Hello everyone,
I'm searching for a task scheduler, something like cron in linux. The background is I want my phone to execute a "Wake on Lan" Program every morning and my computer will execute some tasks before I'm awake. I already found something like a task scheduler script in this forum but this didn't help.
Perhaps I'm simply to stupid to work with it, I'm not really familiar with the architecture of android but I know how to do this in linux.
So does anyone have an idea how to realize this on android?
look the application called "locale"
this is a event trigger applications with a lot of "plug-ins"
WOL plugin exist and time based (even location based) rule also possible
I use "timeriffic" to disable the ringer at night. It has lots of options, so check it out.
One more voice for timeriffic
ASE, not yet but soon supposedly
Android Scripting environment is supposed to be adding cron type scheduling for scripts relatively soon. As long as you're down with scripting that could work.
Seonetic said:
I'm searching for a task scheduler, something like cron in linux. The background is I want my phone to execute a "Wake on Lan" Program every morning and my computer will execute some tasks before I'm awake.
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Realise this is an old thread but wondering if you made any progress with this, seonetic? Want to schedule a script to run every X seconds and so far all I've seen are apps that wrap a scheduler round the phone's functions - e.g. wifi on/off, silence on/off
Failing this, I may have to grab and build cron...
Doesn't busybox implement cron?
Gene Poole said:
Doesn't busybox implement cron?
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yes, it appears to:
Good shout, thanks! Will have a play around and report back.
I've been thinking I'd like cron, too. However, I was worried about battery impact. Isn't the typical cron implementation dependent on a running CPU?
Gene Poole said:
Doesn't busybox implement cron?
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I checked on my N1 and it doesn't have either of the cron applets. I'll grab the source and have a look at including it.
You should be able to just create symlinks of them to busybox. Here's what's on mine:
# which crond
# ls -l /system/xbin/crond
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2010-08-11 09:07 crond -> busybox
# which crontab
# ls -l /system/xbin/crontab
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2010-08-11 09:07 crontab -> busybox
# crond --help
BusyBox v1.15.2 (2009-10-08 09:47:18 BST) multi-call binary
Usage: crond -fbS -l N -d N -L LOGFILE -c DIR
-f Foreground
-b Background (default)
-S Log to syslog (default)
-l Set log level. 0 is the most verbose, default 8
-d Set log level, log to stderr
-L Log to file
-c Working dir
Gene Poole said:
You should be able to just create symlinks of them to busybox.
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if I do "busybox --help" it doesn't include either of them. "which crontab" shows nothing either.
Tried installing Stericson's from market but it "hangs" after completing the download.
So got the sourcecode down for latest version and tried compiling with CROSS_COMPILE to same toolchain as with CM6 ROM - fail. So downloading another toolchain now.
Will edit this post if it successfully compiles.
I'm pretty sure mine is the one that comes with the rom kitchen.
Use Tasker (google search). Can be programmed to do almost any automated task/event you can dream about.
I'm also looking for something like this..
I have a shell script that i want to exec hourly..
I've tried tasker but they can't launch script yet..
EDIT: I found an perfect app for me
I got crontab working using this:
+1 on Tasker
Moe5508 said:
Use Tasker (google search). Can be programmed to do almost any automated task/event you can dream about.
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Thanks for this tip - just want to say Tasker is amazing: you can do almost anything with it.
I've been struggling to find a cron-like tool for a simple airplane mode on/off task for my Eris -- one that actually works. None (timeriffic, auto airplane mode and bunch of others) seem to work when the phone is asleep. Tasker looks like it does work when asleep.
My test case, in the event others are curious, is to set the timer to turn airplane mode on and then call my phone. What I notice with most "cron" style apps is that the phone will ring and THEN the airplane mode will come on (cutting off the call). This indicates that the timer doesn't fire until the phone wakes up. So you *think* your phone is in airplane mode at the time you set it, but it really only goes on when you turn on the phone to check it! Anyway, Tasker passed this test for me, so thanks for the tip.
I miss tasker!
Moe5508 said:
Use Tasker (google search). Can be programmed to do almost any automated task/event you can dream about.
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It was GREAT under froyo
sadly tasker refuses to install into CyanogenMod 7 (cm4dx)
for the command addicts:
CVPCS Android Wiki
Vixie-cron for android.
Last Update:
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This will be the home of both Sniffle's basic android compiling guide as well as CVPCS's general tips for customizing the basic build to make it a more complete, flashable rom.
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there is
that is likely wiped by cm7, and then there is autostart root... but those aren't crontabby enough
I want to delete a certain few files from several places in /data and check only while application XYZ is running every one or two minutes
for the programmatically inclined this seems promising:
The BuzzBox SDK enables you to easily add a scheduler to your App. With few lines of code you can add a background task and app-side notifications. Besides, BuzzBox SDK also include free realtime analytics, so you can monitor in real time how many user are installing and using your App. Notifications and Analytics are tighly integrated, but you can use only want you need.
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Questions or Problems Should Not Be Posted in the Development Forum
Please Post in the Correct Forums
Moving to Q&A
Seonetic said:
Hello everyone,
I'm searching for a task scheduler, something like cron in linux. The background is I want my phone to execute a "Wake on Lan" Program every morning and my computer will execute some tasks before I'm awake. I already found something like a task scheduler script in this forum but this didn't help.
Perhaps I'm simply to stupid to work with it, I'm not really familiar with the architecture of android but I know how to do this in linux.
So does anyone have an idea how to realize this on android?
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I have a working crontab for android. I will post tutorial soon.
Welcome to Jaws-MIUI..
