Android won't connect to PC - OnePlus X Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I want to connect my Android phone to my PC.
They are both on the same network and frequency band. 2.8GHz
I have Shareit on both devices.
On the phone I start Shareit, then tap the tiny icon top right hand side of screen.
I choose Connect to PC, It waits, then says no target found
On the PC I start Shareit. It tells me to do as above.
I then select Search Hotspot of Mobile
When I again ask to Connect to PC, I am told that the current network is AndroidShare_8832 and I am provided with a long random password. So far the phone and PC just sit there saying they are trying to link: the phone has an increasing series of circles (TX?): the PC has a ":radar screen" (searching
If I go to the PC's network app, I can actually see the Andriod_8832 network, and I have logged in using the long random password. That does not seem to do me any good. I disconnect again.
The PC and the phone are still jmust sitting there, expandng and searching.
And there I stand.
Anny help greatly appreciated.

Which android version is it and is it the original ROM or custom?

Thanks for coming back.
It's Android 11 and the ROM is original.
However, this afternoon I tried again and everything went perfectly! I dunno.......


Internet Sharing with a Mac? USB and/or BT

Hello all, I have the xv6800, dcd rom 3.3.4 and activesync and internet sharing setup on Windows just fine. However, I have recently gotten a MAC, and I have not been able to get the internet sharing to work via BT or USB. I can understand BT cause I was never able to get it set up on windows either. I don't mind the USB connection, it's alwasy been more stable and a snap to set up with the ROM. However I can't get it working on the MAC. Is there a driver or app that needs to be installed on the mac side? The only think I remember doing on the WIN side is installing the modem driver.
On Mac, I have installed Missing Sync installed and I have been able to attach and sync my winmo phone without issue, so I know I have connection. but I cannot get the internet sharing to work. I checked out the verizon site and they state that they do not make a modem driver for the mac os.
I should also mention that I have winXP set up on the mac thru VMware, but I have been unsuccessful getting this to work the way my original windows laptop is setup. I dont want to set it up that way anyway if I can avoid it.
I am curious if anyone has this working via USB?? I apologize if this has been covered elsewhere. I couldn't find anything related and certainly not specific to this ROM.
I did find this,, but it states to buy an app called USB Modem program from but wouldnt the ISC app on the dcd rom provid the same functionality?
Thanks for any/all help
i use BT in OSX... system prefs, bluetooth, setup a connection to the phone(+ button)... hit the bluetooth icon on the menubar, select the phone -> connect to network, thats all i have to do.
bmorrisj said:
i use BT in OSX... system prefs, bluetooth, setup a connection to the phone(+ button)... hit the bluetooth icon on the menubar, select the phone -> connect to network, thats all i have to do.
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then just use internet sharing form the phone as normal?
no offense but that didnt help at all. I can connect my phone via BT themac sees it, but all I can do is browse device. I need to set up a connection with my phone to the mac and get online via my phone. I dont careif its bluetooth or not. I have the new macbook btw, if it matters
goon55: Like you, I always used a VM workaround to tether back when I had a Mac. I haven't tried this, but I've heard Syncmate allows Internet Sharing on Mac systems. Good luck!
I have no issues connecting my macbook for my 6800.
After you set it up like the other poster told you to, you should have a phone icon next to the bluetooth icon at the top right of the screen. click the phone icon then "connect bluetooth".
goon55 said:
no offense but that didnt help at all. I can connect my phone via BT themac sees it, but all I can do is browse device. I need to set up a connection with my phone to the mac and get online via my phone. I dont careif its bluetooth or not. I have the new macbook btw, if it matters
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also when setting up the BT relationship, make sure you select the network services (i believe, there are one or two services you can check)...on the phone make sure you start BT and internet sharing (with BT selected) and when you go to the BT menu on the mac, your phone name should be under "devices", expand your phone name and select connect to network.
just trying to clarify a bit.
i had it
i had bt working for a bit and then was disconnected abruptly.
after deleting the profiles of the pairings on both the titan and the mac, it still wont share the connection although the phone will be connected in bt system prefrence pane, (where you select devices).
