what do u think on this new phone adition.. - MDA, XDA, 1010 General


Interesting, but at 175MHz, it's not going to break any speed records. Mind you the DSP on the OMAP chip can offload stuff like video decompression, so it might not be too bad.



Question does anyone have anyinfo on how the overclocking process is going with the tytn or 8525. If we could overclock this btch it would be great....miss my 81/wizard when she was pushing 262mhz.
rblover69 said:
Question does anyone have anyinfo on how the overclocking process is going with the tytn or 8525. If we could overclock this btch it would be great....miss my 81/wizard when she was pushing 262mhz.
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Yes but this ***** is pushing 400MHz??
Afaik theres been nothing new about overclocking the Hermes lately....do you really need to?
i would like to overclock, so far i haven't been able to stream music from the internet via wifi and send it via bluetooth to my stereo... hopefully soon i wish i had the technical know how to assist in the effort... to all you who do thanks so much
The Hermes has more than enough processing power to achieve this, all but the most up to date ROMs have had problems with A2DP....you could try one of the more up to date ROMs??
Black shadow (4.0) has A2DP down to a fine art
Maybe the new Faria Super clean ROM?
Also worth shutting down/uninstalling some 3rd party apps that might be running in the background??
well, i believe it does need to be overclocked ....have u tried running divx files. certin files run great but other tend to lag. Also multitasking between large apps even with the memory sometimes studders . Yea shes pushing 400mhz but the fact that u can reach 500+ is tempting ...and as well all mod our hermes it would be cool to see how this damn samsung processor overclocked. Pictures adobe files even word documents or pdf files does load. Overclocking may assist in speeding these things up as to when i checked task man the percentage cpu load was crazy slowing everything down especially on pdfs while lets say browsing the net .
i've deffinitly tried having TCPMP as the only thing running... think i should i try a different app?
I didn't realize the Black ROMs were any good with A2DP, that's deff something i'm gonna check out... i don't think i have a terrible amount of stuff installed 19.79MB storage 22.12MB program free at idle so maybe it's time for a rom update
yea i watch movies all the time...on my 85 now granted its a blessing over the wizard. But it still lags when certian spots of the movie ....cpu related def. I mean we all overclock our cpus for speeding up peformance. The more apps we get loaded on this hermes the more u toogle and need some boost. THe 400mhz is nice....but aint nothing wrong with more speed.
Also im running custel 2.5 and have my tweak set to 58 and my ad2p sounds sweet no hiss no lag. Great stuff ad2p is really set right now. My concern is more multitasking and divx files.
rblover69 said:
well, i believe it does need to be overclocked ....have u tried running divx files. certin files run great but other tend to lag. Also multitasking between large apps even with the memory sometimes studders . Yea shes pushing 400mhz but the fact that u can reach 500+ is tempting ...and as well all mod our hermes it would be cool to see how this damn samsung processor overclocked. Pictures adobe files even word documents or pdf files does load. Overclocking may assist in speeding these things up as to when i checked task man the percentage cpu load was crazy slowing everything down especially on pdfs while lets say browsing the net .
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Perhaps you should try a different ROM, if you search my posts ive had success with divx and Xvid plenty of times, even full movies over the 400MB mark. They run in sync and the only problem is that Coreplayer leaves artifacts due to incompatabilities with the ATIimageON drivers. Trust me the speed and power of the hermes is somewhat restricted by the poor ROMs we have been given by carriers and HTC. DEFINATLY try a newer WM6 ROM. Also give a tweak to the caching aswell, using Shadowmites program or pimp my black.
Try running Core player
rblover69 said:
well, i believe it does need to be overclocked ....have u tried running divx files. certin files run great but other tend to lag. Also multitasking between large apps even with the memory sometimes studders . Yea shes pushing 400mhz but the fact that u can reach 500+ is tempting ...and as well all mod our hermes it would be cool to see how this damn samsung processor overclocked. Pictures adobe files even word documents or pdf files does load. Overclocking may assist in speeding these things up as to when i checked task man the percentage cpu load was crazy slowing everything down especially on pdfs while lets say browsing the net .
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i only use TCPMP Been using it for years, but i will try shadow currently i been using a perfect version of custel 2.5 wihich is wm6 caching is set to around 4k but will try
from the wiki said:
Is it possible to overclock the 400MHz Samsung processor?
NO, don't use Pocket Hack Master 4.06, beta, or any version, UNTIL ALL BUGS ARE WORKED OUT. It is SUPPOSED TO HAVE support for Samsung S3C2440 since this version, but it doesn't work yet. Be careful with the settings because it causes crashes and can hard reset your device. It also causes a partial hard reset, which then needs 2 manual hard resets to correct! This software is not ready for prime time. Author never answered emails concerning this! Related forum threads: 1 and 2
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before I ask any question I check the wiki, and i search the forum the regular way and with google
i.e "hermes overclock site:forum.xda-developers.com"
as for the dixv skips... have the movies been re-encoded for ppc resolution and bitrate?

