Problems setting up LG V30+ - LG V30 Questions & Answers

Hey, so recently I was having WiFi connectivity issues at my university; I would be able to connect to WiFi on my phone but would have no internet connection. After a variety of attempted fixes I decided the only way I could fix anything (since I can't directly fiddle with the router here) would be a factory reset of the phone. I'm able to do that without any problems up to the point where I'm asked to "Set Internet connection" where I'm presented with a number of WiFis to connect to. I tried to connect to the university WiFi but it's having the same problem as before: it connects but no internet. Okay, at this point I just hit "Next" to get to the next screen just so I can finish setting up the phone, and I'm given a dialog box which reads:
"No Internet
Your phone is not connected to the Internet. Software updates and device protection features will be unavailable until you connect to the Internet.
(Don't Skip) (Skip Anyway)"
No big deal, I just hit Skip Anyway.... the problem is, it doesn't "Skip" anything... it just takes me back to the "Set Internet connection" screen and I can't progress any further, so basically my phone is stuck in limbo, not able to finish setting up for some reason. I've also gone elsewhere and tried connecting to other WiFis that work, as well as trying to hotspot from my PC, and the phone gets hung up on "Obtaining IP address....", thus leading to the same Skip Anyway issue as before.
REALLY need some help as soon as possible, thanks in advance.

What model of v30 do you possess?
Are you rooted? Do you ha e TWRP?


[Q] Home wifi suddenly not working right with archos 70

I have recently returned to my apartment with my brand new archos 70. I use WPA2-PSK encryption for my wifi network. at first everything was golden, I could browse the web and whatnot just fine. as of a few days ago, wifi has not been working correctly. my device connects to the network (pulls an ip address from the router) but when I try to browse web pages or open web based apps they hang up and act as if I have no connection. it works fine on other networks (to limit the problem to my network) I have tried doing a factory reset of the device, tried power cycling my router and modem with no luck. I have also changed encryption types to no avail. i have the latest firmware for the gen 8 series. also from time to time during this session of events, sometimes it will connect to the router, then disconnect and reconnect. I have no clue whats going on because I havent changed any router settings since I got back. the only other devices on my wifi network are two laptops. any help would be appreciated.
you mean you restored to the factory settings ran through the start up all over again and it still won't connect to your router? have you tried any other types of connections or routers?
I had this problem just the other night was this close to reformatting the whole thing. but I solve the problem by turning the device off, then holding the reset button while it rebooted to turn it off again, an reinitializing the drivers.
how do you reinitialize the drivers? I did a factory wipe. and it connects, it shows as having network connectivity (even my router lists it as a dhcp client and currently making use of the access point) but no internet functions work. ive connected to other networks fine.
This happened to me when I first got my A70. What I had to do to fix it (after getting incredibly pissed, reformatting twice, and almost returning the thing) was to set it up to use a static IP address on my home wifi network. Don't know if it'll solve your problem, but it works beautifully for me and I'm able to enjoy the device now.
Just remember to uncheck "use static IP address" when you get on other wifi networks.
well, I set up static addressing, gave it a private ip, set up the gateway and dns, and it still wont connect to anything.
If set as wireless N, set as N+G or G only, latest firmware may have trouble connecting to wireless N networks.
na, I dont have it set to n, I have it set to auto which I believe puts it to g with my archos. thing is, it used to work. now it suddenly has problems.
Im beginning to wonder if the archos tablets are just picky about wireless routers. I wouldnt think so...
Upgrade the firmware
Archos published a firmware upgrade to solve this problem (December 2010). The related bug in the release notes is...
Wi-Fi: fix Wi-Fi stuck after a while when using WPA2/AES encryption mode
The new firmware download link is in the Archos website.
you can download the firmware to your computer, copy it to the root directory of the tablet using the USB cable, and run the upgrade process in the tablet.
... or you can use another WiFi network (without WPA2/AES) and download the update in the same tablet
Note: I cannot send the links, however you can use the information to search the links in the internet.

Post-ICS hotspot issues

Running stock, clean install of .12. My Hotspot (which I do pay for, so that isn't the issue) isn't behaving at all. The phone is broadcasting the network and devices can authenticate, but they're not being routed to the Internet once they're in. "Limited connectivity" or "No Internet" statuses on my PC, lack of IP config details on my iPod/Pad.
I called VZW support last night and the guy had me shut the phone off, then he reset something on his end and had me turn it back on again. For an evening it ran like a top. Today I'm right back where I sarted. It *can* work, it just isn't.
Interestingly, when I run Mobile Hotpot, it gives no indication of trouble, but in the Tethering & mobile Hotspot menu in Settings, when i run the Hotspot, I get "Error" showing up in there. Doesn't say what kind of error, no detail/debugging, just "Error."
To recap:
ICS .12, stock
WiFi network ok, Routing not (apparently)
"Error" in settings when Hotspot is on.
Only thing I've seen that sounds anything like this was an APN issue on a different carrier's ICS phones post-update. I'm stumped at this point and like my odds better here than I do calling Verizon again...
I am having the same problem after OTA ICS, I can turn my hotspot on and it says connected to 1 device (my laptop) and when I try to connect to the wifi it takes a while and says "limited connection" and will not work. If I go to my mobile settings it says hotspot...error. usb tethering (internet connection mode) still works but the wifi hotspot doesnt at all, I thought they were supposed to fix this!

