system information sysinfo on today screen???? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

i have loaded the s/w to show system data from stepahane karoubi and 1/2 works but the batteryand system info tab do not work ( memory used tab and programs running do) running o2 xda under new s/w 416 3.14.13 recently released. files in folder windows
any one have the same problem or a guide for a fix please?



I downloaded the upgrade from O2 and run it on my QTEK 2020. The process finished without any errors but I am surprised/dissapointed that:
-this upgrade IS NOT the one announced by Microsoft recently i.e. WM2003 second edition
-the applications that are listed in the pdf instructions have not been installed on my QTEK
-the BT remains the same
Am I missing something or was expecting too much from this update?
Well this upgrade is just bug fixes and no new features. The Windows Mobile 2003 Special Edition (SE) is just out of the door. I just with testing and all we would be luck to get this towards the end of second quarter or the third q. Even then I am not sure if it is going to be free or even offered as an paid upgrade.
What about the applications that are listed in the pdf, I think something is a miss as I haven't even got the o2 active interface after the upgrade...nor any of the new apps.
check if the ext-rom is proberly installed...
you can even run this manually.
how do I check that it is properly installed?
how do I got about reinstalling it? is it just a case of opening the installer in winzip and then rerunning one of the files?
Enable the hidden extended rom by using the attached cab. Reset it. Use file explorer to view the extended rom in the root directory. if your extended rom has been installed correctly, you should be able to find o2ActiveUIEngl.CAB. run it to get your active O2.
When my XDAII rebooted after upgrade there was no O2Active and no links to it - I just did another hard reset and it installed itself correctly the second time around.
extened rom
Thanks all, i used the ext rom viewer and managed to install the missing new applications. i might do a hard reset anyway just to be sure.
thanks again.

upgrading HIMALAYA

Hi, what's the problem when my getdevicedata outcoming txt shows only a U at the beginning and no more information?
I installed active sync 4.0 and I can't browse anymore error no directory /subsomething exits!
last question if I backup data from my pocket pc version. 4.2 can I when upgraded to megneto or 2003se , restore my data?
thx for your help!
rom 1.6 german 12/03/03
radio 1.18
ext rom 1.6.25
1. getdevicedata.txt : copy it to the PC and open it there with notepad
2. Activesync 4.0 : sorry can't help you there
3. your contacts, appointments, ... get synced automatically
files you can copy seperately
Restoring apps & registry is tricky and easily gets you corrupted system.
so it goes, PC was down for a week!
thx for your answer!

[01 March] Android Eclair 2.1 for HTC Niki - UPDATE (REUPLOADED)

After many tries here is it, my first beta for Android Eclair 2.1 for the Nike.
Work is still in progress and maybe out there there is someone who would like to help me in this project of porting a working version of android 2.1 to the nike.
- Data Problem fixed, some disconnects but it can be used without problems (I reccomend to reset the modem when you dont use the connection anymore)
- Added some preinstalled apps:
Astro File Manager
Facebook App
Google Maps
Youtube (Only Audio, Video does not work, i am working on it)
Advanced Task Manager
- Calls and SMS work
- Data does not work, i am fixing this
####Install Instructions####
- Copy the andboot folder to the root of your SD
- Run Haret
- When haret is running hold the dpad middle button to enter the installation menu
- In the installation menu choose where to install (i use data and system on sd card partitions, its faster)
- Press Install System
- After the system is installed press quit and wait
The first boot is a little bit slow, there is no bootanimation in this built so dont worry if the screen turns black, just wait few minutes, after the first boot i recommend to reboot to speed up things.
Have fun!!!
I would like to help you tell me what I can do..
some question
the first question over all:
this installer overwrites WM.. is it right?
going ahead:
what if I want to go back to WM?
Once installed Android, what's the procedure to update it with a newer Android version?
nik2208 said:
the first question over all:
this installer overwrites WM.. is it right?
going ahead:
what if I want to go back to WM?
Once installed Android, what's the procedure to update it with a newer Android version?
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Android uses your storage card. To go back to wimo you have restart you device.
When you want to update android: Download the files and over write the existing files.