[BRAINSTORM] Improve WiFi N quality

I love the fact that my N1 has WiFi N but it's most definitely a poor-man's version. I don't know for a fact, but I'm pretty sure it's single band 2.4 GHz which already chops off some quality and the phone's chip may also create a speed bottleneck.
I have a 30 Mbps connection that works fine on my laptop (get DL speeds of 3.5 MBps ) yet my N1 can only get roughly 15 Mbps when I'm standing directly next to the router.
Unfortunately, I'm not a developer. I do like to dabble with code here and there but VERY basic so I could probably only help with donations/testing.
Any devs think this would be possible? Maybe find out where the bottleneck is and see if we can eradicate it?
Thanks for listening!
You can't make a chip run better unless you:
a. Overclock (Theres really nothing to overclock)
b. Re-write drivers (If they are broken)
c. Replace the chip.
Out of luck IMO, sorry.
x986123 said:
You can't make a chip run better unless you:
a. Overclock (Theres really nothing to overclock)
b. Re-write drivers (If they are broken)
c. Replace the chip.
Out of luck IMO, sorry.
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Maybe there is something that can be overclocked? Or something else?
That's why we brainstorm!

new archos 101 owner, some questions for you guys

Hi guys,
I've just purchased a archos 101 and am "reasonably" happy with it... I wanted something to browse the web in a comfortable way without having to boot my PC.
Now I know I shouldn't expect wonders for the price I payed but I would like to get your input on following points:
- browsing is kinda choppy when scrolling. Not really a big deal but off course a smoother experience would be nice so if there are solutions here I would like to hear them I don't know if another browser might make a difference?
- video playback: this is a complaint from the misses , she was going to make a chocolate cake and wanted to view the "howto" movie online. It started up but was really choppy (this is the link to the movie: http://www.vt4.be/videos/chocoladetaart). I don't know if you guys can play this video smoothly with whatever setup you have?
I don't know the resolution of the video (I know the 101 can handle 720p) but if the resolution is higher is there a way to play it in lower resolution somehow without a lot of pre-video-watching-actions?
PS The video played back nicely on my HTC Desire with Redux 1.2 ROM (gingerbread)
What's the advice for this tablet in general to get the full potential out of it? Is installing urukdroid a must or are there other options?
PS I've set power management already to "overdrive"
Archos still doesn't have a GPU-accelerated version of Flash, so Flash playback in the Browser is a bit rough. I usually find that it's acceptable once you put it into fullscreen mode. Also, that video was fairly high res for Flash, usually I'm watching stuff through youtube at 360p, so you may want to test with some lower quality videos, and don't forget to go into fullscreen mode.
IIRC, there is no way to make the system capable of playing videos over 1280x720. I use Handbrake on my PC to downsample any of my 1080p stuff, but obviously it takes time to reencode. You could use something like TVersity to recode on-the-fly, but I always found it to be a PITA.
Installing Uruk isn't a must by any means, but I like to theme my device and do alot of other stuff that requires R/W access to the system. Performance is better in some ways as well, such as having ext4 partitions instead of the stock squashfs, but it's not a huge difference. Uruk also has advantages such as Ad-Hoc wifi connnections, better phone tethering compatibility, support for DVB, etc.
Overall though, if you just use it to browse the web, I don't think you'll see much difference with Urukdroid. Doesn't mean I don't recommend it though.
msticninja said:
IIRC, there is no way to make the system capable of playing videos over 1280x720.
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I know what you mean, but you can play 1080p on your Archos, but extreeeeemly slowly, around 0.3-0.5 frames pro second
