Help, Battery drain issue. - LG V60 ThinQ Questions & Answers

Hello Everyone....When 1st got my phone few days later i am facing huge battery drain issue 4-5% per but that was fix by doing firmware update by lgup.
But now i am facing per hour 1% battery drain issue. Hence i did some testing with my mother low end Huawei Honor 7c phone by installing same apps.
Here is the result-
Lg v60 wifi & data both off—-3hours 1% drain, wifi on——1% per hour.
Huawei wifi & data both off—6hours 1% drain, wifi on——3hours 1% drain
Please guys help me. I am really frustrated.

I just got mine with dual screen and noticed same problem. It's a T-mobile version and i forgot how bloated carrier's variant were.
This will help, no root needed.
Not sure which model you got, but I deleted all T-mobile apps and most LG.
Noticed an improvement right away.

Airtioteclint said:
I just got mine with dual screen and noticed same problem. It's a T-mobile version and i forgot how bloated carrier's variant were.
This will help, no root needed.
Not sure which model you got, but I deleted all T-mobile apps and most LG.
Noticed an improvement right away.
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Mine is t-mobile also.
I kept 2 tmobile (t-mobile & t-mobile diagnostic) apps because i have huge battery drain 4-5% battery drain before. Then i have to reflash my firmware. I don't know whether those 2 are causes it or not. Though i also debloated some other apps also.
One weird thing yesterday i put many lg stock & system apps to battery restrict because those apps running in background & uses my 7% (all of them weird!) battery
& detach my dual screen.
Battery was superb as it suppose to be...then i attach my dual scree no drain was found.
But today i am facing same issue.
Can you please tell me which other apps you debloat (disable or uninstall?) & how many days you have been using since debloat?
I am happy (sad) to see some other person facing same issue, coz i posted it on reddit also & some of the imbecile told me it's normal.

sagor1 said:
Mine is t-mobile also.
I kept 2 tmobile (t-mobile & t-mobile diagnostic) apps because i have huge battery drain 4-5% battery drain before. Then i have to reflash my firmware. I don't know whether those 2 are causes it or not. Though i also debloated some other apps also.
One weird thing yesterday i put many lg stock & system apps to battery restrict because those apps running in background & uses my 7% (all of them weird!) battery
& detach my dual screen.
Battery was superb as it suppose to be...then i attach my dual scree no drain was found.
But today i am facing same issue.
Can you please tell me which other apps you debloat (disable or uninstall?) & how many days you have been using since debloat?
I am happy (sad) to see some other person facing same issue, coz i posted it on reddit also & some of the imbecile told me it's normal.
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I don't remember exactly what I deleted but pretty much everything from T-mobile and LG. My theory is if it has an icon, it's safe to delete. The important stuff will have a gear icon.
That app allows for backup before deleting so not much worry.

If it's stock it's safe to delete any of them as a factory reset will restore them.
Best to try to know exactly what your deleting though... dependencies, dependencies, dependencies.
The carrier apps are probably safe to ditch unless you use them. Be careful with any having to do directly with the phone app or connectivity.
I prefer using a package disabler as it's easy to experiment without consequences.
Ditch FB, WhatsApp, etc... trashware.
Turn off wifi when not in use.
Any cloud apps suck battery including Google backup Transport. Disable Google Firebase and all Google, carrier, manufacturer and app feedback.
Temporarily disable Google play Services and see if this helps. Screen brightness and resolution settings matter, both can suck battery.
Adjust to what you need to use the device effectively.

Bummer.​blackhawk​I always disable google stock apps.
Are you using tmobile variant also?
Do you use ds case?
Please post the ss what are the apps you have put disable on package disabler.

sagor1 said:
Airtioteclint​Bummer.​​blackhawk​I always disable google stock apps.
Are you using tmobile variant also?
Do you use ds case?
Please post the ss what are the apps you have put disable on package disabler.
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I have a Samsung with AT&T. Some of the same issues may apply though as far as Google apps and such. Which is why I mentioned this.


