well, here's what happened next:
I returned my phone again, god my cash back, bought a new one at a other store, SAME problem. Swapped it for a new one again, same problem!
Got my money back and i completely changed my mind of buying a Hero.
It is not dust. Its a perfect white dot, and definately some kind of pixel issue.
To bad..
Are you sure you're not being pixel-paranoid?
When reading all of this it sounds mostly like small dust particles under the screen. And looking at the number of phones you have tried, chances are you also got one with a real dead pixel (hot pixel, always on).
But I also think you are obsessed about it. My phone also have one dust thingy somewhere which I found just like you did (pixel tester, black screen). Smaller than pixel and less bright though.
I never notice the thing under normal use, unless I really go searching for it with a black background.
So you might make it bigger than it really is and miss out on a really nice phone.
Then again, we all have our own quality standards and its good yours is a high one!
I have had a tiny dead pizel since I bought my phone. Only really see it on the bootscreen.
I was always more bother by the light you can see coming from under the keys at the bottom and near where the lcd meets the keys.
I also have 3 dead pixels but they aren't that irritating.
I also discovered them when booting up the phone, but for me, they are sea blue (all three)
Maybe it is 2nd hand stuff HTC uses on their phones?
i have about 7 or 8 dead pixels too. it doesn't bother me too much anymore... only notice it in a completly dark room on the boot up screen... probably a common problem with the lcd screen the hero uses
All Hero's have this, or will have it inevitably:
The screen does not connect fully; there is a rubber-border between the glass and the metal frame surrounding the screen.
Look from the right angle, and you can see that there is a small 1/10th mm opening. Dust will come through here, and it will get on the screen.
HTC will wipe it off free of charge of course.
It is NOT a dead pixel; these can be seen from any angle, although the color changes a little but because of the viewing angle.
Call HTC and say you have dust under your screen, they will fix it for you, free of charge.

Display Color...

So I have had my g tablet for a couple of weeks now and I have noticed that my display color seems a bit off. Mainly being the whites, they have a red tint to them but it is really across the board. Any ideas? Do I need to call Viewsonic for an RMA? What?
Also, just a side note, my wife just got her Ipad2 and I must say that is a slick looking device. And you gotta love that display with those WIDE viewing angles. I am not an Apple person because I don't think some program should be able to rule what I can and cannot add to my devices.
Update: So I think i might have figured out my issue. Apparently the screen is tweaked because when I put pressure at the opposite corners, upper left andlower right, all of a sudden BAM nice and bright. We will see how long this lasts.
Update #2:
Here are some pics of the device both before and after when the screen is acting up. Now it just seems like it is dark with the red tint now...
Oh weird, I've never seen something like that before. Is it still fixed?
Nope, it constantly switches back and for.

Weird spots underneath the screen?

Some time ago I noticed that, in some very special situations, like under direct and strong artificial/sun light and a particular angle, I'm able to see a couple of small, very faint spots, kinda similar to those left by dried moisture (like a drop of water) underneath the screen. At first I though it was my bad for putting on a wet screen protector, but just the other day I had a look at the device of a friend of mine (no protector wahtsoever), and looking closely I found similar spots, just not two but a single and bigger one. This got me a bit puzzled, so I decided to take a look at a third device, this time a demo unit in a shop, and guess what? Also that one had a similar mark right in the middle of the screen.
Now, not that this bothers me much, since you can't actually see it unless you really try (I can't even catch it with a camera), but I'd love to know from you guys if this is a common "flaw" or I just happened to grab a "flawed" handful of devices...
Yup, I have these dark patches. You can see them sometimes if you look at a particular angle when the phone is booting up. I can't see them any other time though
I can see dark patches when the screen is dimmed, especially at night, I can't see it any other times, Nokia returned it to me because they couldn't see it. So they asked to send it in again, it took them ten days to just flash a ROM....I was pissed as it is.
When the Display is off I can sometimes see some "blacker" areas on the screen. According to Nokia These are splices where the glass is somehow glued to the display.
