is there a way to overclock the XDA? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

is there way how to overclock the XDA? I was able to install the JS Overclocking Software, but the unit hangs when set at 236 mhz.

there is a link trying to look for it.......I read about this......hmmm! :shock:

overclocking is possible, but whenever it goes to suspend it hard resets the device (at least it did that for me)
i strongly disrecommend it...

Again I have to ask, is it worth the instability, and possible damage to the unit for a few extra Mhz? I will never understand the need to overclock. Would your really notice it?

Yes, if you have several apps running, you will notice it, but I don't think it's worth doing it...

I'm experiencing some very noticable lag when it comes to switching applications; especially when the XDA is turned off and a phone call is received.
From my own testing, when I call my XDA from a landline telephone, it rings twice from the landline phone (or so) before the XDA even powers up and then switches to the phone application (which can sometimes take two or three seconds) - by this time, the call has been routed through to voicemail because the call wasn't picked up in time - Argh!
To help speed things up a bit, I make sure that there are only a few applciations open at any given time, but I'm thinking of running the JS Overclock software that is available at - has anyone else used this, and if so, what did you think of it?

I use the overclock program, and have NEVER experienced a problem with it.
Generally, I'll leave the XDA default. If I'm running a program that needs more horsepower, I'll crank it up. If I think I might be away from a charger for a long time, I might crank it down to save the battery.
Works very well for me.


[Q] MAJOR 3G Problem me XDA, you're my only hope...

Hi everyone. Per the advice of others, I decided to make the leap and go with the Galaxy. The results have been......mixed. The main gripe is with what follows, which should seriously make those of you who haven't bought one yet, rethink about your decision. Also, this seems to be a common problem. I posted my gripe on Android forum, so I'm just copy the post:
"Hey guys. So, I just picked up the G2 and its cool for the most part but i have a pretty big problem. I live in japan, so I'm forced to ride the trains a lot. This means going under lots of underground tunnels. This is where the problem lies. Whenever I go under a tunnel and ,ofcourse lose 3g reception, when I come out and 3G reception comes back, my download connection doesn't. In other words, even though I have a 3g signal again, NOTHING WORKS. Email, browsing, anything requiring a connection stops working, just times out. In fact, under the 3G bar at the top of the screen, I can notice that the down arrow (which I assume means downstream) doesnt light up at all. The only way to get data working again is to reset the 3g connection. So, basically, everytime I lose reception and then get it back (which is about every minute or so on the train!) , I'm forced to reset the connection. This is such a pain in the *** I can't even begin to tell you..."
That posts sums it up. If you go here: h-t-t-p://androidforums.c-o-m/samsung-galaxy-s2/361794-3g-doesnt-work-after-regaining-signal.h-t-m-l
you will see other people with the same problem. Considering some of us go through tunnels every minute or so in Tokyo, having to reset the phone everytime after losing reception is a definite dealbreaker. Samsung confirmed that it was just "just part of the phone and maybe they'll have a fix in the future.
Do you guys know of ANY fix for this?
Surely I'm not alone in this issue? I've read others are experiencing the same...
Do you guys understand the problem? Should I film it or something to make it easier to understand?
How did u manage to set ur SGS2 to only using 3G??
