Hero on Rogers Canada - Hero, G2 Touch Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I recently purchased my HTC Hero from a local retailer. (I am in Canada)
My problem is with SMS messages. My messages appear in the conversation with the correct time. All my received sms messages are 4 hours behind the actual received time.
Rogers releases a specific fix for the HTC Magic and Dream (Hero is not supported here and I doubt Rogers will make a patch just for me)
I had the same problem with my Xperia X1, that was solved with a quick registry edit.
Any ideas of what I should do?

I assume that your time stamp is 4 hours behind, i had the same problem. just set your time zone to however far behind you need your time stamp to be

Hi, i am having the same problem as you. I am in Canada too
So here are some solutions (not perfect solutions)
you can EITHER install my modified version of smsfixtimes, it will fix the time stamp when you receive messages. Details about the app can be found on the project page http://code.google.com/p/smsfixtimes/ (the original version posted by the author does not work on hero)
problem with this app:
1)the time showed in notifications is not corrected
2)maybe interfere with wifi connection, sometimes you get connection error in Android Market, not sure if the app is really causing the problem
OR if having correct time stamps is not crucial to you, install chompSMS as a workaround, it have a correct threaded view even the time stamps are wrong

flamesprite said:
I assume that your time stamp is 4 hours behind, i had the same problem. just set your time zone to however far behind you need your time stamp to be
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Thanks but I actually use my phone as a time piece. Not worth having a messed up time to make my txt messages appear to be correct.
man this is so frustrating. If it's not the radio signals that need to be changed its registry hacks to make their faulty hardware work proper.
I tried the SMSfix. Doesnt work fer **** on my phone. Fixed all messages and it did nothing.

skiiirt said:
Thanks but I actually use my phone as a time piece. Not worth having a messed up time to make my txt messages appear to be correct.
man this is so frustrating. If it's not the radio signals that need to be changed its registry hacks to make their faulty hardware work proper.
I tried the SMSfix. Doesnt work fer **** on my phone. Fixed all messages and it did nothing.
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did you try the one i attached or the one found on market? coz it's working fine on my hero

It isn't working on mine either.

I tried the one you attached. It worked, well sort of. I am now only 2 hours out, instead of 4. So slightly better but definitely not fixed

it's quite simply really
You set your timezone to however far behind your clock is and then you manually manage your time so make sure that automatic isnt ticked off then you just set the time to whatever you want it to be. works for me

flamesprite said:
it's quite simply really
You set your timezone to however far behind your clock is and then you manually manage your time so make sure that automatic isnt ticked off then you just set the time to whatever you want it to be. works for me
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but does the twitter widget show negative times?

my god Tangzq, thank you SO much! That app worked perfectly for me!
This was the only thing that was bothering me about the Hero and I'm glad it's finally fixed!

flamesprite said:
it's quite simply really
You set your timezone to however far behind your clock is and then you manually manage your time so make sure that automatic isnt ticked off then you just set the time to whatever you want it to be. works for me
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Worked for about 10 minutes, randomly "unfixed" itself. Times are now off.

How do I install this zipped app?
tangzq said:
Hi, i am having the same problem as you. I am in Canada too
So here are some solutions (not perfect solutions)
you can EITHER install my modified version of smsfixtimes, it will fix the time stamp when you receive messages. Details about the app can be found on the project page http://code.google.com/p/smsfixtimes/ (the original version posted by the author does not work on hero)
problem with this app:
1)the time showed in notifications is not corrected
2)maybe interfere with wifi connection, sometimes you get connection error in Android Market, not sure if the app is really causing the problem
OR if having correct time stamps is not crucial to you, install chompSMS as a workaround, it have a correct threaded view even the time stamps are wrong
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How do I install this zipped app? its not in the apk format, please help


How to keep a same time in wm and android?

