Blinking yellow light on XDA II - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Hello group,
Is there anyway i can remove the blinking yellow light (celphone is on) in my XDA II? It is disturbing to every one whenever i am in a meeting. At one time, i was requested to take away the celphone due to the blinking light but i could not since i am using it to take notes. It was embarassing. :?:

Why dont you just turn on flight mode when in a meeting (radio off)?
That way, you dont get the blinking light PLUS you dont get incoming calls/sms which is perfectly fine since as you said, it's a meeting so no point in taking outside calls then.
But seriously I think your officemates are assholes for taking that against you. I remember the OLDEST Erricson phones (the one liners) having that intermittent blinking led on their phones since God knows when. This is probably the first time I heard about people complaining about something trivial such as that.
But hey, if they're really that anal, then you could turn the radio off (flight mode on/phone off) to keep them satisfied =)
Hope this helps


flashing green led

the led on my xda carries on flashing (once per second) even after ive delt with the thing thats making it flash (read the message etc.) is this normal, and can i fix it
@ Zviratko: Great reply
what does that mean, im a forum virgin
The green LED flashes whilst the phone is switched on.
RTFM is tech speak directing someone to review the documentation that came with the product. If you think about you can probably work out what the initials stand for,
I think theres a bit of mis-understanding. I know what the light means when it flashes. my problem is that it carries on flashing. Say i`ve got a missed call, The led is flashing, I turn my xDA on and find out who it was, then turn my xDA off again, but the led carries on flashing once per second not once every 3 secs like it should. sorry to be a pain in the ass
Oh so It blinks for a predefined time, it stops blinking even if you don't review the message
yes, it keeps blinking even if i do read the message, i think its a software thing
It is giver that when message is received, it vibrates, does a sound and blinks light for XXX seconds. It keeps blinking for XXX seconds whatever you do
Information Technology x Letter Acronyms (where x is a positive integer value greater than zero)
Just in case you are wondering about the first reply. :lol:

[REQ] HD2 Blinking LED

Hello everybody.
I wonder if someone could develop a cab that makes the HD2 led blinks while the phone is working/stand by.
Would be nice when blinks in two different colors like other cell phones {Blackberry}
Seems nobody likes this idea ?!
I would say nobody likes this idea because it would be a horrible drain on the battery for no reason.
moved to the right forum, please post in the correct forums.
I think its a great idea... maybe not blink so freq but every few secs.. shldnt drain too much batt as compared to the screen right..
Not being sarcastic, but I don't see the point ...
Do you guys not know your turned your phone on? Or if you turned it off ...
On is on and off is off ....