Once installed Android, I can enter to Android, and Restart my device, I can go to my Windows mobile , So I want to Android again, How can I do? Need to install Andriod again????
does this work on the NEON?
Boot manager
I think there should be a boot manager.
ther IS a bootmanger:
Kernel Panic...
I had a kernel panic during the haret booting. then said..."Rebooting in 3 seconds..." then it freezed. Help.
Do you have linux or programming experiences?
I did not test it on the neon, just on my nike 20keys, you could try it and let me know.
Do you use the zimage in my package? Try using another zimage, maybe the latest on the vogue project page works.
For the data connection i found that ppp is not invoked because i get an error that says that only root can run /bin/pppd, so maybe the data connection does not work becase pppd is not invoked, i will make some tries to check that.
Very good, i am working on the data problem, first of all pppd had permission problems so i fixed that, pppd is now called but it fail when it tries to create a pid file becase it says that the filesystems is read only... do you have icq or msn so we can se what we can do next?
i think this time is different: the installing procedure tells that the process is going to overwrite the rom..
the old android version used the storage card like a guest..not this one..
Dont choose to install it on the nand, choose sdcard partition or image files... Android will be installed on the sdcard and winmo remains on the nand.
You did a great job man, got it running on my HTC Nike, and it performs better than other android ports ( looking to speed and connectivity ). The only downsides at the moment, is that i can't activate XT9 dictionary while writing a message, and the camera functionality ( every port had this for as far I know, so can't blaim you ).
So my question to you is, do you know any way to enable (Dutch) XT9 on this rom? I got the device running on Dutch language now, but in the dictionary-settings, there are no known words, whatsoever. Since I don't know if there is any way to browse my storage card ( didn't see any explorer or anything ), i can't install it like a cab or anything.
Would be cool if i could get it running, would make it a wonderfull android port
I have an old android 1.5 with data working, it can help you for the data on 2.1 ?
[email protected]
Ok guys, big step foward, i am connected succesfully to the internet, but dns does not work, this means:
- If i open the browser and type no page is displayed
- If i open the browser and type the ip-adress of, the page is displayed
so there is just a little dns problem, maybe tomorrow i am able to solve it, even the 3g icon on the top is not displayed...
why am I not able to install the os?
after the choice "install" the procedure starts formatting..
then, and after a lot, a message tells
"can't umount /data: invalid arguments" and goes back to initial choice list..
After installation process when you are back in the list choose fix permissions,then back In the list choose quit than wait...after a few minutes Android. Should start

[Q] Coby Kyros Mid1125-4G stock ROM

Hello. I've been looking everywhere and I could not find a STOCK ROM for my Coby Kyros MID1125-4G. It happens that I installed ICS from Coby germany, but that slowed the tablet and has many problems with the WIFI, then updated via OTA to JellyBean and the thing was worse. Now I want to return to Gingerbread, but I don't have the stock image. Any of you have a STOCK ROM for this device? I will be very grateful for your help.
goldgil2 said:
Hello. I've been looking everywhere and I could not find a STOCK ROM for my Coby Kyros MID1125-4G. It happens that I installed ICS from Coby germany, but that slowed the tablet and has many problems with the WIFI, then updated via OTA to JellyBean and the thing was worse. Now I want to return to Gingerbread, but I don't have the stock image. Any of you have a STOCK ROM for this device? I will be very grateful for your help.
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I think I've done pretty much the same as tablet doesn't seem too bad...a bit glitchy maybe but I have no access to the APN settings meaning I can't use 3g. I'm hunting for answers as well.....if you find out anything before me let me know (and vice versa) :fingers-crossed:
I am glad im not the only one been trying to work out how to get the 4g sim card bit working again for the past few months since I did the update to ICS, was hoping the the update to Jellybean would fix it, tho I have a thought about the update if it helps that is when it downloads the update from the coby site it is downloading for the standard 1125 and not the 1125-4g model.
If i find out a solution or any more will let you know.
