HotSpot turning off Phone Data, Why? - Huawei P20 Lite Questions & Answers

Everytime I turn the Hotspot on my P20 Lite the Data turns off.....Now for the most part I do not mind, but I use Whatsapp for work all the time, and if I need to access something on my computer from the road I use the hotspot, then whatsapp turns off because it cannot get an internet connection....I have used the hotspot on other phones and this did not happen, does anyone know why??? I use MetroPCS, (which I have always), and never had this issue. Metro says it might be a phone setting, but has no clue....


[Q] Can't turn off tethering

I have a once rooted (I say once because I'm not sure it still is after doing the OTA updates) that has the APN for tethering. Tethering works fine.
The problem is that when I change the APN back to use AT&T US I don't think the phone is disabling tethering. The reason I think this is because I am running JuiceDefender and it shows that Tether is on. Additionally, the battery life is much shorter than usual and the phone is warm to the touch even when it is just sitting there in standby.
Any ideas on how I can confirm that tethering is indeed still running and/or how I can truly turn it off?
I have tried rebooting the phone, selecting AT&T US Tether (so that I get the message saying that I don't have tethering on my plan) and have tried disabling and re-enabling JuiceDefender.
If you scan for wifi networks does your tether network actually show up?
Nope, I don't see it. It's almost like the phone thinks it needs to keep the cell data connection alive so that it can provide tethering, but without actually providing it.

[Q] Preventing data sync while abroad

Hi All,
I'm going on vacation in Europe and want to minimise data costs on my Orange UK Atrix, but I want to use the GPS. Previously I've found that if I turn off data completely for a week or so, GPS fix times are terrible. I assume that this is because Android periodically downloads GPS fix data.
Ideally I'd like to prevent all apps from connecting to the network unless I request it. Are there any settings on the phone to do this, or apps I can download? I know I could just turn off data most of the time, and turn it on periodically, but I assume that whenever I turn it on all my apps will start downloading data! If I can get access to WiFi then I'll use that, but I'm not sure if/when I'll be able to get on a WiFi connection.
Any tips?

Post-ICS hotspot issues

Running stock, clean install of .12. My Hotspot (which I do pay for, so that isn't the issue) isn't behaving at all. The phone is broadcasting the network and devices can authenticate, but they're not being routed to the Internet once they're in. "Limited connectivity" or "No Internet" statuses on my PC, lack of IP config details on my iPod/Pad.
I called VZW support last night and the guy had me shut the phone off, then he reset something on his end and had me turn it back on again. For an evening it ran like a top. Today I'm right back where I sarted. It *can* work, it just isn't.
Interestingly, when I run Mobile Hotpot, it gives no indication of trouble, but in the Tethering & mobile Hotspot menu in Settings, when i run the Hotspot, I get "Error" showing up in there. Doesn't say what kind of error, no detail/debugging, just "Error."
To recap:
ICS .12, stock
WiFi network ok, Routing not (apparently)
"Error" in settings when Hotspot is on.
Only thing I've seen that sounds anything like this was an APN issue on a different carrier's ICS phones post-update. I'm stumped at this point and like my odds better here than I do calling Verizon again...
I am having the same problem after OTA ICS, I can turn my hotspot on and it says connected to 1 device (my laptop) and when I try to connect to the wifi it takes a while and says "limited connection" and will not work. If I go to my mobile settings it says hotspot...error. usb tethering (internet connection mode) still works but the wifi hotspot doesnt at all, I thought they were supposed to fix this!

Wifi and Data connection switching problem. Please help!

This may seem like a minor issue, but it's driving me crazy.
I always set my Wifi to "Always on" on my devices, so that when I pick up my phone or tablet, it's connected and I don't need to wait for it to switch to Wifi and make a connection. This usually works great except on my HTC Desire. Something to do with HTC's connection manager stubbornly switches to the wireless data (3G/4G) connection even though I'm already on Wifi.
Basically what happens is this: I'm using my phone on Wifi, I put it to sleep, set it aside. I pick it up a second, a minute or hours later and turn it back on. It's still connected to Wifi, but then the connection manager toggles over to 3G for no reason at all. Then a few seconds later it flops back over to the Wifi connection.
Again, this may seem like a minor problem, but when I've told my phone to stay on Wifi, I'd like it to stay that way. Plus, the way it works, I'm usually already in an app by the time it toggles my connections, so I'm stuck sitting there and waiting while it does it's thing.
At one point I used Titanium Backup to freeze one of the connection managers that I found in the app list, but that didn't seem to stop it. Does anyone else know which app is doing this nonsense?
I'm on stock 4.2.2 (or whatever the phone came with). The phone is currently rooted.
Thanks a lot!

Can I get my device to auto-connect to WiFi without internet?

Hi everyone,
I own a Nexus 5 and I am running stock firmware, Android 6.0 MRA58K, unrooted and bootloader locked. I use this device at work and frequently connect to a WiFi LAN that has no internet connection (by design -- I use it to talk to other devices on the network). In older software versions (I believe back in the KitKat days if I recall), I could simply turn on the WiFi slider on my phone, and it would automatically connect to the network, and I could immediately start talking to the devices I need to (this was excellent!). Then when Lollipop first rolled around, it would still connect to the network automatically, but it would realize that there's no internet connection, so it would then prioritize the Cellular Data network, preventing me from communicating with my network devices. So I had to do an extra step by disabling my data connection, then things would work properly again. (Of course, this also meant that when I wanted to jump off the Wi-Fi, I would need to re-enable Cellular Data.)
Nowadays, Android seems to remember that my WiFi network doesn't have an internet connection, so it never joins it by default (very frustrating!). So every time I want to jump on the network, I need to turn on WiFi, then manually select the network to join, then go into the Data section and disable cellular Data, and then things would be working fine. Of course, if I ever walked away from the Wi-Fi range and then came back, I would again need to manually select the network.
And now with this lastest Marshmallow update, a new Notification pops up every time I join the Network that says:
"Wi-Fi has no Internet Access. Touch for options." When touched it says, "This network has no Internet access. Stay connected? Yes/No" There's also a checkbox that says, "Don't ask again for this network". Every time I check that box, and say YES to stay connected. And yet each and every time I connect to the network, this notification appears again! (The checkbox seems to do nothing). I've looked at the Advanced options in the Wi-Fi settings, and nothing there seems to help.
So my question is, is there a way for me to go back to the "good 'ole days", where I can get my phone to automatically join this WiFi network, and still prioritize it over cellular data?
If need be, I'm perfectly fine with rooting/unlocking my phone, if I need to install some custom firmware or whatever.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions you might have!

