Exagear keeps seeing only Download folder, no External - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Exagear is windows Wine based emulator app that allows to run things in Windows environment including games. It's not developed any more, so it is at mercy of enthusiasts devs/nodevs. The thing it really lacks is the ability to browse your desired folders. It forces a look in SDcard's Download folder and thats it. Needless to say, internal SDcard has too low space and even 1GB could reduce a lot the space on older phone. So what does Exagear need? To browse your External SD card. It can't even browse internal .. all it does is Download\ folder. Ok you can browse root folder it seems... mnt/storage or mnt/media but whatever you can see in ADB like mnt/media_rw/30D0-DS35 or storage/30D0-DS35 (alpha-numeric is often the name of the card folder instead of ExtSDcard), you cannot see it in Exagear.
So what you see in your default file explorer
you only see the emulated/ and 0/ and leads only to download/ cant even browse your other Internal folders!
(WINE armv7 can see all your folders and sdcard but it's not a working environment, ExaGear is the actual emulator that does it)
So it requires some modifications.
OUTSIDE modifying apk ive tried:
using bindfs and binding/mounting the External SD as Download folder... till you see the External SD folders and files in Download when you ls the download/ folder
But browse Exagear - no luck, it still sees Download folder (original) not mounted version. Same with other ways of mount.
By modifying the APK
Theres 3 versions of Exagear - 2.9, 3.0.1 and 4.7 but 4.7 is just with more installed DirectX and other graphics files and drivers.
Someone made it browse witth 2.9 but it's for 2.9 and version 2.9 of Exagear won't work,'This app has stopped working' when it's done installing all and you try it.
The most stable version to me is 3.0.1 as 4.7 is 2GB rather not get that on internal memory (and still cant see past Download folder)
So with 3.0.1 I have used apktool to unpack APK and add
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
to Manifest.xml it already has the WRITE_ part... still nothing and I don't get what code or where it causes to read only Download folder.
Who can see how to make it work? Any enthusiasts for exagear?
The apk v3.0.1

Why not - as a workaround - create in mentioned Download folder a symlink to External SD-card?

For some reason the Exagear app won't see it, keeps seeing Download\ with its original content even when I can see Download\ as the External SD after binding it, when browsing with ADB or even with the inbuilt file explorer of the phone. Wine app that it's based on can see all folders and External SD, but Wine isnt doing the job it cant run any applications, Exagear is made for that, so im trying to make Exagear work. Exagear cant even see the other folders on the interal memory just download folder.
Wtf it worked now (after a lot of hassle and diff tries) the only thing I did different is I bound a specific folder on the External SD not just the root alphanumeric folder of the External card, e.g
adb shell data/local/tmp/bindfs -o nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime -u 0 -g 9997 -p a-rwx,ug+rw,ugo+X --create-with-perms=a-rwx,ug+rw,ugo+X --xattr-none --chown-ignore --chgrp-ignore --chmod-ignore /mnt/media_rw/30D0-DS35/Legacy\ Games /mnt/runtime/write/emulated/0/download
if I turn off ADB debugging the whole empty Download\ folder will disappear, reappears after device reboot that will clear the binding but at least it works exagear seeing the bound folder when debugging on and until reboot.. until better workaround is found. Attaching a working bindfs, as some other x64 architecture I found elsewhere was incompatible.

Can this be done from the phone only? I installed Terminal Emulator and Magisk for SU and I can bind the folders the same way ( i see the download folder as the wanted External sd folder with ls) but when I launch Exagear it still sees the original Download folder, unlike when doing it with ADB. This is needed because with ADB if you reboot/battery dies, the bind is lost. Also you may not be near PC and have to redo every time, better do it from phone alone.
Thx to Irfan Latif for help
OK here is how I did it with BINDFS never mind fbind (just uninstalled from Magisk, no need) or others. Firstly before writing the above command in Terminal Emulator that not only has to be in #su with Magisk but important to do is in Magisk Settings in Mount Namespace Mode to set it to Global. Then the terminal user changed to me not just from $ to # but it says unreachable)#
And it was in root mountspace. Now the above command where /mnt/media_rw/30D0-DS35/Legacy\ Games /mnt/runtime/write/emulated/0/download , dont use storage/emulated/0/download as this may reboot the phone and it doesnt like it.
It should work without using ScanMediaPlz apk but it can be used in case. Otherwise reboot phone and retry again command in Terminal till you see external SD content will be on the Download folder even in your phone's default File Explorer app. Maybe then Exagear will see, try Install New then Other app at the botton in Exagear's main menu to see if you can browse your now populated with External SD files location, and if it is, then it works like with ADB without usb debugging and without using a PC.
umount /mnt/runtime/write/emulated/0/download to unmount the Download folder, even when it is back to normal, the Exagear will see it as mounted, thus can use the Download folder normally and for Exa as mounted drive, until reboot. Thats even better.