Thank you guys, at least I feel a little better about it now...anyway it still puzzles me how this is the first device I own in years with this kind of issue, and I really had many, both resistive and capacitive, with or without gorilla and even made of plastic. I mean this isn't really a flaw, but knowing it's there annoys me. Damn, maybe I should really just stop being so OCD with my devices, it hurts
vnvman said:
Thank you guys, at least I feel a little better about it now...anyway it still puzzles me how this is the first device I own in years with this kind of issue, and I really had many, both resistive and capacitive, with or without gorilla and even made of plastic. I mean this isn't really a flaw, but knowing it's there annoys me. Damn, maybe I should really just stop being so OCD with my devices, it hurts
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I still would class it as a fault, it makes my eyes burn.
Are you speaking about the spots which are visible in the dark if the screen is black?
I saw them when I did my screen black in diagnostics app - lcd test.
So I took a picture of "black" screen with long exposure (iso 400, 30 seconds exposure) and show it in nokia care service. Week after I got new display
load"" said:
Are you speaking about the spots which are visible in the dark if the screen is black?
I saw them when I did my screen black in diagnostics app - lcd test.
So I took a picture of "black" screen with long exposure (iso 400, 30 seconds exposure) and show it in nokia care service. Week after I got new display
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Actually those aren't really "spots", it's some sort of light leak that all amoled devices have when displaying plain black: even if all the leds are supposed to be off there's still some electricity going through them. I had that on all of my amoled devices, on my Desire, on my SGS2 and on my Omnia W as well, it doesn't look that great but it's fine I guess. Weird that you still managed to get the screen replaced, maybe your unit actually had some excessive light leak.
Here I'm talking about a different thing, given that you have them you should be able to see those spots I described even with the device completely off if you keep it under a strong light and at the right angle.
vnvman said:
Actually those aren't really "spots", it's some sort of light leak that all amoled devices have when displaying plain black: even if all the leds are supposed to be off there's still some electricity going through them. I had that on all of my amoled devices, on my Desire, on my SGS2 and on my Omnia W as well, it doesn't look that great but it's fine I guess. Weird that you still managed to get the screen replaced, maybe your unit actually had some excessive light leak.
Here I'm talking about a different thing, given that you have them you should be able to see those spots I described even with the device completely off if you keep it under a strong light and at the right angle.
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Can't reproduce that. I look closely but see nothing special.
Though, as Russian proverb says - the less you know the stronger you sleep
Here is a picture of screen with the spots I was posting about.
So, if anyone have scratched screen as I had, it is a good reason to get repair
PS note that picture was taken with long exposure. Actually my eyes need to get used to darkness to see glow.
load"" said:
Can't reproduce that. I look closely but see nothing special.
Though, as Russian proverb says - the less you know the stronger you sleep
Here is a picture of screen with the spots I was posting about.
So, if anyone have scratched screen as I had, it is a good reason to get repair
PS note that picture was taken with long exposure. Actually my eyes need to get used to darkness to see glow.
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Yeah that's it, the good old light leak
Anyway the picture you took being overexposed gives the impression of a huge issue, so I guess they replaced the screen right after looking at that, even tho in normal darkness conditions it's definitely not so annoying. Good for you that you managed to get it replaced anyway
lol a 30 second exposure will bring out the worst of the display. I can understand they replaced it after showing that image that sort of tricks them because it will never be even close to that visible to the naked eye.
Completely normal for AMOLED displays.

Upper left corner of secondary screen, backlight very bright

So, I picked up my new V10 today, and I noticed something odd. It appears that the upper left corner of secondary screen has a problem with the Backlight. Just wanted to see if anyone else is noticing this.
It's most noticeable when the second screen is running with the main screen off, especially when there are notifications coming across, the upper left side of the screen is over-lit. Please see the attached couple of pictures for example. (The first picture is hard to see, but you can see the brighter corner on the second picture where I have an email notification). It's also noticeable when the phone is in use and both screens are on.