when it worked, i would select the phone in the device select, and underneath clicking on the gear to a menu option to 'connect to network'
it worked that wayfor 3 mins.
also, when i configure the device, if i set the phone to internet share while the mac is discovering the services, i get two options to select instead of just one:
access the internet
use device as network port.
edit: got it, apple talk active
best software you can use is it works over BT or wifi and uses your phone's regular data access address which means you don't get tethering charges. NOTE I use the free version, and I have tried the tiral and although it does work, my mogul does not seem to like it and has little quirks after I install it (wifi turns on when I reset even if the switch is off, I don't why but its there).
Hi everyone, I've been trying to use my Windows Mobile phone as a modem for the Macbook, but so far I only see people being able to connect via BT. Problem with that for me is that BT drains both my laptop and phone battery quicker, so I'm trying to find a solution to connect via USB instead. Has anyone been able to surf on their Mac using their Windows Mobile phone as a modem via USB cable?
What you want is Mobile Stream USB Modem for Windows. Windows here being Windows Mobile, it works with my Mac.
Once you set it up, your phone is seen as a USB Modem and you dial from the Mac to this port. There is a free trial, take time to test it, read the forums, I had some initial issues to get it work right, but now it is good, I ended up purchasing it.
Tried BT sharing too, but too instable and drops. Tried the WiFi sharing, but eats battery...
Only downside: as you dial the data modem, it will fail if it is already in use (background email checking on your phone...). I have to disconnect the data connection on the phone to be able to dial from the Mac, otherwise it reports Port Busy.
Thanks for the recommendation, will try it out. Any other solutions in the meantime to connect and share the Internet connection from my Windows Mobile phone to Mac via USB?
I had the same problem, and tried everything recommended in the thread - no dice. I ended up just installing WMWifiRouter and that works like a champ.
This is for cingular, but I'm sure this can be attempted no matter what the provider.
I've been looking for a solution as well, and have yet to find one for USB Internet Sharing on a Mac. I currently just use Bluetooth with an external charger on the phone and laptop since it'll eat the battery of both quickly.

Touch Pro/Mobile Device Center Connection Problems

I have an issue with my VZW Touch Pro not being recognized by MDC and have torn out what little hair I had left trying to solve it. I know there are numerous threads of this type and I've read every one I can find but my situation is a bit different (aren't they all ).
Basically, when I hook up the TP via USB to my Vista machine MDC doesn't come up. If I launch it manually it comes up, sometimes flashes the "Connecting" message very briefly then goes to "Not Connected" and sits. OK. So why am I baffled and what have I done? Well....
1. If I set the TP to connect as a "Disk Drive" (as opposed to ActiveSync) Vista recognizes it and asks me if I want to explore files and folders, I can see the storage card;
2. In PC to USB I've tried both WITH Advanced Device Configuration enabled and not enabled;
3. I've installed Activesync on another (XP) machine to see if the TP will connect to it and get the same behavior;
4. I've removed the Remote Adapter and USB Synch in Device manager (following the standard MS troubleshooting guide) so that Vista installs the USB driver, just to make sure;
5. I INITIALLY installed MDC on this machine when I was trying an HTC Fuze. At that time MDC worked fine, recognizing the Fuze and asking me what I want to sync, etc.;
6. Since that time I've uninstalled and reinstalled MDC (several times) JUST IN CASE, although it shows NO existing partnerships;
7. I've turned off and actually removed the firewall even though, as I said, MDC worked fine before.
8. On the TP I've set ActiveSync (I'm hooking to an Exchange Server) to sync "Manually" and Windows Live to sync "Manually", JUST IN CASE that was the problem.
The only reason I really even NEED MDC is that I want to use eWallet and need to sync between the PC and Touch Pro.
I've used the TP as a modem for my laptop via Modem Link successfully, but while ML is set to USB the service is Stopped. Would THAT have any affect on this: one thing I've noticed is that when I plug the TP in the PC (sometimes) displays a message to the effect that it's trying to connect to a wireless LAN?????
Sorry for the length of this message but I figure the more info the better and this really has me stumped.