[Q] Can't end calls in lumia 800

I have my lumia 800 for a week, and now its happening something strange.. When i'm in a call for some time, and i want to end it the phone doesn't let me. Its still responsive, i can go to the start screen, etc.. but the phone call remains on top with the message "ENDING". After a couple of minutes the phone freezs completely and reboot.
Someone had the same problem??
It's not happening always, but it's frustrating... I was having such a pleasant use and then this happens.. and i'm becoming a little sad and worried.
I dont's know if its a problem of hardware, it seems software because doesn't occur always.
Diofil said:
I have my lumia 800 for a week, and now its happening something strange.. When i'm in a call for some time, and i want to end it the phone doesn't let me. Its still responsive, i can go to the start screen, etc.. but the phone call remains on top with the message "ENDING". After a couple of minutes the phone freezs completely and reboot.
Someone had the same problem??
It's not happening always, but it's frustrating... I was having such a pleasant use and then this happens.. and i'm becoming a little sad and worried.
I dont's know if its a problem of hardware, it seems software because doesn't occur always.
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Yes, I also had some similar kind of problems today, i could not answer the call, after they called me about 5 times i could, but then could only speak a few words before the call stopped. Also i saw the call was still running after the caller had hung up. I wanted to retart the phone, but it would not start up again, then i took it loose from the charger , and it beeped and after a while it started up again by itself.After that it worked oke again.
I think they have to look seriously at the software, there is something wrong here i believe.
I've also had this problem of calls not ending on occasion. It seems inconsistent so far though. I'd be interested to hear if this seems to be affecting everyone or if it's only a small number of handsets.
I have the same prb. The screen goes blank and cant end calls. Has to force restart
Fhame Rashid said:
I have the same prb. The screen goes blank and cant end calls. Has to force restart
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Exact same problem here.
halfnelson117 said:
Exact same problem here.
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For all WP7 devices the screen automatically goes blank when you are on a call and the proximity / light sensor detects your head up to the phone. However, if the screen stays off when you move your head away from the phone it means your proximity sensor (or software related to it) is faulty as it still thinks you have the phone to your head.
This happened to my HD7 after a nasty drop on a tiled floor the other day; the sensor was dislodged and permanently was set to the "on" position. I could only end a call by pulling out the battery, unless the other party hung up first. And every time my alarm went off in the morning the screen would remain dark and I would have to press the power button to get at the snooze button (this is because the sensor is telling WP7 that the phone is in a pocket or somesuch, and not to turn on the screen as the alarm could be accidently disabled or snoozed).
I fixed it by dismantling the HD7, resettling the sensors and blowing out as much dust as I could. Has been working fine since! I wouldn't recommend doing the same for your Lumia 800 though...
I dont think it is a proximity sensor issue. In doing tests, the sensor works perfectly for calls if I only have the screen off for a short period of time. If I hold the device up to my face for say 30 seconds, then the device usually freezes up and the screen goes blank, not allowing me to end a call. This makes me believe that it is a software issue that, hopefully, nokia can sort out.
Well i have been quiet on this topic as i wanted to see if the update fixed this problem BUT NO.
Today i made a call and it didnt ring but said connected i then pressed end and nothing it didnt respond infact none of the keys did anything my lumia just froze.
I couldnt even turn it off so i took the sim out and nothing still conected i just had a phone that was frozen with no way out .. so i had a usless lumia all day at work untill the battery died..I HAD NO PHONE ALL DAY !!!
I just hope it was not connected properly or my bill will be huge from t-mobile ..
This has happened a few times befor the update and always always when the signal is quite low it seems ..
But its a joke when im stuck with a usless phone all day ..
Hopefully this is a software issue and we haven't all received a bad batch of lumias with wonky proximity sensors.
Is there absolutely no way of reseting / rebooting the Lumia? you just have to wait for the battery to die??! That seems ludicrous!
i face the same problem many time i reset the phone by pressing power key long.
i find if i was in 3G network this problem some times happen ,so i switch off 3G and now it more than 3 days it never happen
Well to answer that question its happened nine times last week, 3 of those 9 the phone is usless and you have to wait for the battery to die..maybe that's why Nokia gave us a short battery life haha, the other 6 times after about 7 min you can turn it off to reboot and the rest of the phone is responsive .. So 30% of the time when it happens U have no phone :[ even a long press of the power button does nothing
Same problem here... You can restart the phone btw: Hold power button for 10 sec, then release the power button and press it again...
This is a big problem for me, hope a fix comes in fast...
Im having the same issues here. Other than this its a great phone. Hopefully get it sorted soon.
same problem here, although never had to wait for battery to die.
long hold of power (10sec+) usually reboots the phone.
I keep noticing the problem when changing locations (inside/outside buildings) which is usually connected to switching to 3g - if it happens during a call I am unable to end it with screen being responsive and phone saying that it is ending call (for 30 seconds and more)
contacted Nokia regarding this problem.. they told me to reset my handset.. this is the only option they have... DUMB
same problem here... did someone find any solution?
wheresmybeaver said:
Is there absolutely no way of reseting / rebooting the Lumia? you just have to wait for the battery to die??! That seems ludicrous!
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You can hold the power button for 10 seconds, this will trigger a reboot.
I'm relatively often facing the same issues, worth noting is that it does seem to connect the call as I have had customers tell me they heard me grumbling before the call got disconnected (so I gotta be more careful with grumbling )
Happened to me last night, just turned the phone off (power for a few secs then slide down) and on again.

[Q] Dat Light...?

