Mobile data won't work since I've flashed and rooted my redmi note 5 - Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 / 5 Plus Questions & Answers

Edit: solved, pay your bills in time kids !
Hi guys, I have a mobile data issue since i flashed my phone two days ago.
I cannot connect my phone to the internet unless I use wifi. Texts and calls are working.
Issue is occurring on both Lineage OS 18 (unofficial) and CrDroid 11.
I already flashed and reflashed the roms, wipe data, system, everything multiple times, flashed the original modem/NON-HLOS.bin file via fastboot with no luck. Tried on multiple recovery too just in case (twrp, pitchblackRP, OrangeFox). I mostly use sideloading but install from an sd card got me the same results.
Issue happens with rooted (magisk last version) roms and unrooted roms aswell.
I had several issues about twrp/recovery being unable to mount /data, which I tricked to do so by resizing data from ext4 to ext2 then to ext4 again. Not sure that's the good way to do it.
I tried to go back to a clean room with relocking the bootloader and flashing the official fastboot rom but I got stuck on a bootloop. I tried other methods with MiFlash and succeeded into booting the official rom but i'm stuck on the Welcome/new device screen (the little slideshow crash/won't advance to the next step when i have to choose between recover data from an old phone or start from scratch). I went back to crdroid for now.
My first thought was to tinker with the APN but it didn't worked, sometimes i get a message like "APN Settings are not available for the current user" but I usually manage to still write them, with no effect still. I'm on the a french operator called "Free"
Typing ##4636## in my phone app gets me to a debug menu where I can see that I'm not connected to the data services (but i'm connected to the vocal services). I have a way to check the IMS state in this menu, which tells me that i'm not registered, don't know what that means.
Already did the trick of cleaning sim card, going in plane mode, changing favorite network and so on. I'm a little desperate
If you cannot help me with this, can someone points me a good tutorial on how to going nuclear on a phone and delete everything to reflash an official Mi rom ? I'm quite used to flashing roms but I still get a bit lost between a factory reset, a data wipe, and what to flash/wipe/mount in order etc.

Vendor or firmware flashing you test?
I think maybe vendor help
Xiaomi Firmware Updater
The ultimate script that provides firmware packages for Xiaomi devices.

Sorry i didn't mention it. My last flash attempt was flash Xiaomi FW > flash crdroid > flash gapps >flash magisk and that's my current set up, and it still doesn't works. The issue might lie in the SIM card, i previously tried the sim card of a relative on my phone and it didn't do much but this morning the same sim worked and mine still does not. I'll report back once I have a new one.
Edit: could you explain what vendor is ? What's the difference with the fw or a rom ?

CompoteMonPote said:
Sorry i didn't mention it. My last flash attempt was flash Xiaomi FW > flash crdroid > flash gapps >flash magisk and that's my current set up, and it still doesn't works. The issue might lie in the SIM card, i previously tried the sim card of a relative on my phone and it didn't do much but this morning the same sim worked and mine still does not. I'll report back once I have a new one.
Edit: could you explain what vendor is ? What's the difference with the fw or a rom ?
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NOTE: I'm not a developer or something even near to that. I'm a newbie and will be, seems so. All information provided here is copied and compiled from different internet sources like this and many others. This information is according to best of...

I'm going to lose it lmao, the reason why I didn't had any access to my mobile data is because... My monthly bill payment didn't went through because of a credit card renewal.... I apparently decided to flash my rom the day of the due date and didn't saw any warning hence the confusion. Probleme solved, I paid my bill and the data is back (what a surprise). i feel like an idiot but i've learnt things, thanks for the link joke19.


