notes folders - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

When I go into notes now, it displays every folder on the machine, I'm sure it didn't used to.Also the scroll bars disappear leaving the the page underneath visible, not life-threatening but irritating and scruffy. I'm running 3.15.15 and 4.16.


Program folder and shortcut questions...

Being relatively new to Windows Mobile (long time Palm user), I'm trying to come to grips with some of the quirks of this platform.
I would like to group my shortcuts into logical areas such as applications, utilities, media, etc and was able to create folders and move the shortcut link files into those folders. So far so good.
However when I went into some of these folders by accessing the Programs folder, I was faced with a huge delay before all the icons showed up on screen. I also ran into a problem when uninstalling some programs only to find they left the shortcut behind (because it was not in the expected location I assume). I ended up undoing all I had done and now my shortcuts appear quickly again, but of course there are now a large number of them all in the Programs folder which is what I was trying to avoid.
How do people normally deal with the fact that every program installs a shortcut in the default Programs folder and you end up with an unwieldy number of shortcuts in one place?
I've not had an issue with this, as if the icons are in the programs folder there is sufficiant cache for this to be scrolled relatively quickly.
The last 4-6 applications are available on the quick launch area of start menu anyway...
May I suggestion something like SPB Pocket Plus or some other of SPBs finest apps if you wish to sort your icons out... you can have them on the deskop then for faster access...

Empty Boxes in Programs Tab

I've installed several apps and tweaks on my TP and I believe one of them gives a very undesired side effect - just not sure which one.
In the Programs Tab I have now a third page of place holders - except, they don't do anything. I can't load another app onto them. And if I try, they stay blank but another place holder appears next to it, making the page longer and longer.
I have not figured out how to get rid of them or use them or reverse the effect. But it does give me trouble getting to the second page of the usable soft buttons. It just quickly scrolls past it.
If anyone has any ideas, I would like to hear them.
Possible culprits: Advanced Configuration Tool or AE Button Mapper....
Found the Solution / Fix!
You can only have 18 icons in the programs tab, the new one/s that keep popping up are useless. You can get rid of them by going in to your registry and delelting the offending entries.
Navigate to - HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\ProgramLauncher\
In here look for a key that does not belong, you should have 0-17, when I get a rogue program icon it is usually listed as 100. Delete the whole key and voila the icon is gone. You don't have to reboot all you have to do is navigate to another tab and back to programs and the icon will be gone.
(posted on ppcgeeks by majorassface )

[Q] Help - lost enlarged scroll button + Sense background

I went to Settings/Manage Applications/Remove Programs and removed several listed items, which I thought just related to unused colour schemes, in order to free up some storage memory. However, I now find that two unintended changes have resulted.
1. The main one is that I seem to have lost the enlarged scroll button that previously appeared when I tapped the right-hand side of long windows. All I have now is the default grey slider bar.
2. The other, less important, is that after the screen display times out and I press a button to restore the display with the 'slide padlock', the background has changed from the original Sense colours to a plain 'gradient blue' background. This is not inconveniencing me at all, but it would be nice to restore the original background.
i think both problems, especially the FIRST one, can be fixed by simply going to Windows Mobile Settings->Home and choosing a different OK...and then repeat the same steps and NOW choose the stock HTC theme (don't know what its called! sorry!).
after all of the above, set a wallpaper from Windows Mobile Settings->Home, check the box at the bottom that says "Use this picture as the background" and select a file. after this step, set a home screen and lock screen wallpaper from Sense. if you use CHT (cookie's home tab), you will get even more options and control over your wallpaper.
ASCIIker said:
i think both problems, especially the FIRST one, can be fixed by simply going to Windows Mobile Settings->Home and choosing a different OK...and then repeat the same steps and NOW choose the stock HTC theme (don't know what its called! sorry!).
after all of the above, set a wallpaper from Windows Mobile Settings->Home, check the box at the bottom that says "Use this picture as the background" and select a file. after this step, set a home screen and lock screen wallpaper from Sense. if you use CHT (cookie's home tab), you will get even more options and control over your wallpaper.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Many thanks for your reply. Your advice got me on the right track to resolve both problems.
I went to Settings->Menu->All Settings->Today and changed the theme, then repeated the sequence and changed it back to 'HTC Black'. I then chose the 'Items' tab and changed the checkbox from 'HTC Sense' to 'Windows Default' (ignoring a warning not to move away from Sense). Then I repeated the sequence and changed the 'Items' checkbox back to 'HTC Sense'. This seems to have restored both the Sense wallpaper and the enlarged scroll button.
Thanks again.

Very Annoying Problem with quicklinks on Homescreen after a Hard Reset

Following a HR after developing a problem with Sense not loading I now have an annoying problem concerning the quicklinks on my home screen which I'm hoping someone can help me with.
I have my quicklinks set out in a 4x4 format with the first 2 rows of icons visible on my screen. Prior to the HR it was simply a case of swiping my finger in an upwards motion, this then removed the clock from the screen and the bottom two rows of icons slid into view ready for me to use.
Now, for some unknown reason, when I swipe my finger upwards, the first two rows of links are still visible, but the bottom two rows don't now move up. What happens is that I'm taken to another screen which is blank except for a notification bar that shows the current date and time. This is really annoying and means I can't now access the bottom two rows of icons.
After the HR I installed CHT 1.8.5 & editor, I had an earlier version installed prior to the HR. So I'm wondering if it's got anything to do with this. I've spent hours meticulously going through CHT settings and still can not correct this problem.
Any help would be much appreciated.
sounds like your home screen is messed up.
Click on Menu, Edit home layout and make sure you are on level 1 main home.
nrfitchett4 said:
sounds like your home screen is messed up.
Click on Menu, Edit home layout and make sure you are on level 1 main home.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thx for the reply.
I've gone into edit home layout, level 1 main home and everything appears to be fine. However after clicking ''done'' the same problem still remains. I'm stumped??
Problem sorted!
I went into CHT Editor and selected ''Restore Defaults''. This took my quicklinks to a 3x3 formation but when I swiped my finger upwards everything worked as it should. It was then just a case of re-selecting 4x4 formation and the issue was sorted.

CM9 XU MIUI V5 Issues
When accessing the WLAN for the first time a keyboard does not appear to enter WLAN password. A notification has appeared which is prompting to select keyboard type. The default setting seems to be Remote Keybaord (MyPhoneExplorer). This doesn't seem like a good default.
I can't access new ringtones. It says unable to connect even though I then go on to add and sync a google account. (so there's nothing wrong with the internet)
Under "Clock" the word "StopWatch" doesn't fit inside the screen. It says Stopwa and then runs out of space.
"News and Weather" crashes upon launch.
Gallery crashes when selecting what I assume is a contrast adjuster in the lower left. (Looks like three circles intertwined)
Gallery seems to have issues with images that contain transparency. A garbled version of another image is shown in the transparent parts. (When viewing a single image and swiping left / right to view next)
I'm not crazy about the "Bee-do bee-do" loader screen. Maybe others like it but I'd prefer something more sedate.