I'm unsure if anyone tackled or even noticed this one yet, but I noticed that after I unlocked the bootloader via, whenever I make a call, there's a little red light that sits above the HTC branding (left of the notification LED) that flickers repeatedly whenever I make any phone calls. Is this a unlocked bootloader indicator, malfunction, or normal function of the phone? Also, can someone tell me what that light is for if it's not an indicator of a call?
daeboe said:
I'm unsure if anyone tackled or even noticed this one yet, but I noticed that after I unlocked the bootloader via, whenever I make a call, there's a little red light that sits above the HTC branding (left of the notification LED) that flickers repeatedly whenever I make any phone calls. Is this a unlocked bootloader indicator, malfunction, or normal function of the phone? Also, can someone tell me what that light is for if it's not an indicator of a call?
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I don't ever get the red indicator light unless my battery level is low.
In fact I don't have any LED light while I'm on a call at all.
Binary100100 said:
I don't ever get the red indicator light unless my battery level is low.
In fact I don't have any LED light while I'm on a call at all.
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I'm not saying the notification LED. It's a separate light to the left of it. It's located conveniently right above the right side of the T in the HTC branding. It's very very faint. The only reason I noticed it was because I was in the dark and I pulled the phone away from my face to look at it.
daeboe said:
I'm not saying the notification LED. It's a separate light to the left of it. It's located conveniently right above the right side of the T in the HTC branding. It's very very faint. The only reason I noticed it was because I was in the dark and I pulled the phone away from my face to look at it.
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I'm in the dark right now. I just made a call to my work phone. There is no light.
That's a sensor. It turns the screen off when the phone is by your face..(having a brain fart of what that sensor is called) lol
Edit: proximity sensor
Sent by accident from my Amaze using Tapatalk
Double0EK said:
That's a sensor. It turns the screen off when the phone is by your face..(having a brain fart of what that sensor is called) lol
Edit: proximity sensor
Sent by accident from my Amaze using Tapatalk
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So when that sensor is active, you can see the red flashing it does?
Edit: Well, you seem to have won the cookie. I don't know why my proximity sensor is actually visible. I just tested it with my thumb. Turns out that that is indeed the proximity sensor.
Mine does the same thing only its completly random. I'll look over and it'll be flashing. I decided to just ignore it a few weeks ago.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G
Mines doing it to, its really very faint and wouldn't have noticed it had I not read this.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
I noticed this a while a ago it is the proximity sensor, its not next to the left of the ambient light sensor and it is NOT the led!!, go into a dark room and make a call it'll start blinking...or any app that uses proximity sensor...Also if you have the option of pocket mode it'll probably be running all the time but i'm not sure, it should technically run when you receive a call, but you will definitely notice that it'll blink very very rapidly while you're in a call...proximity sensor!!
Whats weird that I noticed also is that when my HTC amaze fell on the floor board of my truck I reached down to pick it up and passed it in front of my Radar detector the L band went off on the radar detector I though maybe a cop out but nope every time i put the phone in the radar detectors view it started going off, pretty weird just wondering if anyone can explain that, it might be the reason its giving off that red glow
It emits infrared light. Some peoples' eyes are better attuned to see it than others. In other words, some people cannot see the light at all, and other people can see it just find - it all depends on how sensitive your eyes are to the infrared spectrum.
yeah i thought i was the only one with this problem. whenever i make calls the light goes crazy even after the call!
hey so after reading this, because i was also trying to find out what it is myself.. i now know what it is..
but recently i noticed that my phone freaked out, and shut itself off, and that red light stayed on.. my phone wouldnt charge nor turn on until
i took the battery out and out it back in.. has that happened to anyone??
Yea I've seen it to
Sent from my HTC Ruby using xda premium
Please keep all question related threads in the Q&A section. Thank you.
Thread Moved.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
Sent from my HTC One X, using XDA Premium

Smashed my Oneplus One. What do I do?

While running for the train today, my trusty OPO decided to wiggle out of my pocket and fall onto the road. Didn't realise until I was halfway across the street, turned around and saw my phone on the road getting run over by another car. Screen is smashed in as expected, no display etc. Fortunately, after further testing, phone seems to be still alive, as it still rings when receiving notifications and calls. Power button seems to be working given the fact that if I hold it for long enough, I can feel it vibrate and see the backlight briefly illuminate, indicating that the phone is restarting. Volume buttons on the other hand, seem much less responsive, requiring significant pressure to activate, but still work to some extent.
These are the only signs of life that are coming from the phone. From this description, I would say that the phone is pretty much fully functional, however, there are certain things that are bothering me right now. The notification light is occasionally blinking red, which from my experience is something that only happens when the phone is low battery, which I am pretty sure is not the case here. Also, I can only see the backlight light up for the brief moment that the phone is restarted. The backlight does not light up at all if I just press the power button to wake the phone up from sleep.
As a poor uni student, I would much prefer it if I could keep the phone and just replace the screen, but if the blinking red notification light and unresponsive backlight is anything serious, please advise on what I should do.
Is it detected if you hook it up to a PC? Considering the age of the phone I would not throw good money after bad. I loved mine, but got a deal from my ISP for an S7 and gave it to my girlfriend who still has it. It's a great phone, but if you suspect anything besides the screen it might not be worth fixing. Take it to a shop and let them look at it. Parts might be difficult to come by as well. It wouldn't hurt to give OnePlus a call, they might be able to help you out.
Yes it is detected, everything seems fine apart from the blinking red notification light and its inability to wake the screen from sleep.
As for bringing it in to a shop, I must say that it would be almost impossible to find a shop that has heard of the OPO, given that it was never officially sold in Australia. Repairing the screen will be my own DIY job.

