SMS gripe - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

When I receive a sms message, I know in options I can turn off the auto display option, very good, but if I click on the envelope icon why does it sort of preview the message rather than go straight to the inbox? Sorry that was rather clumsy, I hope someone can make sense of it.


[APP] Glance

I saw this app drop on the Market tonight. Basically, it will start up your phone's screen if when you receive a notification. Thought some others might enjoy it.
Doesn't TouchWiz SMS do that already?
Handcent permits this functionality, with or without a pop-up that displays the message and a reply box.
I think this is also meant for notifications that aren't text messages...

Possible to quick reply to SMS from Notification tray?

Hey all,
Spent a lot of time on iOS. Really trying to make the transition to android and the one thing I really miss is the lockinfo / bitesms combo from cydia.
With this I was able to view all pending SMS / Emails on the lockscreen and also reply to SMS with a popup but only AFTER clicking on the notification.
What I'm looking for is the functionality to receive SMS, see the notification in the top bar, bull the tray down, click the SMS, get a quick reply popup to compose and send the message, collapse the tray and go back to what I was doing.
As of now I have to use the notification to open the messaging app or use a different messaging app altogether (handscent, Chomp), all of which seem to popup at the receipt of the message or not pop up at all.
tawheed12 said:
Hey all,
Spent a lot of time on iOS. Really trying to make the transition to android and the one thing I really miss is the lockinfo / bitesms combo from cydia.
With this I was able to view all pending SMS / Emails on the lockscreen and also reply to SMS with a popup but only AFTER clicking on the notification.
What I'm looking for is the functionality to receive SMS, see the notification in the top bar, bull the tray down, click the SMS, get a quick reply popup to compose and send the message, collapse the tray and go back to what I was doing.
As of now I have to use the notification to open the messaging app or use a different messaging app altogether (handscent, Chomp), all of which seem to popup at the receipt of the message or not pop up at all.
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Give GoSMS Pro a shot, not exactly what you've described, but it does use pop-ups that appear in front of the currently running app and allow you to quickly reply then go back to the previous app.
Idk if miui is out for s3 but that rom has a similar feature that i loved built in ..
Sent From My Sensation Running Aokp.
madmattoz said:
Give GoSMS Pro a shot, not exactly what you've described, but it does use pop-ups that appear in front of the currently running app and allow you to quickly reply then go back to the previous app.
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Got GoSMS already and have been using it since earlier today. You're right that it's close but what I'd like is have the SMS pop up in the notification area and reply to it using a quickreply window when I get to it instead of it flashing up in front of me while I'm doing something. Also, as soon as you use a custom SMS app it no longer allows for the use of the raise to call motion - which I find is actually fairly useful!
tawheed12 said:
Got GoSMS already and have been using it since earlier today. You're right that it's close but what I'd like is have the SMS pop up in the notification area and reply to it using a quickreply window when I get to it instead of it flashing up in front of me while I'm doing something. Also, as soon as you use a custom SMS app it no longer allows for the use of the raise to call motion - which I find is actually fairly useful!
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Wait for Jellybean. Shouldn't be too long now. :good:
Miui is the way to go ..
Sent From My Sexy Sensation Running Aokp.
tawheed12 said:
Hey all,
Spent a lot of time on iOS. Really trying to make the transition to android and the one thing I really miss is the lockinfo / bitesms combo from cydia.
With this I was able to view all pending SMS / Emails on the lockscreen and also reply to SMS with a popup but only AFTER clicking on the notification.
What I'm looking for is the functionality to receive SMS, see the notification in the top bar, bull the tray down, click the SMS, get a quick reply popup to compose and send the message, collapse the tray and go back to what I was doing.
As of now I have to use the notification to open the messaging app or use a different messaging app altogether (handscent, Chomp), all of which seem to popup at the receipt of the message or not pop up at all.
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honestly I miss BiteSMS too for my iphone 4... I hate Apple though.
Try SMS popup, it's the closest thing for me so far and you can change LED notification and contacts ringtone, make sure to disable the system messaging system so there wont be any conflict. Give me a heads up if you find anything better.

Text Message Notification not working correctly

Not sure what's going on but lately, for some reason, whenever my wife and I get text messages, the notification only rings for half a second instead of the full notification going off. It's really easy to miss. Anyone else have this problem?
_-Jay-_ said:
Not sure what's going on but lately, for some reason, whenever my wife and I get text messages, the notification only rings for half a second instead of the full notification going off. It's really easy to miss. Anyone else have this problem?
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In messages hit menu and go to settings. Scroll down and uncheck the option to delete messages after a certain amount have been received. Message tone will now play in full.
We shouldn't have to uncheck that option to get full message tones. Kind of stupid. Is there any other way around it?

