Calendar app recomendation - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi everyone,
I'm looking for a calendar app with a feature that's rather low-tech, yet surprisingly rare: I'm looking to add notes/comments/memos to a certain day (rather than event). Just like on a physical calendar one can mark a day with "watered plants" or "opened new pack of...", I would like to do the same on a calendar app, without it being associated with a particular event or meeting. I don't want to use events because they have a lot of fields I don't need to fill (like time and duration), using all day events interrupts my actual scheduling and marking the calendar is usually done retroactively (some apps don't allow scheduling past events).
Can anyone think of a competent and capable app with this feature, or at least suggest search terms?
Fame and glory for those who'll help


Calendar Subjects, please help!

Please help with this small thing, its driving me insane!
When i'm out and about i use my xda to create new appointments, most of my appointments are recurring ones, e.g. 'night out' or 'driving lesson'.
How do i edit the set list of subjects for a new appointment? the location field seems to mostly remember my locations, but the subject field is CRAP.
I can't find any option to edit the selection for a subject, is there any program or registry hack to achieve this.
many thanks.
Calendar Appointment List
Good Point Well Made!
Somebody please help with this annoying little problem!
Try using another callendar program like...Pocket informant :roll:
I don't want to use another calendar program. The standard one is adequate apart from this small annoyance. It's been a while but I'm sure my Palm allowed me to do this about 5 years ago!
yeah i agree pocket informant is overpowered to the point of being bonkers
i want to remember when i'm next going out, not assign an icon to it, sort it, filter it, group it, negotiate world peace, remotely connect to yahoo to establish my friends availability, and do a quick search on carling available for the area.
odds are i've been drinking and just want to easily put in some quick recurring event. sure my treo used to do it.
trying a smartphone at the moment, far better for pub situations

[Q] App that aggregates friends' albums from Google+ and Facebook? Also, weather app?

Alright, I know asking for app suggestions isn't looked highly upon, but I've spent literally hours over several days trying to find apps that will do what I'm wanting. I got two Xooms for my grandparents for Christmas so my family can keep up a little better. I want to give them an easy way to see pictures that members of my family upload. My sister largely uses Facebook, I use both Facebook and Google+, and my parents use Google+. Most apps only show your own albums (especially when it comes to G+/Picasa). My grandparents obviously don't have their own albums - they'll want to see our pictures. I need an app that meets the following:
Tablet compatible
Ability to integrate Facebook and Google+ albums in one place
Ability to browse friends' albums on both services, not just your own albums
Bonus points for notifications
Bonus points for free/ad-free
I'm also looking for a good weather app. I swear, I've tried them all. I'm looking for:
Tablet compatible
Temperature in notification bar
Some sort of widget
Show detailed 7- or 10-day forecast
Show radar (they live in Florida . . . )
Bonus points for free/ad-free
So . . . suggestions?

[Q] Need "quiet time" app with incoming-call whitelist-group

Between my personal and business contacts, I have a very, very large number of contacts (thousands). I also share calendars with business partners, so I have a very large number of events.
I have been looking for a very simple app that will impose a "quiet time" blocking all notifications and calls EXCEPT for a specific whitelist of callers -- and this is the important part: organized using a Google Contacts group. In particular there are a few family members and a few others (like my office's alarm monitoring company) from whom I would like to receive calls at any time of the day or night, and all else should be blocked.
I have found a few apps that work using custom hand-managed lists, and so far they haven't worked very well. I have found a few very complicated apps that do all sorts of scheduling and event-handling and so on, and as a side-effect they can sort of do this, but I don't want to spend time learning and (effectively) programming (and maintaining) a general-purpose event manager.
Does such an app exist?
FWIW, I'm on a Galaxy S3 running SlimBean (currently based on Android 4.2, soon to be 4.3).
Thanks in advance.

[Q] Viewing A Specific Calendar In One Touch

I'm looking for a technique or an app that allows me to display a specific Google calendar in an application with one touch and without the use of a web browser or widget.
Ideally, I would simply tap a shortcut on a homescreen that would open an android calendar app, displaying only the specified Google calendar.
The real world use case is that my office is in a building with a shared conference room that has it's own resource calendar. Sometimes, there will be a spark of inspiration and our team will want to get together in the conference room to discuss. Currently, I have to either run to my desk and view the calendar or go through a lot of trouble on my phone to drill down to the day, then hour and select a particular calendar to create an event to reserve the conference room. It would be so much more efficient if I could click one button to see if the conference room is already taken and click once more to create a reservation event if it's available.
I've used AppXplore to expose the intents of the built in Calendar app for use with Tasker. looks promising but I'm not sure of the Extra activity information that would be necessary to only display my desired calendar. I was thinking that I might create a Tasker task that removes all the other calendars from view, open the calendar app, and wait for a particular event to re-activate the other calendars. But again, I'm not sure about the Extras that would be necessary.
Perhaps there's an app that can create shortcuts on the desktop for each calendar. Or perhaps someone knows how to achieve this with Tasker or a shell command. I would appreciate any suggestions.
Thanks in advance.

Boiler plate calendar code for use in Android apps

I've got someone developing an app for me. It's not complicated but it's hit a bit of a brick wall. Part of the functionality of the app includes a calendar for the user to enter predicted events. The developer is struggling with understanding this aspect, especially repetitions of events that aren't a fixed date (e.g. first Tuesday of every month). Is there any 'off-the-shelf' Android calendar code that a developer can incorporate, rather than having to write something from scratch? Apart from appearing as an option in the same app, and seeing the number of events entered by the user over the period of a year, the calendar is self-contained won't have to integrate with any of the other app functions. Maybe this means there's pretty much a copy/paste option for calendar code? Any help would be really appreciated.

