Ask for PCB components - LG V30 Questions & Answers

Hallo, i have a bit of an unconventional question
I bought cheap LG V30 with broken display glass i planned to repair.
While disassembling phone i accidently peel off and lost 3 small components from main board PCB.
I just want to ask if someone have opportunity to make macro photos from functional phone or possibly to idetify (i belive they are all resistors?), measure them, or any help.
Attaching photos of affected part.

still needed?

Hallo, yes.

This photo came from iFixit.
It's the best quality photo i can find.
Based from it, it looks like it has a contact pin, no idea if it's really that important, but you can short out the resistors that is connected to the cellular module
Label 1 and 2 can be shorted, label 3 is not that important, and you will need to resolder a contact pin again, get from other phones that has one

What model is that?
I wanted to make photos from a V300S (korean), but the pcb looks different, sorry.
Next week I can make photos from a H930 (european), but I think it looks different too, I will see.

I can send you a motherboard that I think is a soft brick if you like....
It is a vs996.

Hi, thank you much guys!
I bought that phone as H930 - european, not chcecked what model is it exactly before disassembly. But then i noticed PCB is marked as H930DS - it makes this phone even more valuable for me... But it might be same board for single and dual SIM, so i don't know...

so, here are pictures from a european H930 Single Sim.
The parts are so small, I can`t measure the components.
I hope it helps nevertheless.

Yep, definitely a contact pin for the cellular module.
As i mentioned before you can try shorting out the two resistors so it can directly go to the contact pin

raillpl said:
Hallo, i have a bit of an unconventional question
I bought cheap LG V30 with broken display glass i planned to repair.
While disassembling phone i accidently peel off and lost 3 small components from main board PCB.
I just want to ask if someone have opportunity to make macro photos from functional phone or possibly to idetify (i belive they are all resistors?), measure them, or any help.
Attaching photos of affected part.
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Hi Have you solve your problem yet? I had a similar question and I got help. I think in your situation it would be better to give the circuit check board. I did so and they told me where my mistakes were and made a complete diagram. One day I decided to collect a circuit for a device that would control electrical technique from a distance. This is an expensive system and I decided to do it myself, but it was very difficult and I had to ask for help from experts. Of course, can be experts on the forums, but if not, I recommend following my steps I made a diagram with several errors and everything was fixed for me. Now I know more. If someone has a similar experience, share, I'm interested


Replacing the internal battery & screen?

My battery has gone to hell. After getting it down to 5% one day, it just would not hold a charge long. Then I got it down to 10% a week later, and it really got bad. Life is about 1/3 what it used to be. I also have some dust and even small hairs or flecks in the screen.
So...I ordered a new advance replacement unit from T-Mobile, and it just arrived. Simple enough? Well, I have the memory upgrade in mine, so I need to do some component swapping. What's the best way to go about this? What parts can be disconnected easily (or more importantly, reconnected)? Where is the damn battery (didn't see it in the disassembly photos on the site)?
Carlos said:
So...I ordered a new advance replacement unit from T-Mobile, and it just arrived. Simple enough? Well, I have the memory upgrade in mine, so I need to do some component swapping. What's the best way to go about this? What parts can be disconnected easily (or more importantly, reconnected)? Where is the damn battery (didn't see it in the disassembly photos on the site)?
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Please specify 'component swapping' in more detail... Are you actually thinking about swapping the memory upgrade??? You do know that that would mean desoldering the 2 big memory chips on both boards, cleaning them and the boards, and soldering them back... How good are you at smd soldering??? We haven't dared doing that, yet... (some pics of upgrading memory of an iPaq are available at
There are commercial services doing the upgrade (32 -> 64 mb), if I were you I'd contact one of those.
Other than that, we're currently swapping lcd screens, touchpanels, mainboards from 3 broken units to create 2 working units and 1 very broken one. So, what do you need to know exactly?
BTW, the battery is stuck on the inside of the back cover.
XDA developer bigmac (taking pictures of the open units right now...)
No, no, I can solder normal stuff, but not that. I mean, I assume what I need to do is keep my own motherboard. I'd like the screen, case, and battery from the new unit. On the radio section, I suppose it doesn't matter either way. So I incorrectly said "component" when what I really meant was "board," and desired advice on doing that.
The hazards of posting in the middle of the night after too much work.
Carlos said:
No, no, I can solder normal stuff, but not that. I mean, I assume what I need to do is keep my own motherboard. I'd like the screen, case, and battery from the new unit. On the radio section, I suppose it doesn't matter either way. So I incorrectly said "component" when what I really meant was "board," and desired advice on doing that.
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Ok, so you want to use the screen/touchpanel/backlight assembly from the new one (smart move, not taking that apart; besides the fact that it's glued together and you need to separate it on the correct separation, that also leaves the risk of forgetting the correct orientation of the glass panel with little dots on it, used to distribute the backlight evently onto the lcd; and, there are slightly different assemblies out there which need slightly different panels...). You should keep all boards from the old unit (old mainboard including old radio unit, use the new screen/touchpanel/backlight assemly, and the new case (which includes the new battery).
You could consider swapping IMEI numbers on the units... Although _shops_ never register the numbers when they give out units, service departments might. You know where to find the tool to do that...
The screwing around of the parts should not take more than half an hour if it's the first time you take apart this unit (but have taken apart small electronics before) and less if you've done it before.
Beware of the really thin clear plastic rings used under the screws to screw down the display...
We won't be publishing a very detailed 'how to swap your screen' instruction any time soon but do have some raw unedited pictures of the operation. I'll see if we can get them online any time soon.
Have fun,
XDA developer bigmac
I ended up doing the change and ran into a snag--the plastic pin that sticks out of the top power button was loose or broken (probably happened in one of the many drops the unit has experienced). When I opened the case, I lost that. Had to send it to PPC Techs to have them solder in a new power switch.
Other than that, disassembly is pretty easy and straightforward. You mentioned you won't publish a that because of not wanting to have it on the site, or that nobody wants to write one? If the latter, I'd be happy to write it up and include my detailed pics.
If you want to make a detailed howto on how to open and close the unit, and how to exchange certain parts, we will gladly put it on!
Do make sure to stress that people need a certain level of experience or be willing to risk losing the device though...