I'm in GMT +8 and the time shows in wm and android has a gap of 8 hours.
Just like the time question in pc when using windows and linux&mac os at the same time.
How can i solve this in phone? Thanks~
xi.lin said:
I'm in GMT +8 and the time shows in wm and android has a gap of 8 hours.
Just like the time question in pc when using windows and linux&mac os at the same time.
How can i solve this in phone? Thanks~
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I'm GMT -7, and my time never is different - I guess my WinMo ROM or service provider is updating the time...? That seems like the best solution. If you have cell service on the device, just make sure that the device receives time from your provider...
For me, this 'just works' - I didn't have to setup anything. I don't know why some do and others don't... but that's the solution. There's probably some atomic clock app for WinMo as well, but this really is a WinMo issue... and you're posting in the Android development section .
Thanks for your infomation, and i think i should try some rom from energy or jackos.
And if the post is not related in the section, you can delete it~
xi.lin said:
I'm in GMT +8 and the time shows in wm and android has a gap of 8 hours.
Just like the time question in pc when using windows and linux&mac os at the same time.
How can i solve this in phone? Thanks~
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There is a good, free time sync app, here.
You can configure it to run at startup by creating the shortcut (using total commander) in the \Windows\Startup directory with the command line option "/silent"
For me setting the time-zone to GTM +0 (Casablanca) in android works. (with auto detect time via internet selected off).
btw, I'm from the Netherlands ;p
jellenl said:
For me setting the time-zone to GTM +0 (Casablanca) in android works. (with auto detect time via internet selected off).
btw, I'm from the Netherlands ;p
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GMT+0 sometimes make some app odd in android~
jellenl said:
For me setting the time-zone to GTM +0 (Casablanca) in android works. (with auto detect time via internet selected off).
btw, I'm from the Netherlands ;p
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I have the same settings.
arrrghhh said:
I'm GMT -7, and my time never is different - I guess my WinMo ROM or service provider is updating the time...? That seems like the best solution. If you have cell service on the device, just make sure that the device receives time from your provider...
For me, this 'just works' - I didn't have to setup anything. I don't know why some do and others don't... but that's the solution. There's probably some atomic clock app for WinMo as well, but this really is a WinMo issue... and you're posting in the Android development section .
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Yup. Some WinMo ROMs autoupdate the time, some don't. EnergyROM doesn't seem to do so, making it update from network requires going through a bunch of menu items. It's a real pain...
Entropy512 said:
Yup. Some WinMo ROMs autoupdate the time, some don't. EnergyROM doesn't seem to do so, making it update from network requires going through a bunch of menu items. It's a real pain...
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I've used EnergyROM ever since I got the TP2, always updated for me... Never changed any settings from the default - I've also flashed many different versions of Energy. Before I preferred the look/feel of Sense, but anymore I just use WinMo to boot Android, so I went back to Titanium .
arrrghhh said:
I've used EnergyROM ever since I got the TP2, always updated for me... Never changed any settings from the default - I've also flashed many different versions of Energy. Before I preferred the look/feel of Sense, but anymore I just use WinMo to boot Android, so I went back to Titanium .
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I've been using Titanium too for the past two months - but for whatever reason Energy stopped autoupdating time for me ages ago.
I wonder if it's just disabled for GSM users?
Entropy512 said:
I've been using Titanium too for the past two months - but for whatever reason Energy stopped autoupdating time for me ages ago.
I wonder if it's just disabled for GSM users?