mix1987 said:
How did u manage to set ur SGS2 to only using 3G??
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I'm not sure what you mean...
If you're asking how to set the Galaxy for "3G Only" mode, just go to "Settings", "Wireless and Network", "Mobile Networks", and "Network Mode" and then set it for how you like.
Doesn't help my problem though...
Hi, you are not alone. I have this problem all the time as I commute too. I ride the Bart train system in the San Francisco bay area, which also goes in and out of underground tunnels, and I often have trouble regaining signal coming out of the tunnel. The tell-tale sign is the blinking or lit "up arrow" in the 3G icon in the status bar, but the "down arrow" doesn't light up. The data connection seems to just hang.
However, I do not believe this is a Samsung specific issue; I have had this problem with every single Android handset I've used.
On the Galaxy S2 however, I found out disabling fast dormancy seems to lessen this issue. That isn't to say it doesn't happen ever again...just doesn't seem to occur as often. I am able to make this assessment because I use the application on my phone during my entire commute, and after awhile I become keen to when/where my stream drops and when it resumes regularly. With fast dormancy off, I notice that my stream has a significantly higher uptime.
I don't know the science behind it, but I suggest giving it a shot. Dial *#*#9900#*#* on your phone and hit the button to disable fast dormancy. This is suppose to negatively impact battery life, but I haven't really noticed a difference to be honest.
Not even god could solve this problem. I'm sure if he did come up with a fix, samsung would give him another equally anoying problem
Yes this is the notorious "packet data hanging" issue with 3g/4g.
My SGS2 suffers from it but not all the time I go underground or in tunnels.
I think some people reported disabling fast dormancy helps, and some reported flashing back the original KE2 modem file helps.
Have a look here
your best bet is to download anycut and place a shortcut on your homescreen to the "Phone Info" activity. You can easily turn off your cell radio and turn it back on from there, without having to root your phone.
I believe this problem affects every phone, but some users are more prone to notice it than others due to their usage habits. It happens on E/3G/H/+. And in all cases, if you give it enough time, it will fix itself every time. You can visibly see this by keeping an eye on your phone's data symbol whenever you experience this problem. You will see it disappear for a second, then reappear and your data connection will resume.
I believe this is a problem with the phone not realizing that it is out of range of a connection point, and continues to try to negotiate with it. The reason some people do not seem to be affected by this problem is because even though someone is standing in the same spot, they may be connected to different nodes. You can check these out in the Phone Info screen shortcut created with anycut--note the CIDs whenever your data hangs. I have noted several problematic CIDs I encounter regularly on my commute route. CIDs seem to be location based, and while my data doesn't necessarily hang each time I connect with a "problematic" CID, whenever it does hang in a certain geographical area, it is connected to a problematic CID in that area. The point is that even a problematic node will not always cause your data to hang, but when your data hangs, it will always be the same CIDs.
That is what makes this so aggravating. It is almost impossible to reproduce this problem at will. Which means there just isn't a way for us to gauge the effectiveness of any "fix". There is no way to establish a control group because we cannot force our phone to connect to certain nodes; it switches on its own.