[Q] No mobile network after flashing roms

Would like some help. I have flashed CM 11 and can't make calls. It says mobile network not available. Tried flashing AOKP rom as well and same thing. Mobile data works fine, although i have gotten a popup twice that says 'Google Play Services not supported by your device, please contact your manufacturer' (no noticible issues from this, google stuff i've tried so far works). I have included a screenshot so you can see my baseband and rom version, etc.
Now, i had a great deal of trouble getting a rom flashed to start with, CWM put me into a bootloop and TWRP wouldn't flash anything because it said it couldn't mount /storage when i tried. Used Philz advanced CWM (love it btw, will be using it from now on). Still wouldnt flash the hltespr specific CM11 version so had to use the unified hlte version (it gave me the status 7 asserts issue, but editing the asserts out just gave me a bad file error when flashing). I wiped data/cache/dalvik between each flashing. I don't know if any of that would have bearing on this problem, just including any details i can. Any advice?
Verilin said:
Would like some help. I have flashed CM 11 and can't make calls. It says mobile network not available. Tried flashing AOKP rom as well and same thing. Mobile data works fine, although i have gotten a popup twice that says 'Google Play Services not supported by your device, please contact your manufacturer' (no noticible issues from this, google stuff i've tried so far works). I have included a screenshot so you can see my baseband and rom version, etc.
Now, i had a great deal of trouble getting a rom flashed to start with, CWM put me into a bootloop and TWRP wouldn't flash anything because it said it couldn't mount /storage when i tried. Used Philz advanced CWM (love it btw, will be using it from now on). Still wouldnt flash the hltespr specific CM11 version so had to use the unified hlte version (it gave me the status 7 asserts issue, but editing the asserts out just gave me a bad file error when flashing). I wiped data/cache/dalvik between each flashing. I don't know if any of that would have bearing on this problem, just including any details i can. Any advice?
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Have you upgraded your bootloader to NH7? I know most of the newly-updated CM-based ROMs require you to be on NH7 before flashing. That's most-likely why you weren't able to flash the htlespr ROMs. The unified ROMs no longer include the correct APNs for Sprint, so that's why you don't get service on it. I don't know why mobile data works on it.
topherk said:
Have you upgraded your bootloader to NH7? I know most of the newly-updated CM-based ROMs require you to be on NH7 before flashing. That's most-likely why you weren't able to flash the htlespr ROMs. The unified ROMs no longer include the correct APNs for Sprint, so that's why you don't get service on it. I don't know why mobile data works on it.
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No, didnt realize that i needed to do that. I'll do some research on it because i don't have any idea how to update the bootloader. If you have a link to a good tutorial that would be wonderful! Thanks!
Ok so i tried that, found this tutorial, followed it, no luck. Tried full wipe/reset after that to see if it would let me install the hltespr versions, still no dice. Same situation, mobile data works, calls don't. Will have to wait till daylight to try texting so i don't wake anyone up but i suspect that texting won't work either. Has anyone experienced this and fixed it? Lol i really didn't drop $100 on a phone to be saddled with all the Samsung and Sprint baloney that it comes with, don't wanna unroot....
Anyone have ideas on this? Have continued to try fooling around with the udater-script file to resolve the status 7 problem so I can install the hltespr variant, still no dice. Please someone help!
Sorry, I typically don't have access to XDA forums on the weekend, so couldn't answer your question till now.
You flashed only the baseband/modem, not the Bootloader. If you want to update the Bootloader, you need to use ODIN to flash the Complete OTA NH7 Update.
In order to update the Bootloader, you need to make sure that you use the PC ODIN (not the mobile one) and that you completely power off the phone before you enter download mode (don't access download mode by using the extended power menu when shutting down the phone). I don't think you need to do the battery pull that Freeza had in his instructions (I didn't do it when I ODIN-flashed the NH7 OTA update), but it wouldn't hurt to do it.
Thanks for that, I will try it as soon as I get home tonight! The next thing I had decided to try was to unroot, to back to stock, then try flashing that before I start with the custom recovery and ROM. Do you think I should do that first before doing the whole thing or could that work just flashing that with my phone as-is?
Verilin said:
Thanks for that, I will try it as soon as I get home tonight! The next thing I had decided to try was to unroot, to back to stock, then try flashing that before I start with the custom recovery and ROM. Do you think I should do that first before doing the whole thing or could that work just flashing that with my phone as-is?
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Well, I always recommend a full wipe (data, system, cache, dalvik) when flashing ROMs. I haven't wiped my internal storage or external storage since I got the phone, so that's not really necessary.
I don't think that unrooting your current ROM is necessary. Flashing the ODIN OTA update will automatically remove root access, so that's not an issue. Here's the steps I took when I updated to NH7 and installed my current ROM (see my sig):
Make a Nandroid backup.