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Tha'd be odd. It seems GSM users have reported this issue MUCH more frequently than CDMA users - so perhaps that is the key...
My WINMO never ever syncs time.
I'm using energy too 0.o
WINMO always reports some wacky time that's always incorrect.
ryannathans said:
My WINMO never ever syncs time.
I'm using energy too 0.o
WINMO always reports some wacky time that's always incorrect.
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Actually, it's probably always correct - if you assume it's GMT and not local.
My winmo is always right, to the second. I assumed it polled the carrier the same way some of my dumbphones have in the past.
The only time its ever been off was when I used a time sync tool in android to correct that clock. For a few minutes after booting back into winmo, that clock was off before it polled again and righted itself. Since I rely on my winmo clock and only play in android for now, I tolerate the android clock being off and no longer try to sync the time, though other than getting a sync tool from the market, I've never really tried to fix it. Might just be some normal android setting change is necessary.
fortunz said:
My winmo is always right, to the second. I assumed it polled the carrier the same way some of my dumbphones have in the past.
The only time its ever been off was when I used a time sync tool in android to correct that clock. For a few minutes after booting back into winmo, that clock was off before it polled again and righted itself. Since I rely on my winmo clock and only play in android for now, I tolerate the android clock being off and no longer try to sync the time, though other than getting a sync tool from the market, I've never really tried to fix it. Might just be some normal android setting change is necessary.
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It's a kernel bug actually... WisTilt2's 4/15 kernel doesn't exhibit the drift - or at least it's significantly less. Not sure what is holding it up from the autobuild, probably some piece of the patch that the repo maintainers don't like .
His patch removes some locks from the kernel message logger. Frankly, the fact that it works tells me we've got too much code spewing out debug messages while inside interrupt handlers. It's crap. You throw debug messages in while you're trying to figure something out. Once you have it working, turn them off.
The fact that these things are being left behind all over the kernel source is a pretty bad sign - either the developers got sloppy and never cleaned up after they got something working, or they just never got it working and moved on anyway.
highlandsun said:
His patch removes some locks from the kernel message logger. Frankly, the fact that it works tells me we've got too much code spewing out debug messages while inside interrupt handlers. It's crap. You throw debug messages in while you're trying to figure something out. Once you have it working, turn them off.
The fact that these things are being left behind all over the kernel source is a pretty bad sign - either the developers got sloppy and never cleaned up after they got something working, or they just never got it working and moved on anyway.
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A little from column A... a little from column B...
I would agree .27 is a mess. I think that's why most of the kernel devs are looking to .3x to save us, instead of trying to fix the mess that .27 has become...
Back to the orginal topic... (kernal tangent was interesting )
Network time sync does not run automatically on all networks (GSM). Seems like a hit or miss... yes, you CDMA folks finally have an advantage!
For those using Energy ROM, just extract the attached file (link) to your \windows\startup folder and it will run the 'get carrier time' script at each boot back to WinMo. Or... you can use TotalCommander, locate t.mscr in windows and create a shortcut yourself and drop it in the startup folder.
For most people direct linking to t.mscr or t.exe will cause a pb.exe error. JVH3 has put together a cab that seems to work around this issue it can be found linked to this post.
Pretty sure this whole discussion is off topic to "android development" while kernel discussion is very relevant. So do we stay on topic with the forum section or with the post? Paradoxical.