[Q] So Many Problems (Wi-fi)

Hey guys,
I just got a Galaxy S3 however there a lot of annoying issues. First of all I haven't rooted anything and at the moment everything is stock.
The main really annoying thing is the Wi-Fi on my S III seems messed up. On all my apps which require the internet it lags really slow. For example if I load Instagram or Facebook it'll take ages to load the pictures. The same goes for random web pages. It takes around 1-2 minutes to load a page.
This does not always happen, I would say about 3/4 of the time. This issue is also guaranteed to happen in the games Hanging with Friends and Words with Friends. I doubt this issue is the app's fault as so many other apps have problems with Internet access.
I also use an iPhone 4S as a back up phone and it has no problems at all. I've also had no IP adress conflicts so that should not be a problem. This is extremely irritating as it makes using the phone a total pain.
Another thing is that I have created a folder on my home screen and whenever I open it, an annoying tone goes "Folder Open". I looked in Accessibility and couldn't figure out how to turn it off. Please help.
Also, I noticed that on my Galaxy S III when I listen to my music I hear a slight static buzz every now and then. I don't think this is an issue when the file and headphones as I've had them on my iPhone for a long time and had no issues. Do you guys have any solutions? Needless to say it is quite annoying listening to your favourite tunes and hearing this annoying buzz when you least expect it.
I also discovered something very interesting using Android. I have 250 MB of data to use and before on the iPhone it was extremely hard to cap that. However on this phone I'm already 50% through that. I used the iPhone just as much as the Galaxy so why is this happening? Does Android have another system of using data, like loading full size images?
Cheers, Jason
Bite_Me_21 said:
Hey guys,
I just got a Galaxy S3 however there a lot of annoying issues. First of all I haven't rooted anything and at the moment everything is stock.
The main really annoying thing is the Wi-Fi on my S III seems messed up. On all my apps which require the internet it lags really slow. For example if I load Instagram or Facebook it'll take ages to load the pictures. The same goes for random web pages. It takes around 1-2 minutes to load a page.
This does not always happen, I would say about 3/4 of the time. This issue is also guaranteed to happen in the games Hanging with Friends and Words with Friends. I doubt this issue is the app's fault as so many other apps have problems with Internet access.
I also use an iPhone 4S as a back up phone and it has no problems at all. I've also had no IP adress conflicts so that should not be a problem. This is extremely irritating as it makes using the phone a total pain.
Another thing is that I have created a folder on my home screen and whenever I open it, an annoying tone goes "Folder Open". I looked in Accessibility and couldn't figure out how to turn it off. Please help.
Also, I noticed that on my Galaxy S III when I listen to my music I hear a slight static buzz every now and then. I don't think this is an issue when the file and headphones as I've had them on my iPhone for a long time and had no issues. Do you guys have any solutions? Needless to say it is quite annoying listening to your favourite tunes and hearing this annoying buzz when you least expect it.
I also discovered something very interesting using Android. I have 250 MB of data to use and before on the iPhone it was extremely hard to cap that. However on this phone I'm already 50% through that. I used the iPhone just as much as the Galaxy so why is this happening? Does Android have another system of using data, like loading full size images?
Cheers, Jason
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Haven't got this phone yet, i'm getting mine today.
But from what you've said, it sounds like it could be a few things including your phone.
First tho, check the stuff you can fix yourself.
Firstly, try not to compare any android phone to an iphone, they're not the same and have different qualities and weaknesses, the iphone in comparison to this beast is a pipsqueak.
About your connectivity, completely remove your APN and put them back in manually.
Perform a battery pull at least once a day.
Is your sim card a new one or old? You could possibly query that too.
250MB is nothing by the way, not sure how you managed it but even on an iphone that's not a lot, i can easily use 500MB just by allowing my phone to sync normal stuff, i'd personally recommend a gig as a minimum, unless you don't mind actively managing your internet habits and you frequently switch off data altogether.
As for your wifi, pull all cables on your router and start afresh, once everything is back together, connect using your phone and perform a speed test using the app, see what your getting, some apps don't use the speed that's available and that's a limitation of the app and not the phone or connection.