I'm just a newbie porter, i'm not a goes to real developer out there in #htc-linux, special thanks to Dominues for "How to build an Android port", LeTama for telling me how to fix data connection and Atoore for FM Radio permission fix..
base on : MIUI 18-12-10
Kernel : Hastarin 8.5.3_eb oldcam
Whats working :
* 3g/HSDPA
* LED & keypad status notification
* Bluetooth
* USB mass storage
* G Sensor WORKING
* Facebook sync
* Camera/Camcorder
* Wifi
* FM Radio
* Theme Manager
Whats not working:
if you have boot fail, PLEASE use data.img below (R3BrotherJr provided)
Download 18-12
Click Here Please
Download Data.img here thanks to R3BrotherJr
Patch1 : English Language Pack #1b thanks to markhuk from MIUI Dev forum
Click Here Please
If it boot up fine for you remember this :
Default DNS is my provider, please edit build.prop or use build.prop from old build and put it inside MIUI-Jaws folder
on first boot, go to setting - program - manage application - tab all, find launcher then clear data & force stop .. it will fix launcher
Ouch, i forget fix sdcard install app (like angry birds), do this by goes to rafpigna
- install terminal
- type this :
cd system/bin
ln -s toolbox newfs_msdos
try install angry bird without unmount sdcard
Older release..(don't use any patch below for new release)
Download 11-12 :
Click Here Please
Update Patch for fix Market FC (the new market seems didn't work)
Click Here Please
before applying market patch fix..install terminal then do this :
rm /system/app/vending.apk
Download 03-12 :
Click Here Please
Jaws-MIUI changelog..
Patch1 (language pack #1b)
- Mms string improvements.
- ThemeManager string improvements.
- Settings (Fixed Chinese in the personal passwords section) Thanks all who helped debug.
- Settings string improvements.
- Monitor string improvements, known bug, if you select one traffic set-up, and then set-up the other, entering the values and saving causes a FC, reloading the app does take the changes fine though.
- MiuiMusic string improvements.
- FileExplorer, fixed Chinese characters 'Bytes' shown in File Info. (thanks Keshav for the screen shot report). This involved editing Smali code.
- update to MIUI 18-12-10
- ironing out latest known bug from 11-12
- update to MIUI 11-12-10
- change SU binary, now root explorer work as it should
- delete su binary in rootfs.img
- fix installed sdcard app like angry bird (don't have to unmount sdcrad) thanks to rapigna..
RC1 :
- update to MIUI 03-12-10
- add wifi ad hoc support
- fix chinese character
- fix theme manager
- back to google dns number in build.prop
Patches :
1. For Fixing Boot Up error & Sensor Notification
Click Here Please
2. For enable logcat
Click Here Please
after applying the patch reboot, if theres reboot failure or boot loop, take off your battery put it back then boot android should boot up fine..
otherwise backup your system.ext2 before applying the patch -- thanks to jamezelle and n_i_x from MIUI-Dev Forum
Extract those file and put this inside Jaws-MIUI-RC1 folder
3. For default MIUI fonts..
Click Here Please
Extrack this folder put it inside Jaws-MIUI-RC1/root/system/ (remember, fonts folder not the fonts self only, it will look like Jaws-MIUI-RC1/root/system/fonts)
if u can't boot up my build and don't use above patch, please edit your startup.txt and change this line set cmdline "rel_path=Jaws-MIUI" to set cmdline "rel_path=Jaws-MIUI-RC1 nand_boot=0"
Change battery icon to circle icon :
Download this Click Here Please thanks to Pendo from N1 Theme for a great MIUI theme (click his name for more status bar theme)
put this file inside Jaws-MIUI-RC1/root/system/framework/
Old Jaws-MIUI base on RodrigezStyle..
Download :
Click Here please
Jaws-MIUI, base on RodrigeuzStyle 1.9.1 [Kernal: Hastarin 8.5.1]
PATCH : (only for Old Jaws-MIUI)
1. Wifi ad Hoc & build.prop Patch..
Click Here Please < ---- uploaded 12-2-2010:6:55 pm..fix wifi ad hoc
2. Fonts Chinese Character & Robo Voice Patch
Click Here Please
3. How to fix Theme Style
install terminal emulator, type this
#busybox chown 0.0 /system/xbin/apply_theme
#busybox chmod 4755 /system/xbin/apply_theme
then reboot..apply theme
what is ad hoc? ad hoc is peer to peer connection between two wifi without the need of access point router, so u can use wireless tether on another android, and you can play remote control tools like ar.drone
i have set my own provider dns in build.prop file.. you must change it according to your own provider DNS, above patch make dns back to google DNS, i suggest you to edit it and find the right DNS according to your provider.. otherwise data / internet will not work
How to apply the patch : just extract root.rar file, put it inside Jaws-MIUI folder then boot to Jaws-MIUI..
ar.drone video
1. I edit key map for Volume Down button as back menu..
to make it back to volume down, you must edit file qwerty.kl in /system/usr/keylayout find key 114 replace BACK with VOLUME_DOWN
or read this post by kawazaki
2. To fix white box in battery indicator, after first boot, go to setting - sytem- battery : change Battery indicator style to Percentage
- install spare part from market..set all animation to fast..
- Wireless Tether apk.. Download Here
- Jaws-MIUI RodrigeuzStyle with Theme Manager is coming too..i'll upload it soon..
thanks to : Cotulla - for making all this possible, dan1j3l, LeTama, hastarin, huanyu, michyprima, Cass67, darkstone, ElbartoME, gauner1986, Geo411m, mattc, memin1857, NetRipper, MIUI-DEV, XDA-DEVELOPERS, (the Rom) and Rodrigeuz from N1 development..
Screen Shot
screen shots pls..
sounds cool... some screen shots pls..
Just trying this build, and for me this is one of the best build i ever tried...
testing for a while, and so far everything works like charms...thanks lesjaw....
this is a few things that i found in this build...
Themes is fantastis
Mobile Network works like charms, for the very first time i can browsing without have to change anything, like ppp ect
Camera and Camcoder works perfect, green image or anything
Very Fast
CMIIW, but so far this build is already 99% english
There is no problem with scynch, either with time, or facebook contact (i have that problem before)
Screenshots are dead? just two "x"s ??
you said that 99% are in English.
Is it possible to make a build in another language? Or how to do that?
I'll download your build this evening to test it
mohasea said:
you said that 99% are in English.
Is it possible to make a build in another language? Or how to do that?
