How can I ignore an incoming call during a game ? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

is there an app or tweak to ignore incoming call without rejection ?
like sending the incoming call to background or to the notification bar ?
like this app on the iphone

Check this.


Phone Call Bubble

I would like to disable the notification bubble for SMS arrival and incoming/outgoing calls. Where are these options?
On the xda (if that is the device you mean) for sms you can within sounds and notifications turn off the 'display message on screen' which will remove the bubble.
Not sure what you mean for calls though....

[Q] SMS silence notifications when in app

Apologies if this has been addressed already, but I didn't see any posts about this. I want my SMS app to silence the notification tone when I receive a new text if I'm already inside the actual app. For instance, if I'm texting someone while inside GoSMS, right now the notification tone sounds while I'm typing and the other party is texting me at the same time. I only want the notification tone to sound when I'm not already in my SMS app, because it's rather annoying to get a loud tone to notify me of a text that I can clearly see already.
Similar to how the iPhone only sounds the notification tone when outside their SMS app, but does not sound the tone while the user has the SMS app open.
Is there a way to do this? Perhaps another SMS app that has this functionality? I've used GoSMS and Handcent and have not seen this option.
Thank you!
Bumping thread...anybody know?

[Q] Answering calls, lockscreen problem

When I get an incoming call I have to slide a very long unlock slider, then the answer call slider, the trouble I'm having is the unlock slider is very tetchy sometimes I have to try 2 or 3 times, before it unlocks, is there a way that the screen can just display the answer call slider as other android devices I have owned, or is there an app that can help?
Ok found a solution it was caused by an app called "tiny call confirm" which I use to stop accidently dialling people when scrolling through the contacts or log list, there was an option for an incoming call confirm that was ticked,

[Q] How to disable sound of incoming SMS during a call?

In the call menu there is no options about this, no like other Samsung phone: how to disable notification sound during a call on this phone?

floating notification for incoming calls while on full screen task

How to enable floating notification for incoming calls while on full screen task in redmi note 3 SD
When i am using WhatsApp or playing games incoming calls applications are going to background
I googled a lot but nothing found myself
If there any solution to enable lollipop style floating notifications for incoming calls please let me know
#somebody if know the solution please post here