[APP] TexTab [Updated: Released to Market!]

Update: TexTab has been released in the market! Thanks to everyone who participated in the beta. Download links:
- Full Version
- Lite Version
TexTab is an SMS app for Android tablets. It allows you to connect your Android 2.1+ tablet to your Android 2.1+ phone over Bluetooth and send/receive SMS messages on your tablet as if you were sending them from your phone.
I've been working on this app for some time now and I feel that it is ready for public beta testing. I encourage everybody to download and install the app on both your phone and tablet, and please provide feedback here.
App Features:
- Honeycomb optimized, though not required
- Push menu button to connect devices via bluetooth, with option to select a device to automatically connect to in settings
- Conversation threads use your Google contact information to display contact info
- Widget with button to enable/disable service, and displays connection information
Known Bugs:
- Messages not saving to outbox on some devices
- Sometimes unable to connect from one device. Seems to fix after turning bluetooth off then on, on OTHER device.
- Delivery reports are not always reliable, when messages are sent or received very quickly
- Visual issues/ghosting when using Swype keyboard in portrait orientation
- Performance issues on Samsung Galaxy Tab 7"
Future Development/Requested Features:
- New layout for 7" tablets
- Wifi functionality for increased range
- UI improvements
- Option to sync contacts with phone rather than cloud
- Sync sms history with phone
- Option to mute phone notifications
- Mark incoming messages as "read" on phone
- Popup dialog on received message when app is not in foreground
- MMS support
- Ability to use existing SMS app (GoSMS, Handcent, etc) to send/receive messages on ANOTHER phone
- suggestions?
Installation and Use:
Download the attached zip file and extract it somewhere on your computer. Copy the extracted file, TexTab.apk, onto both of your devices. Find the .apk file using File Manager or your favourite file browser and run it on both devices to install. Once installed, you can access it like any other app, and you can long-press on the homescreen to add the widget.
Once in the app, push the menu button to connect to a paired bluetooth device. If your devices are not paired, simply make one of them discoverable using Menu Button > Make Discoverable and then on the other device use Menu Button > Connect a Device > Scan for Devices to pair the two devices and establish a connection.
Once a connection is established, the devices should show their proper views. If not, click the settings button and change the Device Type. Under settings, you can also select the option to automatically connect to a paired device on startup. You can also enable or disable the bluetooth service under settings, or by using the button on the widget.
To send a message, either type a phone number into the Phone Number... field, or tap the Send To... button to choose a contact from the cloud. Type the message in the Enter a Message... field and tap send. Received messages will automatically show up as long as the app is enabled.
I look forward to any feedback/bug reports/praise/insults you may have!
See attached text file
This sounds awesome! Thanks a lot man.
Could you maybe throw up some instructions for everyone...
Edit: works great so far. Looking foward to the updates!
I updated the OP with installation and usage instructions. Let me know if they're not clear!
Cant wait to give this a try! Awesome
Will deffinately try this, sounds like what I've been looking for!
You say Future Development for WiFi, 2 ways I could suggest to have that.
1) If the tab is tethered to the phone for data (this is how I get my WiFi only tab to have data at work)
2) If they are on the same WiFi network, say I'm at home. Phone is connected to home WiFi and tab is connected to home WiFi.
Just some thoughts
Ok, tried it out and thats pretty cool! I like how the message shows up on the phone and the tab. Is there a way to pull down recient conversations (say from the last 24 hours) incase you wanted to continue a previous conversation? Also, if read on the tab or phone, could it show read on the other device?
wingman1487 said:
If they are on the same WiFi network, say I'm at home. Phone is connected to home WiFi and tab is connected to home WiFi.
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This is exactly how the wifi support will work. It will still require the connect to device step, but the range will be limited by your wifi network rather than your phones bluetooth signal.
wingman1487 said:
Is there a way to pull down recient conversations (say from the last 24 hours) incase you wanted to continue a previous conversation? Also, if read on the tab or phone, could it show read on the other device?
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I've toyed with the idea of syncing sms history with a contact, unfortunately though any operations which involve using sms history are unsupported in the Android SDK and could break my app in the future. Marking a message as read is subject to the same problem. I'll look into it some more.
I appreciate the feedback, keep it coming!
I wanna suggest something, look at the app called texter, and the chrome app, then take a look have they work. They work by signing in on your google account on an app on the android phone, and the signing in at the same account on chrome, npw you can sms from chrome throw your phone and recive them, no matter where your phone is, it just need 3g connetion. This is like chrometophone. If you could get it working in this way it would be awsome! And the ofc still the bluetooth or something other when the tab not have internet connection
Loving this app so far, just wanted to report a bug. When a new contact sends a text, it seems to duplicate the view of prior conversations. I have one conversation that's up to three alternate views!
Edit: After a reboot, the duplicates disappeared.
Fisken said:
npw you can sms from chrome throw your phone and recive them, no matter where your phone is, it just need 3g connetion.
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I will look into this, thanks!
cekle said:
When a new contact sends a text, it seems to duplicate the view of prior conversations. I have one conversation that's up to three alternate views!
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Thanks, added it to the list. As a temporary fix, tapping the settings button and then tapping back will reload the contacts list and they should disappear.