I always do this just so I have a "record" of what I left behind. It also allows me to have all of my app data that I can restore via Titanium Backup (you have to buy the Pro version in order to restore specific apps from a Nandroid backup). I always store a copy on my ext. storage and on dropbox.
Do a full wipe
As I mentioned above, I always wipe data, system, and the caches when flashing ROMs. While I have to take some time to get the new ROM exactly as I like it, it minimizes any potential FCs and errors that some people get when dirty flashing.
Install NH7 all-in-one via ODIN
I installed the NH7 via ODIN. Please note that this is the fully stock, unrooted ROM and will also install the stock recovery.
Let the phone boot and connect to Sprint. Update Profile and PRL.
I do this periodically whenever I go back to stock (from AOSP). I rarely have connection issues, but updating the PRL an profile can help with those.
Install a custom recovery using ODIN.
My recovery of choice is TWRP, but others have found just as much success with CWM and Philz. Just make sure that you're installing the correct version of the recovery (4.4.X version, not the 4.2.X version). I always reboot to the main system after installing a recovery, but that's up to you. In the rest of this post, I'll say "TWRP," but I really mean "custom recovery."
[OPTIONAL] Make a Nandroid backup of the stock ROM
I always do this, but I recognize that it's not necessary, especially since we can just ODIN back to this image at any time. I just like having the option of having a stock backup on the device (in case catastrophe strikes while I'm away from a computer).
Use TWRP to flash your AOSP ROM of choice.
If you haven't installed any apps or messed around with the settings, you shouldn't have to wipe before flashing, but (in case you haven't noticed by now), I tend to err on the side of caution, specifically: wiping everything (data, system, and the caches) before I flash anything.
Set up the ROM how you like it and [OPTIONAL] make one last Nandroid Backup
Whenever I set up a new ROM to the exact way I like it (statusbar settings, accounts set up, apps installed and configured, etc), I make a nandroid backup of my device. This allows me to go back to that "fresh" image whenever something happens to the device and I don't have to muddle around fixing those minor tweaks. Again, I tend to err on the side of wiping the phone too often and taking too many backups, but I've rarely had issues with my phone and ROMs because of it (to the point where I can spend most of my XDA time helping others with their phones), so it might be prudent to follow the advice.
Anyways, that's how I upgraded to NH7 and installed a custom ROM. Others may take a less conservative approach and you're welcome to adjust any of the optional steps.
Hope this helps!
OK, did all that successfully, when it went back to stock stiil had the same issue. Mobile data functions, mobile network for calls/SMS doesn't. Did the whole update prl/profile and even tried reactivating from settings, still nothing. Was able to install custom recovery (Philz) and the hltespr CM11 variant instead of the unified generic version. Still has the same problem, mobile network not available. Everything else works perfectly. I did verify in settings that it still wound up as the NH7 after everything I did. Note I did a full reset before each thing that got flashed in this process, and one more for good measure after. Let it boot to the system between steps too.
Lol I've been rooting and switching between ROMs for years and have never encountered anything like this. I'm stumped....
Verilin said:
OK, did all that successfully, when it went back to stock stiil had the same issue. Mobile data functions, mobile network for calls/SMS doesn't. Did the whole update prl/profile and even tried reactivating from settings, still nothing. Was able to install custom recovery (Philz) and the hltespr CM11 variant instead of the unified generic version. Still has the same problem, mobile network not available. Everything else works perfectly. I did verify in settings that it still wound up as the NH7 after everything I did. Note I did a full reset before each thing that got flashed in this process, and one more for good measure after. Let it boot to the system between steps too.
Lol I've been rooting and switching between ROMs for years and have never encountered anything like this. I'm stumped....
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Dumb question but are you a Verizon customer or Sprint?
Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
Sprint, I've had big red before but when they did away with unlimited data it wasn't worth paying their high rates.
Anyone have any ideas on this? I am just confounded as to why this continues even after being reset to stock.
Same Issue!!!
I have the exact same issue and have been trying to resolve it for the last 2 days... Did you find a solution?
I have the same problem on a Samsung Mega. LTE and 3G data work but phone won't dial if LTE is active. It WILL voice dial if only 3G is active. Sprint. CM11.
I had this problem after flashing ROMs as well, but went into Settings>Connections>More Networks>Mobile Networks>Network Mode and selected LTE/ network had been selected. That fixed me right up. Weird part is, I could still avcess the web without WiFi....but couldn't make calls or ise my bluetooth headset until I had performed the above steps. Hope that helps.
thanks forget the little things reset wifi and sprint cell extender
GAPO said:
I had this problem after flashing ROMs as well, but went into Settings>Connections>More Networks>Mobile Networks>Network Mode and selected LTE/ network had been selected. That fixed me right up. Weird part is, I could still avcess the web without WiFi....but couldn't make calls or ise my bluetooth headset until I had performed the above steps. Hope that helps.
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CM13 works well, but no cell reception, no IMEI