@msticninja : did the video play ok on your device or was it jerky?
I've been experimenting a bit with browsers and so far opera mobile (not mini) seems to be the smoothest... if you activate "opera turbo" it's even faster but pictures are lower quality
I've tried stock browser, opera mini, opera mobile, dolphin HD and Skyfire
It was pretty jerky. When she was just standing talking it wasn't bad, but once 50% or more of the pixels were changing on each frame, it skipped badly until the movement settled down. It's just too high res for the flash optimization. You can either try to watch lower res vids, which I know is hard in this situation, or you can try to use a Download Helper to download the flash video, then play it in the stock Video Player. Should be no skipping there with the hardware acceleration.
Eventually, someone will either hack together or legitimately release a hardware-accelerated version of Flash for our Gen8 devices, and that should make it drastically better. At least I hope someone will.
msticninja said:
Eventually, someone will either hack together or legitimately release a hardware-accelerated version of Flash for our Gen8 devices, and that should make it drastically better. At least I hope someone will.
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I watched that video on my desktop computer and my quad core processor went to 25% on all 4 cores and had burst download speeds of 1Mbyte/s so watching this on a single core non optimized flash will be a disaster.
wdl1908 said:
I watched that video on my desktop computer and my quad core processor went to 25% on all 4 cores and had burst download speeds of 1Mbyte/s so watching this on a single core non optimized flash will be a disaster.
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what I don't understand then is that this video played perfectly on my desire... I know the desire is a great device but what's the difference compared to the archos?
berre said:
what I don't understand then is that this video played perfectly on my desire... I know the desire is a great device but what's the difference compared to the archos?
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Hardware acceleration enabled flash maybe.
wdl1908 said:
Hardware acceleration enabled flash maybe.
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Yes, the GPU acceleration makes a huge difference, more than I thought it should, until I realized that GPUs process data differently, with multiple cores/threads, and the fact that they're designed solely to pump out pixels, not numbers. (Yes, I know that's kind of an idiosyncrasy)
If we get GPU acceleration, it would probably be capable of playing flash games even.
update: just installed Flash Player instead of 10.3 and there is big improvement in the video! it's still a bit choppy but much much more "viewable"


If Qualcomm release the SDK to our lovely processor.....how helpful will it be. I know its not the full source but SDK has to count for something to our HP touchpad's right?
I don't think it would be very helpful, for the very fact that the processor and GPU acc isn't what is bogging down the stable release of ICS on Touchpad, its more the camera, audio and microphone capabilities which are separate hardware components.
BuffMcBigHuge said:
I don't think it would be very helpful, for the very fact that the processor and GPU acc isn't what is bogging down the stable release of ICS on Touchpad, its more the camera, audio and microphone capabilities which are separate hardware components.
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the CM nightlies include a mic fix....the audio fix to me is like the wifi its hit and miss (although i'm not having the wifi issues) ....camera? being such a low quality it's only use is skype and alot of people seem to live fine without it. As cm team said the camera may never be fixed
I'm talking more in terms of better battery life, different processor capabilities etc etc