Also I can't seem to delete conversations by long pressing. Is there another way?
I haven't implemented this. I'll consider it a feature suggestion! Are you wanting to delete specific messages within a thread, or whole thread for a contact?
I was actually working on something exactly like this. I did not end up getting much work done though. If you would like any help, just let me know.
Dude, your App is awesome ! ive searched for days for something like this. the only other option is syncsms and that one doesnt support "push", only "all 5 min sync". But your solution via bluetooth is just awesome
ive allready installed it on 5 different transformers for my friends. we are all very happy and would like to donate for your work.
As soon as your App is final, you should totaly put it on market for 1-2$ or more. you will be rich buddy !
Greetings from Germany, keep up the good work. ive allready bookmarked your thread =)
PS: Could you implement the function to mute the notification sound?
smaskell said:
I was actually working on something exactly like this. I did not end up getting much work done though. If you would like any help, just let me know.
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I won't name any names, but there is at least one other implementation of this idea. My app goes about it a little bit differently.
Deadwalk said:
ive allready installed it on 5 different transformers for my friends. we are all very happy and would like to donate for your work.
As soon as your App is final, you should totaly put it on market for 1-2$ or more. you will be rich buddy !
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Thanks! I'm glad you like it. It will eventually be a paid app on the market, but not until I feel its complete enough to justify charging money.
Deadwalk said:
PS: Could you implement the function to mute the notification sound?
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Adding it to the list.
howettl said:
I haven't implemented this. I'll consider it a feature suggestion! Are you wanting to delete specific messages within a thread, or whole thread for a contact?
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Just a contact thread. Specific messages would be a good option if you want this to be a full fledged texting app, but then the deletion wouldn't propogate to the phone without some magic. If this app is intended to be a messenger though, an extension of the phone when the tablet just so happens to be around, I'd like the ability to keep that interface clean and current so its not bogged down with out of date texts.
Edit: Keeping with the 'extension of the phone' idea, you could have an option to clear the text database after a certain amount of time disconnected from a device.
a friend of mine just told me that his phone is acting wierd.
he installed the app and send me 5 texts over his pad and i got them all. but his phone wont show what he wrote and in his phone there are only the sms from me and not his. we both use the lg optimus 2x.
and also his phone send 2 sms to the number "555555555" with text "default body". right after he installed the app and tried to send texts over his pad.
any idea?
Deadwalk said:
a friend of mine just told me that his phone is acting wierd.
he installed the app and send me 5 texts over his pad and i got them all. but his phone wont show what he wrote and in his phone there are only the sms from me and not his. we both use the lg optimus 2x.
and also his phone send 2 sms to the number "555555555" with text "default body". right after he installed the app and tried to send texts over his pad.
any idea?
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I have an idea about what's happening here. As I mentioned in an earlier post, any operations that involve your phones SMS history are unsupported in the Android SDK. It sounds like your particular phone model doesn't access SMS history in the same way as other phones, so the app is unable to save sent messages in your phones SMS history.
The number "5555555555" and "default body" are used when there is a problem saving the data to your phone. The phone was told that a message was sent to that number; but no SMS was actually sent.
I'll try and find a workaround for this phone.
Do other people using this phone model have the same problem? Or any other LG phone?
No one else have that issue.
we both use the same lg and we both use a modaco rom. the only difference is, iam using modaco version ~16 and he version ~19. so the problem should lie in the difference of that roms. he just got furios because he tought the app had send 2 sms to a pricy number...
after reading your explanation we saw that everytime he sends a text to me he got a 55555555 sms with default body, so its realy the fact that his phone cant save the textmessage into the threaded sms history. its send, but not saved. on the other hand it flawlessly work on my phone. i can send a text on my pad and see it almost directly on my phone in the threaded history. funny tho =) now we're gonna flash his phone to another rom.
i'll keep an eye on this thread. it would be realy cool if you would mention it somewhere when u think u found a workarround. we will test it then =)
ah and we found another bug just now. when i want to write a new sms to contactB i have no choice to choose the number to send. so my girlfriend for example have 3 different numbers, and the app want to use the first number of the contact, in this situation its her home number.. no way to send a sms to that one ^^
Deadwalk said:
No one else have that issue.
we both use the same lg and we both use a modaco rom. the only difference is, iam using modaco version ~16 and he version ~19. so the problem should lie in the difference of that roms. he just got furios because he tought the app had send 2 sms to a pricy number...
after reading your explanation we saw that everytime he sends a text to me he got a 55555555 sms with default body, so its realy the fact that his phone cant save the textmessage into the threaded sms history. its send, but not saved. on the other hand it flawlessly work on my phone. i can send a text on my pad and see it almost directly on my phone in the threaded history. funny tho =) now we're gonna flash his phone to another rom.
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Thanks for the clarification. It must be an incompatibility with the rom then.
I'll repeat for clarity: when you see a message to the number "5555555555" its simply a problem with the phone not saving the information properly. An SMS has NOT been sent to this number.
Please let me know if flashing a different rom fixes the problem!