[Q] AP Mobile massive data use

Hi there. Long time listener, first time (Android) poster here (and previously infrequent Windows Mobile poster).
I'm in Australia and ordered a Galaxy S2 from the UK, which I love. But the last couple of days I've noticed MASSIVE unintended 3G data use. I only have a 1GB limit and I was going along merrily for the last week. Then yesterday all of a sudden in one day I'd used around 300MB. So I did some tweaking, installed 3G Watchdog and this morning I'd used another 400MB!! The reason I installed 3G Watchdog is because it can tell me my data usage by app, and it turns out (according to 3GW) that the offender is AP Mobile, which had received 339.1MB this morning! So I'm just wondering if I could get some help with this.
AP Mobile as I understand it is purely an RSS type widget. Doesn't seem to be an app anywhere for it, and when you go into the widget, there are only like 2 configurable settings. Can't even choose which feeds it gets, from what I could tell. I had looked at it initially and set the refresh to 3 hours, but later removed the widget. It must have kept updating though (but even so,for a mobile device seems like a massive amount of data still!). I didn't realise this, but have now set the refresh to 'none'. I hope this works! Does anyone know much about it?
OK, so my questions really are:
1. Does anyone know how I can make sure this never accesses data again? I use Juice Defender but it doesn't even appear in the list of configurable apps (though things like the BBC iPlayer do). Perhaps because it's only a widget? Is there another app that might help me do this?
2. Ages ago I used Android Assistant to kill the APM process on startup since I wasn't using it. But it must still auto start itself at times (perhaps this was connected to the update interval, which is now set to 'none'). Is there an app that could persistently disable this (and other) service(s) without rooting?
3. Which leads to my third question. I'm assuming the only way to uninstall this (since it came as part of the original ROM) is to root my GS2? I saw the thread on rooting a GS2 but I'm not sure about all the terms, like which specific firmware I have and which kernal to install after rooting. I'm more than happy to root it but had a bit of trouble working out what it all meant. If I was to root it, is it simple to uninstall original firmware apps or is the only way to install a custom ROM?
EDIT: Ok, I think I have a handle on rooting my device now, my apologies for not researching thoroughly enough. I think I know which firmware, kernel etc. I have so it's just a matter of doing it now. And then I can use Titanium backup to uninstall stock Samsung apps? Is this the best/only way to do this?
4. I'm generally happy with the device as is so I don't necessarily (yet) want to install custom ROMs. If I only root it, without installing a new ROM, will I still be able to install Kies updates as and when they appear? And does that unroot it?
Sorry for all the questions! And I'm so sorry too since I know most of this is completely n00b stuff to you all. This is my first Android phone so still learning the ropes. And if I should have posted elsewhere please reprimand me accordingly. I did search before posting, but being a new platform, I don't have a framework yet for knowing the right search terms exactly.
I am having the same problem. I am also in Australia.
Is there a non root solution?
I use Quick Settings Mobile Data APN off unless i want it on .
After my initial ramblings, I ended up rooting my phone and removing the app entirely using Titanium backup. It was easy and painless and only took like 5 minutes. I assume it's worked for my data consumption, but haven't been able to test on 3G yet because I went over my limit for the month (thanks to APM) so have shut down mobile data until my next billing cycle. Doesn't seem to be anything like the data consumption over wifi though, so far. I still don't know though whether by rooting, if i load the next update through Kies (whenever it is released) I lose root or not, but so far the benefits far outweigh the inconvenience.
Without rooting, you can in the app set the update frequency to 'none' (one of the 2 settings it has!) but I didn't test whether this actually stops it or not, before I uninstalled it.
I too have the same problem with the AP Mobile App/Widget. At first when I got my SGS2 I used the widget as it looked pretty nice, but I soon stopped using it as it is almost entirely exclusively US news - pretty lazy of Samsung considering this is a UK version... you would think they could have got AP to configure it to EURO market or work with someone else such as the BBC instead. Anyway, the first time I noticed it was a CPU hog was when I noticed that in the space of my morning alarm, and me getting up (an hour, in which I took the phone off charging) the battery had gone down about 30%! In that hour I had not been using the phone at all! I checked the battery usage and it was clear what was responsible.... the AP Mobile app was using about 50% (can't remember exactly now) of the whole battery - more than the display and everything else! I force stopped it, and reported it, but still can't believe how much this can hog cpu/drain battery/data without even being used!!! Remember, this is without using the widget anymore, or ever checking the app! Today, I had my phone in my pocket (and inside a pouch) and all of a sudden I noticed it was really hot! To notice a unused phone, inside my jeans pocket, inside a pouch was really hot shows just how much the cpu must have been going crazy! When I took it out of my pocket the whole phone (including the screen) was very hot... something I've noticed a few times before when under intensive use (flash video streaming/1080p video taking/taking a call whilst charging) but for it to get like this whilst it shouldn't even be doing anything is crazy! Sure enough, when I checked the battery usage, AP was the guilty party! See attached screenshot from today as an example - notice the battery go off a cliff (over say half an hour, presumable whilst AP did it's thang) before I force stopped it! I should note this has happened over different firmware versions, so it's very much an app issue.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
After reading this post I have set the frequency to 'none' and hope that fixes this issue, but a widget really shouldn't be acting like this when not in use. I would be interested to hear if anyone else spots this in their battery usage - if so please post a screenshot also!
Samsung/AP please fix!
BTW, You will see that Wifi Sharing was draining the battery also... again without me using it. Could AP be activating it?
I am having exactly the same issue.
I have the Samsung Galaxy S2 and live in the UK so I too found the AP Mobile app a waste of space so I removed it.
A week into my monthly data quota being refreshed O2 txted me telling me I had used 80% of my 500Mb data - which was bizarre since I use my phone mainly on wifi and not for downloading large files. Even more bizarrely ONE HOUR later I got another txt telling me ALL my data had been used - and I had done absolutely nothing. In fact I even closed down the widgets I thought were consuming data.
I didn't realise it was APM at the time - however a few days ago I woke up and noticed my battery level abnormally low. I checked the usage and it had AP Mobile As the culprit - even though I had removed the widget weeks earlier! It was right at the top of battery usage, even above Display and Android OS
There is something seriously wrong with the AP Mobile App on Galaxy S2.
Based on another poster's above advice, I just added the widget again, went to SETTINGS for it and set the update frequency to NONE (it had been on hourly before I last removed it), and then I removed the widget again. I will keep an eye on my phone.
Really annoyed that Samsung Galaxy S2 auto starts this app even after you kill it AND especially after you removed the widget too!
Looks like I am going to have to root my phone if this don't work!
AnthonyDeSouza said:
I am having exactly the same issue.
I have the Samsung Galaxy S2 and live in the UK so I too found the AP Mobile app a waste of space so I removed it.
A week into my monthly data quota being refreshed O2 txted me telling me I had used 80% of my 500Mb data - which was bizarre since I use my phone mainly on wifi and not for downloading large files. Even more bizarrely ONE HOUR later I got another txt telling me ALL my data had been used - and I had done absolutely nothing. In fact I even closed down the widgets I thought were consuming data.