Terminal Emulator?
ROOT your phone just for THAT?
FORGET all that unlike what I used just to make this work before.
Like other times I may have wasted hours and days trying to figure out how to make something work as I want, no answer anywhere, no success, and then I come some day in the future and it works from almost first time. Sometimes I amaze myself cause im not a dev :]
The most setup version is probably
here although it may still need to install additional packages to make things work.
So my biggest prob was that I did not want to see the app using the Download folder all the time, it may be for security of your phone to only be able to view one folder but I wanted at least this folder to be another and I still did not see how to change that. Finally the solution came and it requires some apk modification, I was ready to do that but before I could not find what exactly. Because why mix Download folder and put all your games there in one with download stuff?
To make the change one needs to know how to unpack an apk
this shows how. Using APK tool and better put the file name or folder name in quotes during the commands because it didn't want to repack properly. So, once you unpack the apk you need to go to the (if v 4.7) ExaGear_PRO_4.7\smali\com\eltechs\ed\startupActions\StartGuest.smali and open this file with text editor. This is the center of all evil:
const-string v2, "Download"
This tells it to always use this folder... finally I found that and yes, I changed it for example to
const-string v2, "Games"
And then repacked. for repacking don't forget the quotes, I wasted HOURS wondering why the file won't compile.. it turned out dashes or dots caused problem in reading the name..
apktool_2.5.0.jar b "ExaGear_PRO_4.7_GamesFolder"
Again the reddit post explains how to decompile and APK do what you do and recompile. Don't forget to sign the apk or it won't install, commands are described in the reddit post but here it is:
signapk.jar certificate.pem key.pk8 [name of apk you just copied].apk [another name].apk
(make sure to have the tools downloaded first, there can be plenty of such signature files in various android dev sites or this one from the reddit post).
And it worked, now when I installed the APK and put the OBB with its folder before that in Android\obb\ , and the app works, it starts and now looks at my "Games" folder only. If you set the const-string v2, "/storage/emulated/0" or to "emulated" it might view all subfolders like all your phone folders but I wanted only just not use Download folder as that was stupid.
(And if not on new device, on my old one so far I had to install custom ROM to get later Android like 9, Magisk, ROOT (not warranty friendly), root commands, BINDFS command to symlink folders, ALL for that stupid change to get 1 different folder cause it's not been dev-ed in the abandoned app!)

ExaGear is an emulator that allows running x86 applications on ARM-based devices.
If ExaGear is only seeing the Download folder and not the External folder, it's possible that the External folder is not mounted correctly or the path to the External folder is not correctly configured in the ExaGear settings.
You can try the following steps to resolve the issue:
Check if the External folder is mounted correctly on your device. To do this, open the File Manager app on your device and check if you can see the External folder. If the External folder is not visible, it might not be mounted correctly. You can try to remount the External folder by unplugging and plugging back in your external storage device or by rebooting your device.
Check the ExaGear settings to ensure that the path to the External folder is correctly configured. To do this, open the ExaGear app and go to the Settings menu. Check the "External Storage Path" setting and make sure it points to the correct location of the External folder.
If the above steps do not work, you can try reinstalling ExaGear on your device. Uninstall the current version of ExaGear from your device and then download and install the latest version from the Google Play Store or the official ExaGear website.
If none of the above steps work, you may want to contact ExaGear support for further assistance.


