Howto: from bootloop into download mode - Samsung Galaxy S10 Guides, News, & Discussion

Method 1
Push bixby and volume down with the left thumb the whole time. When the screen turns black for 1-2 seconds - immediately put the USB cable in.​
Method 2 (for stock recovery) - the USB cable MUST be pluged in
Push bixby and volume up and power the whole time. When S10 starts again and the first warning appears - let go power and bixby, but still stay pushing volume up.​


Phone won't turn on

I just tried to boot in to the boot loader by holding down the volume-down button while doing a reset from android (power button, tap reset) - I know it's not the right way but I was just trying it. Anyway, now my phone won't turn on. I've tried taking out the battery, putting it back in, booting to the boot loader by holding down volume-down and then holding down the power button, but I get no vibration, nothing. The screen just stays dark.
Orange light comes on when plugged in to charger. When I plug it in to my PC (Windows 7) I get a USB connect sound which is like three low notes in quick succession and then when I unplug I get the USB disconnect sound (higher note then low note).
Any ideas?
Phone is HTC Desire X in case it's not obvious by being posted in this thread.
Try a longer press approx for 30 seconds
sent from my HTC DX

[Q] bootlooping - cant get to download mode

Phone was running LP Pacman rom and did fine for several weeksbut then started bootlooping for no apparent reason. Now it bootloops if I plug in the charger cable or hold down both volume keys or the volume down key even if I dont press the power button. If I press the power button by itself without plugging in the charger cable it doesn't do anything. When I take out and put in the battery the "SAMSUNG" logo come on momentarily but then nothing. I cant get it into recovery or download mode and Odin doesn't see the phone. I didn't drop the phone or get it wet or anything. Any ideas? does this sound like a hardware problem with the power button?

Powering on without button

Hello i have sony Xperia z ultra, after replacing a new housing, it won't turn on with power button( my power +,- button won't respond), it can charge and show charging view when i plug the cable, only vibrate 3times when i press the red button on sim card while chargin then back to charging view, I've tried any suggestions from internet.
Is there any jumper point from motherboard that represents power button? Thanks, or any solution
If you installed a custom recovery before (TWRP for example) you could do the following:
- Plug the power cable in and wait until the red LED turns off and the Sony logo appears.
- In this very moment begin to press the "Volume down" button several times until the LED turns to violet.
- Custom Recovery should start now. There go to "Reboot System" and your XZU should boot the Operating System as usual

[HOWTO] Force a reboot in TWRP

So the dog tried to eat the phone, thus the bottom part of the screen is dead so there are no software buttons to use.
Now where the problem comes in.
You go into TWRP to see if you can make a more resent backup but you can't see enough due to the strips on the screen and since the software buttons are gone you're stuck and it will lock itself and you can't even swipe to unlock. Since newer phones don't allow the battery to be pulled you're stuck until you run it down which will take days.
TWRP and any other recoveries should reboot when the power button is held down IMHO but obviously they don't. Few things are more annoying than something electrical that you can't turn off.
I found that if you hold down the volume up and volume down buttons then press and hold the power button it will force a reboot.
Forced power off is holding power down and power button:
This is also provided as a popup instruction when you first boot the phone after setup. So, there is a way to force it off, just not with a single button as you might prefer.
You may have found another option with the reboot process.
I can confirm this procedure worked on my Redmi Note 4 (MTK) stuck in TWRP after I executed "/sbin/recovery" from adb shell, which killed the touchscreen and USB connectivity (??). The standard way (volume down + power) did not work, but this volume up + down + power worked, strangely enough.


Samsung Galaxy S9+ No custom, Just a normal phone from T carrier.
The situation is as follow. I wake up everyday and cannot turn on my phone, the screen is black but I hear it beeping when i press the volume keys. I do a Vol down Power to restart thinking it will , it restarts but the screen is black and unresponsive no matter what I do, the Power button is still functional at this moment.
What I quickly did is I connected the phone to my monitor using USB-C and i have a mouse connected to the internal KVM of the monitor- , perfect got excited that the phone at least works, on the monitor it shows up perfectly, I can control the phone with the mouse, enter my 4 digit password, works. That was the situation yesterday. Should have backed up then but didnt.
Today I wake up, the Power button does not work, so I read and find out that I can go downlead mode which I did using the Vol down and Bixby and plugging the charger.
tried the Vol Down and Power to restart it does not, so again I go in to the download mode and accidently press Volume up, Now I am completely stuck on Downloading... Do not turn off target
1. Power button does not work- I have no idea how to get the past Downloading screen now
2. Would I be able to recover anything it its really dead?
3. Any tips?

