Inconsistent reminder behaviour - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Can anyone help?
I set reminders to go off in the Calendar. Sometimes they work fine. Sometimes they remind late. Eg 9:00 reminder set to remind 10 minutes before actually reminds 6 minutes before, or worse, 8 minutes after. Mostly however they don't work at all, until I do a hard reset. Then the first few will work OK, and the thing will gradually become inconsistent again.
It definately does not remind when in power save mode, but even with this disabled it still won't work right. This is very annoying.


Crashes every day between 9 to 10.30AM!

I have an XDA, and lately it has started crashing every single morning, but only in the mornings. I use it throughout every day and never have any problems except between 9am to 12. It never crashes during the night, always wakes me in the morning, always works on the way to my job, but it first crashes at some time between 9am and 10.30, when I turn it on it immediately shows the boot screen. It must be crashing before 10.30 because I have a system alarm set for 10.30 and I never hear it (I'm just using the standard PPC alarm program with the standard alarm sound). I used to always hear my 10.30 alarm, but a few weeks ago it has crashed every day. Then, it usually crashes at least once more time between 10.30 and 12. (I don't have any alarms set to occur during that time).
The obvious question is - have I installed any new software lately? - and the answer - unfortunately not, no new software, I wish I had because that would be a simple solution! Also I don't leave programs running in the background. I finally decided to upgrade to WM2003 since I heard it was more stable, but after doing that I still have the same exact problem!
Any suggestions? Thanks!
When u say crash, what do you mean?
At one stage, all of a sudden, my xda decided to lock up. Even on soft reboot, it would take forever to boot, and flash the backlight on and off intermittently. I noticed that it would not pick up the radio version number etc, on the boot screen.
The only thing i could do was to hard boot it. I did this several times, each time the problem came back after some time. On the third time, it was cured?!