I didn't realise it was APM at the time - however a few days ago I woke up and noticed my battery level abnormally low. I checked the usage and it had AP Mobile As the culprit - even though I had removed the widget weeks earlier! It was right at the top of battery usage, even above Display and Android OS
There is something seriously wrong with the AP Mobile App on Galaxy S2.
Based on another poster's above advice, I just added the widget again, went to SETTINGS for it and set the update frequency to NONE (it had been on hourly before I last removed it), and then I removed the widget again. I will keep an eye on my phone.
Really annoyed that Samsung Galaxy S2 auto starts this app even after you kill it AND especially after you removed the widget too!
Looks like I am going to have to root my phone if this don't work!
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Same problem here with AP mobile. AP mobile is a badly written App. It drains battery like crazy, so I ended up removing it. There are better news feeder on the market, so it's not a big deal to just delete it.
iamthecosmos was right.
Adding the AP Widget again, then setting the update frequency to none before removing it again works just fine
AnthonyDeSouza said:
iamthecosmos was right.
Adding the AP Widget again, then setting the update frequency to none before removing it again works just fine
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Same problem here, UK based. Wake up Samsung.
How did you add the widget again please? New to the phone.
TIA Dave
I had the same problem, I've had the phone for about 5 months now,but last night I'd notice it heating up and using ridiculous amount of battery, I just ignored this, switch off then switch on. This afternoon I noticed 3g Watchdog say I was nearing my data limit, Netquin confirmed this, check the usage, was APM! used up 1.1 gig of my monthly 1.5 gig quota! I'd never used the widget before now and as nice as it looks was pointless with me being UK based and the app more US stories.
I'm hoping putting the refresh to 'never' does help, but after reading this thread and going to check that, it was already on 'never'!
Still, I now have 26 days of non data usage thanks to that widget
Something is seriously wrong with you guys' phones. I have AP mobile refresh every hour and it only use about 350 MB per month.
Also Associated Press (AP) is american, so obviously you are going to get mostly american news.
I am on Stock 2.3.5 and its rooted. Installed the free version of titanium backup and i m unable to delete the application. The AP Mobile is not even on my widgets. The frequency is set to None. Still when i see 3G Watchdog, the maximum utilization is of AP Mobile. My ISP is screwing me with long big bills. Thanks to 3G watchdog, at least i know the culprit now.
Pls help how to delete this crap application.
Open up titanium. At the top hit 'backup/restore' and you should see it there. Click on it and you should have an uninstall option.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
sxi200 said:
Open up titanium. At the top hit 'backup/restore' and you should see it there. Click on it and you should have an uninstall option.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Yes, when I do that, it gives me option. "Force remove app (by recovery exploit)". When i select this, it says blah blah and your phone will reboot twice.
But in the first reboot only, the phone goes to 3e recovery. The msg is, could not install the AP mobile (and gives the path to apk).
then I do reboot phone and nothing.. AP Mobile is still there..
ginloin said:
4. I'm generally happy with the device as is so I don't necessarily (yet) want to install custom ROMs. If I only root it, without installing a new ROM, will I still be able to install Kies updates as and when they appear? And does that unroot it?
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Updating through Kies does remove root access, but you can just re-root it straight away.
Hi All,
I'm a noob here, so please correct me on things which I may state incorrectly. I'm no expert on the Android OS or Samsung devices (first time user of the OS and phone manufacturer), but I too am experiencing the same problems everyone else is having.
I have tried countless methods mentioned on multiple forums to reduce the high data usage, but many only suggest data monitoring.
AP Mobile is definitely a culprit, but there are many other processes in the background which are continuously syncing to somewhere without our knowledge. I had performed all that was suggested (disable all forms of background syncing, deleted AP Mobile, etc. and data usage was still very high)
Recently, I came across two apps which has helped me better control my data usage.
I will give a little review of what I found useful, and what I found I disliked about the two apps:
1) NetQin Security
This app provides multiple functions, acting as an Anti Virus, Optimization of the device by closed all programs and freeing up RAM, and mostly importantly, Network Manager.
The Network Manager allows for Daily and Monthly Traffic views and you will be able to view the processes connecting to the Internet.
Great thing is, you can also view data usage per app.
There is also a Firewall feature, which will allow you control data traffic for individual apps for both WiFi and 2G/3G connectivity.
If the phone is rooted, there is a setting which can be enabled, called "Disconnect at limit", which is self explanatory
One thing I don't like as much as the next app I will mention, is that it doesn't offer as many apps to manage in the Firewall list.
2) DroidWall
This app is only a firewall. Allows users to control the data that passes through their phone, and has more controllable apps.
Things I dislike, it is doesn't offer a network monitor, or an option to Disconnect on Limit
Both apps are available from the Android Market.
Please be aware that both these apps will need root access.
I know this doesn't completely resolve the high data usage issue, but will help reduce the high data usage.
Please let us know if someone does find a solution to this issue.
Exactly the same ...
last month ( November) I had a data usage of 3.6 GB :O ... cost me £20 . And I'd been using Facebook a lot more than normal + emails, however this month, 15 days into the billing period I've used over 1GB of data , costing me £11. I downloaded my data manager and realised it was AP, however I'd already tried that widget in the past, and already set it's update frequency to 'None', but it did nothing!!
Sooooo, I guess the only solution is root and delete :/ Urgh... wanted to wait more than 2 months of having the phone before rooting... ah well!!
just root and uninstall it.
same issue here
Hi, sporadically I had the same issue too. Sometime 100Mb, other time 250Mb, I could not understand what was taking so much data, heating up the phone and draining the battery. Instead of going straight back to the shop, where generally you find [email protected]@Kwits that understand zero about this sort of problems, I decided to study the issue a little bit by myself. And installed data traffic programs to check what was going on. Initially I thought google+ was doing it but AP mobile came out to be the first cause.
I ask myself the following questions:
-what is the point in installing a program only for american news on phones that are sold in europe....mistery...
-there are obviously many cases related t this [email protected]@ked up program that samsung insists on installing, as the first posts related to this came out in april/may 2011, so nearly 8 months ago and with the new releases of firmware nothing has been done.
-get your functional tests right guys in samsung!!! how long do you test your [email protected]@t before handing it over to volume manufacturing??
So, at the end, I rooted the phone and uninstalled this crap. Big plause to samsung for this totally (useless) crap and for wasting money and time of it customers!!!!
I have the same problem intermittently. Fortunately I am on an unlimited data tariff, but yesterday my phone used ~350mb and drained the battery in a few hours. Battery and data use statistics showed that AP mobile used nearly 30% of the battery, despite the fact that I had not run it and do not have the widget installed!
I used the "My Samsung" UK site to contact tech support to ask about the issue. The response I got was:
"Thank you for contacting Samsung.
Can you please go menu>settings>accounts and sync and turn off automatic
If you require any further assistance, please contact Samsung again and
we will be more than happy to help."
Useful. It's not like I want to get my e-mails/calendar events/twitter feeds/facebook updates/BBC news updates...