[Q] Sense Notification Problems

Hi all,
A few weeks ago i got a DNA and overall i like it but i am becoming increasingly frustrated with the sense. Nothing major just some glitchy little things that are rather irritating.
First off I dont like the default messaging app that comes with the phone. Its slow and lacks features such as a little checkmark when sending texts to other verizon customers recieve a text. the only way i have found to get this is to get a notification in the status bar every time one is delivered which is annoying when a small checkmark next to the text will suffice. I also do not like the skins they have for it, as i prefer an iphone bubble look to my texts. Thus i have resorted to third party sms apps such as handcent, gosms, and iphone messages by barleystudios. with all three of these i have the same issue that seems to be caused by the sense. Neither the icon in the dock/homescreen or in the pulldown bar will display a small unread count on the icon as they are supposed to and the Sense seems to block the message preview box under the lock screen completely when receiving a new text while lockscreen is engaged. Anyone know how to fix this or an app that this isnt an issue with?
Also i have a macbook and use iCal and i have synced it with my gmail account but the app on my phone and iCal dont seem to want to communicate at all. Any fix for this?
no one?

[Q] Separate notification sound for text message?

I hate that every notification except email has the same sound. How can I change so that text messages have their own notification? Right now text messages and all other random notifications share the same ringtone so I never know if I got a text message or something else.
binrob said:
I hate that every notification except email has the same sound. How can I change so that text messages have their own notification? Right now text messages and all other random notifications share the same ringtone so I never know if I got a text message or something else.
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Open messages app, hit more top right corner then settings then notification sound.
prking07 said:
Open messages app, hit more top right corner then settings then notification sound.
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It doesn't work. If you change it, it changes it for all notifications. Not just texts.
I just figured it out.
binrob said:
It doesn't work. If you change it, it changes it for all notifications. Not just texts.
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I had been looking for this setting for days now and I just stumbled upon it. When you are editing a contact go to the bottom of the contacts information and hit the "ADD ANOTHER FIELD" button. There you will see the ability to add the "Message Tone" field as well as specify a "Vibration Pattern" if wanted. Not sure why they didn't put the Message Tone option on the contact by default.
Mind blow.
Dude, just set any ringtone for notifications via phone settings - it'l be your sms ringtone AND for any other applications having opportunity to create notifications you should open those applications, go their settings and find there option notifications and change notifications sound directly for that application. Logic!
Binrob, I get what you are after because I did a google search for the very same thing. No one here seems to get it.
What happens is all these other apps utilize the same NOTIFICATION sound as your text messages (like Facebook, or playing back-and-forth board games). Binrob and the rest of us want our TEXT messages TO BE DIFFERENT sounding than all the others. I don't want to look at my phone every time i get a notification, but i do want to look at my phone every time someone texts me. There doesn't seem to be a way to customize SMS/TEXT to its own notification sound. Android needs to fix this.
You've answered everyone's question! This should show up #1 on Google search!
Tony Flatt said:
I had been looking for this setting for days now and I just stumbled upon it. When you are editing a contact go to the bottom of the contacts information and hit the "ADD ANOTHER FIELD" button. There you will see the ability to add the "Message Tone" field as well as specify a "Vibration Pattern" if wanted. Not sure why they didn't put the Message Tone option on the contact by default.
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Has there been updates since to change to separate notification for all contacts?
I get this issue and NEED them to fix as well! I don't want fb messenger and text messaging and any other notification to have the same sound. I want to know what app the notification is for WITHOUT unlocking and looking at my phone. Also, on my s5 I was able to change my led color for specific apps. If it blinking red I knew it was a text. Blinking green fb message. Blinking blue fb notification. Etc! Please add those back!
You CAN set the sound for messages, go to settings, notifications, advanced ......... choose messages, more settings (at the bottom of the screen), and the next screen is where you change the sound that is made. Not exactly user friendly though!
I think the answer is as go to your message app, top right hit: more, Then go to settings and set whatever ringtone you want to have under notifications. I guess this should be what you are looking for.
Sent from my SM-G925F using XDA Free mobile app
notificaton tone in message+
The comment that you can set message tones In contacts is correct except that apps like message+ , at least on the Galaxy , ignore that and use their own tones
I just found it....
open messages on the right top corner click there and pick customize ando under tones and there u can pick whatever ringtone for only SMS....
FOR SAMSUNG S9/S9+. To have a specific sound for you messages, go to messaging app/setting/notifications/general notications must be off/emergency alerts must be off. Go to new messages and choose your preferred sounds.