Also regarding your apps, either remove them or remove the data associated with them and start over.
As for the headphones, they're sh** so try some others.
Not sure about the voice over, maybe check settings and see what you can find.
If all this doesn't help then try a factory reset and see if your still having a problem.
Like i said i don't have this phone yet so i don't have too much hands on experience but give this little lot a whirl and see how it goes, if nothing helps then maybe return it if your unsatisfied.
Personally I'll be rooting my SGS3 on day one, right after i've tested to see if everything works of course.
dladz said:
Haven't got this phone yet, i'm getting mine today.
But from what you've said, it sounds like it could be a few things including your phone.
First tho, check the stuff you can fix yourself.
Firstly, try not to compare any android phone to an iphone, they're not the same and have different qualities and weaknesses, the iphone in comparison to this beast is a pipsqueak.
About your connectivity, completely remove your APN and put them back in manually.
Perform a battery pull at least once a day.
Is your sim card a new one or old? You could possibly query that too.
250MB is nothing by the way, not sure how you managed it but even on an iphone that's not a lot, i can easily use 500MB just by allowing my phone to sync normal stuff, i'd personally recommend a gig as a minimum, unless you don't mind actively managing your internet habits and you frequently switch off data altogether.
As for your wifi, pull all cables on your router and start afresh, once everything is back together, connect using your phone and perform a speed test using the app, see what your getting, some apps don't use the speed that's available and that's a limitation of the app and not the phone or connection.
Also regarding your apps, either remove them or remove the data associated with them and start over.
As for the headphones, they're sh** so try some others.
Not sure about the voice over, maybe check settings and see what you can find.
If all this doesn't help then try a factory reset and see if your still having a problem.
Like i said i don't have this phone yet so i don't have too much hands on experience but give this little lot a whirl and see how it goes, if nothing helps then maybe return it if your unsatisfied.
Personally I'll be rooting my SGS3 on day one, right after i've tested to see if everything works of course.
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Hey thanks for taking the time to reply,
This is going to sound stupid but what is an APN? I googled it and it came up with 'Access Point Name'. Is that what you mean?
My SIM card is a Micro-Sim and was in my old iPhone 4S before so it is not brand new.
I understand 250 MB is nothing but I'm being totally honest on my old phone it was really hard to blow it. I asked another guy and he said that Facebook for Android loads the images full size so I'm not 100% sure. It's just a bit of a shock since on iOS it used such little data.
Also, I'm not using the standard headphones. I'm using Audio Technica Solid Bass so I'm sure it's not a problem with that. But please try and help me with this issue. I need music for studying, transport, school etc.
I really want to keep the SIII. The big screen is really nice and the customisation of the home screen is great along with the widgets. Just these issues troubling me.
**EDIT: Also another issue. Sometimes when I go to the Play Store it'll attempt to load and display the page with "Connection timed out." **
Bite_Me_21 said:
Hey thanks for taking the time to reply,
This is going to sound stupid but what is an APN? I googled it and it came up with 'Access Point Name'. Is that what you mean?
YES its your network .
My SIM card is a Micro-Sim and was in my old iPhone 4S before so it is not brand new.
I would check with network for problems .
Factory reset and return phone to seller .
I understand 250 MB is nothing but I'm being totally honest on my old phone it was really hard to blow it.
You have apps syncing data in the background .
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tinggy Tel
did you solve this issue ?
I'm having the exact same issue, I have two S3 devices .
both are bought from a different countries .. .
Both suffer from an extremely poor and slow internet . ..
it's "IMPOSSIBLE" for me to opan Google Play with no wifi . ..
it will time out if I try that with 3G network .. on both devices ..
tried soft reset + hard reset + rom flash ..
nothing worked .. .
"iPhone is soooooooooo much better than androind ..
this is my (3rd) time now ..
with S1, my phone suffered from instant disconnection from the internet
S2, people always get "this phone is out of service" when calling me
and now the lovely S3, which takes 2-3 minutes just to load google's default page ...
how wonderful !

