flashing green led - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

the led on my xda carries on flashing (once per second) even after ive delt with the thing thats making it flash (read the message etc.) is this normal, and can i fix it


@ Zviratko: Great reply

what does that mean, im a forum virgin

The green LED flashes whilst the phone is switched on.
RTFM is tech speak directing someone to review the documentation that came with the product. If you think about you can probably work out what the initials stand for,

I think theres a bit of mis-understanding. I know what the light means when it flashes. my problem is that it carries on flashing. Say i`ve got a missed call, The led is flashing, I turn my xDA on and find out who it was, then turn my xDA off again, but the led carries on flashing once per second not once every 3 secs like it should. sorry to be a pain in the ass

Oh so It blinks for a predefined time, it stops blinking even if you don't review the message

yes, it keeps blinking even if i do read the message, i think its a software thing

It is giver that when message is received, it vibrates, does a sound and blinks light for XXX seconds. It keeps blinking for XXX seconds whatever you do

Information Technology x Letter Acronyms (where x is a positive integer value greater than zero)
Just in case you are wondering about the first reply. :lol:


Blinking yellow light on XDA II

Hello group,
Is there anyway i can remove the blinking yellow light (celphone is on) in my XDA II? It is disturbing to every one whenever i am in a meeting. At one time, i was requested to take away the celphone due to the blinking light but i could not since i am using it to take notes. It was embarassing. :?:
Why dont you just turn on flight mode when in a meeting (radio off)?
That way, you dont get the blinking light PLUS you dont get incoming calls/sms which is perfectly fine since as you said, it's a meeting so no point in taking outside calls then.
But seriously I think your officemates are assholes for taking that against you. I remember the OLDEST Erricson phones (the one liners) having that intermittent blinking led on their phones since God knows when. This is probably the first time I heard about people complaining about something trivial such as that.
But hey, if they're really that anal, then you could turn the radio off (flight mode on/phone off) to keep them satisfied =)
Hope this helps

Notification light turning off

Is there a way to set the length of time the notification light will blink for? My phone will give me the notification light but then it turns off after a minute or so. So if I leave the room and come back it won't be blinking. It's when I check my phone that I see I have a message.
Is there a setting that I am not seeing? All I see under the settings for led notification are the types of messages you can set it for.
If you use a 3rd party messaging app you can do that
Like handcent
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Mine is doing the same thing and it's extremely annoying. It seems to shut off a couple minutes after receiving a new email/text.
this sucks if true. It should blink forever until you clear the notification. OR your batter clicks over into power saving mode and disables the notificaiton light if thats even a possibility.
sgt. slaughter said:
this sucks if true. It should blink forever until you clear the notification. OR your batter clicks over into power saving mode and disables the notificaiton light if thats even a possibility.
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It doesn't...same problem with the Sensation as well.
I sent HTC an email asking if they plan on fixing the issue. Shutting the LED off after five minutes sorta defeats the purpose of even having one...
sup191 said:
I sent HTC an email asking if they plan on fixing the issue. Shutting the LED off after five minutes sorta defeats the purpose of even having one...
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Did you ever hear anything back? From searching around, it seems all/most htc phones are doing this. If I didn't want a notification light, I'd get a nexus s 4g .
Try missed reminder from the market. If you have problems with it crashing disable gmail notification in the app.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
ktrotter11 said:
If you use a 3rd party messaging app you can do that
Like handcent
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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Where exactly in the settings for handcent allows for keeping the notification light on? I have the same problem of the light turning itself off, and so I downloaded handcent, but all there seems to be is an option to just turn notification blink on/off; no set time. Am I missing something?
DualSportDad said:
Try missed reminder from the market. If you have problems with it crashing disable gmail notification in the app.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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Thanks. I've tried several led notification apps and none seem to work 100%. I can't believe htc is making phones with led's that only flash 5 minutes. It pretty much defeats the purpose of a notification light except for those awesome 300 seconds it flashes for you.
How come there aren't more posts or fixes for this?
mwalt2 said:
Did you ever hear anything back? From searching around, it seems all/most htc phones are doing this. If I didn't want a notification light, I'd get a nexus s 4g .
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Yeah, but it was a canned response:
"We appreciate your feedback, we know how important consumer feedback on our products is. We appreciate your suggestions and will use them in our research and development of possible upcoming models. If you have any future comments or concerns about our devices please feel free to contact us. Please feel free to contact us again if you have any further questions."
I got a more specific response, but apparently HTC thinks it should only blink for 5 minutes. I'd be curious how much battery is saves. I have a feeling it isn't much. You think they could just leave it as an option...
htc said:
I understand how important it is for the notification light on your device to flash indefinitely until you dismiss the notification.
Unfortunately, the device will only flash for about 5 minutes and then the LED light will no longer flash until you receive another notification. This is a battery saving feature and cannot be adjusted. I do apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number .
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i work in a very loud shop and often go lomg periods of time without knowing i hav recieved a message. i use Missed reminder set to forever and blink time at 2 sec. my battery was still at 75% when i got home from work today. the program used 2% of my battery. worth it to me.
i think making that little led flash uses a lot less power than turning the screen on........
"It's a battery saving feature..." but it will flash the red one indefinitely when the battery is below 15%, when you need every mA of power you can get. Makes a whole ton of sense...
DualSportDad said:
i work in a very loud shop and often go lomg periods of time without knowing i hav recieved a message. i use Missed reminder set to forever and blink time at 2 sec. my battery was still at 75% when i got home from work today. the program used 2% of my battery. worth it to me.
i think making that little led flash uses a lot less power than turning the screen on........
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I tried Missed reminder, but had some problems with it or maybe conflicts other apps I had. It would start to only flash once I turned the screen on (which defeats the purpose ). I know the blinking led can't use much power, so their reasoning makes little sense. I'll give Missed reminder another go.
Fine HTC, it burns battery, but at least give me the option of having it flash until I check the notifications. That way, everybody will be happy.