[Q] "Android System" using far too much battery, help

Hi guys. I picked up a Sony Xperia SX (It comes with Android 4.0.4) a week ago and have been happy with it except for the battery life; it's not quite as good as my old Nexus One.
I've been looking at the battery usage stats and things seem ok except for "Android System." This collection of tasks takes up a LOT of battery and I have no idea why. Does anyone know?
I've turned off all my Google Account syncing and removed some of the pre-installed bloatware (for example, McAfee AntiVirus, but for some reason this still appears under Android System - does that mean it's not uninstalled? If so, is there some way to get into the system and actually remove this process?). The screenshots below are for a full days worth of very light usage: a few text messages, browsed one web page for a few minutes, and a very short phone call.
Are there any apps I can install that track battery/CPU/activity usage per process so I can zero in on what is keeping the device awake so much?
Any suggestions?
Thanks for your help, I appreciate it!
Edit: The attachments don't seem to be showing up, so here are some direct links:
Friendly evening bump.
Android system
try changing your kernnel
armandocorti said:
try changing your kernnel
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Unless someone's made a build for this device, I have no idea how to do that. :\
I have the same phone and same problem.
Have you rooted it?
If so you can use a root uninstaller to get rid of the bloatware
I installed juice defender yesterday and there seems to be a slight improvement.
Sent from my SO-05D using xda app-developers app

[Q] Battery Draining Overnight - Android OS 44% of Usage

Hey Guys I am troubleshooting a battery life issue for my boss' wife. Her brand new S4 is draining battery way too fast overnight if not plugged into the charger.
When I pull up her Battery Usage at the top every time is Android OS with a whopping 40-45% of usage.
I have disabled Caller ID, double checked she only have one account synced on her phone and its not happening every 15 minutes or anything. I set her screen brightness to auto (though I know this wouldn't show up as Android OS usage). She is using stock firmware from Verizon and has not really installed much short of a couple games.
What do you think could be causing Android OS to be sucking up so much juice? My Note 2 only shows Android OS as using 10% over 1 1/2 days of usage
Turn off all location reporting stuff under maps, and also download the play store v4.1.10 apk if you are still on 4.1.6. Play store v 4.1.6 has a known battery drain issue and that is why there is a newer one out.
Also removing the ongoing wifi thing in teh notification pull down will help as well since it scans for wireless networks like every 4 or 5 seconds. I'm pretty sure she would have to be rooted to be able to flash the MOD.
Eric214 said:
Turn off all location reporting stuff under maps, and also download the play store v4.1.10 apk if you are still on 4.1.6. Play store v 4.1.6 has a known battery drain issue and that is why there is a newer one out.
Also removing the ongoing wifi thing in teh notification pull down will help as well since it scans for wireless networks like every 4 or 5 seconds. I'm pretty sure she would have to be rooted to be able to flash the MOD.
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OK installed Play Store update and rebooting now. She is not rooted, unlocked, nor does she have a custom ROM installed so I'd have to root it if I wanted to add in that mod. This seems like something that should be fixable without a root tho, right?
Thank you for your help btw
Cyclin said:
OK installed Play Store update and rebooting now. She is not rooted, unlocked, nor does she have a custom ROM installed so I'd have to root it if I wanted to add in that mod. This seems like something that should be fixable without a root tho, right?
Thank you for your help btw
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Root is required to disable the notification.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
najaboy said:
Root is required to disable the notification.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
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Got it. Ok well I did the Play Store update and the location services. I also installed 2x Battery Saver to shut down her wifi when in sleep mode. I'll know if that took care of it tomorrow morning when she brings it in again.
Thanks again for the responses guys. I just know that out of the box this thing shouldn't be draining so fast when its idling!
Its a friggin' Verizon thing. Again they have to be a pain in the a$$ and feel they need to do something to feel like they are better then other carriers by adding and subtracting stuff. The ongoing wifi notification and the removing of the wifi and a couple other toggles in the notification toggles was asinine.
Plus, the battery drain issue with the play store has nothing to do with the phone but a bug from google that was fixed with an update.
Eric214 said:
Turn off all location reporting stuff under maps, and also download the play store v4.1.10 apk if you are still on 4.1.6. Play store v 4.1.6 has a known battery drain issue and that is why there is a newer one out.
Also removing the ongoing wifi thing in teh notification pull down will help as well since it scans for wireless networks like every 4 or 5 seconds. I'm pretty sure she would have to be rooted to be able to flash the MOD.
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Oh. My. God. You are my savior!
Billions of threads were read by me, dozens of battery software were installed by me to analyze battery drain but there were no result unitl I found this thread and you message. A had 70-80% "Android OS" of battery usage and that was because of god damn Play Store 4.1.6 installed on my GT-i9500 and it didn't update for some reason (any suggestions why?). After I've downloaded new version from androidpolice, everything seems to become perfect.
Thank you very much for your message, dude. I owe you.
MaddKorben said:
Oh. My. God. You are my savior!
Billions of threads were read by me, dozens of battery software were installed by me to analyze battery drain but there were no result unitl I found this thread and you message. A had 70-80% "Android OS" of battery usage and that was because of god damn Play Store 4.1.6 installed on my GT-i9500 and it didn't update for some reason (any suggestions why?). After I've downloaded new version from androidpolice, everything seems to become perfect.
Thank you very much for your message, dude. I owe you.
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No problem... glad I could help. The reason it didn't update is because Google never pushed it out. They knew there was an issue and put a fix out pretty fast but you had to download it and install manually. I don't know why.