Hey guys
I need some guru help here :/
I've flashed cyanogenmod 13 with android 6.0.1 on my i9300 along with some gapps (stock version). Everything works well, besides the cell reception.
I've been able to see other networks around but couldn't connect to neither of them. (i'm on roaming, in germany, while my sim card and the phone are from poland)
I have applied no signal fix from here which didn't change anything.
Then I've flashed this (the one with "Poland" next to it), but that only made things worse, as the whole "cellular network" menu in settings is greyed out.
What I've figured out is that when typing *#06# the phone app makes some noise and hangs, and in the settings there is no IMEI number.
This leads me to the conclusion that EFS (seems empty in the TWRP file browser) is broken/cleared.
I've seen many instructions on bringing it back to life, non of them are clear to me, and all use Windows. Is there a way to do that on Mac OS, or.. basically is it THE way to go for?
I would appreciate all the help as I need that phone in the next days :/ thanks!
1. Look for efs-backup. Some kernels create this. Or as part of TWRP-backup. Restore it.
2. Flash latest firmware with Odin. If IMEI is still gone afterwards, try KIES repair function.
3. Let it repair in service center.
rp158 said:
1. Look for efs-backup. Some kernels create this. Or as part of TWRP-backup. Restore it.
2. Flash latest firmware with Odin. If IMEI is still gone afterwards, try KIES repair function.
3. Let it repair in service center.
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thanks a lot @rp158!
I've tried searching for an efs backup but no luck :/ any idea where do they create it? restore option only has those files that I've backed up.
latest firmware you mean the official one, right? Is there a way to do it on mac os?
@krecio4: TWRP backup contains efs-partition, if you chose/ticked it. Kernels (Boeffla, Agni) store it in sdcard0, but if you never flashed a special kernel, it's over.
Firmware means Samsung's stock 4.3 from Look there, if they offer Odin and KIES for Mac. Otherwise lean a Windows pc. It's useless to make it more complicated by struggling software.
@krecio4: read this. That's not the solution, but if that all caused by actual CM13-nightly, there comes perhaps any...
I have the same problem with latest nightly. This work fine: "".
@krecio4 I think that you have to first flash latest firmware then root your phone and then you have to use z3x box, hope it will fix :good:
thanks for your sugestions guys
What I did is to get the latest firmware from sammobile, restored it with Odin, phone was working, I was receiving calls and texts.
So I installed TWRP, backed up EFS, System, Data, and one more thing that was marked.
Then i did a factory reset and installed latest CM13 + gapps in one run (as a batch of files, selected the CM13 first, than the gapps in the que)
Again - CM13 works well, but it says "please insert SIM card" :/
No IMEI, IMEI SV (Unknown)
Cellular networks in settings are off, and greyed out inside, "preferred network type" is "Invalid Network Mode (-1). Ignore"
Do you think there is any hope?
I noticed that EFS is empty, after restoring it from backup, and rebooting, it's empty again.
so tired of everything, I went back to the original software using this method (even easier than Odin)
If you come up with some solution, I'd love to try Cynanogenmod for longer and.. for real
1. Be happy, that your efs-data are ok. Make in TWRP a backup of this partition only, for worst cases.
2. Try @mexit's advice.
Can I with no problem have a custom recovery installed while using original firmware?
So you are saying that it might be with the last 3 nightlies that they are messing up with backed up EFS? If so, I'll try installing the one you've mentioned, but now I've list 2-3 days for the whole crap so I will wait until I have too much time But thank you very much for your support!
BTW, I found this as well:
Posting for anybody, as I digged the whole internet for any answers
Install this:
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ok, as I don't give up easily, as you can see, I did another approach. Backup, backp EFS only.
Installed the edition from 23rd of mai. All good! But during the "installing apps" during the initial boot, close to the end, the battery died (after the screen flickering). but reboot and it all seems to work well Any issues that could appear after an unexpected reboot during the first boot? Do you suggest to do factory reset and flash CM13 + gapps again?
If I understand well, battery died during compiling Dalvik/ART. Should be happen again after cleaning both caches. But to avoid any mess, I would clean flash the ROM again.
So you suggest to do the factory reset, install CM13, install gapps, reboot ?
Wipe system, data, cache, Dalvik cache.
Flash CM13. Wipe cache, Dalvik cache.
and gapps installation shouold be along the CM13 in a que right?
@krecio4: flash GApps afterwards. Read the last posts of CM-thread: your problem was probably caused by a modem-bug in CM, should be gone now.
after the wipe cache & Dalvik?
so CM13, wipe, gapps, reboot?
Ok, very precisely:
flash cm13, wipe 2 cashes, reboot
if net and wifi ok, make a backup of this state
flash GApps, wipe 2 cashes, reboot
case closed