Problems connecting to some wifi networks (GT-i9100M)

Hey all,
I've had my Galaxy S II GT-i9100M for a bit more than two months now. It's been on ICS 4.0.3 since the first day I got it, and is unrooted.
Wifi was working fine the first month or so that I've had it. However, in the last month, while trying to connect to my university's networks from the wifi settings screen, it will display "connecting" for a long time, then change to "saved", without successfully connecting to the network. Odd thing is, if I turn the wifi on and off repeatedly, it may connect eventually, with around a 5-15% success rate each try. However, there's also a relatively high chance it will automatically disconnect itself within a few minutes.
The school has three main wifi networks: one is unsecured, while two are secured with exactly the same authentication methods (PEAP + MSCHAPv2) and takes the same login credentials. All three have the same problem when I try connecting. It's not a problem with signal strength, either, since my friends nearby can connect using their phone or laptop without any problems.
Here's what I've already tried to do to fix this:
Asked the school's IT helpdesk
Forget both secured networks so the phone can autoconnect to the unsecured one
Tried wifi diagnostic tools, such as Wifi Analyzer and Wifi Fixer, and tried changing to a better channel
Deselected "back up my data" in the Back Up and Reset settings screen, deleting existing wifi settings from Google's servers
Connect using a static IP address rather than DHCP. Either it has the same Connecting->Saved issue, or says something about "avoided a poor connection"
Did a factory reset, including wiping all user data
The wifi has no problems connecting to my home wireless network, and to most, though not all, other public networks I've tried (same problem as above if it doesn't work).
On a somewhat different note: there are two networks (each of which I've only connected to once at most) that are permanently saved on the list of access points; there's actually no way to forget/delete the network. They even survived the hard resets, and are listed before I link the phone to my Google account. Could this be related to the main issue above?
Is there a fix for this issue? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Can I get my device to auto-connect to WiFi without internet?

Hi everyone,
I own a Nexus 5 and I am running stock firmware, Android 6.0 MRA58K, unrooted and bootloader locked. I use this device at work and frequently connect to a WiFi LAN that has no internet connection (by design -- I use it to talk to other devices on the network). In older software versions (I believe back in the KitKat days if I recall), I could simply turn on the WiFi slider on my phone, and it would automatically connect to the network, and I could immediately start talking to the devices I need to (this was excellent!). Then when Lollipop first rolled around, it would still connect to the network automatically, but it would realize that there's no internet connection, so it would then prioritize the Cellular Data network, preventing me from communicating with my network devices. So I had to do an extra step by disabling my data connection, then things would work properly again. (Of course, this also meant that when I wanted to jump off the Wi-Fi, I would need to re-enable Cellular Data.)
Nowadays, Android seems to remember that my WiFi network doesn't have an internet connection, so it never joins it by default (very frustrating!). So every time I want to jump on the network, I need to turn on WiFi, then manually select the network to join, then go into the Data section and disable cellular Data, and then things would be working fine. Of course, if I ever walked away from the Wi-Fi range and then came back, I would again need to manually select the network.
And now with this lastest Marshmallow update, a new Notification pops up every time I join the Network that says:
"Wi-Fi has no Internet Access. Touch for options." When touched it says, "This network has no Internet access. Stay connected? Yes/No" There's also a checkbox that says, "Don't ask again for this network". Every time I check that box, and say YES to stay connected. And yet each and every time I connect to the network, this notification appears again! (The checkbox seems to do nothing). I've looked at the Advanced options in the Wi-Fi settings, and nothing there seems to help.
So my question is, is there a way for me to go back to the "good 'ole days", where I can get my phone to automatically join this WiFi network, and still prioritize it over cellular data?
If need be, I'm perfectly fine with rooting/unlocking my phone, if I need to install some custom firmware or whatever.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions you might have!

Problem with Wifi - when it fails to connect, does not try to connect again

Hi guys,
I have a OPO with Lollipop, but I think this problem affects Android as a whole.
When my device cannot connect to a WiFi network, appears "connection error" in light gray under the name of the network (where usually appears "connected") and does not try to connect again.
Is there a setting somewhere to tell Android to keep trying to connect?
Usually when I arrive to my house, it detects Wifi when I'm still very far, does not succed to connect (obviously) and then does not try to connect again.
When I arrive to my workplace, it detects Wifi when I'm still in the elevator with poor reception, does not succed to connect and then does not try to connect to the same network again.
If I click "connect" manually then, it connects in a second.
What can I do?
Is there a setting somewhere to force to try to reconnect a few times before giving up?
Thanks in advance to any Android genius that could help me here.