Thanks for any ideas.
if this helps yo in any way here it is.
i tryed to hook up my TP via WMDC on a Toshiba Tecra Laptop, with USB or Bluetooth and in the best case i managed to send files via bluetooth ... and the WMDC does not recognize the device, it installs some drivers for the cable (i think) and does not find any for the device, so ... it does the same thing as for you, tryes to connect for a second and after that it goes on a endless brake ... never connecting
on the other hand, i had no problems with a dell inspiron, with wista, it installed the drivers instantly and got connected immediately. the same with a Win XP dektop PC using activesync ...
i`m beggining to believe that the software is sort of defective on the toshiba. now i just send file from it and us the dell to sync my TP. i gave up on connecting the toshiba.
Pretty sure you have already tried this...but different USB cord maybe?
uncheck the box for advanced network functionality in the USB - PC connection settings
MogulUser13 said:
uncheck the box for advanced network functionality in the USB - PC connection settings
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Thank you!! Solved my problem.
This seems to happen a lot... I just replied to another post in regards to this (though they replaced their Touch Pro). Instead of disabled advanced network functionality (which does let you sync), you should try this to repair the error as it has worked on a friend's Pro, as well as mine (I just had to do it 40 minutes ago). And make sure you re-enable advanced network functionality BEFORE doing this:
1 - Hook up phone to computer
2 - On phone, start ICS (Internet Sharing in Start -> Programs)
3 - Select PC Connection "USB" and Network Connection of any type (if Sprint stock ROM, I recommend using "Sprint")
4 - Hit the "Connect" soft-key (bottom left)
If you've never used Internet Sharing on the phone, your computer should install some drivers... Once that is completed, click the Disconnect left soft-key on the phone. Now disconnect the cable from the computer.
Close out ICS or soft-reset the phone.
Once the phone is back up, plug it in - it should work.
I don't know what is getting reset in the phone, but unless I connect with ICS, then ActiveSync will not connect whether I soft-reset or not.

How to run WiFi Tether

Hi All,
Bit new to tethering -
As I understand it, it will allow me to tether my laptop to my phone, and enable me to access the internet via my phone if I'm out of a regular WIfi
network. So if I'm in the middle of nowhere ( but have phone signal ) - I can access the net. and emails.
Also - may be possible to share files between phone & laptop ( not sure about this though ).
So on to the running problem.
If I start up WiFi Tether, I press the 'start' button, and in minute or so it appears on my laptop list of wifi networks - as G1 Tether.
When I select it I get a notification on my phone sayin ' Wireless ether Authorized ( connected ) '
On my laptop the usual WiFi symbol changes from its usual fan shaped stripes to a grey fan shape with what looks like a little white TV set inside it .
Thats as far as I get - email and web not working on my laptop.
Any ideas?
ps - on the Wifi Tether screen on my phone - it does indicate Down & Up traffic ( 43 kb & 56 kb ).
BTW your not alone I tried to tether and got the same connects fine, but no interent
Ok, I am very new to the wifi tethering thing (I got mine set up on Monday), but here's what I had to do in order to get online via wifi on my laptop through my phone. Under the security section of setup, I had to disable access-control. Once I did that, I was screaming on the internet. I am using a HTC Hero through Sprint.
I forgot to say that I had done that Muppet.....other than chosing the G1 tether network, did you have to do anything on your laptop - such as changing any network settings?
AFAIK the US Sprint version of the phone has had the standard tethering capability on the Hero disabled. So the only way to tether with a Sprint Hero is to get an app from the Market. Can't remember what it is called but a quick search of past posts in the Hero CDMA forum should easily find it, as it has been covered many times before. I don't know how that works because I have never needed it.
For those of us using the European Hero tethering on a PC (again don't know about Mac) should be easy and does not need any additional app from the Market. First make sure HTCSync is installed on your PC. Even if you do not use it to sync you still need it on the PC because it has the necessary drivers. Then connect the USB cable to both devices. Do not at this stage mount the USB. If it tries to sync automatically, just cancel that.