I'll download your build this evening to test it
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what language do you want? it is possible but currently not so many language are avalaible..
I'm switching from MIUI free beer and woman 5/11 , ofcourse I can switch with my current data.img .
One thing is making me anxious, it's the battery.
How much does it consume on standby ? on MIUI 5/11 it shows 3-4 mA ..
It's almost better than in WinMo .. I will give this one a shot and I hope it satisfy my needs
Thank you for your effort
And everybody who contributed !
kawazaki said:
I'm switching from MIUI free beer and woman 5/11 , ofcourse I can switch with my current data.img .
One thing is making me anxious, it's the battery.
How much does it consume on standby ? on MIUI 5/11 it shows 3-4 mA ..
It's almost better than in WinMo .. I will give this one a shot and I hope it satisfy my needs
Thank you for your effort
And everybody who contributed !
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usually i get around 5 ma in standby.. i have tweetdeck with FB and Twitter account sync for every 3 minutes, 3 Gmail account, i account is a high traffic mailist..almost hundreds to thousand emails a day..
in my experience most of MIUI build has the same battery consume on standby..
nice build.... very fast boot... great job
feedback(my view)
- wifi working
- battery is not showing percentage, showing a box inside circle
- animation between screens are not professional.
Do themes happen to work with this build?......
thank you for your build but why dont working the themes?
ree4mail said:
nice build.... very fast boot... great job
feedback(my view)
- wifi working
- battery is not showing percentage, showing a box inside circle
- animation between screens are not professional.
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Personally, i love the battery icon in this build, especially when charging...
for percentage, u can download batteryindicator.apk from market...
but what do you mean by "animation between screens?"
downloading now
ree4mail said:
nice build.... very fast boot... great job
feedback(my view)
- wifi working
- battery is not showing percentage, showing a box inside circle
- animation between screens are not professional.
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go to setting - system - battery change battery indicator style to percentage
Nor professional? wierd..
slimster said:
Do themes happen to work with this build?......
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no..i'm sorry..all MIUI build cant do themes.. we must manually add it to framework-res.apk .. anyway this build is base on N1 RodrigezStyle which is modified enough.. i'm really sure if we can apply the theme it breaks the build..
thanks a lot for the build, downloading now. just one thing, is it possible to add custom icons in a MIUI build? cheers
how do i reduce volume while listening 2 music since the volume down button is edited as back menu button?
going to check it out..
can u explain the button remap thing again, what u said in the op wasnt clear to me.
GREAT work mate Downloadin as we speak.. LOVE the MIUI builds, and here is another one... BIG BIG thanx
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I guess , it is about time to move my ass and do something useful in here
In this Guide i will try to provide you with the best optimization for the roms , based solely on my use and testing for the past days :angel: , so lets get started
As always , basic knowledge is required at least , you know how to do a Nand backup in TWRP , so make sure you know what you are doing
It is better if you do this on a clean install
Note : i'm merging the guide for the two roms , but i will provided side tips for each rom if needed
Note 2 : lollipop is still , in early stages in development and if you didn't already know , there has been a bug that hit the wave in his weak point "Ram"
second to that there is a great lag in dialer , so that making calls or receive them , will give you a headache , read further in links
Lollipop memory leak
Dialer lag
i will provide you with my work around on this bug
Note 3 : due to memory leaking sometimes the phone just reboot ,
Note 4: Omni 4.4 / Lollipop / GearCM /better , honestly for now i only recommend using Omni 4.4 (NAND) or GearCM (NAND) i tested/used it for long time with no major bugs . but looking forward to the next release of Lollipop
Omni review by Hero355
GearCM review
Lollipop review
How to Install Android Lollipop on Samsung wave devices
Best Roms (Very stable and recommended for daily use)
[ROM][WIP][NAND] Omni 4.4 - 11.12.2014 by @volk204
Omni review by Hero355
[GearCM][NAND|S85xx][4.4.4] Optimized CyanogenMod 11 for Samsung Wave I/II by @Alberto96
Tip 1 : note that some of this tweaks will take place after you reboot your phone
Tip 2: Start this Guide by deactivating All "other sounds" in sound settings .
1- Apps you gonna need / recommended / and Gapps
As stated by @volk204
volk204 said:
GAPPS make our ROM slowler, because also slim GAPPS take about 15-20 MB RAM permanently
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*Do NOT install Gapps unless you really need them , specially with Lollipop , (NB : note that i don't use Gapps , and this Guide is based on that)
*Use an apk downloader website and search for your application , download, put them on the sd card , and install . couldn't be any easier
*Root you rom
*Download those APKs
To remove android bloatware System app remover (ROOT) (if Lollipop) Andromizer (if omni)
To replace native browser : Opera Mini (for casual browsing on 3G ,fast ,save battery and data) and Atlas web browser (an great browser , with awesome features that will be more useful on the wave)
Apps/Ram/battery saver : Greenify
Tweaking the kernel : [ROOT] Kernel Tweaker
File manager : CM file manager 1.0.2 search for it , or download it from the attachment .
Video player : Mx player
2- Install the above apps and remove those
Use andromizer (omni 4..4) or System app remover (Lollipop) to remove the following apps , and reboot (and remove andromizer/System app remover , you don't need them anymore )
you don't need most of those apks , and you could remove more , those are the apps i don't need , and probably so do you , i recommend you remove them
Q: What those apps do ? is it safe to remove them ?
A: Safe , yes . read further in this guide What Android Apps(Bloatware) are Safe to Remove?
3-Battery Calibration / Voltage control / Kernel governors
*you probably already know this , there is no such apk that do battery calibration or saving battery , our amazing devs already put so much effort in tweaking the kernel to safe battery .
a Software will never repair a hardware
*but before all that (calibrate) it by : draining your battery until the phone shut down , try turning it on again to make sure battery is truly low
the trick is to fully charging it in Bada mode , by pluging the charge in while pressing the call button (phone off).