I'm just wondering if others are seeing this or if it's possible that I got a small defect from factory.
The secondary display does 'bleed', as mentioned in a few youtube reviews. Mine also bleeds. Apparently this is normal but definitely not appealing.
Mine does as well. Only noticed it in my pitch dark bedroom last night.
Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk
It's not a defect, just part of using backlights. Look up LG G2x backlight bleed, that was a whole different ballgame, lol.
I'm only seeing that bleed in the dark until that screens dims a bit then the bit of bleed dissappears. I've never seen what you have in your picture.
QuantizedBoson said:
So, I picked up my new V10 today, and I noticed something odd. It appears that the upper left corner of secondary screen has a problem with the Backlight. Just wanted to see if anyone else is noticing this.
It's most noticeable when the second screen is running with the main screen off, especially when there are notifications coming across, the upper left side of the screen is over-lit. Please see the attached couple of pictures for example. (The first picture is hard to see, but you can see the brighter corner on the second picture where I have an email notification). It's also noticeable when the phone is in use and both screens are on.
I'm just wondering if others are seeing this or if it's possible that I got a small defect from factory.
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Yours looks very excessive. In normal viewing conditions, the backlight should not ever be that noticeable. The only time I ever see the backlight on my V10 for the secondary display is in a completely dark room when the screen lights up a little bit because the phone was moved or something. But in this case, the backlight is leaking into half the screen because of how backlight bleed works in an LCD - i.e. it is not a hotspot like you have.
When I got my first V10, it had a hotspot in the upper left corner of the main part of the display. I noticed it immediately but wasn't sure if it was a defect or not. Compared it to the demo model and the salesman agreed, so we swapped it for another V10 right on the spot - no issue now, the screen looks beautiful and the secondary display and notification bar blend PERFECTLY into the bezel during use. It nearly looks AMOLED unless in complete darkness. I would swap your phone ASAP.
Mine does to in a dark room but once it dims the second time when screens off its hardly noticeable. Not what OP has though.
Nothing like that on mine either.
I did notice a very faint glow on the top right of mine but this is as others mentioned...Only barely visible and only in pitch darkness.
What you showed on the top left doesn't seem "normal" at all. +1 on swapping it out. I'd say that's excessive and a defect.
Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk
Nitemare3219 said:
Yours looks very excessive. In normal viewing conditions, the backlight should not ever be that noticeable. The only time I ever see the backlight on my V10 for the secondary display is in a completely dark room when the screen lights up a little bit because the phone was moved or something. But in this case, the backlight is leaking into half the screen because of how backlight bleed works in an LCD - i.e. it is not a hotspot like you have.
When I got my first V10, it had a hotspot in the upper left corner of the main part of the display. I noticed it immediately but wasn't sure if it was a defect or not. Compared it to the demo model and the salesman agreed, so we swapped it for another V10 right on the spot - no issue now, the screen looks beautiful and the secondary display and notification bar blend PERFECTLY into the bezel during use. It nearly looks AMOLED unless in complete darkness. I would swap your phone ASAP.
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Thanks for the feedback everyone, it turns out that it was not normal. Just rolled back in from the T-Mobile store. Took it in, expecting to be met with some resistance when requesting a replacement. To my surprise, they immediately agreed and replaced it!
The replacement does not have this issue. Glad to get that taken care of, really my only major gripe so far is gone.
Glad to hear it! Happy endings are the best.
Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk
Good to hear as well.
So there is no more light bleed on your second screen or it just isn't as pronounced as before?
I have some. The tiniest bit. In a dark room. Totally acceptable. I think this second screen is sexy as all hell
From reviews I knew there was a light leak issue. However, it does annoy me. I wish there was none at all our at least give us the ability to change the brightness. That being said, I initially thought the second screen would be dumb but now I can't imagine being without it. Switching between apps is so much easier now.