[Q] ROOTED and lost

:good: Hi XDA Community. First I want to say thank you to all the devs, programmers, technical people, and anyone that helps out with XDA. It's a real treasure for Android users. I am a noob pretty much regarding Android however I pick up fast. Recently I rooted my phone and it just isnt what I expected, I guess I imagined my device turning into a super-cellphone or something. Anyway I've picked up some rooted apps (Tuners, Titanium, etc) however I really don't know enough about Android to go around playing. I have a few questions maybe someone would take the time to answer. Thanks.
1. I play a social game on my phone and it has a really clumsy way of switching between accounts. I'd like to have two instances of the game instead of one, where each instance launches a different account. Is this possible?
2. Is there any widget or button where I could manually switch my processor from underclock to maximum power without delving into a program? Also a switch between max screen brightness and minimum screen brightness would be nice.
3. How can I find out more about Android and various apps services and processes? I can't sort through them to disable them if I dont know what they are. I would like to delete any bloatware from my carrier. I favor a very lite load on my phone that conserves battery because all I really do is make calls, text, and play few games at this moment.
4. Last one ... I have to pay $5 or $10 a month to enable 4g hotspot capability on my phone. Is there any difference between software that make the hotspot because I'm playing a FPS over wi-fi and sometimes I catch some crazy lag. I am using Samsung or MetroPCS version of hotspot software. Also now that I am rooted can I stop paying the $5 or $10 a month and still make a usable hotspot for my PS3 gaming?
Thanks so much for anyone willing to take the time to answer.
sgh599n said:
:good: Hi XDA Community. First I want to say thank you to all the devs, programmers, technical people, and anyone that helps out with XDA. It's a real treasure for Android users. I am a noob pretty much regarding Android however I pick up fast. Recently I rooted my phone and it just isnt what I expected, I guess I imagined my device turning into a super-cellphone or something. Anyway I've picked up some rooted apps (Tuners, Titanium, etc) however I really don't know enough about Android to go around playing. I have a few questions maybe someone would take the time to answer. Thanks.
1. I play a social game on my phone and it has a really clumsy way of switching between accounts. I'd like to have two instances of the game instead of one, where each instance launches a different account. Is this possible?
2. Is there any widget or button where I could manually switch my processor from underclock to maximum power without delving into a program? Also a switch between max screen brightness and minimum screen brightness would be nice.
3. How can I find out more about Android and various apps services and processes? I can't sort through them to disable them if I dont know what they are. I would like to delete any bloatware from my carrier. I favor a very lite load on my phone that conserves battery because all I really do is make calls, text, and play few games at this moment.
4. Last one ... I have to pay $5 or $10 a month to enable 4g hotspot capability on my phone. Is there any difference between software that make the hotspot because I'm playing a FPS over wi-fi and sometimes I catch some crazy lag. I am using Samsung or MetroPCS version of hotspot software. Also now that I am rooted can I stop paying the $5 or $10 a month and still make a usable hotspot for my PS3 gaming?
Thanks so much for anyone willing to take the time to answer.
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I may not be entirely correct, however I am doind my best to help:
1. I think this is possible with Android 4.2.2 onwards with the Users feature, however I cannot confirm this because I am on 4.1.2.
2. I think Voltage Control will work for this. Find it in Play Store.
3. This can be done, but the process is really hit and miss. Generally you shouldn't touch any package that has "com." at the start of its name. Also all Google apps. For the rest, all you need is common sense.
4. T-Mobile, as far as I know, has disabled free tethering on Samsung devices recently. However, I have also heard that your tethering will still work if you tether to other Android devices. Use a user-agent switcher plugin for your PC browser to mask your PC as an Android device if you are tethering to PC. You can also try FoxFi.
Other devs or users, if you are reading this, please confirm if what I have said is true.
I hope I helped
Sent from my Galaxy Express using Tapatalk
Thanks for setting me in the right direction aureljared. I feel stupid because I don't see a thank button but I will keep looking for it. I am also on 4.1.2 so if anyone knows of a way to do #1 with my version of Android please let me know. OK, I will check out Voltage Control. My phone is terrible on battery. If I am doing something for like 10 minutes I will drain like 10% battery! About number 3, how can you tell if something is an ad or snooper process coming from installing another app? #4 Yes T-Mobile and MetroPCS have disabled free tethering and charge us now for it. They are basically the same service. And I will check out FoxFi. Thanks alot!!
Also, if anyone needs help rooting Samsung Galaxy Exhibit (SGH599N) I know how to do it. Post here and I will help you.

[Q]New Android device (Moto G) - experiencing several problems (alarm, freezes, recor