*Voltage control :
100 Hz and 200 Hz work on the same voltage , seeing that most of time in state are in 100 HZ and in this frequency ,CPU would take more time to accomplish tasks than in 200HZ , it is only logical to reduce the voltage on 100 HZ ,
you need a 3rd parties apps to modify the value as the original Dev asks to not implement the code the rom directly (use [ROOT] Kernel Tweaker) .
i played with value and here is the value the phone freeze at it (governors was set to performance , and max value is the freq tested).
phone freeze at this value 100HZ-750mv 200HZ-800mv 400HZ-875mv 800HZ-1075mv 1000HZ-1175mv
i used 100 mv (Omni) 125 mv (lollipop) above this setting , with no freezing or problems , you can push it further and test it more
Use kernel tweaker , under the UV table, enter the voltage value , make sure to give root permission and set it to apply value on boot , and reboot.
*Kernel Governors:
-For omni 4.4 , i really like what i have on interactive 100-1000 mhz , i didn't tweak it but you surely could , if you want ;
read this [REF][TWEAKS] Kernel Governors, Modules, I/O Schedulers, CPU Tweaks, AIO App Configs before you make any dummy change
NB : make sure to note this , as the wave now is considered a low end device , some governors will put a reverse effect on battery , for example setting the governors on Conservative will drain battery much more .
Since the processor will run on low frequency , it will take it much time to do tasks , and therefore it will consume much likely than it do on high frequency , roughly 5 seconds on 200mhz consume more than 3 seconds on 800mhz
Further more you we'll notice a slight lag , due to the fact that the conservative governor increases and decreases CPU speed more gradually. Simply put, this governor increases the frequency step by step on CPU load and jumps to lowest frequency on CPU idle.
so if you use heavy tasks apps on your mobile i don't recommend using "conservative" , it is much suited with daily life usage (calling , messaging , casual browsing ...)
ok : (tested for Omni 4.4)
you need Performance : Go with 100-1200 interactive
In the middle : Go with 100-1200 conservative
Battery safe : Go with 100-1000 conservative
-For Lollipop; well for starter interactive on 100-1200 mhz is a nice choice , i will dig it further and report
*Battery Testing : 100-1000 Mhz interactive
Playing movie from Sd card on full brightness drain battery by 12.17%/hour about 7 hours and half play time at full brightness
on Standby , don't expect so much , battery drain at 0.9 to 1.2 %/ hours on (3G mode , Auto sync deactivated ),so about 110 hours (4 days and half) :fingers-crossed:
4-Ram management software
Ram manager or such software is just a bull****, there is a saying i read it a while ago on xda that "A free Ram is a wasted Ram " so don't try to kill apps because they just take more battery and resources when they relaunch .
5-Using Greenify : (donated version recommended)
Greenify help you identify and put the misbehaving apps into hibernation when you are not using them, to stop them from lagging your device and leeching the battery , with that been said
Do not Greenify any app that you use a lot or an app that relaunch itself like "download manager" "Google play services " it will only cost you your battery life
For example you can greenify mail.apk if you disable auto-sync
For me ;
6- Gapps (what if i need google play service)
-well ; note that there 's always an alternative to any apk that require Google play service , Google oblige you to use them , so that they push you some Ads and keep track of your location :laugh: , maybe isn't quite true , but i like to believe so .
-any way here is what you need to do :
*Install Gapps link
*Log to your Google account let it update "Google Play service" and "Play store"
*Download 3C Toolbox Aka Android tuner
*Disable play store , it will ask you to remove updated , say yes (activated it when needed)
*Disable also : Google contact sync , Google calender sync (if you do not sync events from your google account) , Google backup transport ( backing up data to your google account , also disable if not needed)
it will get a little tricky here so :fingers-crossed: :angel: and Say thanks to xda assist @timmaaa for his guide , (i retouched it a little )
*Go to setting - Apps permissions - Google play services and put every thing to off
*Next step we gonna reduce the wake locks of Google play service to the point , like it was never installed :highfive:
timmaaa said:
*Open 3C toolbox , give it root access , pull out the side menu, scroll down to the Apps Manager section and select Application Startups. Open the box at the top and change it to All, click the button in the bottom-right until it says System, scroll to Google Play Services and select it, a huge list will open, scroll to very near the bottom and find the Wakeup option, uncheck the box.
*Go back to the main menu of Android Tuner and pull out the side menu on the left, scroll down to the Apps Manager section and select Application Manager. Click the centre box at the bottom until it says System, scroll to find Google Play Services and highlight it, press the Manage button in the bottom-right and select Permissions. This should bring you to the Perms tab, swipe across to the Services tab. In this list you want to uncheck anything that starts with Ads or Analytics ,Games , Wallet you also want to uncheck anything that starts with as well.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
NB: make sure to not ; i repeat to not uncheck this . it will cause play services to keep looping and never go to sleep
timmaaa said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
* if you want to push this further , disable the same services ( Ads or Analytics ,Games , Wallet , location report) from the other tabs (receivers , providers , activities ) be careful to not causing a loop that will keep wack locking your devices , do it at your own risk , it needs more testing :angel:
the result will be like this
screenshot in Google setting when opening "play games" , completely disabled :highfive:
NB : if you see , a pop up at boot saying , google play service crashed , just click ok , ( crash related to the service not needed , we did disable) , Google play service still work fine with apps and Google maps
Note : remove 3C toolbox (not needed) after you do every step correctly and the apps work as it should
7- Applications :
*Browser :
Set your default browser to Atlas browser , there 2 awesome thing about this browser :
1- it offer free Ad block , and Java script pop out windows blocker , and believe me it 'll deliver say thanks for Xda senior member @tliebeck
2- The "Experience" selector controls what types of rich content are displayed. The "HI-FI" mode provides the full experience, while the "LO-FI" mode disables JavaScript and rich media. Using LO-FI can have a tremendous impact on performance, but may come at the expense of web site functionality. A final "TEXT" option can be useful in critical low-signal situations.
*Mediaplayer :
from setting Set MX player to always use S/W decoder for online and local , it will give more space to the processor to work .