[Q] LED Brightness Decreased after JB

Hi. 2-3 days before I did a Jelly Bean 4.1.1 update to my S3 from kies. (My country has DLJ1 release of JB). After the update i noticed some LED problem. When plugged my phone to plug, i noticed that my LED's Brightness has decreased (the red one, while plugged in). I plug out and plug in lots of times and only few of them shows bright LED. Also these bright LEDs loose it brightness again in 1-2 mins.
I tried the LED on notifications also. The same problem occurs again. Most of times the brightness is low from its usual.
Firstly i though it was a hardware problem and open test of my s3 from *#0*# and test my LEDs lots of time. In "EVERY" of the test, the LEDs are bright as sun and bright as usual before. So i start thinking that is a software/firmware problem.
Note: I also read a comment in another forum, someone also complain about this issue on "Charging Battery problem on JB.
So is this problem is usual and known or what. Do you know the reason and solution. How can i fix it? Thank you for your replies...
This is surely a widespread problem, I've found it too. As soon as I flashed official JB, I noticed the LED wasn't as bright. I suppose it's not a serious problem, but it isn't right.
Happens the same here, with DLIJ4 ROM.
Only affects the red charging notification and is a feature, not a problem. Less glare.
You make it sound like the end of the world... how sad.
Firstly i though like that but: If it is a feature why i can see very bright red LED while charging sometimes. As I said before, 90% times the brightness is low. However also as i said before in few times I saw bright red LED after a moment its gone again. If it is feature, is it normal ?
Also this happens in blue (notification) LED sometimes..
So i dont think as it is feature...
Not seen it on other colours, red is always dimmer than it was on ICS. I recall seeing somewhere that it was deliberate...
This is a feture. The LED brightness is now regulated automatically, depending on surrounding light.
I also tried in very dark room and also tried in under the lamp. But brigthness of LED is not change anyway I dont understand this ...
It seems that the surrounding light level is checked only when the charger is plugged-in and then in rather long interval.


Anyone tried this yet? I gave it a go, not really sure what to expect. Installed fine, both the front and back lights kept blinking green until I swiped down the notification bar to clear them, even though I didn't have any notifications. I was messing around with the settings, and it is able to recognize the back light independently, so that's good.
Then I let the screen lock, when I went to unlock it nothing would happen, just stay black, im not sure if it turned off, or the screen was just staying off. Thinking it turned off I tried to boot it up, but nothing would happen. So next I tried to get into bootloader mode, which did work. So from there I went into twrp fixed permissions for a good measure and rebooted fine. Then I promptly uninstalled lightflow, until I get some other input from someone else.
So if you are worried about trying I don't think you should be, just give it a go and let me know your results. Just keep in mind you might have to do something to get it to boot if you have a problem, wasn't really a big deal though.
rhettnis said:
Anyone tried this yet? I gave it a go, not really sure what to expect. Installed fine, both the front and back lights kept blinking green until I swiped down the notification bar to clear them, even though I didn't have any notifications. I was messing around with the settings, and it is able to recognize the back light independently, so that's good.
Then I let the screen lock, when I went to unlock it nothing would happen, just stay black, im not sure if it turned off, or the screen was just staying off. Thinking it turned off I tried to boot it up, but nothing would happen. So next I tried to get into bootloader mode, which did work. So from there I went into twrp fixed permissions for a good measure and rebooted fine. Then I promptly uninstalled lightflow, until I get some other input from someone else.
So if you are worried about trying I don't think you should be, just give it a go and let me know your results. Just keep in mind you might have to do something to get it to boot if you have a problem, wasn't really a big deal though.
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I sent diagnostic information to the developer last week. His reply didn't sound too hopeful. HTC uses different hardware than most companies when it comes to the led mapping. I hope we will see an update that will provide further support for our device.
I wouldn't count on it, unlike the Nexus's notification light the Droid DNA (and most other HTC Phones) do not have multicolored notification lights. The light can effectively be 3 colors I think, which are red, green, and maybe orange/yellow at most (one of those might not even exist I cant remember) but that's it. Now if you just wanted to map those colors to individual actions I guess that could totally be feasible, but new colors outside of those like blue, purple, white, etc just isn't capable with the hardware in our phones.
It kinda sucks if your into that kinda thing, but what can ya do?
I agree that not having the multi-colored leds that my S3 had is an annoyance, but if LightFlow would just work so I could have dark orange for gmail and green for sms, I could live with that...
Unfortunately, I got the black screen at some point... I think after enabling the back led. And add to that I get the green led and it will not shut off no matter what. Sucks.
I'm starting to think that developer support will never get to an acceptable point for the DNA and I will need to go back...
hurricane350 said:
I agree that not having the multi-colored leds that my S3 had is an annoyance, but if LightFlow would just work so I could have dark orange for gmail and green for sms, I could live with that...
Unfortunately, I got the black screen at some point... I think after enabling the back led. And add to that I get the green led and it will not shut off no matter what. Sucks.
I'm starting to think that developer support will never get to an acceptable point for the DNA and I will need to go back...
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yeah, when I started messing around with LED's I had problems. So in lightflow I just setup my different notifications like normal, but without the LED, and just use the repeating function instead. Yes, the LED would have been nice, but honestly I used lightflow for the custom repeating notifications and the LED was just an added bonus for me and isn't really necessary.