Then go into menu > settings > wireless controls. Scroll down to the bottom and the last item "Mobile Network Sharing" should now be available to you. Click on it and it should automatically make a connection to the PC which should show in your icon tray (may take a minute or so) with the usual wireless network connection symbol (2 little computer screens with a couple of arcs radiating). After that just use your browser or email programme and it should work fine.
Are you doing the above in the order set out? Is the Mobile Network Sharing option on the phone available or grayed out? What OS are you running on the laptop? It works fine with my Windows XP, but have heard of problems with Vista, and especially in 64bit.
One more thing. You do need to have 3G phone signal to make it work - GPS will take forever. And you obviously need data switched on on the phone.

Internet Sharing Issue

Have had some problem when connecting to the pc using USB or Bluetooth. On the phone itself the connection goes fine all the way (i even manage to download 200mb or 400mb files with opera)
On the computer i also have one USB 3g modem witch works fine and that was confirmed by my ISP.
Have tried Toshiba support to see what was their point, and, although they reply very fast (under one day) the messages are not very conclusive. i leave then have to see what you guys think
"thank you for contacting us again.
You need Windows Mobile Device Centre in order to have the drivers installed and make sure Windows Mobile Device Centre displays ‘Connected’ status. As soon as you have checked this, disconnect the device from the PC, select ‘disk drive mode’ as connection type, re-connect the device to the PC and select ‘Internet Sharing’ within Menu. Then tap on ‘Connect’ at the very bottom of the screen.
We trust that this resolves your query, please do not hesitate to contact us again if required.
Best Regards, "
so when i want to have internet on my computer i am slave to MobileDEvice Center is seems.... anyway this method doesnt work for me so the problem remains the same.
Kalas_22 said:
Have had some problem when connecting to the pc using USB or Bluetooth. On the phone itself the connection goes fine all the way (i even manage to download 200mb or 400mb files with opera)
On the computer i also have one USB 3g modem witch works fine and that was confirmed by my ISP.
Have tried Toshiba support to see what was their point, and, although they reply very fast (under one day) the messages are not very conclusive. i leave then have to see what you guys think
"thank you for contacting us again.
You need Windows Mobile Device Centre in order to have the drivers installed and make sure Windows Mobile Device Centre displays ‘Connected’ status. As soon as you have checked this, disconnect the device from the PC, select ‘disk drive mode’ as connection type, re-connect the device to the PC and select ‘Internet Sharing’ within Menu. Then tap on ‘Connect’ at the very bottom of the screen.
We trust that this resolves your query, please do not hesitate to contact us again if required.
Best Regards, "
so when i want to have internet on my computer i am slave to MobileDEvice Center is seems.... anyway this method doesnt work for me so the problem remains the same.
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No it doesn't mean you are the slave of Mobile Device center.
They want you to connect to Mob Device Center once, and then download the correct drivers needed for your phone. All you have to do is wait till it says 'Connected' which means that your phone has all the necessary drivers.
I am presuming the rest of the steps are straightforward on your device - so next time you connect device, follow the steps above and it should work according to their reply!
OK, i have seen one Unidentified Device when i connect the phone with usb mode . The windows fails to install it but the connection goes ok the same way (until it fails a bit later).
Anyway, another thing i noticed is, the USB 3g Modem i have Hits the 3.2 Mbit whitch is its maximun speed , but the phone fails to even reach its 7.2.... will it be because of the missing driver? (whitch i have no clue how o install) Is this the same procedure for any phone that uses USB (Android , IOS) needs drivers to work properly?
Thank you
Kalas_22 said:
OK, i have seen one Unidentified Device when i connect the phone with usb mode . The windows fails to install it but the connection goes ok the same way (until it fails a bit later).
Anyway, another thing i noticed is, the USB 3g Modem i have Hits the 3.2 Mbit whitch is its maximun speed , but the phone fails to even reach its 7.2.... will it be because of the missing driver? (whitch i have no clue how o install) Is this the same procedure for any phone that uses USB (Android , IOS) needs drivers to work properly?