8-Managing media scans :
Media scan , for multimedia files , runs every times at startup and every time you lunch gallery or take picture , it will scan all folders in your storage and it will take sometimes more than 20 mins to finish , which will cost you some % on battery
so open CM file manager :
*one by one select every folder with no playable media like for exemple "android" folder
*press and hold , and select proprieties
*check "skip media scan"
*click ok
9- Loollipop Caller lag , and Omni 4.4 optimization :
probably there is a bug with the animation scaling , or it is a bug that over eat the ram
to fix temporary the lag in Lollipop caller lag ; do the following :
*Go to developer option
*scroll down , and turn off the following :
NB : note that effects will take place after you reboot your phone
NB 2: make sure to deactivate All "other sounds" in sound settings .
Appling this on Omni 4.4 will result in so much improvement , specially in opening big apps with boot animation
10- Moving apps and links2sd
[Guide] partition and link2sd [pictures included for each step] by @sanny5
Don't use this on Lollipop , there not even the available RAM to open the native apps
Moving apps to SD , uses at least 30 MB of RAM (Xposed + Modules + Link to SD )
It is not worth it , even on Omni 4.4 with a few apps installed
11- USB mass storage support
This only supported in GearCM ROM
12- Mobile Network
Bad Call Quality while on 2G (GPRS & EDGE) Networks (probably related to AMR_WB)
Dynamic Switching between 2G (GPRS & EDGE) & 3G (UMTS & HSDPA) doesn't work (it is recommended to use 3G Only mode)
13- How to solve encryption is unsuccessful Error :
The problem came from the Data partition being formatted in F2FS format , because you did it or the previous ROM you installed did it automatically
The problem rises when you try to install omni 4.4 , because the kernel has no support for F2FS , and Kernel read data as encrypted and can't do anything
to solve this boot to TWRP , and format everything to "ext4"
Flash rom again
If this Guide helped you in anyway , make sure to thank first xda developers @volk204 @Rebellos @Alberto96 , without their work and effort developing the ROM , this Guide won't be possible .
Thanks also for all the original Badadroid porting team .
enjoy !!
also add
developer option-> background process limit ->at most 2 processes
m90ultimate said:
also add
developer option-> background process limit ->at most 2 processes
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that maybe will cause a reverse effect if you think about it ,
setting it " at most 2 processes" , surely will give you slightly better performance
but in other hand , android keep killing background processes , but those processes never sleep , it keep relaunching
that will cause a loop
and launching app take more of battery than when leaving it running
en plus an unused ram is wasted ram
m90ultimate said:
also add
developer option-> background process limit ->at most 2 processes
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Side note : you can't set it to load at boot , anyway
nice guide
Hi ice_ice, i see you have done many things for tweaking those roms! Thank you for the guide! :good::good::good:
Majd7667 said:
Hi ice_ice, i see you have done many things for tweaking those roms! Thank you for the guide! :good::good::good:
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you welcome
thanks for explanation of following tweaks
for voltage values i have better one
1.850mv for 100 & 200 mhz
2.950mv for 400mhz
3.1100mv for 800mhz
4.1150mv for 1000mhz
these values are highly stable.
Hi, @ice_ice.
Please give proper credit for section 6 of your guide, that was almost entirely written by me. I know you mention to say thanks to me for the guide but that doesn't really make it clear that that section is (mostly) a copy of my work.
Thanks, and well done on your thread.
timmaaa said:
Hi, @ice_ice.
Please give proper credit for section 6 of your guide, that was almost entirely written by me. I know you mention to say thanks to me for the guide but that doesn't really make it clear that that section is (mostly) a copy of my work.
Thanks, and well done on your thread.
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done , sorry for the inconvenient
black0000 said:
thanks for explanation of following tweaks
for voltage values i have better one
1.850mv for 100 & 200 mhz
2.950mv for 400mhz
3.1100mv for 800mhz
4.1150mv for 1000mhz
these values are highly stable.
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yes , you can push it further , as it fit best with your daily use
i tested my value on different use , and situation , and it probably work fine in most situation
i have little concern about "1150mv for 1000mhz" , since i tried that and the phone freeze on heavy tasks , i tested that with endomondo and playing music with apolo , phone suddenly freezes , run tracking was ruined :crying:
since the phone use the following frequencies by order of % , 100mhz , 800mhz , 200mhz , 1000mhz , it is more interesting to tweak the 100mhz
ice_ice said:
yes , you can push it further , as it fit best with your daily use
i tested my value on different use , and situation , and it probably work fine in most situation
i have little concern about "1150mv for 1000mhz" , since i tried that and the phone freeze on heavy tasks , i tested that with endomondo and playing music with apolo , phone suddenly freezes , run tracking was ruined :crying:
since the phone use the following frequencies by order of % , 100mhz , 800mhz , 200mhz , 1000mhz , it is more interesting to tweak the 100mhz
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I'm using these values since one year no freezes at all
but remember although we have same processor but it's not identical since it is not possible to produce two identical thing
these values may be differ little bit.
also, freez may occur with other values not only 1000 mhz
like if ur 1000 mhz values is correct but 800mhz values is unstable then also freez occurs
ihave played asphalt 8, mc4,5 , most wanted gt racing2, real racing 3 etc. using these values in ics with no freeze.
black0000 said:
but remember although we have same processor but it's not identical since it is not possible to produce two identical thing
these values may be differ little bit.
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didn't consider that , thx :highfive:
can you post screenshots for battery statistics and wacklocks from the performance menu :angel:
any way here is some batteries
*this one is 3,000mAh extended but so ugly
*others interesting (samsung wave battery dimensions are 64 mm x 43mm x 5 mm , so some alternative 3rd parties batteries )
2450mah - High capacity golden battery
Link Dream B494358vu 3.7v 2500mah Li-ion Battery
maxximus extra power 1700mah for samsung wave
Link Dream 3.7V 1700mAh Cell Phone Battery EB504465VU for Samsung Admire
ice_ice said:
:good: didn't consider that , thx :highfive:
can you post screenshots for battery statistics and wacklocks from the performance menu :angel:
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my battery is 4 year old
so it doesn't deliver good performance
How to Install Android Lollipop on Samsung wave devices
Post updated
GearCM review
13- How to solve encryption is unsuccessful Error :
Gps file
any new roms coming !!??