[Q] Help me to convert my Stock JB Xperia go to any other custom JB

Hello friends,
I'm using Xperia Go with stock JB version(6.2.A.1.100). The battery life of this stock rom is way too much annoying with 3G on. Example: Last night, charge was up to 82% & at morning it came down to 25%. Now think what if i use data traffic at day
I want a custom JB rom for Xperia Go with a good battery life with 3G on for some hours(which may last one day) & of course with a good ram where less important system apps are not preloaded & as much as low bug possible.
Well! The main problem is I'm not expert in these processes. So if anyone gives me a nice guideline, i will be very grateful
IMPORTANT: MY PHONE HAS LOCKED BOOTLOADER,I saw many people install CWM in their stock JB with locked bootloader & then convert into custom JB rom. I want to use that process, because I don't want to downgrade into ICS as I'm not an expert to do many things right
Seems that i want everything
My Phone: Xperia Go rooted with doomlord kit version 14
Build number: 6.2.A.1.100
Kernel version: 3.0.8+ (I think its the stock kernel)
My pc operating system: Windows 8
One question: When I will install CWM in my xperia before installing custom rom, will I loose every data & does unlocking bootloader wipe data?
In principle, unlockicking bootloader does not wipe any data, however I have seen a few posts that claimed it did.
Rooting should not wipe data waht so ever.
With that said, always backup your phone before making any changes. In any case data on internal storage will not be wiped. only data on device memory (contacts, sms, etc.)
Now to the real issue.
I tend to believe your problem is not the ROM itself, I use stock JB on my XP with decent baterry life.
First check your battery stats to see what takes most of it (no rom will change your screen battery consumption).
Second install Wakelock Detector and see which apps cause wakelocks, especialy screen wakelocks..
Rooting your device should be sufficient to let you tune it for good battery life and performance.
I see DooMLoRD Easy Rooting Toolkit is compatible with your device and firmware version and it is indeed easy rooting toolkit
Well, there are plenty of JB rom's you could try it all depends on you taste.
Regarding battery life, try checking if any apps run in the background.
You can use greenify too, it's an app that hibernates apps so that they don't run all the time
or they don't run on their own and just end up wasting resources and battery.
You could also try different kernels that have different governors.
Underclocking your device below the average helps too, by allot during the long run actually.
Look around the forums, just beyond the first page, sometimes you can find some really neat stuff you might like
ChikeD said:
In principle, unlockicking bootloader does not wipe any data, however I have seen a few posts that claimed it did.
Rooting should not wipe data waht so ever.
With that said, always backup your phone before making any changes. In any case data on internal storage will not be wiped. only data on device memory (contacts, sms, etc.)
Now to the real issue.
I tend to believe your problem is not the ROM itself, I use stock JB on my XP with decent baterry life.
First check your battery stats to see what takes most of it (no rom will change your screen battery consumption).
Second install Wakelock Detector and see which apps cause wakelocks, especialy screen wakelocks..
Rooting your device should be sufficient to let you tune it for good battery life and performance.
I see DooMLoRD Easy Rooting Toolkit is compatible with your device and firmware version and it is indeed easy rooting toolkit
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My friend,
I uploaded some screenshots. The first two photos, i uploaded the app use right after charging my mobile & in the next pair of photos are next mornings'. In between i just make a call for 10 min. Nothing else. Now say what should I do?
btw, bt the wake lock detector, i found just facebook,messenger & whatsapp which might drain some extra battery.
Pias94 said:
My friend,
I uploaded some screenshots. The first two photos, i uploaded the app use right after charging my mobile & in the next pair of photos are next mornings'. In between i just make a call for 10 min. Nothing else. Now say what should I do?
btw, bt the wake lock detector, i found just facebook,messenger & whatsapp which might drain some extra battery.
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Are facebook,messenger & whatsapp always on in stamina prefs?
I have whatsapp, viber. facebook, tahoo messenger, and talk, set to always on in stamina prefs and I only get about 1% per hour standby drain.
Is your movile data on or are you using wifi?
I can see in battery stats the phone is awake most of the time which it' shouldn't be in standby.
Below my stats for today, you can see there very little drain for standby time. I had 5 minutes calls and a bit of data on time, and still only about 35% drain for 12, while you had 40% drain for standby time only, this need to be fixed.
I must note though I have the 98screenstate_script that cap CPU speed when screen is off.
As I said, can't change screen on drain, you can set adaptive brightness or manually low to save some juice, not much though.
We need a bit more detail to know what cause drain.
In WakelockDetector check :"statistics since unplug" in prefs.
Charge battery full, no calls or nothing till next morning, or at least a few hours with no calls or screen on, take screen shots for all 3 wakelocks (screen, cpu and wakeup triggers, battery stats + graph + screen on time.
CPU Spy plus may also help if you install it, reset timers just before you unplug the charger, and take screen shot in the morning.
I tried to use two thing.
1."First You Setting--->APPS--->All Tab---->ECO Mode Controller (Click Clear Data and Force Stop)
Then Again you Go Setting--->APPS--->All TAP---Setting.apk (Click Clear Data and Force Stop)
Charge Your Mobile 4 to 5Hours
After 4-5 Hours While Charging That Time You Click Vol Up+Power Button( after 3 times Vibrate)
Remove Your Charger and Again Plugin Your Mobile The Sony Logo With Comes And Charging Logo has been Shown