DNO1978 said:
I think I've done pretty much the same as tablet doesn't seem too bad...a bit glitchy maybe but I have no access to the APN settings meaning I can't use 3g. I'm hunting for answers as well.....if you find out anything before me let me know (and vice versa) :fingers-crossed:
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After hours of seraching on the net I now have my kyros 1125-3g back to 2.3.3 and with 3g support
I have uploaded the files needed to hxxp://
There is a pdf file with instructions in the zip file but basically this is what you need to do,
0 make sure coby is turned off
1 - unzip the file
2 - install the drivers from the drivers folder (depending on your operating system)
3 - start the program FWDN_V7_v2.13
4 - click on the '...' button
5 - click on files types and change it to all files
6 - select lk.rom and MTD.img and click on open
7 - click on add files
8 - turn on coby by pushing the on button whilst holding the volume up button for at least 8 seconds, till the coby screen says plug in usb cable
9 - plub in usb cable
10 - wait for windows to finish detecting / installing drivers
11 - the FWDN software should now see the coby and show the memory allocation layout on the right side of the software.
12 - click on NAND Data from the block on the right and create file NAND Data.fai
13 - click on start
14 - wait while coby is updated
15 - when the screen says download complete (turns green) disconnect the usb cable
16 - reset the coby using the reset whole on the side with a paperclip or something else that fits in the whole.
17 - Coby should now be back to factory rom
Hope this is of some help
kaosmad said:
After hours of seraching on the net I now have my kyros 1125-3g back to 2.3.3 and with 3g support
I have uploaded the files needed to hxxp://
There is a pdf file with instructions in the zip file but basically this is what you need to do,
0 make sure coby is turned off
1 - unzip the file
2 - install the drivers from the drivers folder (depending on your operating system)
3 - start the program FWDN_V7_v2.13
4 - click on the '...' button
5 - click on files types and change it to all files
6 - select lk.rom and MTD.img and click on open
7 - click on add files
8 - turn on coby by pushing the on button whilst holding the volume up button for at least 8 seconds, till the coby screen says plug in usb cable
9 - plub in usb cable
10 - wait for windows to finish detecting / installing drivers
11 - the FWDN software should now see the coby and show the memory allocation layout on the right side of the software.
12 - click on NAND Data from the block on the right and create file NAND Data.fai
13 - click on start
14 - wait while coby is updated
15 - when the screen says download complete (turns green) disconnect the usb cable
16 - reset the coby using the reset whole on the side with a paperclip or something else that fits in the whole.
17 - Coby should now be back to factory rom
Hope this is of some help
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Thx for all the great info so far. It allowed me to make my bricked
tablet work again however it seems that I also have problem of the
"Damaged Nand". this message is preventing me from installing CWM after the recovery and
also upgrading to the latest ICS update provided by Coby.
Do you have any idea how to fix this ?? :crying:
Alora said:
Thx for all the great info so far. It allowed me to make my bricked
tablet work again however it seems that I also have problem of the
"Damaged Nand". this message is preventing me from installing CWM after the recovery and
also upgrading to the latest ICS update provided by Coby.
Do you have any idea how to fix this ?? :crying:
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From what I have read at various places you need to reformat the NAND (internal sd storage) and scan it for errors, this is a know fault as nands like hard drives can have bad sectors, which they write out when originally getting them ready for sale.
Most people recommend hxxp:// SD Formatter v3 to format it, obviously the coby has to be plugged into your computer to format it.
One note if you have the 3g version of the 1125 with the sim card slot using the coby germany upgrade to ics (or now updated to jellybean) using the updater on their site you wont be able to use the internal 3g sim card slot, this is a known problem to them and they are working on it.
If you need any more help just ask
kaosmad said:
From what I have read at various places you need to reformat the NAND (internal sd storage) and scan it for errors, this is a know fault as nands like hard drives can have bad sectors, which they write out when originally getting them ready for sale.
Most people recommend hxxp:// SD Formatter v3 to format it, obviously the coby has to be plugged into your computer to format it.
One note if you have the 3g version of the 1125 with the sim card slot using the coby germany upgrade to ics (or now updated to jellybean) using the updater on their site you wont be able to use the internal 3g sim card slot, this is a known problem to them and they are working on it.
If you need any more help just ask
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Hmm I have dowloaded the SD Formatter 3.1 but it only formates the NAND memory ( flash erase is not suported ) i dont know how to scan for errors, also in FWDN it shows me that the NAND data is:
( 3235840KB )
Is this ok ?
Also I want to let you know that the original coby germany upgrade to ics I can use the internal 3g sim card slot
I have now the update to ICS but now I dont know how to root and put the market on it, to bad
Did you guys have any luck trying to get APN settings working on your tablet, i mean with the 4.1.1. on?
sorry for my bad english
Is these instructions and the ROM for the 1125 without 3g usable?
If not, is there a tutorial for it and a stock ROM?
To explain:
I must have deleted important files in memory and can't run it any longer. it can not be started.
It is rooted. I would now like to re-flash.
How to get the 1125 in the CWM?
Yes, you can use it. I have also used it to come back to GB.
Alora said:
Thx for all the great info so far. It allowed me to make my bricked
tablet work again however it seems that I also have problem of the
"Damaged Nand". this message is preventing me from installing CWM after the recovery and
also upgrading to the latest ICS update provided by Coby.
Do you have any idea how to fix this ?? :crying:
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Hi ! I also have the same problem on my MID1125 (without 3G)
...> Damaged NAND.
I forgot to make Step 12 :
12 - click on NAND Data from the block on the right and create file NAND Data.fai
As i read on the internet, the Data.fai File contains the Parition Layout for the NAND Flash. Can someone can make a Data.fai File from his MID1125 Tablet ?
If you do the downgrade steps until step 12, the tablet will not be flashed !
Thank you...
Please, help me. Kyros MID1126.
Hello, my Kyros is a 1126, I realized the process suggested by Kaosmad, but with the rom the Kyros 1125. And it worked, but the format does not match the screen, the touch does not work and some other buttons, I need these files for Kyros 1126, where the "lk.rom" and "mtd.img" if someone can help me , because I can only alert by FWDN_v7 program. From now on, thank you.
kaosmad said:
After hours of seraching on the net I now have my kyros 1125-3g back to 2.3.3 and with 3g support
I have uploaded the files needed to hxxp://
There is a pdf file with instructions in the zip file but basically this is what you need to do,
0 make sure coby is turned off
1 - unzip the file
2 - install the drivers from the drivers folder (depending on your operating system)
3 - start the program FWDN_V7_v2.13
4 - click on the '...' button
5 - click on files types and change it to all files
6 - select lk.rom and MTD.img and click on open
7 - click on add files
8 - turn on coby by pushing the on button whilst holding the volume up button for at least 8 seconds, till the coby screen says plug in usb cable
9 - plub in usb cable
10 - wait for windows to finish detecting / installing drivers
11 - the FWDN software should now see the coby and show the memory allocation layout on the right side of the software.
12 - click on NAND Data from the block on the right and create file NAND Data.fai
13 - click on start
14 - wait while coby is updated
15 - when the screen says download complete (turns green) disconnect the usb cable
16 - reset the coby using the reset whole on the side with a paperclip or something else that fits in the whole.
17 - Coby should now be back to factory rom
Hope this is of some help
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The restore went exactly as you described. I loaded the x86 drivers on my W7 PC. Great instructions and many thanks! Jim
correction to error after install
kaosmad said:
After hours of seraching on the net I now have my kyros 1125-3g back to 2.3.3 and with 3g support
I have uploaded the files needed to hxxp://
There is a pdf file with instructions in the zip file but basically this is what you need to do,
0 make sure coby is turned off
1 - unzip the file
2 - install the drivers from the drivers folder (depending on your operating system)
3 - start the program FWDN_V7_v2.13
4 - click on the '...' button
5 - click on files types and change it to all files
6 - select lk.rom and MTD.img and click on open
7 - click on add files
8 - turn on coby by pushing the on button whilst holding the volume up button for at least 8 seconds, till the coby screen says plug in usb cable
9 - plub in usb cable
10 - wait for windows to finish detecting / installing drivers
11 - the FWDN software should now see the coby and show the memory allocation layout on the right side of the software.
12 - click on NAND Data from the block on the right and create file NAND Data.fai
13 - click on start
14 - wait while coby is updated
15 - when the screen says download complete (turns green) disconnect the usb cable
16 - reset the coby using the reset whole on the side with a paperclip or something else that fits in the whole.
17 - Coby should now be back to factory rom
Hope this is of some help
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After following the instructions I had an error and it would not boot.. so I did the same again but changed from "default download" to "Low format whole memory before download" (this does remove all your data as the warning states) then followed steps 3 to 13 again you need to do the NAND data.fai again so that it works and I have the stock ROM just added
Pplaystore via sd card.
Additional Support, ROM upgrades via Donation
Ryder663 said:
After following the instructions I had an error and it would not boot.. so I did the same again but changed from "default download" to "Low format whole memory before download" (this does remove all your data as the warning states) then followed steps 3 to 13 again you need to do the NAND data.fai again so that it works and I have the stock ROM just added
Pplaystore via sd card.
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Excellent support site for all thing Kyros.
tipsters ROM upgrades are fantastic and well worth the recommended donation.
I used instrucjion to downgrade android to v.2.3.3. It worked, but after downgrade I can't turn on 3G.
I have 3G option, but when I click on 3G i see all the time "Turning on..." I don't see 3G enable or something else. 3G nor working.
During flashing to android v2.3.3 I have inserted SIM card to tablet :/ Reset to default do not work :/
kaosmad said:
After hours of seraching on the net I now have my kyros 1125-3g back to 2.3.3 and with 3g support
I have uploaded the files needed to hxxp://
There is a pdf file with instructions in the zip file but basically this is what you need to do,
0 make sure coby is turned off
1 - unzip the file
2 - install the drivers from the drivers folder (depending on your operating system)
3 - start the program FWDN_V7_v2.13
4 - click on the '...' button
5 - click on files types and change it to all files
6 - select lk.rom and MTD.img and click on open
7 - click on add files
8 - turn on coby by pushing the on button whilst holding the volume up button for at least 8 seconds, till the coby screen says plug in usb cable
9 - plub in usb cable
10 - wait for windows to finish detecting / installing drivers
11 - the FWDN software should now see the coby and show the memory allocation layout on the right side of the software.
12 - click on NAND Data from the block on the right and create file NAND Data.fai
13 - click on start
14 - wait while coby is updated
15 - when the screen says download complete (turns green) disconnect the usb cable
16 - reset the coby using the reset whole on the side with a paperclip or something else that fits in the whole.
17 - Coby should now be back to factory rom
Hope this is of some help
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little help please!!
hi xda-developers, im just need a little help with my kyros 1125 4gb no 3g, already google my problem but i didnt found anything about hard reset, i dont have the lock code for my tblet and i want to reset it, i tryed the normal way for android but nothing hapen, if any body know a tutorial how to reset my device, please share the information, thank you soo much for ur help
fidodj23 said:
hi xda-developers, im just need a little help with my kyros 1125 4gb no 3g, already google my problem but i didnt found anything about hard reset, i dont have the lock code for my tblet and i want to reset it, i tryed the normal way for android but nothing hapen, if any body know a tutorial how to reset my device, please share the information, thank you soo much for ur help
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1125-4G rom
Download file from here
Copy entire folder to desktop
Extract to desktop
Install PdaNetA4170.exe driver ( This should allow you to transfer files with Fastboot )
This is Version 4.17 installer for Windows 8/7/Vista/XP (both 32/64bit)
Extract CWM recovery img_1125 folder to desktop by itself ( Do not remove any files from this folder )
Move zip files from zips folder to micro sd card and insert sd into tablet ( leave these in zip format !! )
Also move apks from apks folder to MicroSD card
Google_Play_serv.ices-signe.d .apk
market-helper-2.0-beta.apk ( this will allow spoofing of market for not compatible apps )