Thank you
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Can I ask if you have installed Windows Device Center or Active Sync using a CD that comes with TG01 or not?
I have installed from the Microsoft website, Windows mobile device center.
Have now tried the same on another computer with Windows XP (Active Sync), and the problem is the same as with windows7 (and Ubuntu) where i have already tried.
I am using one Toshiba OFFICIAL Rom, with USB the connections takes a bit more to set up but normally lasts more time connected, with bluetooth, it connects very fast but when it breaks, the PHone crashed completely and the only way to continue is reset..
Want to know if anyone has similar issue
Have had the following reply after trying to contact toshiba Aggain
"It is normal for the connection to be slower trough the Internet sharing than your normal computer Internet connection. Please note that the phone has different technical specification than your PC has. Also, the Internet connection that you share has different technical specification than the one you get from your home broadband.
We trust that this resolves your query, please do not hesitate to contact us again if required. #
Can someone explain what does this actually mean? The TG01 Cant be used as a 3G Usb Modem ?
Anybody used or is using the TG01 as a Data modem for the pc?

[Q&Soln] USB tethering creates endless new "Windows networks"

Whenever I tether my laptop via the USB cable it takes a long time for the laptop to connect and when it does, it says "Connected to Network X", where X is a number. Everytime I reconnect via USB X increases by 1 so the last time I did it I was on Network 43!!!!! I accept that this could be in part a windows thing and not a GS3 thing BUT when I connect via a Wifi Hotspot it connects really really quickly and always says I am connected to AndroidAP. Its as if the USB tethering firmware is
Therefore connecting via hotspot seems much more stable and smooth however I was under the impression that the laptop internet speed will be quicker using USB tether rather than wifi and as I primarilly use my SGS3 as my home broadband connection I want to try and configure it to get the fastest speed on my laptop as possible. If I do an internet speed check on my SGS3 while my laptop is tethered the phone connection is always faster than the doing the same on the laptop. I guess this should be perhaps expected but as much as 4Mbits/s. I.e My phone was getting speeds of 6Mbits/sec but without having any apps open on the phone, my laptop would only get 2Mbits/s????
Any advice?
Ginyons said:
Whenever I tether my laptop via the USB cable it takes a long time for the laptop to connect and when it does, it says "Connected to Network X", where X is a number. Everytime I reconnect via USB X increases by 1 so the last time I did it I was on Network 43!!!!! I accept that this could be in part a windows thing and not a GS3 thing BUT when I connect via a Wifi Hotspot it connects really really quickly and always says I am connected to AndroidAP. Its as if the USB tethering firmware is
Therefore connecting via hotspot seems much more stable and smooth however I was under the impression that the laptop internet speed will be quicker using USB tether rather than wifi and as I primarilly use my SGS3 as my home broadband connection I want to try and configure it to get the fastest speed on my laptop as possible. If I do an internet speed check on my SGS3 while my laptop is tethered the phone connection is always faster than the doing the same on the laptop. I guess this should be perhaps expected but as much as 4Mbits/s. I.e My phone was getting speeds of 6Mbits/sec but without having any apps open on the phone, my laptop would only get 2Mbits/s????
Any advice?
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It does not related to Device problem.
It related to Windows,your computer create a new network when each time you connect to internet.
This may due to Firewall,Antivirus etc..
Are there any apps out there which are better than the stock USB tethering method. I do get slightly faster speeds on the laptop when USB tethered but the Windows network methodolgy seems unsatble compared with the wifi hotspot method
I was suffering the same and finally found a solution for this (at least on my S2).
It requires root, plus a kernel that supports init.d scripts (or running a script yourself every time you start the phone and will want to tether before restarting).
Just run this script:
chmod u+w /sys/module/g_android/parameters/dev_addr
echo 5a:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx > /sys/module/g_android/parameters/dev_addr
chmod u-w /sys/module/g_android/parameters/dev_addr
Just replace xx's with whatever hex values (0-9 or a-f) you want. Example: 5a:10:20:30:40:50
Windows detects the network you're connecting to by identifying the MAC address of the gateway. It can then know whether you're connecting to your home router (safe), an internet cafe (public), etc.