Malware Buster
This is a Xposed module. It helps to prevent malwares to register service/receiver which were disabled in My Android Tools before.
Use My Android Tools/3C Tools to disable service/receiver of your target Apps Install this module, enable it in Xposed Installer, you need to reboot device at the frist time. Check the target Apps you want to disable in Malware Buster UI.
Look at log of Xposed Installer, many runtime information will be shown there.
Reference:, int, int) Some UI codes come from
Download Link:
Android上有很多流氓App, 比如xx地图, xx输入法, xxx钱包, xx点评, 会注册一堆service和receiver常驻后台, 即使在App的设置里关掉各种推送也没用. 常见的方法是使用绿色守护. 对于高级用户来说使用My Android Tools/3C Tools, 可以更有效地关闭不必要的service和receiver. 可是这些顽固的App会在运行的过程中重新注册这些service/receiver, 而My Android Tools只是静态地禁用, 没有常驻进程, 无法检测是否被重新开启了. 本App的解决方案是使用Xposed Module, 通过Hook setComponentEnabledSetting方法, 改写参数为DISABLED, 让流氓App无法重新注册service/receiver.
使用My Android Tools/3C Tools禁用service/receiver 初次安装在Xposed Installer里勾选后需要重启 打开本App的界面, 勾选需要和谐的App
Reference:, int, int)
Some UI codes come from
Source Code:
? good thx for share
来自我的 LG-D802 上的 Tapatalk
This module really caught my eye but I can't find "my android tools". Is this app only available for specific devices or in some countries? Can you post a play store link to "my android tools"?
[size=-4]Sent from my Boeffla powered Slim (4.4.4) GT-I9300[/size]
nice and neat, thank you developer
Is it possible to enable this also for System Apps?
I can see in Amplify that Play Services tries to use Services I have disabled.
need help
@twilightgod Some instruction with details would really be nice. What does it do? Does it just stop the components from loading, shut them down, bypasses them, or what? I already use My Android Tools, awesome app.
I don't have a plan to hack system app, it's dangerous in my local test.
Google Services work well and costs not so much battery without GFW, disabling some of them while keeping basic functionality work will not help to your battery in if you don't have a stable way to get off GFW (like shadowsocks) in my experience.
Sorry, I didn't put much details in English.
The use case is, some apps will register service/receiver when it's running, so even if you disable bad service/receiver in my android tools, they will be registered again in next run, because my android tools will not run all the time in background.
This app will help to prevent them from registration.
Myandroidtools is flagged as malware/Trojan/PUP by 4 different virus scanners and together with appstart and agree to the permissions of the app is a script invoking "qihoo", searching for x86, x64 and a few more libraries on your device.
I seldom buy applications, but this one seemed fine before I got to know it.
I will add all possibly fixes that are added to switch. This is only a compilation of the contributions that we have found in the official forum of switch root.
UPDATE:08/06 TEMPLATE TO DOLPHIN. THX @SvenDaHacker64 This dolphin has more options than the original, and run at 30 FPS DBZ BT3 (1080p)
08/05 Added Joycon controls for kodI & USB INFO TO ACTIVATE ETHERNET..
Hal launcher:
ATV Launcher:
ATV Launcher Free
Keyboard(Works with joycons):
LeanKey Keyboard
Joycon enable
Ethernet! by @USBhost
Additional features:
THIS APP to get rid of the BLACK BORDERS in fullscreen mode
I WANT PLAY FORTNITE:use GLTools to spoof an Adreno 630, and enable Magisk Hide for the game.
Screenshots(or maybe use an Xposed module to enable them even when they're "not allowed")
Screen rotation OR Screen Rotation
NVIDIA GameStream without the lag: Moonlight Game stream ONLY NVIDIA CARDS.
Without NVIDIA CARDS:Steam Link
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Joycon Fix Flasheable:
Joycon Fix Flasheable(L3 and R3) by Switchroot official site
Joycon Fix GTA:
Fix GTA With Invert Controls STYLE XBOX/PS4
Bluetooth Auto connect (Lag and autoconnect)
Magisk v19.3
Uninstaller:Uninstaller Magisk
Many have been able to boot straight into twrp from android by enabling developer options and enabling advanced reboot (tapping and holding power button > reboot > recovery).
Systemless Xposed
Gravitybox [O]
Also, make sure to mount /system in TWRP before flashing OpenGApps, the joycon fix (the GTA one should work for other games, such as TR2), or other zips.
No root
drag and drop "peripheral.joystick"
The folder is hidden, use ES file manager, or any other of this option I use that one.
Joycon controller for kodi v2
-Fix Directional PAD.
Screen Shift
Dolphin original:
Dolphin weihuoya: <- I use this
Save as <GameID>.ini and copy to /storage/emulated/0/dolphin-mmj/GameSettings
Example: New Super Mario Bros. Wii, it'll be SMNP01.ini , GMSP01.ini for Super Mario Sunshine.
Lockcreen for dock:
Settings > Security & Privacy > Screen lock > None
To remove the Navigation Bar:
To add the Navigation Buttons to Quick Settings:
Mount FAT32
Mount FAT32
@langer hans
I use this app to get rid of the black borders in fullscreen mode:
FPS counter:
Fortnite: use GLTools to spoof an Adreno 630, and enable Magisk Hide for the game.
Screenshots: (or maybe use an Xposed module to enable them even when they're "not allowed")
Screen rotation:
NVIDIA GameStream without the lag:
(non-NVIDIA or non-Windows users can use SteamLink:
Also, make sure to mount /system in TWRP before flashing OpenGApps, the joycon fix (the GTA one should work for other games, such as TR2), or other zips.
nastys said:
I use this app to get rid of the black borders in fullscreen mode:
FPS counter:
Fortnite: use GLTools to spoof an Adreno 630, and enable Magisk Hide for the game.
