Boiler plate calendar code for use in Android apps - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've got someone developing an app for me. It's not complicated but it's hit a bit of a brick wall. Part of the functionality of the app includes a calendar for the user to enter predicted events. The developer is struggling with understanding this aspect, especially repetitions of events that aren't a fixed date (e.g. first Tuesday of every month). Is there any 'off-the-shelf' Android calendar code that a developer can incorporate, rather than having to write something from scratch? Apart from appearing as an option in the same app, and seeing the number of events entered by the user over the period of a year, the calendar is self-contained won't have to integrate with any of the other app functions. Maybe this means there's pretty much a copy/paste option for calendar code? Any help would be really appreciated.


[Q] Need "quiet time" app with incoming-call whitelist-group

Between my personal and business contacts, I have a very, very large number of contacts (thousands). I also share calendars with business partners, so I have a very large number of events.
I have been looking for a very simple app that will impose a "quiet time" blocking all notifications and calls EXCEPT for a specific whitelist of callers -- and this is the important part: organized using a Google Contacts group. In particular there are a few family members and a few others (like my office's alarm monitoring company) from whom I would like to receive calls at any time of the day or night, and all else should be blocked.
I have found a few apps that work using custom hand-managed lists, and so far they haven't worked very well. I have found a few very complicated apps that do all sorts of scheduling and event-handling and so on, and as a side-effect they can sort of do this, but I don't want to spend time learning and (effectively) programming (and maintaining) a general-purpose event manager.
Does such an app exist?
FWIW, I'm on a Galaxy S3 running SlimBean (currently based on Android 4.2, soon to be 4.3).
Thanks in advance.

[Q] Viewing A Specific Calendar In One Touch

I'm looking for a technique or an app that allows me to display a specific Google calendar in an application with one touch and without the use of a web browser or widget.
Ideally, I would simply tap a shortcut on a homescreen that would open an android calendar app, displaying only the specified Google calendar.
The real world use case is that my office is in a building with a shared conference room that has it's own resource calendar. Sometimes, there will be a spark of inspiration and our team will want to get together in the conference room to discuss. Currently, I have to either run to my desk and view the calendar or go through a lot of trouble on my phone to drill down to the day, then hour and select a particular calendar to create an event to reserve the conference room. It would be so much more efficient if I could click one button to see if the conference room is already taken and click once more to create a reservation event if it's available.
I've used AppXplore to expose the intents of the built in Calendar app for use with Tasker. looks promising but I'm not sure of the Extra activity information that would be necessary to only display my desired calendar. I was thinking that I might create a Tasker task that removes all the other calendars from view, open the calendar app, and wait for a particular event to re-activate the other calendars. But again, I'm not sure about the Extras that would be necessary.
Perhaps there's an app that can create shortcuts on the desktop for each calendar. Or perhaps someone knows how to achieve this with Tasker or a shell command. I would appreciate any suggestions.
Thanks in advance.

[Q] Device Security Policy Spoofing?