Whenever it finds a gateway whose MAC address is not recorded yet, it will state it's an unknown network, ask you what type is it (home / public), and assign a new number to it.
The thing is that android (or at least mine) is generating a completely random MAC address for itself whenever tethering is turned on, and naturally that will be different every time.
If you run those commands above, you're overriding that randomness and the device will start having always that MAC address and Windows will remember you're connecting to the same gateway.
PS: This is obviously dependent on whether the kernel you're using includes that /sys/module/g_android/parameters/dev_addr file. I'm inclined to think it's standard, but I'm not sure.
I'm having the same "problem".
Is there any other (nicer) way to permanently disable that random MAC generation? Other than using the method Tungstwenty explained above. Does anyone know why is that android "feature" even implemented, it doesn't make much sense to me.
Has anyone else figured out any solutions to this besides running a script everytime you boot? Seems kinda crazy to have to go to that extent for something that should be standard...
^ Exactly. Any updates yet?
This thread should be moved to general android (not device specific)
Report it via report button .
ketanmatrix said:
This thread should be moved to general android (not device specific)
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I can confirm that the same issue happened on my new Xperia Z, and the solution I posted above has also solved it.
The new device was even recognized by Windows as the already identified router, since I reused the same value from the previous device.
So I agree it's a cross-device issue with apparently the same solution, at least in a few of them.
Tungstwenty said:
I can confirm that the same issue happened on my new Xperia Z, and the solution I posted above has also solved it.
The new device was even recognized by Windows as the already identified router, since I reused the same value from the previous device.
So I agree it's a cross-device issue with apparently the same solution, at least in a few of them.
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reported it as bug to google! hope it goes away in jb 4.3
anyway running that script didnt help on xperia z connecting to windows 8 pro
Moved to Android Q&A
Tungstwenty said:
I was suffering the same and finally found a solution for this (at least on my S2).
It requires root, plus a kernel that supports init.d scripts (or running a script yourself every time you start the phone and will want to tether before restarting).
Just run this script:
chmod u+w /sys/module/g_android/parameters/dev_addr
echo 5a:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx > /sys/module/g_android/parameters/dev_addr
chmod u-w /sys/module/g_android/parameters/dev_addr
Just replace xx's with whatever hex values (0-9 or a-f) you want. Example: 5a:10:20:30:40:50
Windows detects the network you're connecting to by identifying the MAC address of the gateway. It can then know whether you're connecting to your home router (safe), an internet cafe (public), etc.
Whenever it finds a gateway whose MAC address is not recorded yet, it will state it's an unknown network, ask you what type is it (home / public), and assign a new number to it.
The thing is that android (or at least mine) is generating a completely random MAC address for itself whenever tethering is turned on, and naturally that will be different every time.
If you run those commands above, you're overriding that randomness and the device will start having always that MAC address and Windows will remember you're connecting to the same gateway.
PS: This is obviously dependent on whether the kernel you're using includes that /sys/module/g_android/parameters/dev_addr file. I'm inclined to think it's standard, but I'm not sure.
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i have rooted htc desire with CM aaaand.. i no have g_android folder.. but i found the dev_addr file in sys/module/u_tether/parameters/dev_addr ... my question.. that file its same? or better when i dont toutch this file?
ktomi22 said:
i have rooted htc desire with CM aaaand.. i no have g_android folder.. but i found the dev_addr file in sys/module/u_tether/parameters/dev_addr ... my question.. that file its same? or better when i dont toutch this file?
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From the path ("...tether...") it's likely that it might be the right one for your device.
Simply try running the commands manually from an ADB shell and seeing if it works for you. If it does, put it on an init script. If not, it should be gone after a reboot.
A possible solution
For Windows to recognize your mobile device as the same first one needs to create a bridge in Windows 7.
Open Network Connections by clicking the Start button, and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type adapter, and then, under Network and Sharing Center, click View Network Connections.
Hold down the Ctrl key and Select internet connection from your android phone with your alternate connection you usually use. If you use only your android phone for internet, just select the mobile device.
