Phone Call Bubble - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I would like to disable the notification bubble for SMS arrival and incoming/outgoing calls. Where are these options?

On the xda (if that is the device you mean) for sms you can within sounds and notifications turn off the 'display message on screen' which will remove the bubble.
Not sure what you mean for calls though....


[Q] Sms bubble

I don't know if is i9100 only but....I use to send sms with go sms but everytime i receive a sms appear the notification bubble on standard sms app even if notification on standard app is ther's a way to don't show that bubble notification?
No one can help me ?
up up up up
Turning off notifications on the original app will do the trick.
Thx for the rep. but as i said in the first post, notifications on the standard message app are off! but the bubble notification still appear.
Morover I can't disable the standard message app with titanium backup, just coz "go sms" use the standard app to function

[Solved] No SMS/MMS notifications

I have the box "notifications" under the messaging settings checked. I also selected a tune for it, but I dont get any sound alert or vibrate if i receive a message. I checked that the phone isn't on silent.
Pull down your notification bar and see if Notifications are on.
You're welcome.

How can I ignore an incoming call during a game ?

is there an app or tweak to ignore incoming call without rejection ?
like sending the incoming call to background or to the notification bar ?
like this app on the iphone
Check this.

Text Message Notification

While I am on the phone I get a vibration of a new text or sound of incoming email. Is there a way to make this not happen while I am on the phone?

No luck disabling the "unknown caller" notification after "non-contact" incoming call

I have tried several times to disable the "unknown caller" notification which lets you save the number, or block it if it's a spam caller.
If I swipe short on the notification, it will let me disable the "Standard" category, but if I enter notifications settings, all sliders are disabled in the Dialer app notifications.
When I disable the Standard notifications in the notification shade, the dialer will stop notifying me for an hour or so, but then the notification comes back.
Has anyone had any luck disabling this, or should I just consider it a "feature"?

