Time and date on delayed sms - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Just a quick question people...
If text messages are delayed for whatever reason when they arrive on the xda the time and date is current. I'm pretty certain that on my old nokia phone it held the date and time that the text message was sent.
Just helps to know how old the text message is.
Anyone else noticed?
Anyway to fix it?

pete2you said:
Just a quick question people...
If text messages are delayed for whatever reason when they arrive on the xda the time and date is current. I'm pretty certain that on my old nokia phone it held the date and time that the text message was sent.
Just helps to know how old the text message is.
Anyone else noticed?
Anyway to fix it?
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Mine is also the same the one thing u can do is refresh the screen every 10 sec. so the sms wont be delayed......and about the time....it think there is no patch or fix for this problem for now.....
If there is a fix.....ANYONE?

same here
I know what you mean.
If you have the phone part switched off for whatever reason. Then you get a couple of text messages all with the current time. Probably sent the night before!
The XDA is a great idea, but led down with lots of little flaws.
Would this flaw be another pocket Outlook problem? If I recall correctly then, outlook grabs the SMS before the actual SIM can handle them, Mmmm thoughts...

If the sms is handled by outlook then perhaps a tweak can be created? Will need a bit more investigation methinks
Cheers fellas.


Hero on Rogers Canada

I recently purchased my HTC Hero from a local retailer. (I am in Canada)
My problem is with SMS messages. My messages appear in the conversation with the correct time. All my received sms messages are 4 hours behind the actual received time.
Rogers releases a specific fix for the HTC Magic and Dream (Hero is not supported here and I doubt Rogers will make a patch just for me)
I had the same problem with my Xperia X1, that was solved with a quick registry edit.
Any ideas of what I should do?
I assume that your time stamp is 4 hours behind, i had the same problem. just set your time zone to however far behind you need your time stamp to be
Hi, i am having the same problem as you. I am in Canada too
So here are some solutions (not perfect solutions)
you can EITHER install my modified version of smsfixtimes, it will fix the time stamp when you receive messages. Details about the app can be found on the project page http://code.google.com/p/smsfixtimes/ (the original version posted by the author does not work on hero)
problem with this app:
1)the time showed in notifications is not corrected
2)maybe interfere with wifi connection, sometimes you get connection error in Android Market, not sure if the app is really causing the problem
OR if having correct time stamps is not crucial to you, install chompSMS as a workaround, it have a correct threaded view even the time stamps are wrong
flamesprite said:
I assume that your time stamp is 4 hours behind, i had the same problem. just set your time zone to however far behind you need your time stamp to be
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Thanks but I actually use my phone as a time piece. Not worth having a messed up time to make my txt messages appear to be correct.
man this is so frustrating. If it's not the radio signals that need to be changed its registry hacks to make their faulty hardware work proper.
I tried the SMSfix. Doesnt work fer **** on my phone. Fixed all messages and it did nothing.
skiiirt said:
Thanks but I actually use my phone as a time piece. Not worth having a messed up time to make my txt messages appear to be correct.
man this is so frustrating. If it's not the radio signals that need to be changed its registry hacks to make their faulty hardware work proper.
I tried the SMSfix. Doesnt work fer **** on my phone. Fixed all messages and it did nothing.
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did you try the one i attached or the one found on market? coz it's working fine on my hero
It isn't working on mine either.
I tried the one you attached. It worked, well sort of. I am now only 2 hours out, instead of 4. So slightly better but definitely not fixed
it's quite simply really
You set your timezone to however far behind your clock is and then you manually manage your time so make sure that automatic isnt ticked off then you just set the time to whatever you want it to be. works for me
flamesprite said:
it's quite simply really
You set your timezone to however far behind your clock is and then you manually manage your time so make sure that automatic isnt ticked off then you just set the time to whatever you want it to be. works for me
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but does the twitter widget show negative times?
my god Tangzq, thank you SO much! That app worked perfectly for me!
This was the only thing that was bothering me about the Hero and I'm glad it's finally fixed!
flamesprite said:
it's quite simply really
You set your timezone to however far behind your clock is and then you manually manage your time so make sure that automatic isnt ticked off then you just set the time to whatever you want it to be. works for me
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Worked for about 10 minutes, randomly "unfixed" itself. Times are now off.
How do I install this zipped app?
tangzq said:
Hi, i am having the same problem as you. I am in Canada too
So here are some solutions (not perfect solutions)
you can EITHER install my modified version of smsfixtimes, it will fix the time stamp when you receive messages. Details about the app can be found on the project page http://code.google.com/p/smsfixtimes/ (the original version posted by the author does not work on hero)
problem with this app:
1)the time showed in notifications is not corrected
2)maybe interfere with wifi connection, sometimes you get connection error in Android Market, not sure if the app is really causing the problem
OR if having correct time stamps is not crucial to you, install chompSMS as a workaround, it have a correct threaded view even the time stamps are wrong
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How do I install this zipped app? its not in the apk format, please help