Text message time stamp

Is there any way to change the time stamp on received text messages from the time I received it to the time it was sent? If I have the phone off or out of range, I need to know when it was sent.
Sent from my GT-I9100T using XDA Premium App
Yes, there is a way to change it. Could you not find it when you searched for terms such as SMS and time?
johncmolyneux said:
Yes, there is a way to change it. Could you not find it when you searched for terms such as SMS and time?
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The only solutions I could find is to install a mod, but I need the phone rooted for that or download another SMS app from the market.
Maybe my searching skills ned tweaking, but I can't see a simple way to do it on the unrooted Stock ROM with the standard SMS app.
Anyone able to help me please?
I had the same problem. From what I gathered, there was an issue with the time stamps while on certain nerworks (mine was on Rogers). There is an app in the store that fixes it. its called SMS Time Fix. I'm not sure if you need your phone rooted for this since mine is rooted but its worth a try. It fixed my problem.
Araho said:
I had the same problem. From what I gathered, there was an issue with the time stamps while on certain nerworks (mine was on Rogers). There is an app in the store that fixes it. its called SMS Time Fix. I'm not sure if you need your phone rooted for this since mine is rooted but its worth a try. It fixed my problem.
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Okay, I will try it, thanks.
I am still having issues and I am still unable to find a solution to the problem.
It is not the issue that is described in this thread when refering to the Rogers provider http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1181716 and the SMSFix only makes it worse. It isn't a network issue, it is a phone software issue.
I have an unrooted Telstra phone and I won't update or root it until I have a Telstra ROM to be able to flash back for warranty purposes.
In the Windows Phones it was a registry tweak, so surely in the Android phones there is some sort of tweak to correct this.
My phone is off between 6pm and 8am every day, any texts I receive I need to know when they were sent so that when I switch my phone on at 8am, they all don't show 8am as the time stamp. If it was sent at 10pm the previous night, then I need the sms app to show 10pm the previous night.
Hopefully someone can assist, as I have searched and I am yet to find a solution that works.

More trouble with text messages

Been lurking this forum for years... but...
I bought a G-Watch on Friday night, and have been using it ever since... my problem is that when I send a text message via the watch, there is no record of it in the messaging app - whether stock or 3rd party.
However, in the stock app, an empty text message will pop up, only to say "no content." Whats even more strange, is that the message is STILL SENT!! Even though there is no record of it on the phone. Receiving messages works fine, its just sending that is the problem. I've looked at every setting I can think of... no luck.
faucirt said:
Been lurking this forum for years... but...
I bought a G-Watch on Friday night, and have been using it ever since... my problem is that when I send a text message via the watch, there is no record of it in the messaging app - whether stock or 3rd party.
However, in the stock app, an empty text message will pop up, only to say "no content." Whats even more strange, is that the message is STILL SENT!! Even though there is no record of it on the phone. Receiving messages works fine, its just sending that is the problem. I've looked at every setting I can think of... no luck.
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That's definitely a bug. Seems to be more an issue on the phone than on the watch. No idea how you would fix this though. Don't wanna say reset, but it's the only thing I can think of. Try to reset just the watch first, then you won't have to setup everything on your phone again.
spiderflash said:
That's definitely a bug. Seems to be more an issue on the phone than on the watch. No idea how you would fix this though. Don't wanna say reset, but it's the only thing I can think of. Try to reset just the watch first, then you won't have to setup everything on your phone again.
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That's kinda what I figured. I factory reset both of them last night with no luck. I guess I just have to wait for an update - kinda sucks wondering if the fix will be included in the next update, or if LG even knows its an issue. I've looked for hours and haven't seen anything related.
Have you considered moving out to hangouts to use alongside the watch? Ever since I got mines I just made hangouts the primary app and I haven't had any issues.
No matter what, I can never stay away from android for long.
idelgado782 said:
Have you considered moving out to hangouts to use alongside the watch? Ever since I got mines I just made hangouts the primary app and I haven't had any issues.
No matter what, I can never stay away from android for long.
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I did, with the same result.
However, I just stopped by Verizon a couple minutes ago, and he asked me if I had tried Verizon's app called "Verizon messaging" and I of course said no. He put it on the phone and it actually worked. But with that app, the watch doesn't vibrate during the notification of an incoming text.
So I guess I have to pick which is more important... a record of sent texts, or a legit notification that I received a text message. I'm leaning towards option 2.
That's interesting. I'm not sure why it's not working on either app. And I'd definitely go for option 2 as well. another dumb question have you reset your phone and the watch?
No matter what, I can never stay away from android for long.
idelgado782 said:
That's interesting. I'm not sure why it's not working on either app. And I'd definitely go for option 2 as well. another dumb question have you reset your phone and the watch?
No matter what, I can never stay away from android for long.
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Yep. I've reset both, with the same result. I don't have much confidence that this will ever be fixed - but we'll see.