[Q] XTRSense 5.01 Questions

This is a question for Zach, but as a new user I did not have access to his thread. First, congratulations on developing a great ROM. You do great work, I love XTRSense 5.01. However, I have come across two small glitches, both related to your GScript app.
After running the Apps2SD script, all of the other scripts disappear. There is a note to find them on the SD card, but I haven't been able to find any scripts there. I specifically want to install the battery life script. Is there a way to recover access to the scripts?
Second, I accidentally ran the script that deleted HTC Teeter. Is there any way to get it back short of reinstalling the ROM?
Thanks in advance ...
TexasBadger said:
This is a question for Zach, but as a new user I did not have access to his thread. First, congratulations on developing a great ROM. You do great work, I love XTRSense 5.01. However, I have come across two small glitches, both related to your GScript app.
After running the Apps2SD script, all of the other scripts disappear. There is a note to find them on the SD card, but I haven't been able to find any scripts there. I specifically want to install the battery life script. Is there a way to recover access to the scripts?
Second, I accidentally ran the script that deleted HTC Teeter. Is there any way to get it back short of reinstalling the ROM?
Thanks in advance ...
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Hi! Just to note, I'm not currently running xtrSENSE or xtrROM, but I have quite a lot in the past and probably will again someday, so I thought I'd answer what I can.
1. I don't know what's going on with scripts disappearing, are you sure you actually added them to GScript's list of available scripts? When you load GScript, initially it's blank, and you have to tell it to load each script individually. Make sure the checkbox for run as root is checked for each one. Then the first time you run one from the main GScript screen, it'll prompt you for SU access. Sorry if I'm including info you already know, just making this answer friendly for anyone who happens to find this thread. There should be a folder called gscript on the SD card.
Note: Different folder listing programs list files and folders in different sorting orders. Linux is case sensitive so you can have both a folder named gscripts and one called GScripts (only the first should exist, I'm just using it as example). What I'm getting at is that some programs list all the files and folders with starting with the lower-case letters first, and then the upper-case ones after, so if you look for the folder gscript, make sure and search everywhere in the listing.
Also, if you must, you can open the ROM zip file on your computer and look in the sdcard folder in it and you'll see the gscript folder there with all the scripts inside. Just copy the gscript folder to your SD card if they got deleted somehow.
2. Same as the last suggestion, you can open the ROM zip file on your computer and in the system\app folder there you'll find "teeter.apk". You can use Root Explorer off the Android Market to put that back in system\app, or you could just install it from your file manager (Astro, File Manager...) for it to reside in normal user memory.
Partial Success
"Also, if you must, you can open the ROM zip file on your computer and look in the sdcard folder in it and you'll see the gscript folder there with all the scripts inside. Just copy the gscript folder to your SD card if they got deleted somehow."
This worked perfectly. The GScript folder on the SD card was empty. Not anymore, and the scripts work fine.
"Same as the last suggestion, you can open the ROM zip file on your computer and in the system\app folder there you'll find "teeter.apk". You can use Root Explorer off the Android Market to put that back in system\app, or you could just install it from your file manager (Astro, File Manager...) for it to reside in normal user memory."
I put teeter.apk on the SD card, but my attempts to intall it with ES File Manager failed. Maybe related to Apps2SD?
TexasBadger said:
"Also, if you must, you can open the ROM zip file on your computer and look in the sdcard folder in it and you'll see the gscript folder there with all the scripts inside. Just copy the gscript folder to your SD card if they got deleted somehow."
This worked perfectly. The GScript folder on the SD card was empty. Not anymore, and the scripts work fine.
"Same as the last suggestion, you can open the ROM zip file on your computer and in the system\app folder there you'll find "teeter.apk". You can use Root Explorer off the Android Market to put that back in system\app, or you could just install it from your file manager (Astro, File Manager...) for it to reside in normal user memory."
I put teeter.apk on the SD card, but my attempts to intall it with ES File Manager failed. Maybe related to Apps2SD?
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You don't want it on the SD card. You need to navigate to /system/app in internal storage on the ROM. Apps2sd moves third party apps that you install from the market to the SD card, but does not move the internal apps in /system/app.
You may need to restart after you pop that .apk back in /system/app to get it back in your app drawer.