SMS recieved time

Is anyone else getting really annoyed by the fact that you can't tell what time you received a text on the previous day? Whatever way you try to look at it, it just says "Yesterday"!!
The date IS in the database.
Am I missing something really simple here?
Yes it's very annoying, especially when you check just after midnight and you have no idea when your most recent texts were sent / received.
Maybe a fix will be released, who knows.
ritdaw said:
Is anyone else getting really annoyed by the fact that you can't tell what time you received a text on the previous day? Whatever way you try to look at it, it just says "Yesterday"!!
The date IS in the database.
Am I missing something really simple here?
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This is why I moved to Handcent
I don't want to rock the boat with any other SMS software yet. I've only just got the missing SMS problem resolved!

Text msg sends to wrong contact

Has anyone have their vibrant send a text to a random contact?
Some times while I'm have a text conversation, the contact image will change to someone else. And then my texts from that point on is sent to the contact whose pic is showing. So if I'm texting John, I send a reply to his text. But all of a sudden the picture is Sarah. And even though the number showing is Johns, the text are being sent to Sarah.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Happens to me sometimes
It has happened to me twice, with two different Vibrants, but I have exchanged them both. I am on the third one now and has not happened yet... easy fix, just delete both threads of texts "Sarah" and "John" and it will all be back to normal
by the way, this is not why I exchanged the phones, I had some email issues, but happened on both phones
I just wanted to make sure it wasn't just me. It has happened to me twice so far.
Happened to me.
This'll go over great when, meaning to text my wife, I send something like "Let's bone tonight!" and it goes to some random female friend. Yeah, let's hope this fix is in the coming update.
down8 said:
Happened to me.
This'll go over great when, meaning to text my wife, I send something like "Let's bone tonight!" and it goes to some random female friend. Yeah, let's hope this fix is in the coming update.
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LoL Happened to me a couple of times...Sent a message meant for my girlfriend to a friend of mine that I had also been talking to that night...lets just say he wasn't too interested in the activities I had planned for us that night.
Like posted before just clear your messages and it shouldn't happen as much. It's a pain but hopefully that's something that gets fixed in the upcoming update.
This sounds vaguely familiar - I remember hearing about this on the Nexus One:
Apparently it's still going on even in Froyo. I have never personally experienced this. Also read here:
There is some speculation that the corruption begins after receiving an incoming MMS from certain services such as Bank of America's online banking alerts.
Has happened to me more times than I can remember. Makes things interesting of course, but yes def has been happening.
Just a thought - there is an app called SMS Backup/Restore which can index all your messages into an XML file. It skips MMS but this is ok because I rarely receive them.
So if you are experiencing wrong recipients, try taking a full XML backup using this app, and then clear your SMS logs. Restore them back and see if the messages are back under the right threads, and see how long it takes to get the error again.
+1 for me as well...
I've had a similar issue but not exactly the same. I will receive a text from someone and press to reply and it opens a text box with the recipient being someone different than the one I am meaning to reply to. I have caught it both times and have yet to send out a bad text to someone, but it is annoying that you have to be that careful with something that has worked perfectly on phones that are $20 phones... shouldn't happen.

