JVM for XDA - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Some web pages require Java Virtual Machine to run to interact with the page. XDA or pocket pc 2002 does not support this. I undesrtand new iPAQ's has a standalone program which sustitutes this. Anthing that can be used with XDA? :?:

Insignia Jeode Java Virtual Machine for Pocket PC 2002 can be downloaded from the Handango site for $49.95. It works well...

There are many software that can make your PPC become a Java VM.
The software are:
- PersonalJava Runtime Environment (PersonalJava, JCP certified implementation)
- Jeode EVM (PersonalJava, EmbeddedJava, JCP certified implementation)
- CrEme (Libraries bundled with the JVM: Unknown, JCP certified implementation)
- Kada VM (PersonalJava, CLDC, CDC, JCP implementation NOT certified)
- microJBlend (CLDC and MIDP, JCP certified implementation)
- chaiVM (CLDC, MIDP by end of 2001 ; ChaiVM is a subset of J2SE that is not certified, microChai is the version that is based on the CLDC specification, but it is not certified either)

java on xda
Try www.doctorce.com/regking.htm

Sorry, acturally what are we looking for with "Regking"? :?:


Free Java VM for XDA/Qtek?

Just wonder where I can download free Java VM
into my Xda/Qtek on pocket pc2002?
Or is there a website where I could have trial
before buying? Thank You. :?
AFAIK there is no free JVM for the XDA/PPC2002...
The Personal Java implementation of Insignia/Esmertec is one that is widely used (IPAQ etc.) and is available for about $/E 50 at Handango.
More modern versions, supporting the CLDC and MIDP2.0 profiles (gaming api's...) are difficult to find. Esmertec has announced their JVM but does not seem to be available yet, and the one from Kada Systems will be released in about a week. Kada does have 30 day evalation versions (you must register...). Their current implementation however (MIDP 1.0) is far from stable
An alternative could be the WebSphere Micro Environment for Pocket PC 2002 - CLDC / MIDP by IBM, available at Handango for $6, which I never tried...
If you can find a free one, let me know !
There are at least two free ones:
I have taken a look at these and must say that YES they have something to do with Java, but if you are looking for a VM (like I am) which does support the latest standards (J2ME, CLDC/CDC and MIDP 2.0) which make it possible that your JAVA MIDlets run on PDA's and Smartphones (like Nokia or SPV) they seem useless since both EWE and WABA use their own set of libraries and deployment.
For example. on the EWE site:
"So Ewe is just another Java VM implementation?
No, the Ewe VM is not a Java VM since it does not implement a very small number of Java features, nor does it use any of the "standard" Java libraries and API. Ewe has its own set of utility, network, zip, gui and other packages."
Meaning if you want to run Java games of some kind which use the "standard" Java libraries and API, these VM's really seem useless

Software Conversion

I regularly use a software to fill out forms at work on my PC, but the software is not made for my Pocket PC. Is there anywhere that can convert the software I use to enable me to install it on my Pocket PC????
Hi ... From my old programming experiece, unless this software has some OS-related features, all you have to do is to get the source code and make some layout modification (to fit within the XDA screen) and then compile it on the SDK for Mobile Windows from Microsoft.
I know it sounds easy but it's NOT .... many aspects are different when you design for full PC environment than it's for WIN CE for example (RAM requirements for example).
Anyway, good luck if you are gonna try it

Remote Control for Windows Mobile

I released a new version of the PocketVNC server software which allows
users of Windows CE and Windows Mobile devices to remote control their devices.
Thats especially useful when you have to manage a large amount of devices
such as Barcode Scanners, Point of Sales devices from remote.
The software is published under following address:

[Q] Other then Visual Studio?