How to use external Sd Card

I have just bought the samsing galaxy s 2 and bought also a 32gb external micro sd card - i mounted it and formatted it.
Yet for some reason when i chose to store apps or anything on memory card they are stored on the phone internal memory.
In fact when i use a file manager - the memory card is listed as the phone internal memory (i.e.16GB (11GB)), and the external sd card - is listed as a folder called external_sd.
My query is this - did i buy a 32gb card for nothing. Is there a way to make use of this card on this phone - can i install apps in it - can i store emails from maildroid in it?
Any advice would be welcome - anyone not having this issue?
Same question
I have the very same question.
This is just how these things are handled. The question is, what do you intend to use the large space for? In my case, it's music and videos, which it's easy to copy into the external_sd folder. I'd prefer that apps + data stayed in the 16Gb (or 11Gb) internal memory, because that's still more than enough space and I never have to worry about what happens if I eject the SD card.
Many apps have a setting to specify where their data is stored - if you really want it on the SD card, just point them to external_sd.
What usage scenarios do you see this causing problems with?
For instance Spotify does not have a setting for the location of the offline music and all the cached music goes to the internal memory (USB memory) at /sdcard/Android/data/com.spotify.mobile.android.ui.
If it were possible to make symbolic links or something like that there would be no problem. If not the sd will not serve for too many purposes.
How can you point apps to the external sd card?
beleta said:
For instance Spotify does not have a setting for the location of the offline music and all the cached music goes to the internal memory (USB memory) at /sdcard/Android/data/com.spotify.mobile.android.ui.
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it does
This build adds the ability to select the storage location for Spotify on your phone from the Menu button when you’re on the login screen.
Thanks a lot. I'd have never found it for myself. It is in the login screen (that you see only once in your life) and you have to press the menu button. A clever way to hide things.
Settings Applications Application press > Move to SD card .
beleta said:
For instance Spotify does not have a setting for the location of the offline music and all the cached music goes to the internal memory (USB memory) at /sdcard/Android/data/com.spotify.mobile.android.ui.
If it were possible to make symbolic links or something like that there would be no problem. If not the sd will not serve for too many purposes.
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This will work to change your music location.
It can be adjusted to bind folder locations for other files. just type another line in your script adjusting the command for the folders you want to bind.
the first location in the command is the place you want to save the data
the second is the current save location
make sure you remove all data from the second location before running your bind scrpit or the data will still be on your internal sdcard but inaccessible...
here it is..
This is a fix i figured out piecing together other peoples attempts.
Use this as a script
mount -o bind sdcard2/android/data/com.​google.android.music sdcard/android/data/com.​google.android.music
Alternately you can change the first location to the location of your choosing as long as it resides on the external as card.
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music
will bind:
sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music (google's forced save location)
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal sdcard but not be accessible.
open script manager and find the script you made
Select it and make sure to click set on boot and superuser
Run Your script.
That is it now your default save location for google music is bound to the location on the external sdcard. the device will see the location as its default but really be saving to the external sdcard.
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
TLR Version (noob version)
I was getting a lot of questions about the preliminary steps here (i.e. rooting, writing script, etc) so i decided to attach the noob version in case anyone needs verification on how to accomplish these steps.
So, Rooting gives you full access and control over your phone. instructions for how to root are device specific. so i would start by searching XDA for "YOUR DEVICE one click root"
ex. samsung galaxy s2 one one click root
some devices are easier to root than others. i cannot provide steps for your particular device, but through XDA, and google you CAN find everything you need.
some devices have one click root tools, some do not, so the rooting process is more in depth for those devices.
rooting instructions are so device specific i could not find a generic set of instructions, and don't want to mislead anyone by linking them to a set of instructions not ​compatible with their device.
There is a risk of bricking your device (making it inoperable) while rooting, although the risk is minimal... almost non existent if you carefully follow instructions. I have rooted 5 seperate devices without bricking any, and, in most cases even if bricked the device can still be restored.
there are additional benefits to rooting, such as overclocking
for example my Galaxy S2 normally runs at 1.5 GHZ, i have increased the speed to 1.8GHZ
(NOTE** Without XDA DEVELOPERS i would have rooted 0 devices, and probably bricked at least one, so thank you to all of you out there who have helped me, I hope this method will help some of you in return.)
First, to install script manager just go to google market (Play Store) and search for script manager
To make a script go to google market (Play Store) and find ES File Explorer
Open es file explorer when install completes.
in es file explorer click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "File"
name your file something you'll remember
Click your new file
when prompted select "Text"
type this EXACTLY how you see it
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​​google.Android.music
press back and when prompted to save click yes
now on es file explorer click "Favorites" (the star)
a new menu will pop up, at the top you willsee a picture of a phone with "/" underneath it click the phone
this will take you to the root directory
click the folder Sdcard2
click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "Folder"
Name the folder music
Your script and destination music location are created
now open script manager
find your script which should be located in the directory /mnt/sdcard and the file name you chose earlier