Hello there.
I'm having problems with my Android device and I'm very frustrated with it so far...
My device is a Motorola Moto G. I've updated it to the latest Android version available (4.4.2), however, I'm experiencing some serious problems; the most important atm is the alarm.
I am using the volume button to snooze the alarm, because imho it's more convenient. However, yesterday the volume button just didn't work for some reason. I had to unlock the screen for it to work, then it started working again with the screen locked. Today the same thing happened, I had to unlock the screen to snooze the alarm using the volume button, then I could snooze it again without unlocking, however, it just 'stopped' by itself, I don't know if the volume button somehow turned the alarm off. I didn't even touch the screen, so it's a bug or something. I've always been using a cell/smartphone to wake up and never had any problem.
Also, this device freezes a lot and I've never experienced that before in any cell/smartphone. It also seems the device must be turned on for the alarm to work; it's not that important for me, but still a 'downgrade' from my previous device. Another thing that really annoys me is that you can't even change the volume without playing the sounds... if you want to set a very loud volume in the middle of the night there's no way other than waking everybody up. Additionally, I would like to be able to somehow record a call, but none of the apps works with this device.
I don't think the alarm problem is a hardware fail or defective device, it seems to me the software is somehow bugged. There's no Cyanogenmod for this device yet (mine is dual chip) and even if it were available, It seems some apps doesn't work with it (like Sygic).
I don't know how I should proceed and I apologize in advance if my question is too 'basic' for a developers forum, but I didn't want to post on the other popular 'user' forums because I've seem many threads where the moderators were just talking nonsense proving that they don't even know how to turn on an Android device, including the extreme case of a newbie asking about some permissions who was somewhat 'burned at the stake' by the moderators and veteran members while he was right all the time, so if the moderators and veterans don't have a clue on what's an Android device I'm surely not reliant to post there. On the other hand all the (/most) posts here on XDA Devs always get correct and helpful replies.
I don't know if I should try downgrading the OS to 4.3 or if there's something else I could try. I don't know if it's possible that the latest update was somehow 'badly flashed'. It doesn't seem very likely to me.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
B_Szabo said:
Hello there.
I'm having problems with my Android device and I'm very frustrated with it so far...
My device is a Motorola Moto G. I've updated it to the latest Android version available (4.4.2), however, I'm experiencing some serious problems; the most important atm is the alarm.
Another thing that really annoys me is that you can't even change the volume without playing the sounds... if you want to set a very loud volume in the middle of the night there's no way other than waking everybody up. Additionally, I would like to be able to somehow record a call, but none of the apps works with this device.
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try downgrading to 4.3 ,apparently the 4.4 update has many issues.
for changing the volume download a proper sound management app.
abhi101 said:
try downgrading to 4.3 ,apparently the 4.4 update has many issues.
for changing the volume download a proper sound management app.
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Thank you for your reply,
However, after Googling and contacting motorola, it seems there's no way of downgrading (without rooting the device) .
The alarm problem is getting worse, today for some reason when the alarm was ringing, instead of the alarm screen, the default lock screen appeared, the volume buttons didn't work also, so there was no way to snooze the alarm, I had to turn it off in the configs and get out the bed like 1 hour earlier than usual.
Isn't it possible that the problem is some kind of flashing fail when I've updated the OS? I highly doubt everyone is having this problem... Isn't there a way of reinstalling the OS?
Also, the hardware isn't very good. It seems of good quality in appearance but after only a couple of months the battery isn't lasting as it used to. motorola support is simply horrendous in my country, there's no support at all. I don't even know why there's a warranty if in practice that means absolutely nothing.