Can't get reminders to work

New here, and only just got my G Watch this morning. I've had a search on the forums here, but don't see the issue I'm experiencing mentioned anywhere.
When trying to set a reminder, the watch picks up all the details correctly, such as the time, date and subject of the reminder. It then goes to the "saving" screen, but after that I get a message coming up that says "Sorry, that didn't work. Try again". I've tried this several times now with the same results.
Anyone else experiencing this, or can anyone here share a solution with me?
I hadn't tried setting a reminder via the watch before. However, I experienced the same thing as you did. I speak the reminder and the time and the watch seems to be setting it properly (ie I get a pop up screen with the correct information). But when the watch actually tries to set the reminder, I get the error "Sorry, that didn't work. Try again" just like you did.
I think it's a Google now issue, as the reminders won't work on my phone(M7) or my tablet (nexus 7 2013) either. It's not down to the watch anyway, as far as I can see. I'll have to go into my Google settings to see what could be causing it.
Sometimes it happens to me also but u haven't observed one thing that is even that shows an error in setting a reminder but ur reminder is already set ,to check this set a reminder for next one minute,just ignore the error message that u receive and u will see ur watch reminding u abt ur set reminder, this always happens to me
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
rohit297 said:
Sometimes it happens to me also but u haven't observed one thing that is even that shows an error in setting a reminder but ur reminder is already set ,to check this set a reminder for next one minute,just ignore the error message that u receive and u will see ur watch reminding u abt ur set reminder, this always happens to me
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
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No, after receiving the error message the reminder does not still appear for me.
After a bit of playing around, I think the issue is with Google Now rather than the phone, and I have been able to set reminder through both GN on the phone and through the watch. How I solved it:
Make sure the reminder is set for a decent amount of time in the future. After a bit of experimentation, I found that if the reminder is to be set for less than 35minutes from now, it will not work. If you set it for 35minutes or longer, it works fine, no problem.
Bit of a weird cut-off time, as you'd imagine the reminder could be set for a shorter period, but at least it's something.
wcgibbons said:
No, after receiving the error message the reminder does not still appear for me.
After a bit of playing around, I think the issue is with Google Now rather than the phone, and I have been able to set reminder through both GN on the phone and through the watch. How I solved it:
Make sure the reminder is set for a decent amount of time in the future. After a bit of experimentation, I found that if the reminder is to be set for less than 35minutes from now, it will not work. If you set it for 35minutes or longer, it works fine, no problem.
Bit of a weird cut-off time, as you'd imagine the reminder could be set for a shorter period, but at least it's something.
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Interesting. When I tried to set a reminder, it was for the next couple minutes in the future, so I guess that is why it failed. Thanks for the update.
It works for me for a test i just set a reminder for next two minutes and the same error came but after 2 mins i got my reminder
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app