select the script
open as script/executable
make sure script is selected not executable
click the buttons for "Su" and "Boot"
click save
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal Sdcard but not be accessible.
now reboot the script will run at boot a prompt will appear asking for superuser rights, click yes and remember this selection (it may say something different than remember this selection whichever option resembles remember needs to be selected.)
your music should now save to sdcard2/music but the device will still think it is saving to the default sdcard/Android/data/​com.​google.Android.music
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
So try your hardest to figure out how to root using google, and if your not confident enough to attempt it this fix may not be for you.
if you have tried everything you can and are still stuck message me back, including what device you have, and i will see if i can find a link to the rooting instructions for your particular device.
I assume no responsibility if you damage your device... These steps do work, and if followed will fix your music issues as well as introducing you to a world of additional benefits of being a rooted user.
FuzzyMeep Two said:
This will work to change your music location.
It can be adjusted to bind folder locations for other files. just type another line in your script adjusting the command for the folders you want to bind.
the first location in the command is the place you want to save the data
the second is the current save location
make sure you remove all data from the second location before running your bind scrpit or the data will still be on your internal sdcard but inaccessible...
here it is..
This is a fix i figured out piecing together other peoples attempts.
Use this as a script
mount -o bind sdcard2/android/data/com.​google.android.music sdcard/android/data/com.​google.android.music
Alternately you can change the first location to the location of your choosing as long as it resides on the external as card.
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music
will bind:
sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music (google's forced save location)
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal sdcard but not be accessible.
open script manager and find the script you made
Select it and make sure to click set on boot and superuser
Run Your script.
That is it now your default save location for google music is bound to the location on the external sdcard. the device will see the location as its default but really be saving to the external sdcard.
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
TLR Version (noob version)
I was getting a lot of questions about the preliminary steps here (i.e. rooting, writing script, etc) so i decided to attach the noob version in case anyone needs verification on how to accomplish these steps.
So, Rooting gives you full access and control over your phone. instructions for how to root are device specific. so i would start by searching XDA for "YOUR DEVICE one click root"
ex. samsung galaxy s2 one one click root
some devices are easier to root than others. i cannot provide steps for your particular device, but through XDA, and google you CAN find everything you need.
some devices have one click root tools, some do not, so the rooting process is more in depth for those devices.
rooting instructions are so device specific i could not find a generic set of instructions, and don't want to mislead anyone by linking them to a set of instructions not ​compatible with their device.
There is a risk of bricking your device (making it inoperable) while rooting, although the risk is minimal... almost non existent if you carefully follow instructions. I have rooted 5 seperate devices without bricking any, and, in most cases even if bricked the device can still be restored.
there are additional benefits to rooting, such as overclocking
for example my Galaxy S2 normally runs at 1.5 GHZ, i have increased the speed to 1.8GHZ
(NOTE** Without XDA DEVELOPERS i would have rooted 0 devices, and probably bricked at least one, so thank you to all of you out there who have helped me, I hope this method will help some of you in return.)
First, to install script manager just go to google market (Play Store) and search for script manager
To make a script go to google market (Play Store) and find ES File Explorer
Open es file explorer when install completes.
in es file explorer click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "File"
name your file something you'll remember
Click your new file
when prompted select "Text"
type this EXACTLY how you see it
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​​google.Android.music
press back and when prompted to save click yes
now on es file explorer click "Favorites" (the star)
a new menu will pop up, at the top you willsee a picture of a phone with "/" underneath it click the phone
this will take you to the root directory
click the folder Sdcard2
click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "Folder"
Name the folder music
Your script and destination music location are created
now open script manager
find your script which should be located in the directory /mnt/sdcard and the file name you chose earlier
select the script
open as script/executable
make sure script is selected not executable
click the buttons for "Su" and "Boot"
click save
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal Sdcard but not be accessible.
now reboot the script will run at boot a prompt will appear asking for superuser rights, click yes and remember this selection (it may say something different than remember this selection whichever option resembles remember needs to be selected.)
your music should now save to sdcard2/music but the device will still think it is saving to the default sdcard/Android/data/​com.​google.Android.music
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
So try your hardest to figure out how to root using google, and if your not confident enough to attempt it this fix may not be for you.
if you have tried everything you can and are still stuck message me back, including what device you have, and i will see if i can find a link to the rooting instructions for your particular device.
I assume no responsibility if you damage your device... These steps do work, and if followed will fix your music issues as well as introducing you to a world of additional benefits of being a rooted user.
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Check out: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1410262
