Wake up on receipt of email? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

(XDA Newbie)
Emails are delivered to the Inbox OK, at the set intervals - with GPRS 'always on' and the XDA turned off. However, they just sit there until the machine is switched back on, as there is no audible/visual notification of receipt (although they are configured in 'Alarms').
Is it possible to wake up the XDA on receipt of email etc? Many thanks.


Voicemail notification

I have forwarded all calls to my voicemail.
After a few mins my xda goes into power 'sleep' mode.
I want to know is it possible that everytime I get a voicemail message for the xda to notify me of it by powering up out of 'sleep' mode atomatically.
Otherwise I have to keep checking by powering up the unit.
Thoughts welcomed
depends on your carrier. On O2 in the UK you can be alerted by SMS or a phone call.

e-mail chek for messages

how can i make the mail program on my xda check for e-mails once a day, since in the settings i can choose maximum intervals of 60 minutes between each time it cheks for e-mail.
Might be easier to turn off the auto check feature and download manually once a day, you could set your pda to prompt you to do this.

[Q] stop screen from turning on when i receive an email ?

i can't seem to find the setting where i can prevent the screen from turning on when i receive an email.
can someone point me in the right direction ?
mine doesn´t even turn on the screen and i haven´t change anything (gmail that is)
hmmm. i'm pretty sure that my screen didn't turn on until i upgraded to XWKE7. or perhaps i'm imagining that ...
just tried and with KE7 it did not turn on the screen (do we talk about the same ,gmail and not the email app)
sewe said:
just tried and with KE7 it did not turn on the screen (do we talk about the same ,gmail and not the email app)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
sorry, should have said that i'm using the email app, not gmail ...
anyone got any ideas ?
I am also interested to prevent the screen turning on when receiving sms or email..it gets annoying especially during meetings where i put the phone on the table and the room is dark during presentations.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
iznee said:
I am also interested to prevent the screen turning on when receiving sms or email..it gets annoying especially during meetings where i put the phone on the table and the room is dark during presentations.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
to stop the screen coming on for sms i've installed sms popup. you then switch off notifications in the standard sms app an let sms popup handle incoming sms messages and it has an option for leaving the screen off.
I've exactly the same problem, screen turning ON when receiving mail, exchange account!!!
Any solution????
sorry to bump this but has anyone got a solution ?
it's very annoying to receive an email and then find that my screen has turned on and then find that i've magically phoned someone, all while my phone is in my pocket. :-(
i'm surprised that there's not an option to stop the screen turning on ...
Bumping again - this is a major pain in the rump.
Like others, I have a feeling that this didn't happen before KE7.
bumping - had my phone for so long and only now after reading this thread noticed the issue
I have the same issue, though I am using NoLED with the lock screen.
So an email comes in, the phone screen flashes on and then the screen goes black with the email icon per NoLED settings. The flash on only happens with email and not with text messages or whatsapp notices.
This is weird indeed and I haven't been able to find a setting to solve this. This happens with the stock email app or the gmail app.

[Q] Hotmail App (

Does anyone else have an issue with this app whereby:
I have all of the notifications turned off but do have it set to push new email to the phone.
When i get a new email it flashes the notification light!!! Even though i have all of the notification alerts turned off.
I'm not sure will check next time and post back.

[Q] Gmail notifications not showing

As of last few weeks, I do not have any gmail notifications in notification bar.
I looked around and found many have same issue and some say to go into gmail settings on phone and turn a bunch of notifications for this and that on. So I did. Everything is turned on, no notifications.
Phone DOES receive new emails, as when I go into any of my gmail accounts on the phone, inbox will say "3 new" or whatever the number of new messages is.
But none will show in notification bar.
Suggestions? I just spent 45 minutes digging this out online and fooling with accounts settings on my phone. Every one says notifications turned on, labels and all that new bs turned on, etc. Sync is of course tuned on. Good connection. I mean - EVERYTHING says it should work on the phone.
No notifications. Just had another email pop on PC screen for one of my emails, in Thunderbird - phone is silent.
Thank you.
Any apps or mods that might be blocking notifications? Are your other notifications working properly?
If you're using Priority Inbox, you have to enable notifications for all other tabs besides Inbox. I kinda don't think that's your problem based on your description, but FYI anyway.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app