Then Power On Your Mobile While Charging
Then Go Setting--->Power Management TURN ON BATTERY STAMINA MODE"
After that I saw that charge duration came from 10 Hour to 3 day. But i think still charge is leeching, but a little bit slow.
2. I added whatsapp, facebook, messenger & one other app(360 mobile security) to the stamina prefs as u said.
But though charge leeched from 100% to 64%.
I must say a little improvement. Because is usually go down below 50 sometimes.
My mobile data is 24/7 on.
I've added the screenshots you want.
Note: Just one call came up that time. I couldn't receive though
Mobile data can cause some drain, but I think all traffic goes through wifi if wifi is available, and stamina mode supposed to turns it off when in deep sleep.
Can't make definitive conclusion, but I don't like this messenger, 490 times wakelocks. Why do you need it anyway, you can chat with facebook itself. Is the messenger in stamina active apps?
The active apps that require network can only work if wifi is connected, which apps you have there?
CPU stats look reasonable with 86% at deep sleep, and only 5% above 200MGHz.
Are you rooted, we can try and even lower that if you are.
Force stop the messanger for one day and see how it goes.
The see if turning off mobile data make a change, but don;t do both things at once so we can indentify which cause the drain, or cause most of it.
EDIT: I'll install the messenger on my phone and see if there's a change.
ChikeD said:
Mobile data can cause some drain, but I think all traffic goes through wifi if wifi is available, and stamina mode supposed to turns it off when in deep sleep.
Can't make definitive conclusion, but I don't like this messenger, 490 times wakelocks. Why do you need it anyway, you can chat with facebook itself. Is the messenger in stamina active apps?
The active apps that require network can only work if wifi is connected, which apps you have there?
CPU stats look reasonable with 86% at deep sleep, and only 5% above 200MGHz.
Are you rooted, we can try and even lower that if you are.
Force stop the messanger for one day and see how it goes.
The see if turning off mobile data make a change, but don;t do both things at once so we can indentify which cause the drain, or cause most of it.
EDIT: I'll install the messenger on my phone and see if there's a change.
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Yes,the messenger is added in stamina mode. The messenger app is so cool you know & easy to use
I have facebook, whatsapp, messenger, 360 mobile security & play services are in stamina mode.
Yes,the phone is rooted. But i don't know how to make the system lower.
Ok, I will stop the messenger while again full charging my phone.
You should try messenger
Pias94 said:
Yes,the messenger is added in stamina mode. The messenger app is so cool you know & easy to use
I have facebook, whatsapp, messenger, 360 mobile security & play services are in stamina mode.
Yes,the phone is rooted. But i don't know how to make the system lower.
Ok, I will stop the messenger while again full charging my phone.
You should try messenger
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The attached flashable zip adds init.d support and install the S98screenstate_scaling_mini, a modified version of S98screenstate_scaling.
This script caps CPU frequency and twaek CPU governor parameters. Help saving some battery when screen is off.
If you experiance problems delete the file from /etc/init.d and reboot.
ChikeD said:
The attached flashable zip adds init.d support and install the S98screenstate_scaling_mini, a modified version of S98screenstate_scaling.
This script caps CPU frequency and twaek CPU governor parameters. Help saving some battery when screen is off.
If you experiance problems delete the file from /etc/init.d and reboot.
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Sorry my friend, i'm a rookie in those case. What shall i do with this file & how?
Rather I could use this apk file easily. So will this apk work?
Pias94 said:
Sorry my friend, i'm a rookie in those case. What shall i do with this file & how?
Rather I could use this apk file easily. So will this apk work?
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Yes it works, I have used it before but you wil have to set the conditions at parameters yourself, and for some reason not all parameters changed as I wanted them too, but it may be governor issue rather than the app.
I rather a simple script doint it instead.
All yuu need is to flash it in recovery.
ChikeD said:
Yes it works, I have used it before but you wil have to set the conditions at parameters yourself, and for some reason not all parameters changed as I wanted them too, but it may be governor issue rather than the app.
I rather a simple script doint it instead.
All yuu need is to flash it in recovery.
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Sorry, I've no recovery installed so I guess i have to use that apk file :/
Can you tell which recovery should i use for my stock doomlord rooted JB kernel?
Note: You are really helping me! Thanks!
Pias94 said:
Sorry, I've no recovery installed so I guess i have to use that apk file :/
Can you tell which recovery should i use for my stock doomlord rooted JB kernel?
Note: You are really helping me! Thanks!
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I have an adb version of it too, not sure how good i tested it
Extract and run install
USB debugging must be enabled of course.
ChikeD said:
I have an adb version of it too, not sure how good i tested it
Extract and run install
USB debugging must be enabled of course.
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but did u try facebook messenger yet?
Pias94 said:
but did u try facebook messenger yet?
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Yes I have installed it, but only had 53 alarm wakeups., facebook is on top with 76.
I had an excess drain today.... 15% for 10 hours standby normally Google+ won't wake so much but today its on top of CPU wakelocks with over 1 minute, second is facebook with half a minute, but I think it's an app I made that caused soe of it.