So I would have to do this script for every freaking program? What a pain in the butt. I don't want any of my program data saved on internal, because if the phone goes, then so does all my data. I would like to just load up the internal with mp3s from my computer that I would never want to delete.
What ROM are you using?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
shiboby said:
So I would have to do this script for every freaking program? What a pain in the butt. I don't want any of my program data saved on internal, because if the phone goes, then so does all my data. I would like to just load up the internal with mp3s from my computer that I would never want to delete.
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Try this. OPEN up vold.fstab. Where it says sdcard0 change to sdcard1.
And where it says sdcard1, change to sdcard0. then reboot. Now basically the phone thinks the sdcards are switched.
Sent from my Galaxy SII
FuzzyMeep Two said:
This will work to change your music location.
It can be adjusted to bind folder locations for other files. just type another line in your script adjusting the command for the folders you want to bind.
the first location in the command is the place you want to save the data
the second is the current save location
make sure you remove all data from the second location before running your bind scrpit or the data will still be on your internal sdcard but inaccessible...
here it is..
This is a fix i figured out piecing together other peoples attempts.
Use this as a script
mount -o bind sdcard2/android/data/com.​google.android.music sdcard/android/data/com.​google.android.music
Alternately you can change the first location to the location of your choosing as long as it resides on the external as card.
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music
will bind:
sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music (google's forced save location)
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal sdcard but not be accessible.
open script manager and find the script you made
Select it and make sure to click set on boot and superuser
Run Your script.
That is it now your default save location for google music is bound to the location on the external sdcard. the device will see the location as its default but really be saving to the external sdcard.
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
TLR Version (noob version)
I was getting a lot of questions about the preliminary steps here (i.e. rooting, writing script, etc) so i decided to attach the noob version in case anyone needs verification on how to accomplish these steps.
So, Rooting gives you full access and control over your phone. instructions for how to root are device specific. so i would start by searching XDA for "YOUR DEVICE one click root"
ex. samsung galaxy s2 one one click root
some devices are easier to root than others. i cannot provide steps for your particular device, but through XDA, and google you CAN find everything you need.
some devices have one click root tools, some do not, so the rooting process is more in depth for those devices.
rooting instructions are so device specific i could not find a generic set of instructions, and don't want to mislead anyone by linking them to a set of instructions not ​compatible with their device.
There is a risk of bricking your device (making it inoperable) while rooting, although the risk is minimal... almost non existent if you carefully follow instructions. I have rooted 5 seperate devices without bricking any, and, in most cases even if bricked the device can still be restored.
there are additional benefits to rooting, such as overclocking
for example my Galaxy S2 normally runs at 1.5 GHZ, i have increased the speed to 1.8GHZ
(NOTE** Without XDA DEVELOPERS i would have rooted 0 devices, and probably bricked at least one, so thank you to all of you out there who have helped me, I hope this method will help some of you in return.)
First, to install script manager just go to google market (Play Store) and search for script manager
To make a script go to google market (Play Store) and find ES File Explorer
Open es file explorer when install completes.
in es file explorer click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "File"
name your file something you'll remember
Click your new file
when prompted select "Text"
type this EXACTLY how you see it
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​​google.Android.music
press back and when prompted to save click yes
now on es file explorer click "Favorites" (the star)
a new menu will pop up, at the top you willsee a picture of a phone with "/" underneath it click the phone
this will take you to the root directory
click the folder Sdcard2
click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "Folder"
Name the folder music
Your script and destination music location are created
now open script manager
find your script which should be located in the directory /mnt/sdcard and the file name you chose earlier
select the script
open as script/executable
make sure script is selected not executable
click the buttons for "Su" and "Boot"
click save
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal Sdcard but not be accessible.
now reboot the script will run at boot a prompt will appear asking for superuser rights, click yes and remember this selection (it may say something different than remember this selection whichever option resembles remember needs to be selected.)
your music should now save to sdcard2/music but the device will still think it is saving to the default sdcard/Android/data/​com.​google.Android.music
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
So try your hardest to figure out how to root using google, and if your not confident enough to attempt it this fix may not be for you.
if you have tried everything you can and are still stuck message me back, including what device you have, and i will see if i can find a link to the rooting instructions for your particular device.
I assume no responsibility if you damage your device... These steps do work, and if followed will fix your music issues as well as introducing you to a world of additional benefits of being a rooted user.
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Click to collapse
Very helpful. Will give this a try. I am assuming this will work on other devices as well? And does it depend on the ROM you are using. I am aware that if you are running Stock, the mount for the external SD is sometimes different. This one I am assuming it is CyanogenMod 10.1 based since you have
"sdcard2" and that is typically how CyanogenMod mounts the external SD on most devices.
I'm an experienced noob. (I know what I am doing when it comes to phones, I have rooted many, I just don't know scripting very well and I have delt with old phones mostly.) if my information is incorrect, correct me.