[Q] Texting issues for Motorola Photon

Hello and thank you for taking he time to read this.I own a Motorola Photon with Android 2.3.4 as my operating sytem. Since the latest update, I have been having issues with my text messaging. Its strange as how it happens but what the totality of my issue is that when I reply to individuals I send text messages too ,other individuals would receive my text message that I did not reply to. For example:
Contact A sends me a text message "Hello how are you doing?" and Contact B send me a text message " Bring milk on your way home". Now, when I respond back to Contact A by saying "Im fine thank you and how have you been?, Contact B will receive the text message that was meant for Contact A.This seems to occur almost on a daily basis. Is there more folks out there that is having this same issue? And if so, please let me know what I would need to do to resolve this matter. I did update profile and I did have sprint talk a look at it but they are claiming its MOTOTROLAs/Android issues and that I will have to wait for them to push a fix.
Also, I am not using any 3rd party text app or have a rooted phone. Im using the standard MOTOBLUR launcher! I was using the standard motorola messaging app and had the problem as I described to which I started using the GO Messaging app which had the same issues and errors.I am back using the motorola messaging app.
Please let me know if there is a fix for this problem or if there are different alernatives that I can do to avoid this problem.I have been in contact with Nick, [email protected], who has stated that that a fix was sent out regarding this but I am .....I am still constantly having the text messaging issues and its causing a major problem where I'm always second guessing as to whom I'm replying to in my messages. Please let me know if there is going to be a major fix or a software update for this problem?
Please provide some type of feedback!
Thank you again for your time!
I do not have this problem on my Photon, but I did on my Evo for a minute. Twice in a month I happen to approach my mother with sexual comments!!!!
More or less, I cleaned up and deleted all my text messages. Here is what 'I' think the problem was. Lets say I know a girl name Lori and we text all the time. I did not have 30 text from her over a month, I had 1 text with 500 replies in it!!! Take the above and times it by 80+ people............
Saved them and deleted them all. Have not had the problem since! (Come to think of it, it was November 2010. I was joking with a friend over thanksgiving day sexual "Treat", my mother called me with "Excuse me?" and repeted what I had typed to the friend. I looked at text message and it was addressed to friend, but somehow..........anyway, that is how I fixed it!
---------- Post added at 04:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:51 PM ----------
I wanted to come back here and address this, although my last post is true and may seem funny, looking at the BIG picture, it was not and a very serious issue. What did or did not my boss receive? The girl that I REALLY liked, what did she receive? If my daughter asked me for money and I replied "Sure, I'll send you $50.00?", who did it go to?
After my mother's call, my mind was a wreck for 3 or 4 days thinking of what I sent and who received what.
If they are THAT important to you, get Titanium Backup and save them. Then blow them away weekly or so. I keep one screen of text messages, no need to scroll.
+1 To the suggestion above. I also had this problem occasionally on my old HTC Hero and I'm pretty sure when I would delete a bunch of threads and clean out all the text messages stored in the phone, this issue went away. Still an annoying problem though and it would be nice if it never happened.
As for backing up SMS/MMS messages, I recommend a simple Free app from the Market called "SMS Backup & Restore". It makes saving/backing up texts very easy -- just 2 or 3 touches of your screen, and it puts them all in a single .xml file that can easily be pulled off your phone or card via USB, emailed to yourself, etc.
Titanium Backup Pro. PERIOD!!! $6.58 and worth ever cent!!!
EDIT: I backup every 3:00AM Monday, then every few weeks move the backup to Desktop AND my 16Gb USB on my keychain!
Sort of bringing back an old thread, but my texts are not coming through any more. I can send them, but I dont get any. I do get mms. My wife, who is sitting right next to me, gets them and sends them, so I don't think it is Sprint. Might be a Sprint/Android thing though because she has a blackberry. Its been two days without a text and I normally do 20-50 texts a day.
I am stock rooted and using the stock messaging app. Nothing has changed from 2 days ago with the problem started. I've tried rebooting, roaming, and home only.
Any ideas?
my2cents said:
Sort of bringing back an old thread, but my texts are not coming through any more. I can send them, but I dont get any. I do get mms. My wife, who is sitting right next to me, gets them and sends them, so I don't think it is Sprint. Might be a Sprint/Android thing though because she has a blackberry. Its been two days without a text and I normally do 20-50 texts a day.
I am stock rooted and using the stock messaging app. Nothing has changed from 2 days ago with the problem started. I've tried rebooting, roaming, and home only.
Any ideas?
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Read back in this thread and you will find your answer. As I use my phone more and more, I still find the need to clean up worthless text to clear s**t up! Pandora lags, ZumoCast stutters, Facebook crashes. I blow away 60 to 80 text, problem solved!
dsims7_2000 said:
Read back in this thread and you will find your answer. As I use my phone more and more, I still find the need to clean up worthless text to clear s**t up! Pandora lags, ZumoCast stutters, Facebook crashes. I blow away 60 to 80 text, problem solved!
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Yeah, I deleted all my texts messages that I had stored. Still have not received a text, but I do get mms still. Tried updating PRL and Profile. Tried rebooting several times.... Still nothing.
Try sending yourself a text message. Sometimes I get a bunch that haven't come through by doing that. Also, install Google Voice as it will get messages too sometimes even if they don't make it to your sms app
MoPhoACTV Initiative
@my2cents, did that work for you too?
MoPhoACTV Initiative

[Q] Phone reading out message

Hi guys just wanted to know if this has happened to anyone. I received a text message and my phone randomly spoke the fact I had a message. It said '(insert name) has sent you a text message' I'm pretty sure I didn't change anything and it only done it once
cheers guys
louie875 said:
Hi guys just wanted to know if this has happened to anyone. I received a text message and my phone randomly spoke the fact I had a message. It said '(insert name) has sent you a text message' I'm pretty sure I didn't change anything and it only done it once
cheers guys
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Read my sig... questions go to the Q&A, keep the forum clean/organizes please.
louie875 said:
Hi guys just wanted to know if this has happened to anyone. I received a text message and my phone randomly spoke the fact I had a message. It said '(insert name) has sent you a text message' I'm pretty sure I didn't change anything and it only done it once
cheers guys
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You probably have light flow installed. I would uninstall it as it is causing battery drain issues and other problems.
What is light flow and what does it do?
You may have driving mode enabled. Have a look in the hidden toggles in the notification area.
That's exactly what it is haha. Thanks a lot