another way to freeze your Mozart

1. set an alarm time at 7:00 am or whatever time in the morning at night before you go to bed.
2. when the alarm set off at the set time, do not touch it until a quite long time later, let's say, 9:00am.
3. then start the phone, try to slide the hood up using your finger. you can move it up, however it can sometimes only moves to halfway of the screen or completely. but either way, then you get it frozen there.
4. to use the phone you have to switch it off and restart it again although luckily WP7 starts up quite faster than those using WM6.5.
ps: in my case, i set the alarm at 8:30 am, but i didn't do anything when it alarmed until it became quiet itself. when i tried to use it at about 10:00am, it froze. until it happened to me quite a few times i realised that it could be a bug of it. it happens even after i did the hard reset.
by the way the ROM is from Orange, UK.
same here, every morning the alarm does not wake me up then when i wake up at look at the phone its frozen. and im guessing if i call orange they will ask me to hard reset the phone, lose all my settings and apps ( thatn sounds so iphone,....apps) for the problem to continue!!!! any one else want a rant about this problem.
no problem with mine
alarm set to 5:30am, 6:30am, 7:00am
and its orange uk too
works very ok
use it everyday
tori007 said:
no problem with mine
alarm set to 5:30am, 6:30am, 7:00am
and its orange uk too
works very ok
use it everyday
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Please try to do the same as i said using only one alarm time in my post instead of three times. And if interested, try the procedures in, too. Many thanks.
Actually: here's my whole story... kind of a lil different experience for me...
Scenario 1:
Created three alarms, each one 15 minutes apart... they helped me in walking up and i would click the dismiss button and such... but most of the time, even though the phone worked without any problems, NO AUDIO! Even when i played any song on the phone or got a call or anything... Plus, the Power button only unlocked but never shut-down the phone so had to take out the battery to reset... A few times though it wasn't frozen but while unlocking or going into a hub or something, it would end up freezing.
Scenario 2:
Disabled one of the alarms and by the time i wake up, i usually find the phone frozen and unresponsive... Sometimes it would work but same problem as before, no audio at all....
Scenario 3:
Only one alarm enabled now every noon ('coz i wake up at 1:00 PM), i always find the phone frozen and have to reset...!
Scenario 4:
No Alarms enabled! Phone works SUPER DUPER FRICKIN' AWESOME!!!! Well the only time i usually do end up resetting is when Marketplace crashes out on me and doesn't start back up (which has really happened only once in a while)
Call me crazy but despite this annoying bug i'm really loving my Mozart!
Not sure if this is a HTC issue (most-likely) but I do hope that these issues are ironed out in the January/February updates!!! Keeping my fingers crossed...
Salman Khalid.
been using my alarms ok just changed to the 3 alarms be cause i always used to ignore the first sound
was not freezing when it was one
not freezing now that i have three
only frozen once on market while downloading xbox live extras
my phone works perfectly what more can i say
fantastic device
Same problem here.
I've two ararlms, set 3 min apart. if i dimiss the first alarm before the second goes off, all works fine. but if the first is not dismissed then after the second alarm i need to restart the Mozart.
Agree with others that despite all these annoying things Mozart is a great device. I wish Microsoft releases the next update asap.
Similar problems here since day 1. My issue though was caused by hitting the snooze button each time the alarm went off (instead of actually getting out or bed or hitting the dismiss button).
After about half dozen "snoozes" the phone hangs and needs the battery removed (power button will not turn the device off, screen unresponsive to touch input, only the screen can be turned on and off with the power button).
Has anyone tried to replicate the issue with "vibrate" turned off under "ringtones & sounds" settings? I've turned this off which solved some occasional sound stuttering when receiving emails or sms, and I can't say that I've noticed this alarm bug since.
Maybe worth a try?
ZeeShh said:
I've two ararlms, set 3 min apart. if i dimiss the first alarm before the second goes off, all works fine. but if the first is not dismissed then after the second alarm i need to restart the Mozart.
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Reading this really makes me wonder, whether there was a decent Q&A involved...
Especially, since the WP7 runs way better than WM6 (or 6.1 or 6.5) - but fails in seemingly small applications.
(My problem regarding the jump-to-letter feature in the Zune application is purely based on the German language -.- . I've set my Mozart to English - just to try it - and suddenly the letters appear correctly and allow me to jump directly to a letter (like in the contacts) in the Zune application. If the language is set to German, all letters are grey and only the "#" is active...)
I really hope that these bugs will be fixed in the next update.
(Additionally, my phone has not crashed since I stopped using the alarm clock)
I had WM 5, 6, 6.1, 6.3 and 6.5 soon WP 7
I never used the windows alarm because it freeze my devices every time.
I have SPB Time it's very nice
I had set up like 8 alarms, and i have the same problem OP has.
If you don't dismiss your alarm, phone freezes when the next alarm goes.
I have T-Mobile 16GB Mozart. so it isn't orange related
I'm using my mozart every morning as an alarm clock - no problems until now. But normally I wake up and hit "dismiss".
I have a germany T-Mobile device...

