Palm PVG100 won't show up in "adb devices" - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am trying to get an APK off a Palm PVG100 phone. On my Windows 8.1 PC, "adb" works just fine when I connect a Moto G Power. I am able to see the Moto immediately with "adb devices" and run other adb commands, including copying APKs from the Moto.
However, I have tried connecting two different Palm PVG100 phones with the same USB cable, and they never show up in "adb devices".
I have enabled USB debugging on the PVG100 and clicked to authorize the computer. And, I am able to see files in MTP mode and transfer pictures from the PVG100 in PTP mode using that cable, but no matter how many times I "adb kill-server" and "adb start-server", the list from "adb devices" is always empty when either PVG100 is attached.
I see that other folks have been able to use adb on the PVG100, see for example the thread at
Can anyone suggest what I need to do differently? Thanks!

For the benefit of future searchers: a clean install of the latest ADB on a Windows 10 machine using the convenient tool at
did the trick, and I was able to see the PVG100 over adb.


[Q] ADB Issues

I'm having issues with my laptop detecting attached adb devices (Thunderbolt specifically). I can get my main computer to recognize/detect an adb device. I will then disconnect my phone from my main computer and plug it into my labtop, and yet my laptop will not recognized there's an adb device attached. Regardless of the following, i still can not get it to work on my laptop: Closing CDM, disconnecting the phone from the computer, plugin the phone back then pull up cmd (or pull up cmd and then plug in phone -ive tried every common sense trick there is).
Whats going on with my laptop that will not allow it/android sdk to recognize the device? How do I fix this?
PS in case it needs to be mentioned, yes i have USB Debugging selected (thats why i am able to get the one computer to recognize it).
never mind i'm an idiot, since i manually add the script in for the USB drivers i forgot to select where to pull the drivers from in device manager. Sorry about this post, please delete it.

[Q] OSX, adb usb, adb devices = error: device not found

when I type adb devices cmd in the terminal it does not list my device and its plugged in....
when I try to type adb usb it says no devices found...
for the record nothing is wrong with my USB connection cable because, I'm able to connect my HTC ReZound via USB cable to my macbook, the CDROM and STORAGE auto mounts to my desktop so i know the connection is working, because I'm able to copy files, update music via winamp sync playlists, also my paid EasyTeather copy works, etc.
I updated & installed most recent Android SDK adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20130917 and updated the device manager for my ver 4.0.3 and all tools, even tryed using a stand alone that contains a adb and fastboot...\
I read up on this and found nothing tryed everything....
adb kill-server > adb start-server - does nothing
adding device in the adb_usb.ini didn't help either.
chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules after creating file didn't help.
rebooted many times .
i've attached a terminal cmd window below to show.
USB debugging is enabled on the device, yes? Does the "USB debugging enabled" notification show up when you plug it into the computer?
MaxxPayne said:
when I type adb devices cmd in the terminal it does not list my device and its plugged in....
when I try to type adb usb it says no devices found...
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are you doing proper methods in command prompt for sdk's adb such as directing it to the folder its in...example did you type cd c:/androidsdk/platform_tools/ in command prompt for example
I used to have a mac ....but here
Download htc sync for mac
Download the sdk and all you need is a folder called platform tools
Extract the platform tools folder Put it on your desktop
Open terminal type "cd" then hit space then drag and drop the platform tools folder into the terminal after that hit enter
Then you can run any command just make sure to put "./ " before the command without quotations so if you wanna flash a boot you would put
./fastboot flash boot boot.img and hit enter
Note that adb works perfectly well on my Mac without the HTC Sync drivers.

[SOLVED] Unable to access with ADB/No RSA Fingerprint Key Window

This is finally solved. There was a problem with my computer's ADB RSA key, so I simply had to delete the key file and rerun ADB and I Received the RSA Key Fingerprint window instantly on my G3.
For the full description of the problem look here:
I'm having issues trying to root my phone. I'm using the ioroot method mentioned here.
I get to "* daemon started successfully *" then nothing. After a lot of troubleshooting I know it's because my phone won't allow access by my computer. I never receive the RSA Fingerprint window allowing my computer access to my phone. Here's what all I've tried:
-Put phone into Internet>Ethernet mode (and I've also tried Internet>Modem, MTP and Camera modes as well just to say I did).
-Enable Developer Options and enable USB Debugging.
-Installed the drivers linked in the ioroot page (I've also downloaded the drivers directly from LG - believe it or not ... it's the same file).
-Installed the Verizon Software Assistant from the phone after connecting to the computer.
-Updated my ADB version with the SDK Manager.
-Used different USB ports on my computer as well as two different USB cables (one of which came with the G3).
-Checked Device Manager, all is as it should be and no unrecognized devices.
When I ran the adb server without the ioroot batch file, typing "adb devices" would return my phone's serial followed by "offline." It did this until I updated ADB; then when typing "adb devices" it would return the serial followed by "unauthorized." I've tried all various methods and combinations of switching adb debugging on and off, switching developer options on and off, installing and uninstalling and reinstalling the LG drivers, unplugging and replugging the USB cable, power-cycling all devices including myself at night, doing these methods with long pauses in between (10 minutes to ensure I wasn't being impatient), scratching my head, drinking more coffee, switching to rum and swearing at all devices but nothing seems to make a difference.
What am I missing?
I've got the Verizon LG G3 in White (LG-VS985W)
Software version VS98510B
Windows laptop running Vista 32 bit (I know I know, "eeew Vista")
I was able to obtain root using a different computer, here's what I tried with my laptop after gaining root to get it and my G3 on speaking terms:
-Deleted the ADB_Keys file on the G3 (/data/misc/adb/adb_key): no change.
-Compared running Windows services between Vista and 8.1 and started services which were running on 8.1 but not vista: no change.
Here was the resolution:
There turned out to be a problem with my laptop's ADB RSA key. I'm assuming my G3 was rejecting a bad key and disallowing my laptop to connect to it via ADB.
ADB saves a key file in one of multiple places on a Windows computer, the first is in the location where adb.exe is (C:\android), the second is in the user's profile (C:\Users\*username*\.android), the third place is in the Windows system files (C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.android), the file is simply named "adbkey" with no extension. If there is no key file when ADB runs, it will generate one automatically.
Mine was located in my user folder (C:\Users\*username*\.android\). All I had to do was delete the adbkey file (there was also a file named "" which I deleted as well), restart the adb server in command prompt (adb start-server) and plug my phone in. I instantly received the RSA Fingerprint Key window on my G3 allowing connection between the two devices. Then typing "adb devices" returned my phone's serial number followed by "device" showing it was available. I went back to the C:\Users\*username*\.android\ folder and sure enought there were new "adbkey" and "" files.
Problem finally fixed!
Here are some VERY useful links which helped me come to this fix:
How ADB enables a secure connection
Reconstructing ADB's RSA key file
Try using this set of Vertizon g3 drivers:!58YHAZaQ!yNlgZG1m7toHBZp_0HF1jSQ66gMoZmmiDrNq9W5aJIc
Open the .zip, run the .msi file on Windows.
I do not run the G3's auto-install software when I plug it into the PC.
I do set the G3 to "PTP" USB before initially connecting to the PC.
The adb file in the ioroot "bts" subfolder should be okay to run on Windows.
When the phone is attached to the PC, change its USB connection type to Internet, with submenu type Ethernet. At least on my phone, right when I change the phone connection to Internet/Ethernet is when I get the phone popup to accept the PC's RSA fingerprint.
If I then run "adb devices" on my PC, I'll see the random ID followed by "attached", which means I have a good connection. If this doesn't happen, unplug, then replug, the USB connection at the PC side.
Then I can "cd .." and run ioroot.bat.
Good luck!
markfm said:
Try using this set of Vertizon g3 drivers:!58YHAZaQ!yNlgZG1m7toHBZp_0HF1jSQ66gMoZmmiDrNq9W5aJIc
Open the .zip, run the .msi file on Windows.
I do not run the G3's auto-install software when I plug it into the PC.
I do set the G3 to "PTP" USB before initially connecting to the PC.
The adb file in the ioroot "bts" subfolder should be okay to run on Windows.
When the phone is attached to the PC, change its USB connection type to Internet, with submenu type Ethernet. At least on my phone, right when I change the phone connection to Internet/Ethernet is when I get the phone popup to accept the PC's RSA fingerprint.
If I then run "adb devices" on my PC, I'll see the random ID followed by "attached", which means I have a good connection. If this doesn't happen, unplug, then replug, the USB connection at the PC side.