Hold down ALT to reveal Advanced Menu and click Bridge Connections. If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
You should now have a new network type named "Network Bridge" created.
Leave this internet bridge on your system.
Now whenever you connect your android phone, it will show up as the same network connection always. This will stay so even after you restart your system.
maxmumbai said:
For Windows to recognize your mobile device as the same first one needs to create a bridge in Windows 7.
Open Network Connections by clicking the Start button, and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type adapter, and then, under Network and Sharing Center, click View Network Connections.
Hold down the Ctrl key and Select internet connection from your android phone with your alternate connection you usually use. If you use only your android phone for internet, just select the mobile device.
Hold down ALT to reveal Advanced Menu and click Bridge Connections. If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
You should now have a new network type named "Network Bridge" created.
Leave this internet bridge on your system.
Now whenever you connect your android phone, it will show up as the same network connection always. This will stay so even after you restart your system.
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Hey MaxMumbai.....
what about windows 8.1.....? The right click on the network adapter in question in win 8.1 reveals 'Bridge connections' in the menu.
Can you make this much clearer please "Hold down the Ctrl key and Select internet connection from your android phone with your alternate connection you usually use. If you use only your android phone for internet, just select the mobile device."
You need at least 2 LAN connections to make a bridge so how can I only select my mobile device connection....? This is what I have in my adapters panel :
Bluetooth Network Connection .... Not ConnectedX
Ethernet.... Network cable unpluggedX
Local Area Connection..... Remote NDIS based internet sharing device (this is my tether)
WiFi... Not Connected X
Can you please explain where I make the bridge....?
Ginyons said:
Whenever I tether my laptop via the USB cable it takes a long time for the laptop to connect and when it does, it says "Connected to Network X", where X is a number. Everytime I reconnect via USB X increases by 1 so the last time I did it I was on Network 43!!!!! I accept that this could be in part a windows thing and not a GS3 thing BUT when I connect via a Wifi Hotspot it connects really really quickly and always says I am connected to AndroidAP. Its as if the USB tethering firmware is
Therefore connecting via hotspot seems much more stable and smooth however I was under the impression that the laptop internet speed will be quicker using USB tether rather than wifi and as I primarilly use my SGS3 as my home broadband connection I want to try and configure it to get the fastest speed on my laptop as possible. If I do an internet speed check on my SGS3 while my laptop is tethered the phone connection is always faster than the doing the same on the laptop. I guess this should be perhaps expected but as much as 4Mbits/s. I.e My phone was getting speeds of 6Mbits/sec but without having any apps open on the phone, my laptop would only get 2Mbits/s????
Any advice?
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You can try this if you don't mind the network icon not showing that you're connected.
Open Registry Editor ( Windows key + R to bring up the Run dialog, then type regedit and press Enter ).
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
There are numbered subkeys starting with 0001. Look in each subkey in descending order for the one with the DriverDesc value having your smartphone's RNDIS driver name (same name shown in your Network Connections view as the "Connect using" value).
Once located, create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value.
Enter the name as *NdisDeviceType (remember to include the asterisk sign * in front).
Edit the newly created DWORD value and enter the value data as 1 (Base choice doesn't matter). Click OK.
Once done, disable and re-enable usb tethering
You will no longer get a prompt asking for network location whenever you connect your smartphone, but you will still get the prompt when connecting to other devices.
Important Note: When you are only connected to your smartphone, your computer's network icon will continue to show that you are not connected to any network. However, the internet will still work fine.
I just found an easier way to avoid windows (10) to generate a new network number and reset the settings:
Tether your phone using USB, then:
Open device manager and find "Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device"
Then go to properties, advanced, select network address and assign a value.
That's it.
Zibri said:
I just found an easier way to avoid windows (10) to generate a new network number and reset the settings:
Tether your phone using USB, then:
Open device manager and find "Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device"
Then go to properties, advanced, select network address and assign a value.
That's it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This seems to work, as long as you don't restart your PC. After every restart it still counts 1 Number up.
Still a neat trick as long as the PC keeps running, thanks for posting it :good:
I am still searching for a better one....