[Q] internal GSM antenna

Hi everyone!
I changed my Polaris housing, unfortunately I did not buy the right one and I didn't get the wheel nor keypad.
On top of that I have realized that the black chassis did not have an antenna on it! Only now it is too late and the original antenna is in the trash together with the chassis...
I would like to know what are the connectors for the antenna on the motherboard please? I'll try to make one myself since it seems it's not possible to order the antenna separately and I don't want to buy another full housing...
should see this picture or you can use the HTC Polaris Service Manual that I attach below
Thank you very much, will try to do something...
It pains me to see low activity forums so dead.

[Q] Question about i777 charging port replacement

I have a very specific question with regards to replacing the charging port on the i777. I have searched threads discussing charging port replacement, but was unable to find anything about this specific issue. I am currently going through my first repair on my i777 that needs a new charging port. I bought the replacement on ebay, but something stood out once I compared it to the original charging port I took out. On the original there is a small rubber piece hanging down (around where the screw holes are). On the replacement piece it's just a metal piece hanging down in the same place. Do I need to have that rubber piece on the replacement charging port? Would it even affect the functionality of the phone? Is there a way to take the rubber piece off the original and transfer it to the replacement, or should I just buy one with the rubber piece on? If someone has asked this question already forgive me, but I did not see it in the thread I skimmed through.
Here is a pic of both them side by side. The top one is the original and the bottom is the replacement I got from ebay.
farm8.staticflickr (.com) /7281/9735538853_4e701482f8_o (.jpg)
It would not let me post link yet so just remove parentesis and spaces to view picture link.
That gray part is for waterproofing the microphone I believe. It just slides off of the old part and onto the new one, just be careful. Also if you have no signal, by now you may have already found the following thread. I had to do this a couple of weeks ago to get a signal: I'll try harder to match up the part numbers next time!
iXNyNe, please let us know if the newegg part works, or if you end up needing to modify it (see link in above post), or purchase another.
iXNyNe said: just ordered this. [...]
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cyril279 said:
iXNyNe, please let us know if the newegg part works, or if you end up needing to modify it (see link in above post), or purchase another.
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i'll report back once i have them
i already took the phone apart just to peek around inside, the part looks just like what's already there. the picture shows some teal/aqua colored tabs towards the bottom, im assuming these are peel off for an adhesive (there did seem to be an adhesive holding the part in place).
based on that link mentioned i would say that cutting is a little extreme, it looks like they cut the board in half, which is definitely NOT how it comes stock.
again i'll report back once i've got the chips. and for under $8 with free shipping i cant really complain even if they dont work out.
The only thing you're actually cutting (electronically) is the ground plane of the board shared by the antenna/radio and the charge port. In short, there's a super low risk of messing anything up, unless you use a sawzall to complete the job.
I assume that it was more cost effective for Samsung to put those items on the same board, but it's a punk move to attach a known replacement part to an antenna that varies by region. Either way, I'm glad to know that the hack is an option but I'd be happier to know that the hack isn't necessary.
iXNyNe said:
i'll report back once i have them
i already took the phone apart just to peek around inside, the part looks just like what's already there. the picture shows some teal/aqua colored tabs towards the bottom, im assuming these are peel off for an adhesive (there did seem to be an adhesive holding the part in place).
based on that link mentioned i would say that cutting is a little extreme, it looks like they cut the board in half, which is definitely NOT how it comes stock.
again i'll report back once i've got the chips. and for under $8 with free shipping i cant really complain even if they dont work out.
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Just wanted to report success. The part from new egg worked and was really easy to swap.
I don't have the right size sim card anymore since switching my primary carry, so I can't test reception, but otherwise everything is working (charging, wifi, Bluetooth, etc)
P.s. I did not modify the item I received (no cutting) and it is a 2.3 where the original I removed was a 2.2. I've saved the 2.2 just in case something comes up.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
Thanks, but I'm afraid that we won't know whether the replacement part is a proper replacement until there is a sim-card involved. Reception is the rub (see post below from the board-mod thread).
underhuggare said:
[...]I also replaced the original rev 2.2 with rev 2.3 which fixed the usb port but gave me very unstable and poor reception. [...]
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iXNyNe said:
Just wanted to report success. The part from new egg worked and was really easy to swap.
I don't have the right size sim card anymore since switching my primary carry, so I can't test reception, but otherwise everything is working (charging, wifi, Bluetooth, etc)
P.s. I did not modify the item I received (no cutting) and it is a 2.3 where the original I removed was a 2.2. I've saved the 2.2 just in case something comes up.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
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cyril279 said:
Thanks, but I'm afraid that we won't know whether the replacement part is a proper replacement until there is a sim-card involved. Reception is the rub (see post below from the board-mod thread).
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I'll see if I can find a friend with a full size Sim over the next few days and test the reliability. But honestly I'd have to it may be better for people to find a rev 2.2
But for anyone who no longer uses the phone for cell service, the new egg part works great for a cheap and easy charge port replacement.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk

[Q] thin vertical piece on the mainboard that leads to USB connection cracked

Hello to anyone reading this,
This crack in the board happened after it went through the clothes washer, and it was gf's phone so i feel really horrible about it .
Anyways i have yet to even find out what this piece of the board is named. It's cracked in two places on the vertical part of the board that leads down
to where the usb connector is located (everything else appears looks ok just these two cracked pieces). I'm just looking for any help at all, hoping
someone might be able to offer any help at all, or if it's even possible to salvage. I have an uncle that is got a good amount of experience in
soldering/electrical stuff and can handle the soldering/fixing since im still a bit of a noob, but he was unsure about how to go about it since it would
require some very small wires to fix the connection traces, so if anyone can offer any advice or instruction on mending i would greatly appreciate and
can send some BTC for your help. I attached 2 images, and can supply more if you need more detail.
So far the only thing i can think of is to get a broken board and remove the part i need at the easiest location it could be re-attached... no clue if that easier area exists though..

Installing a selfie camera from the G4 into the LG V30?

This phone has been almost perfect for me besides the selfie camera. Yes I have installed gcam, and using it gets good results (besides slow snap speed). The issues is other apps that use the camera preview without processing like Snapchat, Instagram, as well as video chats.
Can you install the G4 8mp (~$6) front facing camera into the V30? It has a very similar size and attachment. Would this improve the preview issue or is it software? Would the phone even recognize the different sensor?
Has anyone done this before? I have heard different things, but trust XDA more.
Clintrojan said:
Can you install the G4 8mp (~$6) front facing camera into the V30? It has a very similar size and attachment. Would this improve the preview issue or is it software? Would the phone even recognize the different sensor?
Has anyone done this before? I have heard different things, but trust XDA more.
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Keeping in mind I'm not a dev. I don't even have this particular phone yet.
Similar connector isn't enough; it'll have to be the same pinout, same voltage, same signaling...
This wouldn't be so much an issue if manufacturers published mainboard schematics so these things could easily be compared, but alas, manufacturers are determined to 1: make you buy a new phone instead of attempting repairs or modification to your own, and 2: protect imaginary competitive edges they have over each other. Or something. I don't even know.
So it falls to plugging a module in and seeing if it works. Most folks probably don't want to risk wrecking their expensive mainboard by plugging in something with potentially the wrong pinout, so...
Software likely isn't a problem, but I would imagine that a custom ROM would be needed to build in the correct camera driver.
You might have better luck grabbing the camera module from a V35, since it's (probably) largely the same phone internally. It's 8mp as well, and a more modern piece.
Hopefully someone more knowledgeable responds, since I'm far from an authority on this and curious as well.
Septfox said:
Keeping in mind I'm not a dev. I don't even have this particular phone yet.
Similar connector isn't enough; it'll have to be the same pinout, same voltage, same signaling...
This wouldn't be so much an issue if manufacturers published mainboard schematics so these things could easily be compared, but alas, manufacturers are determined to 1: make you buy a new phone instead of attempting repairs or modification to your own, and 2: protect imaginary competitive edges they have over each other. Or something. I don't even know.
So it falls to plugging a module in and seeing if it works. Most folks probably don't want to risk wrecking their expensive mainboard by plugging in something with potentially the wrong pinout, so...
Software likely isn't a problem, but I would imagine that a custom ROM would be needed to build in the correct camera driver.
You might have better luck grabbing the camera module from a V35, since it's (probably) largely the same phone internally. It's 8mp as well, and a more modern piece.
Hopefully someone more knowledgeable responds, since I'm far from an authority on this and curious as well.
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Thanks. It looks like the V35 camera has a different connector wire. I'd assume that would be an issue in fitting into the V30.
Would require physically modding the phone as the cameras are different sizes and the lens is in a different place