Huge list of disabled apps! 180+!!!

There is an issue with the latest list so don't copy it completely. I got a bootloop after restarting my phone today and I had to factory reset... this is as of 10/8/16 at 12:50pm. The list from the 5th of October on back should be fine. I'm currently trying to sort out the issue.
Here is a list of apps and services which can be disabled on the Note 7 while still maintaining stability; Data, Calling, Texting, MMS, Wi-Fi, Tethering, Bluetooth, GPS, Sync, Camera, EQ, HD Calling, Always On and all the S-Pen features work, but most other things are turned off like Fingerprint, Iris, NFC, Edge Panel, Pay Services, etc... This list isn't meant to be copied exactly by everyone because we all use our devices differently but you can pick and choose what you want to get the optimal performance from your device.
As of 10/6/16 I have 180+ apps and services disabled and today I got over 8 hours of SOT with 11% battery left (over 9 hours projected of SOT based on the days' usage). I didn't use any power saving modes and kept my brightness at a reasonable level so using the device was easy and not annoying due to the brightness being so low. I had location and sync enabled and wasn't doing any unnatural things trying to squeeze out as much battery life as I could. This was real world usage with all the necessary features and background processes running so using the device felt natural and functional. I say this so people don't think I fudged these numbers by doing things like letting my phone sit with the screen on while at the lowest brightness and not using it, or that I was using some power saving modes to squeeze out as much life as possible. My phone ran at full power all day. I've never even toggled power saving mode on my phone before.
Due to XDA's limit on the amount of image uploads I'm going to create two post with the complete list of disabled apps and link them here in the OP.
I'm using EZ Package Disabler (Samsung) from the play store to disable these apps and services. I bought that one because it had the highest rating.
Below here are some updates I posted during the process of figuring out what to disable. The post with the latest date is always going to have the most current and relevant information.
9/30/16 -
10/2/16 -
10/3/16 - /
10/5/16 -
[UNSTABLE something in this list caused me to bootloop]10/6/16 - 184 Disabled Apps & Services List Part 1 Here and Part 2 Here XML Export File List Here
Why do you bother to own this phone when you disable most of what makes this phone so great? It has a tonne of RAM, tonne of storage, not sure what you are trying to achieve by disabling so much?
Sent from my SM-N930F using Tapatalk
tonymy01 said:
Why do you bother to own this phone when you disable most of what makes this phone so great? It has a tonne of RAM, tonne of storage, not sure what you are trying to achieve by disabling so much?
Sent from my SM-N930F using Tapatalk
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Actually, most of the features are still there. I bought it for the S-pen features and all that is still there. Did you go through the list and see what I turned off or are you just replying to reply? If you read my OG post you'd see I said that my goal was to keep the functionality of the device.
This phone is loaded with bloat and useless services and apps that most will never use. All these things can cause battery drain, cpu usage, ram usage, hardware heat, among other things. So why not turn off what is not needed? It doesn't matter how much ram the phone has, why run stuff that doesn't need to run since you aren't using it?
Fingerprint,shealth, Android pay, software updating, iris scanner, gmail, standard email, game launcher, Samsung cloud (much more useful than Google backup as it supports call logs, sms and other recoveries), the emergency alerts, car mode(for operating in car potentially with different launcher suitable for vehicle use) the list goes on and on and I did look, I don't post for no reason.
Sent from my SM-N930F using Tapatalk
tonymy01 said:
Fingerprint,shealth, Android pay, software updating, iris scanner, gmail, standard email, game launcher, the emergency alerts, car mode(for operating in car potentially with different launcher suitable for vehicle use) the list goes on and on and I did look, I don't post for no reason.
Sent from my SM-N930F using Tapatalk
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Like I said, I bought it for the S-pen features. What I disabled I don't use and have no use for. Also If I want to use them at any time I can just reenable them. So let's go through your list. Fingerprint, I use swipe or a pin or a pattern. S-health, I use google fit, or nothing since I don't need a smartphone to tell me how to be fit. Android pay, I use cash. Software updating, if I want an update I can manually grab it, I don't need a service running constantly checking for them. Iris scanner, it's stupid and I'll never use it. Gmail, I use inbox and Alto. Standard email, I only have gmail accounts so don't need other email services. Game launcher, I don't play games. Emergency Alerts, seriously? You are just looking for things to justify your post, EA's are useless and annoying when they pop up and have never benefited me once. Car mode, I have no use for it since I drive a 2000 windstar minivan and waze provides me with all I need in a car. Also, you didn't name one thing that makes this phone great but rather things that are basically on all Android's. Again, I bought the phone for the S-pen, all that is still there. Why are you even doing this? your post are as useless as the apps and services I disabled.
Troll flushed where it belongs. Goodbye, no need to be so rude about it.
Sent from my SM-N930F using Tapatalk
It may be more useful to state what battery usage difference has been found / before and after
bonerp said:
It may be more useful to state what battery usage difference has been found / before and after
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Totally agree. I will try testing N7 when I get mine. First factory reset it out of the box (maybe get the update first then factory reset it with recovery). After that set it up keep all apps and see how battery is... the try the disabler I loke to debloat because phone looks much more cleaner then. And any debloat list is totally personal that why I used TB on my rooted devices, this time won't rush to root
Just disable the damn phone, turn it off and stop using it lol
Sent from the Mars Rover
Why all the hate?
I really don't get when people post about disabling certain features that others get upset. Or use power saver, etc.