[Q] Push notifications and chat delay

I have a few very annoying problems I want to get rid of.
The first is that all sorts of push notifications are often (if not always) very delayed. For example, when someone's played Wordfeud and it's my turn it can take up to 20 minutes before the phone alerts me. Same thing with Whatsapp and other apps. I did a factory reset recently and the problem seemed solved but after just a few hours the delays began to appear again. Both with 3G and Wi Fi.
It is the same thing with the built in FB-chat. Sometimes messages are also delayed for up to an hour. Occationally when I enter the Message hub and swipes to Online tab the messages arrives but it's rare. It could at first appear as work when two or maximum three messages arrives but then the conversation just dies and I must go to the Facebook app to view and continue the chat. Also after the factory reset it worked somewhat fine but just like with Push notifications it didn't work long enough... Same here, both over 3G and Wi Fi.
Does anyone have a single clue of what the issue is here?
Is the phone checking for new notifications in a certain pattern, like every 30 minutes?
I'm not completely sure if this is the right forum for this but I'm beginning to be kind of desperate. Notifications on iOS and Android works like a charm and I don't think the Lumia with WP should be behind in this matter.
Extremly thankful for answers.
Mikael Ivarsson
Nokia Lumia 800
OS version: 7.10.8773.98
Zune: Latest available
its not a problem of software, its a wanted feature of microsoft, wp7 doesnt have any multitastking, so if you turn of wifi and whatsapp is running, wifi is turned off for some minutes and if you turn on screen, wifi connects and whatsapp gets your messages, thats what i realized..
next phone wont be wp. :/ nice OS but the little things like this are annoying
facekill1337 said:
its not a problem of software, its a wanted feature of microsoft, wp7 doesnt have any multitastking, so if you turn of wifi and whatsapp is running, wifi is turned off for some minutes and if you turn on screen, wifi connects and whatsapp gets your messages, thats what i realized..
next phone wont be wp. :/ nice OS but the little things like this are annoying
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Thanks for the reply!
But that's the strange thing, even if i don't turn off the screen and keep the phone "awake" there are no toast. The push notifications were instant for a few hours after the factory reset so there must be something that is "blocking" push messages. Same thing with the fb-chat. The chat should also work without problems even when the screen is turned off.
Me too are also considering walking out of Microsoft on this one. The OS is very beautiful and everything is so thought through but they still have som work to do.
Yes, background agents run every 30 minutes
thats why i wont buy a wp phone anymore. its really annoying and not SMARTphone like!
But shouldn't push messages be pushed through nearly instant?
it should be popup in the second it arrives
Exactly. Even if the screen is unlocked and wifi 3G is connected and all that it still is a delay.
The problem seem to have solved itself! I don't know what I've done but one morning I woke up and everything worked smoothly. Let's hope the issue doesn't return!
Data connection should be enabled for Push notifications to work. Maybe you went above your data cap or sometimes the 3G reception got lost.
Also, are you sure that app uses Push notifications and not regular Toasts sent by a background agent ?

The alarm goes off 15 minutes early

I have a Pixel 3 with the latest Android 10 update. When I set an alarm to 8:15 am, it goes off at 8:00 am. When I set it to 9:30 am, it goes off at 9:15 am.
This started happening recently and I have no idea what's causing it. The device is not rooted and has no customizations. It is is extremely annoying, not to mention it keeps robbing me off morning sleep time, and I'd like to fix it. Please don't suggest working around the issue by setting my alarm 15 minutes late, because if the bug disappears on its own, then I will be 15 minutes late, so I'd rather figure this out.
Nexusoid said:
I have a Pixel 3 with the latest Android 10 update. When I set an alarm to 8:15 am, it goes off at 8:00 am. When I set it to 9:30 am, it goes off at 9:15 am.
This started happening recently and I have no idea what's causing it. The device is not rooted and has no customizations. It is is extremely annoying, not to mention it keeps robbing me off morning sleep time, and I'd like to fix it. Please don't suggest working around the issue by setting my alarm 15 minutes late, because if the bug disappears on its own, then I will be 15 minutes late, so I'd rather figure this out.
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It seems to just be a bug within the app. Backup your current data (skipping the alarm data and settings) and try a factory data reset then restore said data
I don't know if it's related to the issue, but the screen also turns luminescent red when the morning alarm goes off. That didn't use to happen. I could have sworn I turn that option on in the settings but can't find that setting anymore.
Edit: I just remembered that setting was in the Bedtime tab, but this is not a Bedtime schedule alarm. This is a regular alarm that repeats 7 days a week, and Bedtime is turned off. Strange that the screen still goes red. For Bedtime alarms, it's supposed to start changing colors 15 minutes before the alarm, but the actual alarm is not supposed to sound off until the designated time.
My solution to this problem was to go back to the old version of the Clock app by uninstalling all updates via the Play store. I don't have the "Bedtime" tab or any other new features anymore, which is not ideal but much better than losing 15 minutes of sleep every morning.

Delayed messages/notifications

Does anybody else have the issue of occasionally late messages/notifications. It seems to affect everything. Autoremote/join (Tasker plugins), Telldus (smart home app) and more. It doesn't happen constantly but it's frequent and happens several times per day where notifications and messages are coming in late, anything from one to many minutes late. Even if the message is sent via FCM high priority to an app put on battery optimization exclusion, it's still bloody late. Seems I've tried everything and the situation was the same on my old P30 pro.