(Request, investigation) More LED colors?

It's probably already known by everyone that this phone packs an RG notification light (damn you, ZTE!) What's more, blinking seems to be fixed to solid and slow blinking, and it can only display RED , ORANGE and GREEN.
But, at least on ResurrectionRemix, there seems to be a way to turn on the two LEDs that we actually have with the console, and with a desired brightness:
echo 255 >/sys/class/leds/red/brightness
255 is the maximum brightness, but it ranges from 0 to 255.
Also, we can do a very nice shade of yellow using:
echo 255 >/sys/class/leds/green/brightness
echo 64 >/sys/class/leds/red/brightness
There are also a bunch of other parameters inside, but brightness is the only one I tested so far. I think we could use this to control the LEDs via a root-enabled app like LightFlow. Is it possible? It would improve a lot the LED quality.
Yellow would be nice. Maybe if you contact the Appflow dev he could make it work. However i'm not sure I want to install an app just to add 1 color
XblackdemonX said:
Yellow would be nice. Maybe if you contact the Appflow dev he could make it work. However i'm not sure I want to install an app just to add 1 color
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not just colors, in theory... Blinking speed is theoretically changeable, but it is somehow hard-coded and only blinks slowly for some reason. I'm not even sure if it can be just solid when triggered by a notification
There are a bunch of files inside the red and green led folders, and I guess they are what controls the LEDs flashing speed and all. I say "guess" because maybe they are simply ignored and the blinking speed is hard-coded. But whatever the case is, it seems possible to at least turn the LEDs on via shell scripts
Choose an username... said:
not just colors, in theory... Blinking speed is theoretically changeable, but it is somehow hard-coded and only blinks slowly for some reason. I'm not even sure if it can be just solid when triggered by a notification
There are a bunch of files inside the red and blue led folders, and I guess they are what controls the LEDs flashing speed and all. I say "guess" because maybe they are simply ignored and the blinking speed is hard-coded. But whatever the case is, it seems possible to at least turn the LEDs on via shell scripts
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Files inside the folder:
I found it extremely disappointing that ZTE gave us only RG lights on the non-Chinese version (I heard the Chinese version has RGB?). For diodes so cheap, I am only led to believe it must have been a manufacturing error on their part. Don't get me wrong, we get more than enough for the price and specs of this beast of a device, but how hard could it be to get RGB LEDs on this device? I really miss multicolour notification lights. This green-red-orange thing gets boring rather quickly.
KwesiJnr said:
I found it extremely disappointing that ZTE gave us only RG lights on the non-Chinese version (I heard the Chinese version has RGB?). For diodes so cheap, I am only led to believe it must have been a manufacturing error on their part. Don't get me wrong, we get more than enough for the price and specs of this beast of a device, but how hard could it be to get RGB LEDs on this device? I really miss multicolour notification lights. This green-red-orange thing gets boring rather quickly.
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I really miss the RGB led too. I never know when my notification is important or not.
XblackdemonX said:
I really miss the RGB led too. I never know when my notification is important or not.
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Yeah, bro. Coming from a One M8 with the same RG lights (used for about 2 years, previously a Nexus 5 which was RGB), you would understand