Honor 5x Losing signal after reboot with custom rom

Hello all.
New poster here, been coming here for some time though for the loads of great information and generally helpful people.
I'm having an issue with my Honor 5x, and I seem to be the only one i can find on this forum having this issue.
The issue that I am having is that I lose the ability to connect to the cellular networks (I am actually running dual-sim) when I load a custom ROM after the first reboot.. The first time this happened, it even lost the IMEI numbers (WTF). I restored from the backup I made, and tried again. I got the same result, after the first reboot, it can no longer find the cellular networks, and when i try to search for network providers, it gives me an error simply saying "Error searching for networks." Restore backup again, flash resurrection rom to see if maybe CM13 is just being stupid with my phone, got no signal right off the bat, and could not find networks.
At this point, I restored the stock recovery, and let it recover my phone to stock, which is where I am at the moment, since it works. Also noteworthy, that every time I restored from backup, the phone had no problems at all connecting to the cellular networks. as well, it never had an issue through all of this with connecting to WiFi.
Relevant Information:
Phone Model: KIW-L24
Build Number: KIW-L24C567B331
Emui Version: 4.0
Android Version: 6.01
Kernel Version: 3.10.49-g472a5b3
Location: United states
Carriers: Cricket, MetroPCS
Bootloader is unlocked
I have not restored root access
I have Flashed TWRP and made a full backup (again)
I'm getting the feeling that it is due to to something that I have forgotten, but I can't seem to think of anything.
So close, but no cigar.
Still having issues, here's what Ive done so far:
Restored phone completely to stock, leaving only an unlocked bootloader.
Loaded the latest version of TWRP
Re-Rooted the phone
Made a complete backup of the phone, with no partitions left unchecked, in case of a catastrophic failure
Used TWRP to wipe Dalvik/ART, Cache, System, & Data
Loaded the latest CM13 nightly build
Loaded GApps pico version (I don't use many of the Google apps, so I prefer to download the ones that I want)
Wiped Dalvik/ART
Rebooted Phone
At this point, the phone went about its first boot business, loading stuff in the background, optimizing apps for the first use.
I skipped almost all of the first-time setup stuff, no sense in setting it all up if it didn't work this time as well, but connected to WiFi, selected the primary SIM, and activated data on that SIM. This is all normal from my other attempts as well.
Rebooted the phone, when it came back up, I had signal on my phone, and it successfully sent and received messages.
Added my Google account, rebooted again, not getting signal. checked network operator settings, and I get the message stating "Error searching for networks" for both SIM cards.
Removed Google account, changed SElinux settings to permissive, soft reboot, no change.
In the past, I did try wiping Dalvik/ART & cache once this happened, but the only thing that changed is that it caused the process to crash on me repeatedly.
Currently digging around on the net some more to see if maybe there's something that I missed.
Try 1 Sim? Its some bug with dual sim i guess
I will try that when I get a chance, I am currently trying to restore the phone back to stock again after another failed attempt.
Also noteworthy, I had it completely lose the sim cards on me after a restore to the working stock backup that i made earlier in the day yesterday, I had to completely revert to stock (Restore stock recovery, let it rest the phone to stock) then the SIM cards started working again.
This is starting to get rather frustrating.
I'll keep you updated, as I've kinda decided to make this a log of sorts of my experience with this.
Hellspawn119 said:
I will try that when I get a chance, I am currently trying to restore the phone back to stock again after another failed attempt.
Also noteworthy, I had it completely lose the sim cards on me after a restore to the working stock backup that i made earlier in the day yesterday, I had to completely revert to stock (Restore stock recovery, let it rest the phone to stock) then the SIM cards started working again.
This is starting to get rather frustrating.
I'll keep you updated, as I've kinda decided to make this a log of sorts of my experience with this.
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Did u fixed it? im having the same issue, although i dont have a backup.....
Tried updating to stock marshmallow first before installing CM?
stanley08 said:
Tried updating to stock marshmallow first before installing CM?
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I tried that, see my thread
i dont really know what to do, could the problem be MODEM.img???
Im having the exact same Issue, All roms loose the SIM card so I loose all signal and basically everything... a restart sometimes helps it, tried installing different ROMS, going back to STOCk 5.0.1 or 6.0.1 nothing Helps... NO clue what to do.
Same issue here. Happens on every Rom.
EDIT: Using KIW-L21 (UK)
Unlocked, single sim.
Maybe the it has something to do with modem.img