Then I can "cd .." and run ioroot.bat.
Good luck!
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... no dice.
Ok, I'm switching to my Windows 8.1 machine (my laptop is my server and android-dirty-work machine).
So it worked without hesitation on my 8.1 machine. I used the drivers listed in the ioroot thread (same as the drivers from LG) and the process went off without a hitch. I have no idea why my Vista machine and G3 don't get along but I'll need to figure it out when I do further adb work because I use my laptop for that.
Thank you markfm for the extra drivers.
I'll call this solved for now but if I find out further reasons why it didn't work I'll post it here for others who have similar struggles.
Ok I finally solved this. It turned out there was something wrong with my laptop's ADB RSA key. All I had to do was delete the key file, run the ADB Server and connect the phone. ADB will automatically generate an RSA key if none exists. The RSA key was located in C:\Users\*username*\.android and was simply named "adbkey" with no extension. There was also a file named (Microsoft Publisher) which I'm assuming is a viewable version of the key. I deleted both of these, re-ran the ADB server and voila I instantly received the RSA Key Fingerprint confirmation window on my G3.
Done and done!
unable to generate RSA key on my MCB
I've read and re-read all the entries addressing this issue. I have a black G3 and am using a 2013 Mac Book Pro. I've followed the instructions to the letter many times but with no success. I'm at a loss. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
scooterd said:
I've read and re-read all the entries addressing this issue. I have a black G3 and am using a 2013 Mac Book Pro. I've followed the instructions to the letter many times but with no success. I'm at a loss. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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You'll have to bear with me because I'm not familiar with Mac file structure.
I would start from scratch. Do all these before trying to run adb again.
On your computer:
-Delete adbkey & from the .android folder (I'm not sure where that is on a Mac, Home\.android?).
-I'm not sure if Macs have a device manager, but check that your phone is correctly recognized and the drivers are installed properly.
On your phone:
-Ensure you've got developer features unlocked
-Double check that you've got usb debugging enabled.
-Tap the "Revoke USB Debugging Authorizations" button below USB debugging in developer options.
-When you're plugged in be sure to set your connection to Internet >>Ethernet (you'll see the debugging icon in the notification bar if it's connected right).
I know a lot of that is basic and redundant but if it's all done correctly then it should work. If it doesn't work it gives us a good starting point to troubleshoot.
If you want to test it open terminal, change directory to the bts folder in the ioroot folder and start adb (adb start-server), with everything done right you should get the rsa window on your phone right now. Type "adb devices" and see what comes back.
Thanks for the assistance. I never could get anywhere with my MBP so I used Windows. I downloaded the drivers and got the RSA key after revoking all prior authorizations. However, but my computer still won't see my G3 in internet/usb debugging mode. It reads it in MTP, PTP and USB charge mode. But that's it. I've rooted numerous phones before, mostly Samsung, but this one has me stumped. Any ideas?
scooterd said:
Thanks for the assistance. I never could get anywhere with my MBP so I used Windows. I downloaded the drivers and got the RSA key after revoking all prior authorizations. However, but my computer still won't see my G3 in internet/usb debugging mode. It reads it in MTP, PTP and USB charge mode. But that's it. I've rooted numerous phones before, mostly Samsung, but this one has me stumped. Any ideas?
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Use whatever mode will enable USB Debugging. If Internet>>Ethernet doesn't work then use any other mode that will. It's not necessarily important what mode your phone is in, but what mode will allow USB Debugging. If you have it in MTP, PTP, Camera or any other, and you have the USB Debugging icon in the notification bar, try the "adb devices" command and if it returns "*serial* device" then you should be good to go to root.
Once your phone has enabled USB Debugging and accepted the RSA key from your computer then the connection is made and your phone will accept the ioroot commands.
scooterd said:
Thanks for the assistance. I never could get anywhere with my MBP so I used Windows. I downloaded the drivers and got the RSA key after revoking all prior authorizations. However, but my computer still won't see my G3 in internet/usb debugging mode. It reads it in MTP, PTP and USB charge mode. But that's it. I've rooted numerous phones before, mostly Samsung, but this one has me stumped. Any ideas?
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Is your phone a Verizon Model (VS985)? I'm assuming not because I don't have PTP mode on my G3. If it's not Verizon, the ioroot method suggests using PTP mode.
Yes it is a Verizon VS985. I bought it last week. I have four options, charge, MTP, internet and PTP when I connect my phone to the PC. I get usb debugging under either ethernet or modem. Device Manegr sees my phone and I get the RSA key. I never get a terminal which let's me know something isn't right. This is truly weird but I won't give up. I'll start over and see what happens. Again, thanks for your patience.
scooterd said:
Yes it is a Verizon VS985. I bought it last week. I have four options, charge, MTP, internet and PTP when I connect my phone to the PC. I get usb debugging under either ethernet or modem. Device Manegr sees my phone and I get the RSA key. I never get a terminal which let's me know something isn't right. This is truly weird but I won't give up. I'll start over and see what happens. Again, thanks for your patience.
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No problem at all, happy to help! It sounds like you have everything set up properly, however the terminal doesn't open automatically (you need to do it manually). But you shouldn't need to open the terminal to get ioroot to work, after you've unzipped the file, simply navigate to the ioroot folder, right-click on ioroot.bat and choose Run as Administrator. That should run through the entire process for you.
If you want to test your adb connection (testing not required for ioroot to work) you'll need to open the command prompt manually. Press Windows Key+R, in the run window, type cmd and press enter, this will open the command prompt. When you're in the command prompt, you'll need to change directory to the location of adb.exe in the bts folder inside the ioroot folder. Mine was in a folder named android on my C drive so the address looked something like this: C:\android\ioroot\bts the command you'll type in command prompt would be: cd C:\android\ioroot\bts then press enter. Then you can type adb devices and see if you're connected properly.
Okay. Here's where we are. I did everything you suggested. I got the RSA key and the G3 went into recovery mode. I toggeld down to the appropriate command and hit the power button. The little green guy fell over with the dreaded red triange and I got the message "This version of ioroot does not support your device/firmware combo. Please downgrade to previously supported software version. My G3 is running VS98510B. I can't post in the devlopment section but wonder if a software update prevents root the the version being used. Just a question but at least I know I'm not going crazy.
---------- Post added at 04:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:46 PM ----------
scooterd said:
Okay. Here's where we are. I did everything you suggested. I got the RSA key and the G3 went into recovery mode. I toggeld down to the appropriate command and hit the power button. The little green guy fell over with the dreaded red triange and I got the message "This version of ioroot does not support your device/firmware combo. Please downgrade to previously supported software version. My G3 is running VS98510B. I can't post in the devlopment section but wonder if a software update prevents root the the version being used. Just a question but at least I know I'm not going crazy.
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You sir are a genious. After changing my USB cord, I'm rooted and all is well in the world. It's always the little things that matter
My Pleasure! It's the little things that matter and the little things that kill!! I'm glad you're finally victorious!:laugh:
EDIT: Nevermind, I got it to work through Internet>Ethernet.
postal302 said:
Is your phone a Verizon Model (VS985)? I'm assuming not because I don't have PTP mode on my G3. If it's not Verizon, the ioroot method suggests using PTP mode.
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Hi, hope this thread is somewhat still alive. sorry for the late add on... please help.
Sorry I'm a complete moron when it comes to rooting and ADB / RSA stuff and have no idea what exactly i am doing but for some reason my macbook won't allow me to authorize my oneplus. the authorize computer dialog box never pops up however i get a notification when my phone is plugged in that debugging is active. developer options have been reset, multiple usb cables have been used, and authorization has been revoked multiple times as well.
Im not sure how to access my adb settings on mac and when i attempt to go into terminal and try kill-server / start-server commands i get error messages as commands are not recognized.
Any help is appreciated as i can no longer use stock rom on OPO and i can't go about rooting my device
Wrong forum area -- this is for the Verizon LG G3 smartphone.
Same here! WITH NEXUS 7
Tried all the methods and spent almost 20hrs experimenting to retrieve rsa fingerprint, but in vain
Can you please suggest any remedy?
I cant install any os and unfortunately, my status bar and softkeys disappeared after using softkeyz apk...Dont tell to delete dalvaik data and cache[ it didnt work]
Jesusmaryqueen said:
Tried all the methods and spent almost 20hrs experimenting to retrieve rsa fingerprint, but in vain
Can you please suggest any remedy?
I cant install any os and unfortunately, my status bar and softkeys disappeared after using softkeyz apk...Dont tell to delete dalvaik data and cache[ it didnt work]
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It is also possible to overcome the situation, by installing Mobilego software on your PC and follow the instructions accordingly (connecting your android using usb & debugging etc,.). You will get a RSA fingerprint request.. Easy Once it's done, u can close the mobilego software in the PC and open someother software for example Bacon root toolkit for oneplus one etc etc.. Hope this helps
adbkey doesn't exist
I don't know what i did wrong before, but my computer just DOES NOT have adbkey and anywhere! First, i thought it was my phone's fault. Then, i tested in a different pc, and it worked. How do i generate those keys? There are no helpful answers in the internet yet...

