I've been on de-googled custom android for a long time. Yet I haven't figured out a good alternative for Google Lens character recognition. There's a service called Tesseract that can be used for OCR & Text Extraction. But I couldn't find a suitable app to utilize it. Any suggestions from others is highly appreciated.
I am hoping that someone out there will be able to help.
From within my pocketpc web application, I require a signature to be written on the screen and captured as an image. This then has to be put into a database for strorage. I do not require any digital encryption or authorisation etc, it just needs to be real simple.
Eg. User opens webpage, user signs screen and submits the signature. Job done.
That is what I am trying to achieve. Has anyone ever seen this or done it? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Note I have seen some apps but they are to be used within a .NET environment, and seeing as I am developing in php they are no good to me.
Many thanks.
I think you must to develop an application that you embed into PocketIE. Something like AciveX on a desktop. This application grab the image and send to your PHP application.
I can't help in this way.
Another tipp:
There is Macromedia Flash Player avaible for PocketIE. I don't know, that Flash can make an image and post it to a PHP script, but it can grab the stylus strokes, and send the line's coordinates to your PHP program. (With a smart ActionScript)
Booth way, your application must to preinstalled in the users pda.
Hi all
I am developing an app in which I would like to allow user-generated content. Specifically, this will be a remote control application, and I would like people to be able to add custom layouts, capable of sending "events" through the app, but I am not sure how to do so.
There are a couple of ways I have been looking at. The first is using a WebView so that this content can be developed in HTML. This would be nice and easy from their point of view, but it does have it's downsides, especially where security is concerned. If I was to do this, I would want to bind a "send" Javascript interface to my app, but disallow any other Javascript (I do not, for example, want it to be able to relay the button presses to some other place). I'm not sure exactly how I could do this.
The second way I can see would be to use an XML file and build up the layout from that. Here, the only way I could see it to parse the XML file and programatically build the layout. This seems a lot of work, and I would rather avoid that.
A third way would be to import a layout purely as an image plus an XML file describing hot-spots for triggering events. This seems to have too many limitations.
The final option is to expose an interface to other apps, and allow users to build separate applications which hook in to provide these layouts. This seems a terrible approach for such a simple objective.
So, does anyone know of a simple way to do what I am after, or any comments on the options listed above? Has anyone done anything similar, or know of an open-source project which acheives something similar?
Thanks in advance
I have to start android programming for a project.
The project involves using the App to remote control a camera attached to the pc which is running the web-server.
The App does two things:
1) Send user-inputted parameters for the photo capture to a web-server.
This is relayed to the web-server (using gSOAP or other web-service).
The web-server then calls the program i create on the server, which captures an image from the camera.
The program also has other functionality like image manipulation, making a timelapse movie etc using these captured images.
The program sends back to the app a video file or image.
2) Receive a video file (either saved in Gallery, or viewed inside App).
As you can see bulk of my project will be not on the android but on the server.
My question then is, how do i approach android programming?
I want to make the best use of my time and not have to learn the A-Z of android programming. This is not me being lazy (I have done a few chapters of Sams teach Yourself Android & completed Google's online tutorial on android) but just wanting to spend, what little time i have, wisely.
So i suppose my question is:
1. What areas of android should i concentrate on for this app (e.g. web-services, drawing buttons etc).
2. Any resources that would help me in this quest (e.g. templates)
Apologies if it was long and drawn out, and thanks for reading so far
What are the requirements of android app development?
what all am i suppose to know? rit now i just know c++ is that sufficient?
any help will be appreciated
I am still very new to coding and the best way I've been learning is dissecting code from others work.
The latest one I've been trying to sort of mimic the style of is a photo bubbler app example photo NSFW http: // i.huffpost.com/gen/207366/BUBBLER.jpg
Does anyone have a source code I could play with? :good:
I've been learning Android development recently and finally released my first free app.
It's open source and available on Github too. It's made with C# in Xamarin (not forms though, which meansit uses Android's native APIs).
I chose to start with a TOTP generator because
It's a non trivial use case yet not too complex
It allows to meaningfully integrate image acquisition and protocol handling
I already had a UWP version I could reuse the corre logic from
The Google OTP generator uses a web service to scan QR codes, as far as I can tell
I'd be interested in asking for feedback: does the app's UI feel right? What areas can I improve?
kaworu1986 said:
I've been learning Android development recently and finally released my first free app.
It's open source and available on Github too. It's made with C# in Xamarin (not forms though, which meansit uses Android's native APIs).
I chose to start with a TOTP generator because
It's a non trivial use case yet not too complex
It allows to meaningfully integrate image acquisition and protocol handling
I already had a UWP version I could reuse the corre logic from
The Google OTP generator uses a web service to scan QR codes, as far as I can tell
I'd be interested in asking for feedback: does the app's UI feel right? What areas can I improve?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It was nice to see that you have your first software released. Congradulations... And thanks for sharing. As I saw you developed your software with Xamarin which is a cross platform framework. It would be great if you can share your experience here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/tools/frameworks/native-vs-cross-platform-t3850250 with other people.
I like to hear more stories about crossplatform and also native coding experiences.
I'm going to give your software a try.
I'm not a fan of material design UI, however your app looks nice. Congratulations for creating your first app.
Congratulations. You made the right choice when decided to create tool. Wish you high ratings and many downloads! I downloaded it on my phone.