Chrome​ ​Display - Xiaomi Mi Pad 4 Questions & Answers

This is not specifically related to the Mi Pad 4.
This is my first Android tablet in awhile and I really do not like the way Chrome displays the tabs, I find the whole navigation a bit frustrating.
So I'm wondering is there anyway that I can get Chrome to display the same way it does on my phone with the number next to the search bar indicating how many Tabs are open? I have tried enabling a whole bunch of different flag options without success, but maybe I am missing something.


[Q] Browser History and Bookmarks. Where are they?

Update: Wow I'm an idiot. There's an icon right on the address bar that opens the exact window I'm thinking of. In my defense, I don't think I used to have to access it this way. I seem to recall there being a menu option. Who knows. I bricked my G1 so I can't go look.
On my G1 I could long-press on the Back button and get my browser history. I've read elsewhere that this is the case on other phones. This is mysteriously missing from the Vibrant. Plus there used to be a menu option to see it. I can find no way to access the history using the "Web" app. There is a button in settings to clear the History, but what's the point if no one can ever see it?
Same with Bookmarks. I can create bookmarks, but there don't appear anywhere! The button that normally shows bookmarks (if I recall correctly) is now an "Add RSS Feeds" button. The only way I've been able to access bookmarks is by creating a shortcut on my home screen. That's pretty ridiculous.
I seem to remember bookmarks, history, and possibly the open window list all being in one spot with a tabbed interface. All I can get to now is the open window list. EDIT: No, wait, I think it was bookmarks, history, and downloads all in one place. I was using CM5 at the time if that matters.
Am I missing something obvious here?
Also, does anyone else think it's annoying that the browser has it's own brightness setting and you can't just tell it to use the normal brightness setting? I understand the idea behind the future. You spend a lot of time staring at the screen when using the browser, so it's nice to be able to dim it to save battery power, but I sure wish there were an option to just make it use the normal brightness, because I really don't care. This is especially annoying when I have the brightness in the browser all the way up, and I'm using the reddit app at night in my bed, and I click a link. BAM! I'm blinded by the bright screen and have to keep staring at it to go find the setting to lower it.
I think Samsung made some really dumb mistakes with their version of Android. I know that custom roms solve these problems, but users shouldn't have to hack their phone to get basic features like access to browser history and bookmarks.

[Q] Browser frustrations!! Browser Gestures. Ominibar/awesome-bar gone for good???

I really like the phone, but the browser is the weak point for me. its just buggy, the text resize-when-zoom puts it JUST too wide, and bla bla bla, finally something to complain about. youtube links wont associate with the youtube app. i'm upset. thats another thread. thanks apple.
Anyway, the best part of the sense browser was you could just tap the address bar and you got a list of most-visited sites automatically. Now, its like any 3rd party browser where you have to at least type the first letter of any site before the list shows up. How do i get back the autolist function like the sense 3 and sense2 browsers?????? This was such a great awesome thing. gone.
Also, do you all know about the gestures??? i couldn't find a help explaining what they all are. I couldn't figure out how to get the address bar without scrolling all the way back up to the top.
Discovered you can finger-swipe a "L" or backwards L shape, down then right or down then left, and it'll bring up the address bar. OK, cool, i can live with that. But seriously people, HOW DO I GET THE STATUS BAR to show up while using the browser!?!? How do i get to pull it down, i can't even figure out how make it appear! someone help!
i'll stop at those two major issues and whine about other minor problems later in the thread.
1)omnibar / awesomebar list of most visited sites by just tapping in it instead of requiring a typing of a letter.
2) what are the browser gestures, where can i get a list of them, "L" shape will bring up the address bar, but why and how does the broswer totally hide the status bar????? isn't the point of android you can pull down the status bar, see notifications, etc etc please someone help me
seriously no one knows about the default browser's guestures? any of this?

[Q] Google Now Nature Picture turned into a Checkered Box?

Hey everyone!
So I'm running Android 5.0 on my Nexus 5 and I ran into an issue other people had in which after enabling 'Invert Colors', the system creates a quick setting within the notification tray that drops down. I then proceeded to follow a fix I found on Reddit in which I connected my phone to my PC through USB and used the terminal with ADB to input a code which reset the systemui, it seems.
The fix worked and removed the Invert Colors quick setting... but now my Google Now page that I swipe left to has a checkered box over where there should be a nature setting. When I tap it, Google does a search for 'test', which is kinda strange. Any idea what this is or how I can fix it? Do I need to reset my phone? I'm not entirely opposed to that option.
I can be kinda OCD about the way my desktop looks on my phone so this glitch is really bothering me! I attached a screenshot of it below.
Thanks for your help in advance!

Something draws over my screen all the time

Hi, I am absolutely unable to enable or disable notifications while on website - I just cannot tap it at all. I have no idea why and tried many solutions. I stopped all apps, disabled drawing over screen, but yet no luck.
I also tried this Determine which app is drawing on top of other apps? and well... there's only one line, mOwnerUid=1000 mShowToOwnerOnly=false appop=SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
But I cannot disable that.
Any ideas? I am really desperate Thanks!

Mod to set different functions to swipe left and right on home screen

Hello fellow Android users.
I've always been obsessed with customizing the functionality of my devices to make it really practical to use.
I've been playing with the settings of the Xiaomi Redmi 9 for a week now and everything is set to perfection except one thing which is not available in the default settings but would be incredibly convenient, not only for me but for many people too.
I set all the apps I use in one single home screen (not multiple pages). The ones that don't fit there are all in one folder and that uses up only one button slot.
Since I don't have multiple pages for the apps, the swipe left and swipe right functions are available for other useful things, I'd like to set that up to be shortcuts to apps that I use a lot, like whatsapp and gmail. This would also free 2 slots in my home screen.
I suspect there's a way to do it, just don't know how and have tried several google searches like "how to assign left and right swipe functions on android home screen" or "how to customize left and right swipe on android home screen" and many other similar combinations of words. Found nothing.
Does anyone know if there's an app or a mod that allows you that level of customization? I'm a video editor and I'm not very educated in programing android apps or anything similar.
Hope someone can give me a hint. Thanks a lot in advance. Greetings from Barcelona, where many of us are locked down and unemployed :cyclops:

