upgrading HIMALAYA - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Hi, what's the problem when my getdevicedata outcoming txt shows only a U at the beginning and no more information?
I installed active sync 4.0 and I can't browse anymore error no directory /subsomething exits!
last question if I backup data from my pocket pc version. 4.2 can I when upgraded to megneto or 2003se , restore my data?
thx for your help!
rom 1.6 german 12/03/03
radio 1.18
ext rom 1.6.25

1. getdevicedata.txt : copy it to the PC and open it there with notepad
2. Activesync 4.0 : sorry can't help you there
3. your contacts, appointments, ... get synced automatically
files you can copy seperately
Restoring apps & registry is tricky and easily gets you corrupted system.

so it goes, PC was down for a week!
thx for your answer!


ProgrammeA connection failure :o(

I have updated my O2 XDA ROM ver 3.something to 4.00.16 T-Mobile(withProgrammA) and sence then I am unable to update it anymore. The Active sync is working fine with the USB connection, but the ProgrammeA is saying: error getting connnectiontype. I have try it on 2 different computers under w2k and wxp, the problem was the same.
I would like to upgrade it cos is frosing dayly, and the xda-developers ROM was better )))
Thanks, all the best
Have you tried going back to your original rom, then going from there?
The ProgrammeA thus't connect a cannot update the ROM how can I go back to the original ROM ?
I know about bootable SDCard but I would prefer not to use it, so I check up for other possibilities :?
Active Sync problem?
Hi Flare,
I don't know if this will be the case for you but have observed connection issues between updates with ActiveSync ver 4.71. I found that I needed to TOTALLY remove, not upgrade / downgrade ActiveSync then re-install the original from your CD [probably ver 4.5]
If you don't have it you need to try and get it, because while it provides other problems of its own in connection messages it appears more robust in file transfer.
If you cannot adequately remove AS 4.71 then you need to delete the folder under program files and start again.
Hope this helps,
According to the notes on the ROM Kitchen, you can't update from 4.00.10 or 4.00.16 using Programme A. What you can do, however, is cook an .nb1 file and put it onto an SD Card and use the bootloader. Of course this will require a 32 MB SD card and an appropriate USB or PC Card reader to get the new ROM onto the SD card.

SMS backup-getting SMS Export tool (yorch.net) working?

HI together, :?
I`m new in this forum and found it because I have a issue I don`t get rid of. I have 2500 sms messages on my xda and want to sell it to get a new one. My problem is I don`t want to delete my whole sms messages as there are so many important one I can`t delete as I need them documented.
I installed now the SMS Export tool from yorch.net as I red in this forum here that I should be able to get this done with this tool.
Problem is that I´m not able to get it done successfully.
1. I downloaded the tool and installed it from my PC over Active Sync on my xda.
2. I can see the SMSExport.vce file in my root folder on my xda
3. I can see the VICERT.vce and Visual CE.unload file under /windows
Problem is now that I need asistance how I can use the tool now ?
1. If I start the VICERT.vce file I get the msg "Run VisualCE.exe to create a form"
2. If I run Visual CE.unload file as I don`t see a exe I get the msg that there is no application assigned to the file?
3. If I riun the SMSExport.vce file I get a programm called SMS Export Utility in front of me where I don`t know how to handle to get the sms messages on my local PC.
My aim is to read the sms messages on my local pc (word or txt file) and burn it as backup on a cd.
I would really appreciate any help as I spent hours already on this topic and I`m not smart enough to get it done.
Thanks in advance...
I faced the same problem, I've searched all over this forum, but until late, I used this software : Smart Phone Studio (http://smartdev.51.net/)
It lets you save all your SMS from phone to PC, and you can also save them on text files with nice formatting :wink:
You can also backup SMS from your device, and restore them from the PC at anytime you want!!! :lol:
ah I forgot to tell that it also works for XDAs, regardless of its name
ezzkht said:
I faced the same problem, I've searched all over this forum, but until late, I used this software : Smart Phone Studio (http://smartdev.51.net/)
It lets you save all your SMS from phone to PC, and you can also save them on text files with nice formatting :wink:
You can also backup SMS from your device, and restore them from the PC at anytime you want!!! :lol:
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Thanks for fast response ...
Do you have the program on your local machine to send it to me via email ? I`m not able to download the program as there is no version available at the moment ...
I'd appreciate a copy as well if possible.
Oops! its not available on the site & its not free anymore!!!!!
But don't worry, I will send u a copy of it when I come back home..
Ok, here is the file..
Simple steps to run it:
1. Change your PC date to March 2004.
2. Copy SPStudio.exe to your PC & run it.
3. Copy CommMan.exe to your pocket PC & run it.
4. Just click on the buttons at the left panel to access your SMS messages & use FILE menu to export/import messages.
Cheers :lol:
Thanks. I appreciate it. :lol:
Thhhhhhhhhhhhhhanks ... it is working. I really appreciate your time to help me. Just saved thousands of sms .... really cool. Have a great time.
Cu Mic :lol:
You are most welcome guys
I've recently found a software which synchronizes you SMS with MS Outlook! SMS Sync for Outlook:
I wonder why Microsoft does not support synchronize SMS with ActiveSync, much like emails :?
I've found a new software which transforms your SMS messages into emails, which then can be easily synchronized with the PC
anyone tested it ????
download source for spstudio (expiring by april 2004)
after some browsing the web i have found an alternative download source for the famous spstudio:
you probably have to register at coolsmartphone.com (its for free) before you are allowed to download files.
also consider the hints given above (setting back the date of your pc to march 2004 etc.) for getting the tool working.
i am also desperately trying to backup valuable sms. unfortunately i need to back them up since i need to reset my device cause active sync is no longer working ..BIG PROBLEM...i cannot use any of the above tools without active sync.
any ideas how i can get the sms off my MDA without active sync???
Since your active sync is not working, you can try to backup your files to SD card (use Sprite Backup or anything else to do so) and then you can hard reset your device safely..
Make sure it is the latest version of sprite backup, that software caused nightmares for me, after restoring I could not recieve or send sms so please be sure you get the latest fixed version.
Since your active sync is not working, you can try to backup your files to SD card (use Sprite Backup or anything else to do so) and then you can hard reset your device safely..
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but how can i use sprite backup if i cannot install the software ? no acitve sync, no new installations...
if you can find it as a cab file you can copy it to your sdcard and run it from your xda
SMS Sync Outlook
Hello, Regarding the SMS Sync Outlook...one of the requirements was having Outlook 2003. I still use Outlook 2002, does it matter? Don't really want to upgrade to 2003 yet as there might still be some bugs. Any thoughts anyone?
Bree :?:
Hi Bree (Kabayan?)
I am using Outlook 2003 for several months and as of this moment no problems or bugs yet.
Export your SMS to Storage
Try this program and export all your SMS to your Storage: xpocketpc.fw.hu

Some Suggestion to make you WM2003SE 2.06 fast and Stable...

Can you tell me what is the use of these file... can i delete it?
Is it safe to delete those files? Tnx
removed those from my ext rom... but i do have version_BA
Can u tell me whats the diff about this two files:
Tnx again..
I honestly dont know dude.... but my EXT rom says it is 1.12.924.wwe
maybe in your case it states 2.02? can you send me the file or attach it here and I'll try it
double_ofour said:
Can u tell me whats the diff about this two files:
Tnx again..
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version_BA = 1.12.924
Version_OU.sa.CAB = 2.06.100a
:arrow: ExtendedROM versions ( chose 1 you indulge )
CprogHook.WM2003_2577.CAB = mamaich contacts extension ( useful! )
OEM_CHS_OU_04110301.sa.CAB = additional configuration for chinese version = safe to delete in english ROMS
Yup.. yup.. yup.. maybe thats the thing... cuz when i used the DCS ExtROM with Version_OU it says that my ExtROM is 2.06.100a and when i installed the ExtROM asian Version provided by one of our kabayan.. with version_BA it says that my ExtROM are now 1.something.something... but anyway heres the file.
And one thing... what is the use of:
Cuz when i deleted those files... my device increased a bit of speed when reset...
again.. is it safe to delete those files? Thanx again...
those flashman..... are for permanent save applet....
I dont use permanent save.... so I deleted those four flashmen
double_ofour said:
Yup.. yup.. yup.. maybe thats the thing... cuz when i used the DCS ExtROM with Version_OU it says that my ExtROM is 2.06.100a and when i installed the ExtROM asian Version provided by one of our kabayan.. with version_BA it says that my ExtROM are now 1.something.something... but anyway heres the file.
And one thing... what is the use of:
Cuz when i deleted those files... my device increased a bit of speed when reset...
again.. is it safe to delete those files? Thanx again...
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:arrow: PPC flash player manager files for playing animated plug-ins ( Animatedtoday, flashdash, etc...)
delete if you wont be using those "moving" thingy which S-L-O-W-S your fone big time..
TTFN kabayan....
yes its also used by permanent save thingy... :wink:
yep.. its for setting the version
Yeah... now i've got WM2003SE 2.06WWE more faster and very stable... i've just followed these steps...
Posted by Sin:
By first flashing with the 2.02.t1WWE ROM (& 1.18.00 Radio + Extended ROM), then setting up BT and detecting all devices but before adding additional software, I ran an ActiveSync backup. The reason I used ActiveSync was to capture the registry and system state but not an image of the whole ROM.
I then flashed with the 2.06.00WWE ROM + 1.18.00 Radio & Extended ROM, but this time I restored from the ActiveSync backup. Rather than what I expected (everything good about 2.06 to be blown away), ActiveSync restore did a merge of the 2 registries and overwrote the files not in use.
The end result came as a surprise:
I now have a version 2.06.00WWE that doesn't hang/delay on reboot, runs faster, looks great with cleartype and now has BT Handsfree as an option. Handsfree works great, though still blocks ActiveSync via BT (a reboot auto disables it) but it doesn't interfere with the radio now.
Are you sure they didn't just rename BT Handsfree in 2.02t1WWE to BT Headset in 2.06.00WWE? (same functionality, just no menu option in the later)
The reason I'm posting this, is not to produce a backup file for installation, but to give those of us playing around with the ROMS's food for thought.
I'm curious what would happen if someone installed an English version, deleted Media player 9 & it's registry as much as possible, then backed up. Then installed the Chinese version (2.20.07CHS with Media Player 10) and restored the original backup over it.
Would you end up with a combined Chinese version in English with Media Player 10?
(Before you ask why I don't try it myself - I need a break so I'm going back to work )
Source: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=14227
and if your not using the flashmans files then delete those flashmans file on startup... now ive left in my startup are the "CheckAutoRun, ChgDfLnk, IA_Caller_ID, poutlok, RegNotify, stk" and makes your PPC fast. Try it...
Just install the 2.02 WM2003SE DCS Rom then use activesync backup.. (Dont install anything after the 2.02 was installed just backup after upgraded to 2.02) after the activesync backup were completed reflash again, use the 2.06 WM2003SE Mamaich Rom then Restore the backuped files from activesync... then delete those flashmans... then VOILA!!!
Result: Fast and Stable, For me no hangs for reboot fast load when reboot and more stable... (For me... i dont know for you...)
Just try...
mines working the way i want it ( no hangs etc ) for more than a week now...got tired on reflashing and flashing...im testing the whole phone to the extreme ( calls, texts, games, movies, etc ) since the last time i flash and so far, its quite stable...
the reason : i just streamlined the today plugins to the one designed to run on SE ( RhinoCode plugins ) , thou i got a near-full ExtendedROm with extended-extended ROm ( \storage ), i dont even get unplanned soft resets till now... :wink:
this is my experience so far....
double_ofour said:
Yeah... now i've got WM2003SE 2.06WWE more faster and very stable... i've just followed these steps...
Posted by Sin:
By first flashing with the 2.02.t1WWE ROM (& 1.18.00 Radio + Extended ROM), then setting up BT and detecting all devices but before adding additional software, I ran an ActiveSync backup. The reason I used ActiveSync was to capture the registry and system state but not an image of the whole ROM.
I then flashed with the 2.06.00WWE ROM + 1.18.00 Radio & Extended ROM, but this time I restored from the ActiveSync backup. Rather than what I expected (everything good about 2.06 to be blown away), ActiveSync restore did a merge of the 2 registries and overwrote the files not in use.
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Perhaps you can upload both registries so we can do a comparison to see what is the difference between the 2 registries. Worth the check, if it does solve a few problems for those installed with either 2.02 or 2.06 ROM.
err, i wouldn't delete those "flashman" applications, as they're not from, lol, shockwave flash player.. those are there to detect inserted SD/MMC/CF cards as far as i know...
my 2 €urocents
double_ofour said:
By first flashing with the 2.02.t1WWE ROM (& 1.18.00 Radio + Extended ROM), then setting up BT and detecting all devices but before adding additional software, I ran an ActiveSync backup. The reason I used ActiveSync was to capture the registry and system state but not an image of the whole ROM.
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Please, can you upload one Backup.stg file from 2.02?
dutty... dont worry, i deleted them flashmen..... my sd card still works..
if you have doubts, relocate them to a new folder and test the xda
Perhaps you can upload both registries so we can do a comparison to see what is the difference between the 2 registries. Worth the check, if it does solve a few problems for those installed with either 2.02 or 2.06 ROM.
Interestingly enough, there's a posting that suggests that there is actual difference in the registry settings of 2.06 versus 2.02 ROM...
Perhaps we should pursure the registry differences between the 2 if it does make our ROM more stable?
for stable Radio signal strength
i managed to gain additional bar of Radio signal strength here in Pi. How? read and download the radio stack here . Thanks to Zman for trying... :wink:

Last Caller ID

Can anyone post or PM the last release of Caller ID ??
My 1.0 ITA is not consistent, so I would like to try out a more recent release... ITA or WWE are both welcome.
version 1.20 may be the last version.
here you go
Thanks, but...
thanks guys, I tried both.
ITA is the same I have (the about window says 1.00)
WWE looks to have dbase compatibility problems with contacts: gives a contact dbase read error
Thanks anyway.
cool, didn't know 1.20 works on Himalaya, but it does as long as you overwrite all the files
Now I can remove Ringtonex
i tried thw WWE version ! but it hard-resets my XDAII 1.66WWE !!!
thanx to the backup!
is there an offical version of Caller ID?
Files and structures changed in 1.20. So if you just run the cab on your device . there will be some files left over from previous versions which didn't got overwrite. They may (or may not) cause problems.
BTW if you don't wanna hard-reset to clear all those files. You have to remove it manually before you install 1.20 cab.
This may be not necessary.
My Documents\IA Caller ID Photos\*.*
My Documents\Templates\*.pit
WINDOWS\Help\Photo Contacts.lnk
some things in the registry are also no longer needed, by comparing the two cabs i found these things todo:
remove [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IA Style\IA Caller ID\1.14]
remove [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IA Style\IA_P_Contacts]
in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PimApps\PimExtensions\Contacts\AddIns\IACallerIDMain]
changed "DLL"="\Windows\IA_P_PhotoC.DLL" into "DLL"="PhotoC.DLL"
in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PimApps\PimExtensions\Contacts\AddIns\IACallerIDPhotoView]
changed "DLL"="\Windows\IA_P_PhotoV.DLL" into "DLL"="PhotoV.DLL"
in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PimApps\PimExtensions\Contacts\AddIns\IACallerIDAssignPhoto]
changed "DLL"="\Windows\IA_P_AssignP.DLL" into "DLL"="AssignP.DLL"
remove [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\init]
changed "Path"="\Windows\IA_P_Contacts.exe"into "Path"="\Windows\PhotoContacts.exe"
thanx :lol:
i will give it a try...
thanx a lot...
now i have it working here...
but a little problem...
sometimes it forgets the ringing tone and the phone rings as the defualt tone...
my tones are stored on the SD card...
what's the problem?
I have the same problem.
Now, I've changed the store of picture and ringtone into my device ,not in SD card.
I have found problem in WM2003SE with SD card. Everytime, your device is off and suddenly turn-on ,SD-card cannot be detected.
i am using ROM 1.72WWE with my XDA2...
i have moved the ringing tones to the internal storage...
it's working until now !
CAB wont install, i was running it from the SD card. It tells me that the file is in ROM and cannot be installed.
How do i run the CAB file
When I try to install Caller_ID_WWE_RC10.CAB, it says the file is in rom or in use ?? Try Again Or Cancel ??
zairyaab said:
When I try to install Caller_ID_WWE_RC10.CAB, it says the file is in rom or in use ?? Try Again Or Cancel ??
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Bcz the old IA CALLER ID is still running and you didn't delete it files that's why it's working with you.
First of all delete the IA caller Id shortcut from the \WINDOWS\Startup , reboot the ppc, then delete the files manually as it's posted before in this thread.
Good luck..
Following instructions step by step this worked perfectly.
Joao Caldeira
Joao_Caldeira said:
Following instructions step by step this worked perfectly.
Joao Caldeira
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same here!
i3oyi3astos said:
CAB wont install, i was running it from the SD card. It tells me that the file is in ROM and cannot be installed.
How do i run the CAB file
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same problem with me IA_contact can not be replace, but when i copy it to my Extended ROM and run configurator to add it to my config, then hard reset it, it installed properly.
there are two downloads in this forum. Which one should i download? I have an unlocked o2 xda IIs in english.
one is WWE and the other is ITA. Guess :lol:
the WWE is World Wide English : ver 1.20, the other is an old Italian 1.0 I think

How can I set the software activesync on mine PDA Qtek 2020

I delete many files in the register from the PDA and now I can not sync. with the PC. I can read the directories but not sync. I install all many times activesync 4.1 / 4.0 3.8 again on the PC but the sync dosn't work.
Please help me.
OK, better be carefull next time on deleting stuf... And backup first...
Next: Better do a hard reset, an start up clean...