I'm thinking about buying an alarm clock, preferably a german-made one that I can trust... It's outrageous though. I never thought I would need an alarm clock again.
Worst purchase ever. I'm thinking about getting back my cheapo Samsung Galaxy Pocket Plus that I gave away. It wasn't as comfortable as this motorola but it surely did work and the apps were much better, I thought they were all standard Android apps but it ended up they are from Samsung, in 99% of the cases you can long hold the stuff to pop a menu of actions, for example, hold a contact for a menu on editing/deleting/etc. hold a number on a message for a menu on adding-contact/adding-number-to-contact/etc. It was very intuitive and straightforward. The apps in this motorola are exactly the opposite, holding the finger on stuff never do anything and most times not even tapping stuff does anything. It's a pain to use its cumbersome and confusing interface. Only for adding a simple contact I take more than 10 times the time I've used to take to add a contact on my cheapo Samsung phone.
I thought the phone would be good specially in terms of software because motorola is "a Google company" but I was completely wrong. It seems Google is going to sell motorola, perhaps not even they were believing the products were good after all. In any case, I'm never buying motorola again.
Also, there are lots of topics on the poor quality/limitations of stock Android apps and the unanimous solution is to install better apps from Google Play, in the end it's quite a mess because most/some stock apps can't be disabled and their services will continue to run, along with some others from 3rd party that should in fact substitute them. If the stock apps are so poor, there should be a way to completely disable them all imho, or even better, perhaps they could just ship high-quality opensource apps instead of the terrible stock ones.
So far I'm very frustrated. If I could get my money back I would surely get a Blackberry or Samsung device. I don't really care about games and it seems that's what made android so popular, the cornucopia of awful (seriously, 99% of the games on Google Play are of extremely bad quality) games full of sneaky ads and that needs every permission possible to run. That permission thing is another one that doesn't really works. It should work but most apps ask for a lot of permissions that doesn't make any sense and the users don't seem to care much.
Sorry for the rant, thanks for your help.
Hello there.
I'm just posting here to let you know that I've unlocked the bootloader, downgraded to 4.3 and now the thing works perfectly. Plus I've discovered the battery problem AND a poor signal AND cal recording not working were because of the faulty update also! I must inform also that it seems the problem only occurs in dual chip versions and I've already downgraded the system for a friend of mine who was having the same problems, so, if you have the dual chip version, please don't upgrade it to kitkat! You'll get a nonworking OS and will be forced to ditch your warranty to use your phone in a sane way again. It seems the support for the dual chip version was dropped already because the single chip one (which was usable after the update) have received other updates after 4.4 to fix minor bugs, but the dual chip which is totally broken and unusable didn't receive any.
Having to circumvent the normal conditions and lose your warranty to have an usable device proves that motorola (and google by consequence) have the responsibility of a kid.
The downgrade didn't fix the problem with browsing files from the computer though, for that specific problem I'm going to open another thread as it seems android related.
In general the Android community is not very good, it's full of what I suppose are kids, wanting to help but only disrupting any chance to solve the issue. The IRC channel is specially unhelpful. Unless your question is "where do I plug the other end of the cable" or "how do I turn on my device" chances are you won't get any actual help and by the answers you can see the people there don't have a clue on anything. Probably it's full of <10yo kids. At least in mental terms . The XDA however, seems to be an exception, actually standing out from the lots of unhelpful forums and chats out there. In this topic I didn't receive many replies, but it's better this than receiving a lot of moronic replies like I would have received in IRC or other forums.
Thank you.