Screenshots: (or maybe use an Xposed module to enable them even when they're "not allowed")
Screen rotation:
NVIDIA GameStream without the lag:
(non-NVIDIA or non-Windows users can use SteamLink:
Also, make sure to mount /system in TWRP before flashing OpenGApps, the joycon fix (the GTA one should work for other games, such as TR2), or other zips.
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Thanks nastys, I added this.
I can't figure out how to get Fortnite working. I did magisk hide on the installer and used GLTools to spoof an Adreno 630 GPU but still says "device not supported".
Shadowehh said:
I can't figure out how to get Fortnite working. I did magisk hide on the installer and used GLTools to spoof an Adreno 630 GPU but still says "device not supported".
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Activate the first option, and try again.
Chiveta said:
XPosed framework with Gravitybox [O] (Recomend for Reboot without hekate)
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Gravitybox is NOT supported on custom roms like LineageOS. It has caused bootloops for many people who didn't read the dev's following warning. From the link you provided:
"- SHOULD NOT be used with custom ROMs like Lineage, AOSPA, or any other derivative - it makes no sense since the most of the features are already in the ROM (may cause conflicts and unexpected behavior)"
Many have been able to boot straight into twrp from android by enabling developer options and enabling advanced reboot (tapping and holding power button > reboot > recovery). Also, the system UI tuner built I to Lineage already provides many of these features; you just have to explore the settings app a bit.
Thanks for this well organized post though. The main thread has many good tips and it's nice having someone consolidate them in one thread.
I haven't installed any Joycons fixes yet. Do i install all of them or is there certain ones that i need?
For Kodi ive found a better solution first Root your Android lineage
Download super su arm64 for lineage 15.1
Install Zip via twrp
Go to développer mode activate Root for application
Install this app screenshift
And create a profil 1280 720 activate and go in Kodi everything work perfecto
You Can create a profil 1920 1080 to go back normal
Btw Quick question can't find this path : Directory:Android/data/org.xmbc.kodi/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/
drag and drop "peripheral.joystick"
Some help ?
Count_NOOBula said:
Gravitybox is NOT supported on custom roms like LineageOS. It has caused bootloops for many people who didn't read the dev's following warning. From the link you provided:
"- SHOULD NOT be used with custom ROMs like Lineage, AOSPA, or any other derivative - it makes no sense since the most of the features are already in the ROM (may cause conflicts and unexpected behavior)"
Many have been able to boot straight into twrp from android by enabling developer options and enabling advanced reboot (tapping and holding power button > reboot > recovery). Also, the system UI tuner built I to Lineage already provides many of these features; you just have to explore the settings app a bit.
Thanks for this well organized post though. The main thread has many good tips and it's nice having someone consolidate them in one thread.
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Sorry to hear all this. but it worked for me and I've never had a bootloop problem. I have the photos here.
jaycounet said:
Btw Quick question can't find this path : Directory:Android/data/org.xmbc.kodi/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/
drag and drop "peripheral.joystick"
Some help ?
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The folder is hidden, use ES file manager, or any other that gives you this option I use that one.
Oh! Thanks for photo evidence. It looks as if the latest version does support Lineage. I personally experienced a bootloop on gravity box for android 7 and kicked myself for not making a twrp backup. I only found out it wasn't supported on custom ROMs like lineage when I read the dev's description listed in the link you provided.
Out of curiosity, what gravity box tweaks do you use that aren't built into lineage?
Count_NOOBula said:
Oh! Thanks for photo evidence. It looks as if the latest version does support Lineage. I personally experienced a bootloop on gravity box for android 7 and kicked myself for not making a twrp backup. I only found out it wasn't supported on custom ROMs like lineage when I read the dev's description listed in the link you provided.
Out of curiosity, what gravity box tweaks do you use that aren't built into lineage?
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Gravitybox [O] 8.5.4, Because we are in oreo, surely that's why you had bootloop when installing the Gravitybox, even the Xposed is important to know the SDK(Android version) that has our firmware and always check everything. install the Systemless Xposed
Phillyrider807 said:
I haven't installed any Joycons fixes yet. Do i install all of them or is there certain ones that i need?
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I'm sorry for the delay, you should install the one you like the Switch Style or XO / PS4 Style. The realease official only fixes the L3 and R3, the Analog didn't work for me.
Chiveta said:
Activate the first option, and try again.
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I have already done that. I instead did the manual installation via TWRP which fixed the issue. The last question I have is that do I have to do the same thing with the actual Fortnite game as well?
PingSpoofer said:
I have already done that. I instead did the manual installation via TWRP which fixed the issue. The last question I have is that do I have to do the same thing with the actual Fortnite game as well?
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In theory you should read your joycon, verify that the triggers work for you, if not, you should flash another zip, Style switch or XO / PS4. and in case the controller does not work, it uses octopus.
Any fix for Zr and Zl as RT and LT they dont work for me on GeForce now
@Chiveta The link to Screen Shift app doesn't least not for me.
Googling it I happened to find the app to change resolution and so on...
Now I'm excited, maybe I can fix my screen with it. I have a sony 4k 120 hz tv and no matter how often I dock and undock the switch I get a "scrambled up" output on tv...though tv says it gets 1080p..
Great thread. It would be nice if the op was compressed in hide tags to make it easier to go through though.
Also I know I came here looking for useful stuff for android-switch, and I figure I post this here buried from the main thread:
Count_NOOBula said:
12 Helpful Tips
.. for Switch users new to Android.
1. Place a battery percentage indicatior in the status bar so you can see the number increase in real time while charging. This is a temporary workaround; the current build doesn't indicate whether the system is charging while charging it.
Head to Settings > Battery > switch on Battery Percentage. I often play while charging, so it's helpful seeing this number go up simply by glancing at the status bar.