---------- Post added at 05:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 PM ----------
Can you try pushing a notification to yourself, while the screen is off and snapping a picture like you did in your first post? I'm curious to see what it looks like because when my screen is off and I get a notification with a white background it's bright on the left corner just like your picture.
I have the same issue on white notifications. Annoying but considering first gen of this type of display...if in future models I'm sure they will have a higher quality one in future.
Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk
Went to the T-Mobile store to compare my phone to the display model. After playing with the phones I could see that my second screen display was in fact brighter on the left edge than the display model, so I'll be exchanging mine as well. Hopefully, I get a better one but at the moment I'll have to wait, since they are sold out. It was such a pain in the ass to get the sales associate to see the difference. Unfortunately, she couldn't but when she called someone else over they agreed that it was brighter.
I started a new thread about the dimming of the second screen(probably shouldnt have after reading here). Has anyone figured out how to make the display brighter again with the screen off? I can hardly see it in a lit room..
Thankfully the set I have (HK Dual Sim V10, H961N) has very very slight, almost unnoticeable bleed for the 2nd screen
I exchanged mine yesterday. That top left of BOTH screens was horrible. We went through 5 devices and every single one had some sort of bleed. I picked the one that had the least, and none on the main display. I'm sure LG will revise the HW and fix the issue but anytime you pick up a device with new tech expect some sort of issue.
Mine bleeds a little, but I really don't care.

Yellow tint / red and blue shifts / dead pixels - AWFUL display QA

So I'm at my sixth S9+ right now... yes, the sixth. I have never believed that such a small device can drive me so crazy. The funny thing is that I haven't seen anyone talking about the issues that I have been facing. So I might be crazy after all.
Ever since the original Samsung Galaxy S I9000 released I've been using Samsung phones with AMOLED screens. The I9000 was followed by an S4. After that I bought myself an S7 Edge. Up to this point I've always been super happy with my devices. Most of all I enjoyed the displays. I swore on AMOLED and would never look back and use an IPS.
AMOLED has always had two donwsides for me, though - low brigthness and warmer whites compared to an IPS. Over the years I learned to live with both of those. If I put my S7 Edge next to an IPS screen I'd immediately notice the warmer whites and the dimmer display but if there was nothing to compare it to my eyes callibrated and the whites and the brigthness were perfect - at least to my own perception.
So I saw those S9+ advertisements. They were advertising a brighter screen than the S8 which was already brighter than my S7 Edge (actually turned out that the S9+ in manual mode is dimmer than not only the S8 and the S7 Edge but even the S4 but that's a different topic). The whites on this phone also appeared to be much more cooler and IPS-like compared to my S7 Edge. This combined with the camera, the taller screen, virtual buttons and all the other cool features was an instant sell for me. I preordered on day one.
First phone: I had purchased it directly from my carrier. Had to resign my contract for another 24 months with them but when I finally got the phone it felt like it was totally worth it. Until I finally set it up and actually placed it horizontally on the bed - I could see nothing. The viewing angles were worse than they were on my TN panel monitor years ago. Everything was blue. I quickly googled it and learned it was called "blue shift" and was really common with the initial batches of the Pixel 2 XL. Well... in comparison to all those Pixel phones I saw on various photos and videos - mine was worse than all of them. I quickly snapped some photos of the display and returned to the store. It was a tough process because my carrier doesn't usually accept returns so I had to contact Samsung for help directly. They eventually sent me a new one.
Second phone : Checked it in the store to see how it looked at an angle and it shifted only ever so slightly blue. Compared it to the various demo devices there and realized that was actually the norm. It didn't bother me at all this time so I accepted it. When I got away from the bright lights in the store and sat on my bed late in the evening with no lamps on I noticed that the pure whites I had bought this phone for are now warmer than on my old S7 Edge - everything appeared yellowish. My eyes started to get used to the yellow tint and I started to finally perceive the whites as proper whites until I realized that every single small tilt of the device (as small as 10-20 degrees) resulted in a red shift before the slight blue one. For some weird reason, this red hue decalibrated my eyes and when I returned the device to its original position I saw the whites yellowish all over again. And due to it happening at such small angles it basically happened every 10 seconds or so, especially when using the phone with one hand. It was absolutely unbearable and I went back to the store and literally begged them to give me my first device back. Apparently this was not posssible and they also refused to aknowledge this as an issue eligible for a return. Samsung, on the other hand, refused to cooperate a second time. I was forced to sell it, fortunately at not that big of a loss.