This is one of the great things about Android, the ability to customize and mod our phones to our liking. Try doing any of these things with an Iphone, you can't. So this particular user wants to disable Gmail and messages because he uses other services (Inbox is awesome). He reports back that things still seem stable? Great! I am interested in updates to see if he runs into any problems etc
Let's talk about the great features we have, which include the ability to replace core apps if we desire. Don't jump on someone for doing so.
A mouse running into a room at a party doesn't cause chaos, how people react to it does. We are all responsible for our own actions. You don't like how someone else customizes their phone, who cares? Move on to the next post.
Sent from my SM-N930W8 using Tapatalk
jmitr said:
Why all the hate? I am interested in updates to see if he runs into any problems etc
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Used the phone very heavy today and ran into no real issues. I had to reenable one service because I tried to use the built-in EQ and it made settings crash. I was able to find the cause in less than a minute and reenable it The service that needs to run for the EQ to work is "SoundAlive" on page 8.
Also got 2.75 hours of SOT and 3 hours of gps use and was right at 50% battery left. At the end of tomorrow I'm going to post some screenshots.
Thanks for the list OP, I probably won't be disabling as much as you have but it's great to know what I can kill without messing up the phone. (when I finally get it)
Mdizzle1 said:
Thanks for the list OP, I probably won't be disabling as much as you have but it's great to know what I can kill without messing up the phone. (when I finally get it)
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No problem. I plan on trying to get more added to the list. Once I know what I've added so far is safe and doesn't cause any issues I'll slowly add more.
I appreciate the list too. It is good to know what can be safely disabled and then we can decide what we want to keep or give the heave ho.
Smithfolk4 said:
I appreciate the list too. It is good to know what can be safely disabled and then we can decide what we want to keep or give the heave ho.
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I've done another day of heavy use today and I'm very happy with my results. I had over 3 hours of SOT using auto brightness which stayed on max brightness most of the time since I was outside and I still had over 40% (I estimate I was on track to get very close to 6 hours SOT with max auto brightness!!!) battery left when I got home. I also used GPS for about an hour along with installing app, and constantly doing other stuff on the phone. I'm going to update the OP with some more screenshots. But from these past two full days of very heavy use and no force closes or issues to speak of (other than having to turn SoundAlive back on for the EQ to work) I'm going to say what I've disabled so far is safe and causes no dependency issues. Also, the phone runs very smooth and doesn't get hot at all. Even today with basically 3 straight hours of SOT and max auto brightness the phone never heated up.
Oh! I'm at 101 things disabled now (not including my downloaded disabled apps) which is how I ran it all day today. More to come! Once I feel like I've found everything I can disable safely I'll do a new updated OP with all I found.
9/30/16 screenshots just showing some battery and cpu use stats. In the future I'm going to add some temp stats. If anyone has a good app for monitoring temps let me know even if it's paid. I don't mind buying apps that are good and useful.
Awesome the list is identical to what I disabled excluding iris, finger print, Samsung app store, gmail and sound alive. I can tell my phone lasts longer on a single charge and everything works just as if everything were enabled. For some odd reason I don't like seeing my RAM going over 2GB lol I know I know unused memory is a waste in Android OS.
Awesome the list is identical to what I disabled excluding iris, finger print, Samsung app store, gmail and sound alive. I can tell my phone lasts longer on a single charge and everything works just as if everything were enabled. For some odd reason I don't like seeing my RAM going over 2GB lol I know I know unused memory is a waste in Android OS.
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I've always hated automation. I can't stand things running without my permission! I've had all startup programs on windows disabled since 2003 Back in the day on Windows XP I got my active running services in task manager to below 20. I'm now at 101 things disabled on the note 7 and I know there is a ton more I can turn off but I'm going about things slowly. I've confirmed that the 101 things I've turned off so far are safe and the phone definitely runs better in every way.
As far as the ram theories and myths about Android it's mostly people repeating their misunderstandings. Of course if you are using the apps in the ram a lot it's good for them to be there because they will load faster but if you are never using those apps and services and they are still sitting in your ram then it's not productive and a waste of resources which will cause the phone to not run optimally. These phones (and computers) come preloaded with tons of stuff running because they are targeted at the average user and not at the power/informed users. Anyone who knows much of anything about computers and how they are setup from the factory knows they are not configured for performance but rather a balance between performance and usability. Of course Android is getting better and better at managing apps and putting them to sleep but there still is nothing better than completely disabling things you don't need and will never use and thereby freeing up resources you can use for things you are actually! what a concept, have resources there to use for things you actually use! Genius! People seem to act like having ram full just for the sake of having it full is a good thing in Android when that is completely false. Even Android likes to have resources free that it can use for other things.
142 disabled apps and services
So I'm now sitting at 142 things disabled. I'm going to run my current setup for a couple days and see how it goes. I'll report back the results. Hopefully in a week or so I'll have a full list of what can be turned off without having issues.
Looking forward to your end results. Thank You for sharing your experience debloating.