Hi there,
Been a frequent reader of the formus for a long time, though I can usually get the information I need without having to annoy anyone with questions... Guess there's a first time for everything!
I have a question about Device Security Policies. Specifically, Lotus Notes Traveller.
All of our users have the option of having their company email accounts on their mobile devices. All of them use iOS devices, but sadly, we apply the same policy rules and all of the same administrator settings to all operating systems. So here's where I have the problem...
I like the convenience of having the Lotus Notes Traveller suite on my phone. Mainly for To-Do and Calender sync, but occasional email is useful. Our Lotus Notes policy reques a password of a certain strength to be enabled on all devices - it must consist of letters, numbers, lower case, upper case and can contain symbols. My issue is that it is frustratingly slow an inconveninece to enter such a complex password every single time I take my phone out of my pocket(a lot!) but I don't want to disable the android policies since there could be some users switching from iPhones to Galaxy S4/S5s.
What I am wondering is, can I do something on my Android device(Galaxy S4 GT-i9505 LTE) that will fake or spoof the secuirty strength and let Lotus Notes still sync with the server even if I don't have a password on my device?
In summary:
- Lotus notes needs a complex password to operate
- I don't want one
- Can I have a less complex password(PIN) or even no unlock secuirty but fool Notes into thinking my device secuirty meets policy.
Sorry if I haven't explained this clearly enough. If you need any more informaiton, please let me know.
If you feel some additional information on the Lotus Notes side could be useful you can get more information by Google searching "Enabling Android device security via Lotus Notes Traveler" there will be an IBM link with all the info. Sorry I couldn't give you a URL - apparently I need to have 10+ posts to my name before I can use external links! :angel:
For now I have uninstalled the Lotus Notes Traveller suite so I could go back to my handy 4 digit unlock PIN :good:
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
P.S. I am comfortable with Flashing updates and/or custom ROMs if that's a posible solution. I currently run PAC ROM AIO Black Power-Edition NG 4.4.2.
Maybe something like this: ?
Another idea: Maybe you could use something like KeePass or LastPass to be able to both have complex passwords and be simple to enter?

Calendar app recomendation

Hi everyone,
I'm looking for a calendar app with a feature that's rather low-tech, yet surprisingly rare: I'm looking to add notes/comments/memos to a certain day (rather than event). Just like on a physical calendar one can mark a day with "watered plants" or "opened new pack of...", I would like to do the same on a calendar app, without it being associated with a particular event or meeting. I don't want to use events because they have a lot of fields I don't need to fill (like time and duration), using all day events interrupts my actual scheduling and marking the calendar is usually done retroactively (some apps don't allow scheduling past events).
Can anyone think of a competent and capable app with this feature, or at least suggest search terms?
Fame and glory for those who'll help

EMUI Tips and Tricks You Won't Want to Miss

EMUI Tips and Tricks You Won't Want to Miss​
The smartphone has become an indispensable tool in getting things done.
EMUI offers some innovative features to turn your phone into a pocket-sized productivity powerhouse.
Try them out to become more efficient!​
Capture moments of inspiration​
Inspiration can be frustratingly fleeting and difficult to recover. This means you need to make a record before it disappears. With the handy Quick note feature, you'll always be prepared to capture your moments of inspiration when they strike.
Go to Settings > Apps > Notepad > Quick note, then enable Quick note.
Once Quick note has been enabled, you can touch and hold the Quick note tab on any screen until your phone vibrates, then swipe inward to show the Quick note window and record what's on your mind. You can express your thoughts out loud and your phone will then convert your voice into text in real time.
Express yourself with more depth and meaning by adding pictures. Once saved, the notes can be shared to your social media accounts as images.
Notepad works more than a note-taking app. Getting more mileage out of this app can make your life easier, thanks to its rich text editing and ability to sync between devices.
Make email less stressful​
Email is the main mode of communication to carry out day-to-day tasks at work. How does the preinstalled Email app help boost your productivity?
Email can fetch your emails from other apps so you can stay on top of your inbox.
Do you wish there was a better way than having to enter contacts one by one every time? Add members to a team and send emails to all the team members in one go.
Worried that you might miss important messages in your inbox? Mark your important contacts as VIPs, and the app will automatically place your emails from these VIPs in the dedicated VIP inbox.
If you need to communicate with foreign friends or colleagues, try the surefire email translation feature.
Stay on track with a calendar that works for you​
Be prepared for every single event with the Calendar app.
When creating an event in the calendar, you can add the time it takes place, set reminders, and add location information. You'll get timely reminders that help you stay ahead of schedule.
You can also set your ticket information to be displayed on the HUAWEI Assistant.Today screen.
That's all for today in terms of making the most of the Notepad, Email, and Calendar apps. If you have any tips about using these apps, leave us a message.
*The above features may differ based on your device model.