Third phone: Now this one was bought from an online retailer so I could have a 14-day return window if I got a screen like my last one. The phone finally arrived and the screen was perfect - no yellow tint, no red shift, no extreme blue shift. Joke's on me, though - they had sent me the wrong phone - I had ordered the dual sim variant and they mistakenly sent me a single sim one. So I sent it back.
Fourth phone: Got my next one - this time a proper DUOS. Funny thing, though - it was just like my second one - the one I sold. Whites were a bit less yellow this time but the constant red shifts at really small angles totally decalibrated my eyes and I couldn't perceive white as actual white for 5 seconds straight. That drove me nuts. I made use of the 14-day return period and asked them to send me another one.
Fifth phone: Oh god, this phone was perfect. Even better than the third one. Perfect whites, no stupid red shift, blue shift was at extreme angles only and even then it was very light - I've never been more satisfied with a display. I used it for 4 days straight - it was a pleasure, really. Until I noticed that there was a dead pixel right in the middle of the damn screen. Only one... out of millions. But once I saw it I could literally not unsee it... ever. I sent it back, they acknowledged the defect, and because it was brand new they sent me yet another one.
Sixth phone: So my current phone, the sixth one, is basically like the fourth and the second ones. I'm now literally where I started. After about $50 lost from the sale of my second phone, after another $50 spent on transport fees and after 2 months without a phone, I got literally the same goddamn phone. Maybe it's not as yellow as the second one but the goddamn red shift makes it appear yellow to me each and every single time I tilt the device ever so slightly. And by the time I finally start getting accustomed to the white colour temperature I accidentally tilt it again.
As I was browsing around the forums yesterday to find out whether someone else experienced similar issues I bumped into the Black Crush thread and when I checked for it it turns out I have it too and it makes not only whites unbearable to look at but apparently different shades of black next to each other as well. After going through so many phones I'm not even sure whether any of them had it as well or it's just that one. In the meantime, while checking for Black Crush in a dark room I noticed that my light from the screen is reflecting in the curved glass and leaking from all sides and the phone basically looks like a Christmas tree in a dark environment. I'm not sure whether any of the previous devices exhibited that either. My S7 Edge aso had a curved screen, even more so, and was definitely not like that. After reading about this, however, it turns out that 80% of the people have it as well. To be honest, the light leak and the black crush are bothering me not nearly as much as the yellow tint and the red shift.
Yes, I'm using Adaptive Mode and no, I'm not using Blue Light filter, nor do I use a 3rd party app that's triggering the in-built in Android Night Light filter. Tweaking with the software calibration is also out of the question because 80% of my phone usage is actually watching YouTube and I can't do it without the Video Enhancer on. And the Video Enhancer overrides all display settings turning the whites into their facotry-callibrated variant.
If anyone is wondering why the hell did I wrote this huge wall of text. Well... there are two reasons. First and foremost, I just wanted to complain about Samsung's absolutely ridiculous QA this year - displays on near $1000 phones shouldn't have such issues nor should they vary as much. Second of all, I wanted to just get this out of my system as I'm not sure what to do anymore. I might be able to get the retailer to return my money after all as I think I might still have another 14 days to do that after the last device but the problem is that, as I was really sick of dealing with this BS and bothering them with it, when the device arrived I told them over the phone that this time it was perfect and everything was fine. Now I've been using it for almost a week, I've taken all of the wraps off and they've reissued all the documents already. I'd hate to be the douche that returns yet another phone, even after already confirming that it's perfect. And finally, I wanted to ask if any of you has observed at least one of those issues or I'm just bat**** crazy. Thank you for reading!