2. Use TWRP to create a backup image file of the entire android OS, so you can easily restore to it if an app, magsik or xposd module causes any issues, especially issues that cause bootloops. I also recommend using TWRP's built in file manager to move files back and forth between the 2GB fat32 partition and android's own storage system << this is helpful if you find FTP-ing a bit painful in certain circumstances.
Head to TWRP and tap Backup > Slide to initiate backup. (Tap the words "autogenerate" to rename your backup prior to initiating the backup. Note: none of the files accessible via the file manager will be deleted or backed up. Just the OS itself, instslled apps along with their data and settings (e.g your notes in a notes app). To access the file manager, tap Advanced on TWRPs home screen (you can move, copy and rename files and even delete magisk module folders if a particular magisk module is causing bootloops)
You can move this TWRP backup to a PC and even to another switch and restore it to move all your stuff to a second switch. TWRP backup images are stored on the non fat32 partion (fat32 partition is the 2GB partition that shows up on your PC when plug in this LineageOS SD card). To move this backup to the PC, install any free ftp or WiFi file transfer app and navigate it to /sdcard/TWRP/backups.
3. (optional but tricky) Uninstall System Bloatware
...RAM and other resources are precious. As amazing as this build is, the devs have left in some useless apps aren't needed on the Switch like Microsoft email exchanger, phone , call management and default SMS app, contacts app, LineageOS Updater (useless on unofficial builds), call log etc. I used Titanium Backup to uninstall these system apps. The process is tricky cuz system apps are notoriously difficult to remove unless you use apps like these. Also, uninstalling the wrong system app can bootloop your system so don't do this if you don't know what you're doing. MAKE A TWRP BACKUP BEFORE "DEBLOATING". I've saved over hundreds of MBs of ram and improved battery life by uninstalling bloatware that wastes CPU cycles.. Bloatware reduces performance in apps like dolphin, nom gaming apps and even sucks battery while the screen is off, esp annoying since this build doesn't CURRENTLY support deep sleep). A novice user should ONLY uninstall common sense apps (call log backup and restore, exchange, updater etc). And ALWAYS backup your ROM using TWRP beforehand to recover from bootloops secondary to accidental deletions.
4. Backup your apps AND data
..all thanks to Titanium Backup can also restore app data from a TWRP backup using this app, give you two excellent backup options.
5. Enjoy system wide dark mode and other themes
..all thanks to Substratum
...if you've installed Xposd, download "Force Darkmode Oreo" < download via Xposd or the website. can download tons of free and paid themes for Substrstum, including true black and gray themes, and give your eyes a break. System wide dark mode is coming in Android 10 but just because we're all on 8.1, doesn't mean we need to blind our eyes playing at night.
6. Use AdAway to block ads at the host level. Import more lists from the EasyList site. Tap and hold on the txt link then paste them in the app's sources.
7. Use AFwall+ or other firewalls, to allow only select apps access to the internet
8. Use Nova Launcher and download icon packs. The built in app launcher (called Trebuchet) has no customkzariom features but still uses over 160MB of RAM in this build. RAM is key for many demanding apps (eg depth of field/field of view in android games like PUBG, and even in Dolphin games) so every MB helps. Plus a new lanucher like Nova gives you tons of options to customize things to your liking. After installing a launcher and setting it as default, you can uninstall Trebuchet using a bloatware uninstaller like Titanium Backup.
9. Use AppOps (free or pro) to protect your privacy through fine grained permission control (or use the much more limited but still useful Privacy Guard << built into Lineage, simply search for it in settings). This feature is built into android but because unlike Apple, Google makes money through tracking, they've deliberately buried it by giving it no UI a user can easily control. This app provides that UI and simple switches to block clipboard access, prevent apps from waking up or running in the background, preventing unauthorized apps access to the SD card etc. Google officially gives users only like 20% of the privacy variable switches you can toggle off in this app. HIGHLY recommended.
10. Install XPOSD and an xposd module called Prevent Running, to prevent all your installed apps from randomly waking up in the background and wasting valuable RAM and other resources. (Note: may affect notifications so don't use it on messaging apps etc)
11. See which apps are sucking up your ram by using the built in RUNNING SERVICES setting. Head to Settings > System > About Tablet. Then scroll down & tap on the "build number" SEVEN times until developer options are enabled. Then head to Settings > System > Developer Options > Running Services.
12.Boost android launch time by preventing apps from automatically launching at startup. Once you've enabled Developer Options, head to Settings > System > Developer Options > Memory> scroll down and tap "Apps started on boot". Now you'll see a list of apps that have been configured to start up as soon as Android boots.
Alternatively, you can search in Settings for Privacy Guard > tap the three dots in the top right > then Advanced > now swipe all the way to the right til you see "run in background" and "bootup". You can now slide off each app you don't need as soon as the system boots. You can also prevent apps from running the background. You'll see a huge boost in boot times esp if you have tons of apps installed.
Bonus Tip: Upgrade the web rendering engine "Webview". This build has version 72.xxxx while the latest version from google as of July 29th is v. Since most apps including the browser use Webview, upgrading will pay off. Not only does it boost browsing speed, but it's also essential to be keep our Switch STADIA -Ready, cuz Stadia will rely on the latest webview APIs found in Chrome. I don't use chrome, so this is helpful for people like me. This may be a noob opinion, but i think Stadia will likely rely on the latest Webview APIs, not necessarily the Chrome app. Even if you don't care about Stadia, upgrading webview will boost the internal web browsers of all your apps.
Install the latest Webview apk from the playstore/apkmirror (arm64 variant) > enable developer options > in develop options, you'll find an option to select Webview versions > switch from v72 to v76. Run browsing benchmarks and enjoy the boost! You can uninstall the older v72 webview using Titanium Backup.
I'd appreciate it if someone started a thread listing tips and recommended apps/tweaks that could really help switch users. For now, enjoy these tweaks from one noob to another.
Thanks to everyone who posted on this thread to help me and esp to the Switchroot team for their wizardry.
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If I ever get my switch set up, I may start a thread for tips and such for using android on switch.
how do you use joycon enable? even if it works, the button layout is messed up after that.