I want to start developing apps for WM, but im stuck with a question in my mind.
My first app i did it in VS 2005 and now im trying VS 2008. Also i have some HTML skills and I want to know what other software is used to create WM apps, other then VB & VS.
I would like to know a few(free if possible ).
ApaKhe said:
I want to start developing apps for WM, but im stuck with a question in my mind.
My first app i did it in VS 2005 and now im trying VS 2008. Also i have some HTML skills and I want to know what other software is used to create WM apps, other then VB & VS.
I would like to know a few(free if possible ).
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If you want to make some games, game editor is excellent for that. Iam making a cut the rope for windows mobile with it , I will let you know when its released. There are some limitations , but its free to use and simple to learn. The games in the website in my signature where made with game editor , go check them out.
You may struggle a bit here. All versions of Windows Mobile are running a version of Windows CE .NET, the vast majority of them on an ARM powered device.
Most of the operating system will have been written in Win32 C/C++ with a few touches of ARM assembly thrown in for device drivers, CE components etc.
ATL and MFC are both C++ class wrappers for the underlying Win32 stuff.
The .NET CF is the Mobile Version of the .NET Framework and again is a wholly Microsoft set up. (VS 2003 onwards)
Mono is a GNU linux .NET alike product and can be used to create CF exectables. It's free, but there are a few caveats. The first one being the fact that WinMo will refuse to run exe files created by Mono until you patch its compiled key. There is no real test or debug environment. It will be code, compile, patch, copy, run and crash ad nauseum, until it works! Also the QTK graphics objects, have not been ported over to WinMo.
The only 'free' MS offering is Embedded C++ 4.0, but it is C++ Win32/MFC/ATL only and takes a lot of hard work to master, and it was only really meant for development for WinMo 2003, although correct design of an application will allow it to run on later versions and appear like a MinMo 5/6 program.
Use of GPS may scupper your efforts, you will need VS 2005 or later.
To sum up, it's a minefield.

Android app framework suggestion.

Hello all!
Would it be possible to develop a framework of some sorts to install android apps natively instead of using Darwin or JVM on Ubuntu Touch?
The way I see it (might be a little too simple) is to convert the bytecode to native code and write wrapper functions for Android function calls or something like that. Is it possible?
Android doesn't use Darwin or the JVM (In the strictest sense), it uses either the Dalvik VM (which is based off Java, but is not Java, nor is it a JVM in the strictest sense [as in, executes applications made for the Java JVM]) or the Android Runtime (ART).
To my knowledge there is no Android analog to WINE (what you're proposing). There are applications such as Genymotion and Shashlik but those either aren't targeting ARM or aren't ready for ARM yet.
It's quite possible, if you ported the Android Runtime or Dalvik VM over to a WINE-esque application, but no, to my knowledge there are no projects doing this.
As Android is coming to Chromebooks it may be possible to just replicate the same container on Ubuntu Touch - it may require some work to make Mir work with whatever interface Chromebook's android port talks to (Freon?) but Google will do most of the effort here
grandrew said:
As Android is coming to Chromebooks it may be possible to just replicate the same container on Ubuntu Touch - it may require some work to make Mir work with whatever interface Chromebook's android port talks to (Freon?) but Google will do most of the effort here
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Android itself is NOT coming to Chromebooks, this is simply Google's Android Runtime for Chrome being released into mainstream usage (see the Archon project for more information about this runtime.), This is still an emulated Android device (albeit more optimized so it runs faster, likely using x86 binaries) that runs under Chrome's NACL platform, it is NOT Android on Chromebooks as many news sources would like to suggest.
At the moment, Chromium does not run very well inside XMir (which is why I didn't give it any real thought there), but yes, this and the Android Runtime for Chrome should fill this gap perfectly. In the future though, it may be possible to use the LXC container with some work done to surface_flinger and the Android frameworks (to support Mir's windowing system ofc) to run the applications inside the Android container.
Like I said though, Google's Chromium runtime would work. But we currently have no hardware acceleration inside of legacy X11 applications, limited filesystem access inside said legacy container (only the XDG standard folders: Downloads, Documents, Music, Pictures are mounted into the legacy container), We also don't really have good, working OpenGL available to X11 applications since GPU access is done through libhybris which X11 knows nothing about.
It's possible to get around this similar to how Canonical has done it on the PC's development version of Unity8 and get Hardware Acceleration (truthfully, I haven't tested to see if it works with the android mirplatform packages though) by turning on DRI/DRM, I did this in my tweaked kernel, but it doesn't seem to provide any performance improvements with the freedreno X11 driver installed (I saw no indication that XMir initialized the freedreno driver at all, only Mesa's Software Rasterizing Interface driver.)