[Q] Google Music saved to external SD card solution?

Ok this is going to be a bit of thread necromancy, but another user, GMtom1 was helpful enought to find the thread, albeit for another phone, but this might be able to solve one of the problems people have been having with their phone and it not utilizing the external SD cards correctly. Or not, I'm hoping someone smarter than me can lend a hand.
And without further ado....
FuzzyMeep Two said:
This is a fix i figured out piecing together other peoples attempts.
Use this as a script
mount -o bind sdcard2/android/data/com.​google.android.music sdcard/android/data/com.​google.android.music
Alternately you can change the first location to the location of your choosing as long as it resides on the external as card.
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music
will bind:
sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music (google's forced save location)
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal sdcard but not be accessible.
open script manager and find the script you made
Select it and make sure to click set on boot and superuser
Run Your script.
That is it now your default save location for google music is bound to the location on the external sdcard. the device will see the location as its default but really be saving to the external sdcard.
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
TLR Version (noob version)
I was getting a lot of questions about the preliminary steps here (i.e. rooting, writing script, etc) so i decided to attach the noob version in case anyone needs verification on how to accomplish these steps.
So, Rooting gives you full access and control over your phone. instructions for how to root are device specific. so i would start by searching XDA for "YOUR DEVICE one click root"
ex. samsung galaxy s2 one one click root
some devices are easier to root than others. i cannot provide steps for your particular device, but through XDA, and google you CAN find everything you need.
some devices have one click root tools, some do not, so the rooting process is more in depth for those devices.
rooting instructions are so device specific i could not find a generic set of instructions, and don't want to mislead anyone by linking them to a set of instructions not ​compatible with their device.
There is a risk of bricking your device (making it inoperable) while rooting, although the risk is minimal... almost non existent if you carefully follow instructions. I have rooted 5 seperate devices without bricking any, and, in most cases even if bricked the device can still be restored.
there are additional benefits to rooting, such as overclocking
for example my Galaxy S2 normally runs at 1.5 GHZ, i have increased the speed to 1.8GHZ
(NOTE** Without XDA DEVELOPERS i would have rooted 0 devices, and probably bricked at least one, so thank you to all of you out there who have helped me, I hope this method will help some of you in return.)
First, to install script manager just go to google market (Play Store) and search for script manager
To make a script go to google market (Play Store) and find ES File Explorer
Open es file explorer when install completes.
in es file explorer click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "File"
name your file something you'll remember
Click your new file
when prompted select "Text"
type this EXACTLY how you see it
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​​google.Android.music
press back and when prompted to save click yes
now on es file explorer click "Favorites" (the star)
a new menu will pop up, at the top you willsee a picture of a phone with "/" underneath it click the phone
this will take you to the root directory
click the folder Sdcard2
click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "Folder"
Name the folder music
Your script and destination music location are created
now open script manager
find your script which should be located in the directory /mnt/sdcard and the file name you chose earlier
select the script
open as script/executable
make sure script is selected not executable
click the buttons for "Su" and "Boot"
click save
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal Sdcard but not be accessible.
now reboot the script will run at boot a prompt will appear asking for superuser rights, click yes and remember this selection (it may say something different than remember this selection whichever option resembles remember needs to be selected.)
your music should now save to sdcard2/music but the device will still think it is saving to the default sdcard/Android/data/​com.​google.Android.music
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
So try your hardest to figure out how to root using google, and if your not confident enough to attempt it this fix may not be for you.
if you have tried everything you can and are still stuck message me back, including what device you have, and i will see if i can find a link to the rooting instructions for your particular device.
I assume no responsibility if you damage your device... These steps do work, and if followed will fix your music issues as well as introducing you to a world of additional benefits of being a rooted user.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This seems like a workable solution to me but like I said, anyone smarter out there?
I think it would be a lot easier just to change the mounts:
SDCard = External
SDcard2 = internal
I have been searching on a way to do that but I cant find anything...
I know it's been awhile since anyone has posted on this, but I was having this issue on CM10 and found a solution.
I changed the script to say: mount -o bind /external_sd/GoogleMusic/ /sdcard/Android/data/com.google.Android.music/
The issue I was having was the naming convention for the internal & external storage. Depending on the file explorer I used, the name for the external SD card varied from "ext_sd", "external_sd", "sdcard1". The name for the internal storage also varied between "sdcard" & "sdcard0".
Also, some of the threads I found that were discussing this problem had the "/mnt/" in front of the "ext_sd". When I tried that, it didn't work for me.
YMMV, but I thought I would share the solution that worked for me.
omadhaun said:
I know it's been awhile since anyone has posted on this, but I was having this issue on CM10 and found a solution.
I changed the script to say: mount -o bind /external_sd/GoogleMusic/ /sdcard/Android/data/com.google.Android.music/
The issue I was having was the naming convention for the internal & external storage. Depending on the file explorer I used, the name for the external SD card varied from "ext_sd", "external_sd", "sdcard1". The name for the internal storage also varied between "sdcard" & "sdcard0".
Also, some of the threads I found that were discussing this problem had the "/mnt/" in front of the "ext_sd". When I tried that, it didn't work for me.
YMMV, but I thought I would share the solution that worked for me.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
THANK YOU, I've been searching for something like this for weeks! I'm going to give this a shot tonight in hopes that I can free up my internal SD which is currently full! I hope this work and I'll keep you posted.