I dunno.. have you tried returning the phone and getting a replacement?
I just think you're super picky and I'm not. I bought the phone and it's nicer quality than my LG V20. Done.
I initially didn't like the curved glass and the rounded corners. But that nothing to do with the display quality.
g.buyukliev said:
So I'm at my sixth S9+ right now... yes, the sixth. I have never believed that such a small device can drive me so crazy. The funny thing is that I haven't seen anyone talking about the issues that I have been facing. So I might be crazy after all.
Ever since the original Samsung Galaxy S I9000 released I've been using Samsung phones with AMOLED screens. The I9000 was followed by an S4. After that I bought myself an S7 Edge. Up to this point I've always been super happy with my devices. Most of all I enjoyed the displays. I swore on AMOLED and would never look back and use an IPS.
AMOLED has always had two donwsides for me, though - low brigthness and warmer whites compared to an IPS. Over the years I learned to live with both of those. If I put my S7 Edge next to an IPS screen I'd immediately notice the warmer whites and the dimmer display but if there was nothing to compare it to my eyes callibrated and the whites and the brigthness were perfect - at least to my own perception.
So I saw those S9+ advertisements. They were advertising a brighter screen than the S8 which was already brighter than my S7 Edge (actually turned out that the S9+ in manual mode is dimmer than not only the S8 and the S7 Edge but even the S4 but that's a different topic). The whites on this phone also appeared to be much more cooler and IPS-like compared to my S7 Edge. This combined with the camera, the taller screen, virtual buttons and all the other cool features was an instant sell for me. I preordered on day one.
First phone: I had purchased it directly from my carrier. Had to resign my contract for another 24 months with them but when I finally got the phone it felt like it was totally worth it. Until I finally set it up and actually placed it horizontally on the bed - I could see nothing. The viewing angles were worse than they were on my TN panel monitor years ago. Everything was blue. I quickly googled it and learned it was called "blue shift" and was really common with the initial batches of the Pixel 2 XL. Well... in comparison to all those Pixel phones I saw on various photos and videos - mine was worse than all of them. I quickly snapped some photos of the display and returned to the store. It was a tough process because my carrier doesn't usually accept returns so I had to contact Samsung for help directly. They eventually sent me a new one.
Second phone : Checked it in the store to see how it looked at an angle and it shifted only ever so slightly blue. Compared it to the various demo devices there and realized that was actually the norm. It didn't bother me at all this time so I accepted it. When I got away from the bright lights in the store and sat on my bed late in the evening with no lamps on I noticed that the pure whites I had bought this phone for are now warmer than on my old S7 Edge - everything appeared yellowish. My eyes started to get used to the yellow tint and I started to finally perceive the whites as proper whites until I realized that every single small tilt of the device (as small as 10-20 degrees) resulted in a red shift before the slight blue one. For some weird reason, this red hue decalibrated my eyes and when I returned the device to its original position I saw the whites yellowish all over again. And due to it happening at such small angles it basically happened every 10 seconds or so, especially when using the phone with one hand. It was absolutely unbearable and I went back to the store and literally begged them to give me my first device back. Apparently this was not posssible and they also refused to aknowledge this as an issue eligible for a return. Samsung, on the other hand, refused to cooperate a second time. I was forced to sell it, fortunately at not that big of a loss.
Third phone: Now this one was bought from an online retailer so I could have a 14-day return window if I got a screen like my last one. The phone finally arrived and the screen was perfect - no yellow tint, no red shift, no extreme blue shift. Joke's on me, though - they had sent me the wrong phone - I had ordered the dual sim variant and they mistakenly sent me a single sim one. So I sent it back.
Fourth phone: Got my next one - this time a proper DUOS. Funny thing, though - it was just like my second one - the one I sold. Whites were a bit less yellow this time but the constant red shifts at really small angles totally decalibrated my eyes and I couldn't perceive white as actual white for 5 seconds straight. That drove me nuts. I made use of the 14-day return period and asked them to send me another one.