Elegancia Music Player

I rooted yesterday and flashed Elagancia for my HTC One X Plus. I have noticed that the there are little glitches when the music player is playing, sort of like an occassional hesitation or dropped byte. It's not so bad that it is a big bother. The only reason I put music on the phone was to test the player. Still, has anyone had a similar problem?
Also, during installation, the instruction warned that if you don't have S-Off, you need to flash the kernal. Heck if I know if S was off. I just finished the newbie tutorial at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2213910, which is, by the way, the best I have ever seen. I didn't know how to backup, so I proceeded with the installation. The phone is running okay except that CoPilot won't start, and I have that glitch. I just mentioned S-Off just in case it could have something to do with the music player.
Ndmand said:
I rooted yesterday and flashed Elagancia for my HTC One X Plus. I have noticed that the there are little glitches when the music player is playing, sort of like an occassional hesitation or dropped byte. It's not so bad that it is a big bother. The only reason I put music on the phone was to test the player. Still, has anyone had a similar problem?
Also, during installation, the instruction warned that if you don't have S-Off, you need to flash the kernal. Heck if I know if S was off. I just finished the newbie tutorial at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2213910, which is, by the way, the best I have ever seen. I didn't know how to backup, so I proceeded with the installation. The phone is running okay except that CoPilot won't start, and I have that glitch. I just mentioned S-Off just in case it could have something to do with the music player.
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That issue has nothing to do with Elegancia, that's just the way the stock HTC Music player works. You might try Viper XL+ which lets you tweak the minfree settings to open up more ram for multitasking, as the phone gives a lot of it to sense. Viper also lets you adjust the minimum CPU frequency and the minimum frequency for when the screen is off, with the screen of the phone clocks to 51 mhz by default, and will dry to drop down that low without other activity. You could also root and try Set CPU or System Tuner to do the same thing without having to flash another ROM.
S-Off also has nothing to do with this, you correctly understand that S-Off just means you have to flash a kernel via USB when changing ROMs.
kylealanr said:
That issue has nothing to do with Elegancia, that's just the way the stock HTC Music player works. You might try Viper XL+ which lets you tweak the minfree settings to open up more ram for multitasking, as the phone gives a lot of it to sense. Viper also lets you adjust the minimum CPU frequency and the minimum frequency for when the screen is off, with the screen of the phone clocks to 51 mhz by default, and will dry to drop down that low without other activity. You could also root and try Set CPU or System Tuner to do the same thing without having to flash another ROM.
S-Off also has nothing to do with this, you correctly understand that S-Off just means you have to flash a kernel via USB when changing ROMs.
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I believe what causes this audio stutter is indeed a low clock rate when the app does not have focus, especially when the screen is off. This happens in Elegancia, stock HTC Music, Winamp, Play Music, and more.
The only solution I've found is setting the processor to Performance (so that it never drops below the maximum clock), but that's a battery hog.
Also, the problem seems to have disappeared after installing ParanoidAndroid - perhaps that's because Sense isn't there to hog the processor.
Hero_Lief said:
I believe what causes this audio stutter is indeed a low clock rate when the app does not have focus, especially when the screen is off. This happens in Elegancia, stock HTC Music, Winamp, Play Music, and more.
The only solution I've found is setting the processor to Performance (so that it never drops below the maximum clock), but that's a battery hog.
Also, the problem seems to have disappeared after installing ParanoidAndroid - perhaps that's because Sense isn't there to hog the processor.
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The only solution may be upping the minimum clock speed. I also want to say that using PowerAmp has fixed this for me, but I'm not sure why. PowerAmp also has the ability to use a wakelock to keep the CPU up and also to keep service from being unloaded when in idle. The latter might help specifically with the stock multitasking values on this generation of HTC Phones which don't allot very much RAM/CPU time to non-HTC processes. I haven't had to try these, but they might help depending on what specific usecase is causing your issues.
I believe it would also be possible to set a Tasker profile to up the minimum CPU values when audio is playing, but that's a little over my head. That would certainly give the best balance of battery life and performance though, as the CPU really shouldn't dip as low as it does when audio is playing. I have my suspicions that HTC tried to drop the clock speed as low as possible at all time because in my experience the Tegra 3 chipset runs hot under even moderate stress, and uses much more battery than other chipsets for simple tasks. The chip doesn't seem to me to use more battery than others under high stress though, so upping the clock only when intense activity (like multitasking with audio playing in the background) would seem like the best course of action. I might try to use my HOX+ for a few days with a higher minimum CPU speed to test my theory.
---------- Post added at 09:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------
For what it's worth, my Nexus 7 gets MUCH better battery life on CM 10.1 with Franco Kernel than it does on stock, there might be some optimizations or tweaks enabled that help, I'll look into it.
For those who don't know, the Nexus 7 has a slightly different Tegra 3 chipset clocked at 1.3 GHz as compared to the 1.7 GHz SOC in the HOX+. There are also some low level cost saving differences in the Nexus 7's CPU though as I understand, and those compromises make it less powerful, which in turn, could have heat/power drain implications.
Also this discussion might be moot in a month or so if the HOX+ is updated to 4.2 which could very well bring more optimizations from HTC and of course from a newer version of JB.
Does anyone know if the new HTC One suffers from any of these audio playback issues?