[Q] Is there any way 2 get rid of the unused app folders apps leave behind?

I have a ton of folders on SD card and some places on my phone's internal storage that I want to know how to delete, bottom line is some of them are important folders that may be required by the system - some contain downloaded data from games and what not - such as The Sims Freeplay - that range in sizes from 400MB to 900MB.
I'm running on a stock phone, HAS NEVER BEEN ROOTED, DO NOT WANT TO ROOT THIS PHONE TO GET RID OF THESE - is there any ways to do this without rooting the phone?
Any help is appreciated
SDCard folder deletion
As everyone gets to read/write on the sdcard you should be able to delete everything on the card.
Since you are unsure if the files are still needed, I'd suggest you back them up, delete them and put them back on the card if you run into problems.
Take a look at the files timestamps to identify old and probably unused files.
As for deleting stuff, I see several ways to accomplish that:
transfer files via USB mode
use a file manager from the market and just click your way through
use ADB from the android SDK, this will open a shell and you can use all the unix commands you want. You'll also have access to 'adb push' and 'adb pull' to transfer files.
Astro file manager .
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium
You can probably just delete the files using a file manager. It's tedious though.

Busybox scripting for games with only one user profile

I am using a tablet with multiple users- myself and two kids. The problem is that we have several games installed that only have one default profile. I am trying to write a script for each user that
1) Copies their game progress data from a backup folder on the external SD card to the game data folder,
2) launches the app, and
3) when the game closes, saves their progress to their backup folder. Each user's script would access a different backup folder location, so that each user has their own game progress.
The problem is that I can't find a tutorial that explains how to do this to someone that hasn't done command-line anything in a long time. I looked at an app launch example, and now I am even more confused. Busybox doesn't look anything like what I have used in the past (DOS, bash).
The game data is in /data/data/(Game folder)
The backup folders are located in /mnt/external_sd/(User folder)
So, how do I copy /mnt/external_sd/(User folder)/(Game folder) to /data/data/(Game folder)
launch app (App) (and what are intents, anyways?)
wait for (App) to close
copy /data/data/(Game folder) to /mnt/external_sd/(User folder)/(Game folder)
Device info: Rooted Acer Iconia Tab a500 with stock ROM (4.03), Busybox 1.19.?, scripting to be launched by ScriptManager widget.
Noob status: Does it get any worse?

