More numbers in a contact - Samsung Galaxy S9+ Questions & Answers

A simple question: if a contact saved in the phonebook has more mobile numbers, if I wanted to send the same text message to both numbers, how should I do? Because the phone allows me, yes, to add several recipients but it does not allow me to select all the different numbers of a contact. Only a number, unfortunately, how to do?


Two mobile phone numbers for one person?

hello All,
Can somebody tell me how can I enter two mobile phone number for one person in Contact ? Because I want to chosee one to send a SMS to him but I only can enter one . If I type the number in other field, I cannot get it from the Send list when I try to send SMS . It's a very interesting problem. Anyway, I can enter two in my Outlook . But I lost after Sync-
You can try to type the phone number in email2 or 3 field.
You can try to type the phone number in email2 or 3 field. :lol:
Have you tried the "car phone" field? It seems that should allow you to send SMS.
I tried and failed!
I add a new mobile phone number in Car phone but I failed to find it in SMS list. So it seems I have to create a same name entry in Contact list and separate to save different mobile phone number
Thx for your advise
Then put it in one of the mail fields. It will show all three e-mail fields in the SMS send list.
you can try to add mobile2 field, in outlook,
sencronize, and see if it adds the tab in your mobile.

sending a text to multiple contacts

Is there any kind of tweak of program to allow sending of multiple text messages? The only way I know of to do that now is to open up a new text, touch "To," touch a contact; then the screen reverts back to the new text message with one contact added, and you have to repeat that process for however many contact you want to include. I would like a way to select several contacts from the phoneboon first, and then get to the new message screen. I know that you can select multiple contacts at once, but there is no option to send a new text message to them all at once.
sending a text to multiple contacts
each txt message is like an email, you can simply put a semi-colon ( ; ) after the first contact in the "TO" field of the message. after the semi-colon put a space & the next contact etc etc..
you can also choose menu > add recipients once you create the message. thats kind of what your wanting.
i remember an app called PowerSMS that dealt with "groups" of contacts but it wasn't freeware. you may check into the app & see if it suits your needs
Have you tried...
Select new.
Pick SMS/MMS/Flix/Pix/whatever.
Cursor should now be in the "To" field.
Start typing the name of the contact you want to use.
Name should appear at the bottom of the screen.
Tap the name to insert it in the "To" field.
Repeat for additional names!
Works for my Verizon TP
You could try Moblmsg (freeware). it doesnt store your texts in the standard way but allows you to define and save groups and send texts to them.
I use SKB Group SMS, works great and sends your multiple text in secs....
I use SKB Group SMS, works great and sends your multiple text in secs....
I know this is probably a stupid question but just wanted to clear it up in my mind:
the reason I CAN NOT reply to all in a text is because the text that is coming to me (SPCS is my carrier) only sees the sender not the sender's distribution list correct?

Phone not link my sms or contact calling :(

Ok, here is my problem. My conutry code is 505, I have my contact list, if I received an sms it will show the number not the name in my contact, so I discover that is when a Contact write to me some time (think is a network related stuff) it adds an +505 to the number I have in contact, so my phone does not link that sms to my contact. And If I tried to fix adding the +505 to the contact number it now shows the name in sms, but when they called shows just the number...its a little confusing. Is there a way to fix that?

[Q] I'd like 'Default' phone numbers to appear first?

Hello Members
Does anyone know, or has noticed that even if I pick a contacts mobile number and make it the 'default' in the phones address/contacts book, if then go to type an SMS message entering the persons name in the 'To: ' it still won't pick the 'default' number in it's listings first, but choose the landline number of the contact as first number in the drop down.
It's important if you want to use an app for Sending SMS messages on the new Smartwatch 2, as doing so will send the message to the landline number.
Any ideas please.
Kind regards
liviococcia said:
Hello Members
Does anyone know, or has noticed that even if I pick a contacts mobile number and make it the 'default' in the phones address/contacts book, if then go to type an SMS message entering the persons name in the 'To: ' it still won't pick the 'default' number in it's listings first, but choose the landline number of the contact as first number in the drop down.
It's important if you want to use an app for Sending SMS messages on the new Smartwatch 2, as doing so will send the message to the landline number.
Any ideas please.
Kind regards
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
A quick fix would be to split it and create 2 contacts one for the mobile and one for the landline. Not ideal but its a workaround.

How to have a text from 2 numbers show as being from 1 contact

I receive text messages from an application at work. The number from the application is a 5-digit "Source ID". I put that 5-digit number in a contact called "WORK APP TEXT", and the text shows as being from that contact.
The problem. The system now sends from two different Source ID's. I added the 2nd number to the WORK APP TEXT contact, but I still get 2 different conversations in my messaging app. I tried to create 2 contacts (one with each of the numbers) and merge them. They both show in the text app with the merged contact name, but still 2 separate conversations.
The time the texts are received are critical as one will be the INITIAL and the second will be the RESOLVED and I really need to see them in one thread.
I'm frustrated I haven't been able to solve this. Please help!! Thanks.