Fifth phone: Oh god, this phone was perfect. Even better than the third one. Perfect whites, no stupid red shift, blue shift was at extreme angles only and even then it was very light - I've never been more satisfied with a display. I used it for 4 days straight - it was a pleasure, really. Until I noticed that there was a dead pixel right in the middle of the damn screen. Only one... out of millions. But once I saw it I could literally not unsee it... ever. I sent it back, they acknowledged the defect, and because it was brand new they sent me yet another one.
Sixth phone: So my current phone, the sixth one, is basically like the fourth and the second ones. I'm now literally where I started. After about $50 lost from the sale of my second phone, after another $50 spent on transport fees and after 2 months without a phone, I got literally the same goddamn phone. Maybe it's not as yellow as the second one but the goddamn red shift makes it appear yellow to me each and every single time I tilt the device ever so slightly. And by the time I finally start getting accustomed to the white colour temperature I accidentally tilt it again.
As I was browsing around the forums yesterday to find out whether someone else experienced similar issues I bumped into the Black Crush thread and when I checked for it it turns out I have it too and it makes not only whites unbearable to look at but apparently different shades of black next to each other as well. After going through so many phones I'm not even sure whether any of them had it as well or it's just that one. In the meantime, while checking for Black Crush in a dark room I noticed that my light from the screen is reflecting in the curved glass and leaking from all sides and the phone basically looks like a Christmas tree in a dark environment. I'm not sure whether any of the previous devices exhibited that either. My S7 Edge aso had a curved screen, even more so, and was definitely not like that. After reading about this, however, it turns out that 80% of the people have it as well. To be honest, the light leak and the black crush are bothering me not nearly as much as the yellow tint and the red shift.
Yes, I'm using Adaptive Mode and no, I'm not using Blue Light filter, nor do I use a 3rd party app that's triggering the in-built in Android Night Light filter. Tweaking with the software calibration is also out of the question because 80% of my phone usage is actually watching YouTube and I can't do it without the Video Enhancer on. And the Video Enhancer overrides all display settings turning the whites into their facotry-callibrated variant.
If anyone is wondering why the hell did I wrote this huge wall of text. Well... there are two reasons. First and foremost, I just wanted to complain about Samsung's absolutely ridiculous QA this year - displays on near $1000 phones shouldn't have such issues nor should they vary as much. Second of all, I wanted to just get this out of my system as I'm not sure what to do anymore. I might be able to get the retailer to return my money after all as I think I might still have another 14 days to do that after the last device but the problem is that, as I was really sick of dealing with this BS and bothering them with it, when the device arrived I told them over the phone that this time it was perfect and everything was fine. Now I've been using it for almost a week, I've taken all of the wraps off and they've reissued all the documents already. I'd hate to be the douche that returns yet another phone, even after already confirming that it's perfect. And finally, I wanted to ask if any of you has observed at least one of those issues or I'm just bat**** crazy. Thank you for reading!
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i am on same boat with you so i fully understand your upset. I am having here S8+ plus running nougat and S9+ running Oreo. When I watching youtube and each devices and video enhancer kicks in, the white point on S8+ much better than S9+ (so yellow). Samsung did change white value of video enhancer on Oreo make the screen yellowish. Both device are in adaptive mode with red and green at its minimum. Comparing the white point when doing web browsing, I have to say they are all the same kind of screen (same brightness nits at manual max, not much pure white like iphone screen). I hate how samsung did lied to me about 20% brighter screen on s9+. so ****ing tricky advertisement
---------- Post added at 07:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:38 AM ----------
yuppicide said:
I just think you're super picky and I'm not. I bought the phone and it's nicer quality than my LG V20. Done.
I initially didn't like the curved glass and the rounded corners. But that nothing to do with the display quality.
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I also have the LG V20 and I have to say V20 has better screen color and brightness even though its resolution and sharpness is not good at S9+
so did you ever manage to get it fixed? did you go for the 7th device?