ADB not working on win7, win10 or OSX

hey there,
I am currently trying to do a factory reset / wipe my data from my Sony Xperia Z3.
The screen is unresponsive and blacked out after I dropped the device, the phone itself however is still working.
I had managed to copy data from my SD card a few weeks ago on win7 - however after I updated my PC to win10, the device does not show up any more for some reason. On my girlfriends PC (running win7), the device is shown, but does not contain any file structure (no files & folders displayed). When I run "adb devices", I get the "attached is a list of devices" like response, but without my phone being shown.
I am now trying to do the factory reset via ADB on my macbook (since I could not get it to work on win7/win10).
I have installed Android SDK including ADB. However, when I type "adb devices" in the terminal, I get the response "-bash: adb: command not found". I should get something like "attached is a list of devices" though.
I am a novice to OSX, so maybe I am doing something wrong, but I don't know what. I included a screenshot of my installation.
If someone could help me getting access to my device through ADB, that would be great.
Thanks a lot!

Help extracting data from Android Device

Hi, I hope I am posting in the right section? I found the site really difficult to navigate having never used the site before. If its in the wrong place please can a mod move it.
Ok so I have an Android Set Top Box (STB) and I am trying to extract all the data from it. It is an mxp pro 4k. I don't want a backup of the data I want to extract full images of the device for analysing with forensic tools. The problem is I can't seem to communicate with it. I have the full SDK that is up to date, once navigated to the platform tools folder I opened a command line and typed
adb devices
after plugging in a USB cable to the OTG port. No prompts appeared on the screen to trust any connections like my iPhone does when I connect it. Adb devices returns no results. So I tried wireless adb, I typed
adb connect 192.168.x.x
and it said connected. Then when running the devices command I had the ip and port then the word device. I then get a shell by using
adb shell
Which i then elevate to root by using
. Then when i try an adb pull or adb backup I get a message saying error device offline.
Im new to Android so not even sure I am doing it right. I have done a lot of reading and research but seem to be stuck with the basics. To confirm USB debugging is turned on.