Help! Flashed Mi4 ROM and my phone is now half-broken

Hello friends,
In a moment of a severe mental handicap, I appear to have flashed a Mi4(cancro) ROM in EDL mode when I was trying to unlock my bootloader.
(The reason was that the guide I was using had a broken download link, so I searched for the filename and downloaded from one of the mirrors I found. I did not realize I was now downloading a file with a different device prefix (cancro instead of kenzo.).
So after the unavoidable brick, I was able to recover by flashing a proper Kenzo MIUI rom with disabled device checks (Since the phone now thought it was a Mi4, I guess).
MIUI is booting, but most of the functions are broken:
- No camera
- No SIM/Service
- Can't adjust brightness
- No rotation
Maybe there's more stuff broken, but I did not check every corner.
I moved on to try CM13, but that won't boot up at all (just sits there at the boot animation).
So far everything I've tried to get the phone back into a working state has failed, but I'm still getting used to this phone's specifics, so I may have missed something.
Please tell me there is something I can do.
if you can get to the recovery then WIPE everything out (system, cache,etc) then install the stock MIUI for your note3, if it booted up then you can move on to any other Rom...
Abd121 said:
if you can get to the recovery then WIPE everything out (system, cache,etc) then install the stock MIUI for your note3, if it booted up then you can move on to any other Rom...
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Thank you. I can indeed get to recovery, but I always end up without sim card and camera when I flash an official rom.
I just tried to go back to the shop rom from geekbuying, that at least made brightness and rotation work, but still no signal/camera. I feel there's some firmware missing or was overwritten by my stupid action and now there does not seem to be a simple way to get it back up.
EDIT: So I just found out that my IMEI is gone. I will try to use a guide to re-set it. Hopefully, that will get mobile service running again. Dunno about camera, though