Voice echoing on other end of phone call?

EDIT: Read the other comments in this thread to see what I've tried and what hasn't worked. Thank you!
I love my Galaxy S5 so far, but currently it's sucking at being an actual phone. On the other end of the phone line, the people I've talked to have complained of the audio sort of cutting in and out like someone is interrupting me. This happens when I'm in quiet rooms alone, so I'm confused. At first I though it was the case on my phone (Supcase), but after replicating the problem for myself, that doesn't seem to be the case. So at this point I'm not really sure if my phone is possessed or if it's a hardware problem. For reference, I'm running XtreSoLite rom and I have a few Viper4Android audio things running. I'm not sure if that could be the problem. Anyway, if someone could help me solve this issue, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you!
jtc276 said:
I love my Galaxy S5 so far, but currently it's sucking at being an actual phone. On the other end of the phone line, the people I've talked to have complained of the audio sort of cutting in and out like someone is interrupting me. This happens when I'm in quiet rooms alone, so I'm confused. At first I though it was the case on my phone (Supcase), but after replicating the problem for myself, that doesn't seem to be the case. So at this point I'm not really sure if my phone is possessed or if it's a hardware problem. For reference, I'm running XtreSoLite rom and I have a few Viper4Android audio things running. I'm not sure if that could be the problem. Anyway, if someone could help me solve this issue, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you!
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It's certainly not normal. Not with stock firmware or custom ROMs like Phoenix. I have no idea if your custom ROM is a factor, bit it seems unlikely.
Possibly your problems are reflective of being in a location with a weak and tenuous signal strength. Generally speaking dropouts and feedback are data latency issues seen more with Voip and VoLTE calls. You don't have nearly enough information to do more than guess yet.. but I would make your audio app (Viper) to be the prime suspect.
See if you can exempt voice calls from Viper or temporarily uninstall it. Also find out if any background apps are using high CPU and in particular if any audio apps are set to high priority. Find out if you arwe using VoLTE. CPU (power saving) apps?
If you can't narrow it down, make a backup and then revert to 100% stock to rule out hardware issues. Then install apps one at a time, watching for the issue to return. You could also open a carrier support ticket to see if your account is misconfigured, using a low grade codec, etc.
fffft said:
It's certainly not normal. Not with stock firmware or custom ROMs like Phoenix. I have no idea if your custom ROM is a factor, bit it seems unlikely.
Possibly your problems are reflective of being in a location with a weak and tenuous signal strength. Generally speaking dropouts and feedback are data latency issues seen more with Voip and VoLTE calls. You don't have nearly enough information to do more than guess yet.. but I would make your audio app (Viper) to be the prime suspect.
See if you can exempt voice calls from Viper or temporarily uninstall it. Also find out if any background apps are using high CPU and in particular if any audio apps are set to high priority. Find out if you arwe using VoLTE. CPU (power saving) apps?
If you can't narrow it down, make a backup and then revert to 100% stock to rule out hardware issues. Then install apps one at a time, watching for the issue to return. You could also open a carrier support ticket to see if your account is misconfigured, using a low grade codec, etc.
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Thank you for all of this! I'm having an unfortunate week because I'm actually away from home and have very limited internet access, so factory resetting my phone isn't currently an option. However, I did turn VoLTE off and I'll be wiping my cache because I read somewhere that might work. I'll also be watching my apps, but I'm not sure that's the problem. I generally have the same apps on all of the phones I use and this is the only phone people have said I sound bad on. And I don't think Viper is the culprit either because I've disabled it and nothing has changed. So hopefully turning off VoLTE works or simply wiping the cache does the trick. If not, I'll definitely do everything that you recommended because I want to avoid RMAing this device at all costs.
It seems that a factory reset solved the problem. I still have no idea what the problem was, though, but I'm happy it seems to be gone.
So the problem has returned. I factory reset once again and it hasn't done the trick. Everyone is describing it as an echo and telling me they can hear themselves echoing when they speak, although it sounds fine on my end. I don't know what else to do. I have:
Factory reset
Taken the sim out and put it back in
Changed APNs
I don't know what else I can do. Really hoping I don't have to RMA this device. Does anyone know how Samsung is with RMAs?
Still having this problem. I hope there's someone out there who knows how to fix it.
you ain't alone mine was fine for a while then after the new update it came back i call t-mobile.they put in a open repair tickets as others around my town also signal is always -114 to -119.they have heard it it when i call them.i get the echo or it brakes up or call turns into noise and then calls drop and they have to call me back on house phone they claim it is a tower/signal issue.??
jtc276 said:
Still having this problem. I hope there's someone out there who knows how to fix it.
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i had this on my first two handsets it happened in the first 14 days so i had no trouble going into tmo store and exchanging it twice. people could not hear me and the echo was really bad. third s5 call quality super clear now.
been you had exchange the phone and new one working fine what software is it on NF6 or the new NG3 that would tell us a lot???before i downgrade back to the nf6
420soljah808 said:
i had this on my first two handsets it happened in the first 14 days so i had no trouble going into tmo store and exchanging it twice. people could not hear me and the echo was really bad. third s5 call quality super clear now.
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I had this same issue as well. I could hear people jsut fine, but when they tried to talk to me, be it over tmo network or through wifi calling, they heard bad echoes and noise. I even did as you did; factory reset and it sorta worked. When it happened again, I cleared caches (the official fix from tmo 611) and that worked for a couple hours. Eventually, they told me to take it back to the store and get a replacement.
I believe it's a hardware issue related to the mic; here's why:
When I'm in my car and on bluetooth people on other end hear me just fine and crystal clear. When I used a bluetooth headset, same thing. As soon as I disconnect from BT and go to just the normal mic, echo pops in.
One thing you can do is call 611 and use the voice prompts. It was so bad on my end that the voice prompts picked up itself (well the echoes from the voice prompts). If you do and the voice prompt system routs you even when you don't say anything (it routes your call because of the echoes) then you definitely have a bad handset.
I was rooted, custom recovery, knox tripped and mailed my phone in. Nothing happened. But they did charge me $20 for a return/replacement fee. The new phone I got works no problem.