Open cmd window
( menu , run , when window opens , enter “cmd” without quotes )
Cd to directory
ie ,
type in window
cd desktop , ( enter )
cd CWM recovery img_1125 ( enter )
Now place 1125 into fastboot mode , power ( or reset button ) and volume down , tablet will show fastboot mode in lower left corner
Plug in usb cable to pc and tablet
Then in cmd prompt type
fastboot boot recovery.img ( enter )
It will show some stuff , flash ok and done ok
Tablet should boot to CWM give it a moment to do so ( You will see CWM Recovery Top hat and such )
Volume up is up , Volume down is down , Home ( Silver Button ) is select
Go to and select flash zip from sd card
This will pull up menu of following zip files
Flash each zip file
Select reboot
Tablet will boot ,again give it a moment ( You will see Coby and then Android splash screen )
Select language from first screen ( as it will be in Dutch ), finish setup of tablet
Open ES File Explorer , go to tools setting in ES File Explorer and select
“Root Explorer” to on , allow when Super User prompt shows , this will prove SU is installed and working
Open ES File Explorer , Select sdcard top right , Select storage
Install Google_Play_serv.ices-signe.d .apk ( To sync Play Store )
Install Busybox.apk
Install Link2sd.apk
Install Uni-init+v1.0.apk
Open Uni-init+v1.0.apk , install intd support
( you will need busybox installed first for this to work )
You now have working Play Store , Superuser and Android 4.1 with Intd support
For Extended memory ,( You need this )
Increase Internal Memory by Link2SD : Min 2 GB microSD
In order to add memory to Coby 1125, your micro SD card used for install will need to be formatted
Copy all files you wish to keep from micro SD to desktop as it will be wiped
• Backup all your files on memory card.
• Go into the Recovery Mode ( as above , fastboot boot recovery.img ) ( Your operating system will be fine )
• Make a nandroid backup at this time
• Select “Advanced”, and then choose “Partition SD Card”.
• Then Choose your size ( if you have a 2GB Memory Card, choose 512 MB, and if you have a 4 GB Memory card, you can choose 1024 MB, ext ).
• Select 0 Swap.
• Wait for the process to finish, and then select Reboot
You’ve just made a partition on your memory card, and its ready to use.
Now follow the steps below for Link2SD
• Open Link2SD. You will be prompted to choose between ext2,ext3,ext4 and FAT32.
• Choose ext2
• Select OK ,
• It will then say, “Mount Script Created”.
• Now you Reboot your Tablet
• Open Link2SD again, if any message does not appear ,it means you succeeded.
• Go to Link2SD > Setting( far right top icon ) scroll down > Check the autolink. (to automatically move apps upon installation).
If you already have some apps listed , select “create link” ( be sure to check the files: app, dalvic-cache, and library files).
Move to SD option only moves app to SD it does not link them
Now to check the memory, select “Storage Info” . this will be showing you up the current status of your internal memory.
You should see as below SD Card 2nd Part
To move a system App you can long press App , it will pull up menu , select convert to user App let it do its thing
Select App again and it will open option to create link as installed user apps do
So far I have moved Calculator , VPN , Music FX , ES File Explorer and Sound Recorder with no issue
Use Link2Sd and (long press) on SystemUpdate.apk ( /system/app/SystemUpdate.apk ) and freeze app.
This will stop System Update from happening at random moments or on reboot
There is no Update to install though the System thinks so (without freezing it will continue to show updates available)

[Q] ROM Compatibility with Sales App

Hi I have a Mobile Sales app running on an HTC HD2.
We have been running this app successfully on Telstra Australia sourced 512MB ROM devices running Windows Mobile 6.5 WWE_3.14.405.2 ROM.
We have just sourced a number of 1024 MB TMOBUS devices running 3.14.531.1 WWE ROM.
My problem is that the app will not run from the program shortcut unless the File Explorer program is running in the background with the apps install directory open – then it runs fine.
The app creates some temp database files when it runs – so its seem to be issues with write permissions in the apps install directory that having the File Explorer program open seems to overcome
Can I set the windows equivalent of a shortcut ‘start in’ directory on a Windows Mob device ?
Is there a registry setting to allow full write access ?
I have run ‘UnlockSecurity.exe’ to allow unsigned apps but makes no difference
Any advice greatly appreciated