[TWRP Problem] Samsung Galaxy J7 2015 T-Mobile (SMJ00T) Improper Restore

I'm very new to the rooting community, and I'm well aware of all of the problems. I've messed around, and bricked my phone many times but always knew how to fix it by flashing the custom rom. I've did whole of April until I figured out the proper rooting my model's for 6.0.1 software, and the 7.1.1 software. I eventually got tired of repeating this process, so in May (after I properly rooted my device and everything worked perfectly) I backed up everything including my system in TWRP.
Now the problem is, after using the xui tuner from xposed installer a bit, my phone seemed working for a bit, and lockscreen worked, but it randomly kept restarting at the boot animation . I grew impatient and restarted my phone properly a couple times but it kept rebooting after I unlocked my phone or just waited at my lockscreen. I then started got scared that I damaged something in my system or software, so I went to use TWRP to restore my backup (which I also literally backed up on this Tuesday). It apparently was successful, until the bootlogo freezing and saying my kernal wasn't SEANDROID ENFORCING.
Then now, I kept reformatting my data and restarting but it wouldn't work, it kept failing. So I gave up, and flashed my stock rom. This worked, but I obviously lost all my data. So to possibly help someone, I want to list what I think could've been the problem. (Still new, so I may list alot of unlikely things. Also random order)
1. I didn't format my data before the first restore, thus it failing.
2. Improper backup, I either backed up unnecessary partions like radio, or TWRP just didn't backup properly.
3. My sd card, I had many problems with my sd card before doing this type of stuff, but it went away during may. During may however, I backed up my magisk modules to it too, but they didn't appear on TWRP. Meaning it may have stopped working again. It also deleted my root folder, where I held the magisk zip and uninstaller.
Now this could bring another problem, I was using Magisk and Xposed installer, while also having my stock framework, xposed framework, and sony framwork (this was to use remote play), and in result my phone couldn't handle it and the module from both Magisk and Xposed.
4. I backed up my system while using the ashyx encryption zip, meaning when TWRP restored encrypted files?
5? XUI Tuner, I modified too many things with the app and probably did something to to the root directory. (Most likely Unlikely)
6. I modified my build prop by adding more code like the android users function, and TWRP probably couldn't back that up so it restored wrong like in 2
7? I modified TWRP by using a custom theme in the recovery, making certain functions like backup and restore not work?
8. I was using an old version of TWRP, 3.0.2 instead of 3.2 because 3.2. However, this is because 3.2 didn't work with my phone, and neither did 3.1.
I now flashed the stock rom, and everything works again. I just have to re-root. I didn't lose much data really, and I backed up some stuff in samsung cloud anyway. I just wanted to make this thread so I can fix the problem properly in the future, in which someone else may need it too. This model of samsung phone really isn't popular in the community, so it really would be helpful to other people. The solution could also work for other J700 variants, especially J700T1 since it's the most similar.
P.S. This is also just a small thing to help people too. Rooting this model is actually pretty easy, there's just a catch for one version of it.
6.0.1 can easily be rooted, especially with autoroot. It's works well, and you don't have to lose anydata at ALL! However magisk is untested.
7.1.1 on the other hand does require to format it's data to work so you have to back up anything you want to keep.. Superuser for me made wifi and the flashlight inaccessible, so I had to use Magisk. Which worked fine. There are two different versions of this root though. (Tested Once) One is basically like how the stock rom and has the manual, mobile data quick setting, and battery settings. to get it, don't use ashyx encrptyion . The other is like how you got it your device and set it up normally, no manual or extra settings, and requires ashyx encryption for this. The one I used was the ashyx encrpytion, and I was fine using this method because I kinda already lost everything over and over so I didn't care (end of april).
Edit: Turns out the stock version happens when you flash the stock rom, then immediately flash a custom recovery, and formatting the data without launching the the phone. I think this happens because when you get your phone, and activate it with a carrier sim card it downloads the additional files for that carrier which allows and when you format the data it formats the carrier version instead of the default system on the phone.
I hope we can find a solution for the kernal problem, so other people can fix this properly.
I would also like to ask if someone can make a odin and TWRP flashable kernal file of both the 6.0.1 and 7.1.1 versions of the SM-J700 variants, but for now in this thread the J700T is fine, unless all variants have the same stock kernal. This could be a solution and very helpful.
I have a USA T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy J7 J700TUVU3BQK3 phone and Can someone give me links to where I need to download the firmware ROM for this phone & all the different software I would need to root this phone or modify-backup its operating system??? My computer operating system is windows and also does anyone know how to setup a multiple operating systems on a computer where u can choose to either boot to different versions of windows and lynux.?? Computer Lenovo Gaming Laptop & HP Pavilion Laptop.

