[REQ] HD2 Blinking LED - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello everybody.
I wonder if someone could develop a cab that makes the HD2 led blinks while the phone is working/stand by.
Would be nice when blinks in two different colors like other cell phones {Blackberry}

Seems nobody likes this idea ?!

I would say nobody likes this idea because it would be a horrible drain on the battery for no reason.

moved to the right forum, please post in the correct forums.

I think its a great idea... maybe not blink so freq but every few secs.. shldnt drain too much batt as compared to the screen right..

Not being sarcastic, but I don't see the point ...
Do you guys not know your turned your phone on? Or if you turned it off ...
On is on and off is off ....


Blinking yellow light on XDA II

Hello group,
Is there anyway i can remove the blinking yellow light (celphone is on) in my XDA II? It is disturbing to every one whenever i am in a meeting. At one time, i was requested to take away the celphone due to the blinking light but i could not since i am using it to take notes. It was embarassing. :?:
Why dont you just turn on flight mode when in a meeting (radio off)?
That way, you dont get the blinking light PLUS you dont get incoming calls/sms which is perfectly fine since as you said, it's a meeting so no point in taking outside calls then.
But seriously I think your officemates are assholes for taking that against you. I remember the OLDEST Erricson phones (the one liners) having that intermittent blinking led on their phones since God knows when. This is probably the first time I heard about people complaining about something trivial such as that.
But hey, if they're really that anal, then you could turn the radio off (flight mode on/phone off) to keep them satisfied =)
Hope this helps

[Q] HTC HD2 Ambient light sensor/proximity sensor problem

Sorry if I'm creating a new thread for this topic but i have searched and i still cannot find an answer to my problem. When I'm in a dark room, sometimes even not too dark, if a place a call my phone screen will go off, like to sleep mode, and will never wake up again until either i go to a brighter place or I hook it up to the power (usb cable), has anyone experienced this? and please if someone knows what's going and how to solve this issue, thanks so much for your help!!
I have the same problem too ... but sometime it just light up again directly after I finish the call. I think it has something to do with the ROM itself coz a friend of mine has installed the Incredible S ROM and it works perfectly.
I'll try on my HD2 and let u know .....
oh.. by the way Im using Nuxes One ROM
Haisi said:
I have the same problem too ... but sometime it just light up again directly after I finish the call. I think it has something to do with the ROM itself coz a friend of mine has installed the Incredible S ROM and it works perfectly.
I'll try on my HD2 and let u know .....
oh.. by the way Im using Nuxes One ROM
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rhidalgo1973 said:
Sorry if I'm creating a new thread for this topic but i have searched and i still cannot find an answer to my problem. When I'm in a dark room, sometimes even not too dark, if a place a call my phone screen will go off, like to sleep mode, and will never wake up again until either i go to a brighter place or I hook it up to the power (usb cable), has anyone experienced this? and please if someone knows what's going and how to solve this issue, thanks so much for your help!!
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It is also possible to be a faulty light sensor or even some dirt in front of it, right underneath touchscreen glass!
First of all, you should flash a stock ROM and see what happen: if it's not OK. then you have a hardware problem!
dirt between screen and sensor caused the same to me, I've cleaned it and now is ok

[Q] LED Brightness Decreased after JB

Hi. 2-3 days before I did a Jelly Bean 4.1.1 update to my S3 from kies. (My country has DLJ1 release of JB). After the update i noticed some LED problem. When plugged my phone to plug, i noticed that my LED's Brightness has decreased (the red one, while plugged in). I plug out and plug in lots of times and only few of them shows bright LED. Also these bright LEDs loose it brightness again in 1-2 mins.
I tried the LED on notifications also. The same problem occurs again. Most of times the brightness is low from its usual.
Firstly i though it was a hardware problem and open test of my s3 from *#0*# and test my LEDs lots of time. In "EVERY" of the test, the LEDs are bright as sun and bright as usual before. So i start thinking that is a software/firmware problem.
Note: I also read a comment in another forum, someone also complain about this issue on "Charging Battery problem on JB.
So is this problem is usual and known or what. Do you know the reason and solution. How can i fix it? Thank you for your replies...
This is surely a widespread problem, I've found it too. As soon as I flashed official JB, I noticed the LED wasn't as bright. I suppose it's not a serious problem, but it isn't right.
Happens the same here, with DLIJ4 ROM.
Only affects the red charging notification and is a feature, not a problem. Less glare.
You make it sound like the end of the world... how sad.
Firstly i though like that but: If it is a feature why i can see very bright red LED while charging sometimes. As I said before, 90% times the brightness is low. However also as i said before in few times I saw bright red LED after a moment its gone again. If it is feature, is it normal ?
Also this happens in blue (notification) LED sometimes..
So i dont think as it is feature...
Not seen it on other colours, red is always dimmer than it was on ICS. I recall seeing somewhere that it was deliberate...
This is a feture. The LED brightness is now regulated automatically, depending on surrounding light.
I also tried in very dark room and also tried in under the lamp. But brigthness of LED is not change anyway I dont understand this ...
It seems that the surrounding light level is checked only when the charger is plugged-in and then in rather long interval.

[Q] Notification led weak

Heya !
I have got Viper rom on my international One X+
Now, since a day or 2 my notification led is Extremely weak !
i can see it turning on / off but it looks like there is no power in there.
Can this depend on my Rom ? I also mentioned this in the Viper topic but i did not have any response.
Today i was talking to a friend with a one x and he had this problem all along. This can't be extremely cheap hardware can it ?
- Wickedd
I don't know if ROMs can affect the intensity of the notification light, but I can tell you that I am a bit disappointed with the standard notification LED of the One X+. Even if I am starting at it, it is still hard to see. I have no idea what HTC was thinking when they put that in. It's not centered; it just seems like an afterthought poking out from the earpiece grill. I just compulsively check my phone on the lock screen.
It's not necessarily cheap hardware. It might just be poor design.
I was wondering the same thing, but the strange part is that before and after root the notification light was bright, like i could really see the light but now its just off i cant even see it anymore. In the dark i can see a weak orange light but thats not the way it was.
Something happened and i would love to know what.
You could try an app like Lightflow
Im on the Viper rom as well Telus version and as for the light... My Charging light is normal.. doesnt look too dim to me.
With lightflow it doesnt even seem to work at all !?
Maybe i'll try another rom.. Backup my viper in case it doesnt affect anything.
It cant be broken right ? it shouldnt light up at all in that case..

Help me please! Brightness problem

Hi, good day...
I have a really big problem with the screen light and is that it practically doesn't exist i gotta put a light close to the screen to see something.
Someone knows what can it be?
I've tried with 3 different ROMs and nothing works. I also changed the screen but it doesn't get better :crying:

