Increase colour depth? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Is it possible to increase the pixel setting of the xda
I understand it is at 4096 colours or something, but I don't mind taking a drop in battery time by having a bigger res after seeing a nice compaq pda last night!

Kevin said:
Is it possible to increase the pixel setting of the xda
I understand it is at 4096 colours or something, but I don't mind taking a drop in battery time by having a bigger res after seeing a nice compaq pda last night!
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This is not a software setting. It is the actual hardware that does not allow for more colors.

bit of a bummer that one then!
oh well, just have to make do then i guess!


[Q] Display sharpness

i didn't find any topic regarding the sharpeness of the Optimus One, so i created a new one. Well, i bought this phone for my wife and i'am really suprised about the great quality of this phone. I use myself a Galaxy S and so i'am a little bit spoiled regarding the display. But i have already seen that the sharpness could be better with a 480x320 resolution (e.g. Sony Ericsson X8). The X8 has a better sharpness related to the small texts in the settings menu. So, is there a possiblity to get a better sharpness on the Optimus One?
Sorry to say but you cannot do much.
You can only change system font with something smoother. That's the only thing you can do.
You can't change anything. X8 text looks "sharper" just because of a smaller screen (0,2inch).
I agree with heino81.
Screen quality is rather poor.
The screen of the Galaxy i7500 (oled) was in another league.
It is poor but you can enjoy the speed of the phone + it never runs out of ram !
I miss indeed the i7500's OLED screen. It was excelent, but it was only a nice looking phone, the lack of ram kept it out.
badeaioan said:
Sorry to say but you cannot do much.
You can only change system font with something smoother. That's the only thing you can do.
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Do you have any link regarding good system fonts?
There are some here on the forum. I will post the link when I get home.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
I use ubuntu one!
Zecanilis said:
I use ubuntu one!
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Thanks, I downloaded it (edit - ubuntu 10.10) and it's quite a bit better than the standard font.
However, there are still some anti-aliasing problems (notably with bigger black letters on a white background), which are probably due to the 256k colors of the screen (the right gradations of grey may not be addressable or something like that)
about AA
I personally don't understand the propagation of antialiasing on a low resolution device. It makes the font blurry and causes lots of small input lags when you zoom or scroll. Even on my desktop computer when I first tried windows vista a few years ago, the first thing I did was turning the font smoothing off. Too bad there's no choice for that here.
As far as the sharpness of texts, no, there's really nothing we can do about it. The screen they put in the O1 was not designed to display a lot of pixels, unfortunately.
On my boyfriend's O1, I find that we can't use certain widgets because they look just horrible on his screen (clockr, D3 clock and some other minimalistic widgets that display lines and numbers/letters only).
I suppose it's unfair to the O1 because we're comparing it against high res phones (im using an x10), but LG could've given it a better screen cos it kinda ruins the experience.

[Q] TouchPad Screen DPI?

Any know the dpi of the touchpads screen? cant get info on it anywhere
1024x768 over 9.7 inches comes out to 131.96 DPI.
Sounds rather odd....
Bouncer5 said:
Sounds rather odd....
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Not really, its the EXACT screen dimensions as the iPad(2). Its a 4:3 1024x768 9.7" screen.
looks like 131 is correct.
*oh, and why the hell is this stickied... all these threads should be linked to in a 'read first sticky' thread... this is obscene how many god damn stickies there are... Whatever mod is doing this is going overboard.
jmhalder said:
Not really, its the EXACT screen dimensions as the iPad(2). Its a 4:3 1024x768 9.7" screen.
looks like 131 is correct.
*oh, and why the hell is this stickied... all these threads should be linked to in a 'read first sticky' thread... this is obscene how many god damn stickies there are... Whatever mod is doing this is going overboard.
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What I ment was 131 Seems rather and odd DPI that is all. Im used to dealing with rounded of numbers like 160 & 240.
Bouncer5 said:
What I ment was 131 Seems rather and odd DPI that is all. Im used to dealing with rounded of numbers like 160 & 240.
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It's the same screen as the ipad. Same manufacturer as well (LG). All intensive purposes, it is the same screen.
yareally said:
It's the same screen as the ipad. Same manufacturer as well (LG). All intensive purposes, it is the same screen.
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Damn, I promise I am not usually like this, but I have to do this:
"for all intents and purposes"
Its way dimmer than an ipad though...hopefully someone finds a way to make this thing brighter
*oh, and why the hell is this stickied... all these threads should be linked to in a 'read first sticky' thread... this is obscene how many god damn stickies there are... Whatever mod is doing this is going overboard.[/QUOTE]
I think the idea is to coral all the posts into a manageable order for later redistribution.
just like the fire sale , this could get ugly and disorganized fast.
I thank the mods for taking whatever steps to prepare/maintain.
darksandz93 said:
Its way dimmer than an ipad though...hopefully someone finds a way to make this thing brighter
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Brightless slider in the top-right menu. Or were you referring to it on full brightness (I don't have an iPad to compare to)?
CreepinJesus said:
Brightless slider in the top-right menu. Or were you referring to it on full brightness (I don't have an iPad to compare to)?
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So your telling me if the screen breaks, Just replace with an iPad screen+digitizer? Or am I clutching at parts?
if the screen is similar to the ipad, why does it seem so low quality?
I was on my new one all night, and I cant get over the poor quality of display.
I was just browsing, blogging and it just looks so bad compared to my work ipad or the playbook I'm currently demo'ing.
could it be the browser, websites, or is there a patch I need? Really making me question my purchase.
I think people are confusing DPI with PPI. PPI is pixels per inch, which is the 131 being tossed out. DPI is how the screen is seen by software. Dont know what it is for the touchpad, but figured I'd try and clear some confusion.
mattmiller said:
Lmao u paid $99-150 for it...y complain?
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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Wow, thanks for such a useful reply.
To everyone else, is this just how the display is going to look? Or will an Android port or additional webOs updates provide some help?
mattmiller said:
Well milhouse I was just stating that u paid $100 lmao. The display looks crisp and sharp
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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No, if you put the TP side by side with the iPad 2 (hell, with the original iPad), you can notice a BIG difference in the display quality. I think that is the way the software handles the screen. Colors do look WAY sharper and crisper on the ipad vs the TP.
Its the exact same lg screen from the ipad 2, hell you could take the ipad 2 screen out and put it in the touchpad.. android port may fix it if not we'll see some voodoo colors.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
blickmanic said:
Its the exact same lg screen from the ipad 2, hell you could take the ipad 2 screen out and put it in the touchpad.. android port may fix it if not we'll see some voodoo colors.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
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I did some lookin:
TP and iPad 1 use LP097X02-SLA1
iPad 2 uses LP097X02-SLN1
Don't know what the differences are. I don't know why the touchpad screen isn't as bright as the ipad either. (Perhaps the touchpad software simply doesn't allow it to go that high? Perhaps in that case, an android release could? Though I've heard many complain that the ipad is blindingly bright.)
Interestingly enough, samsung is coming out with a 10.1" retina touch display. Will apple get their hands on it? Probably not, actually:
I think there must be differences between displays. I've found mine to be very bright. I leave the brightness slider around 30% and find that's very bright, even a bit too bright when using in a darkened room.
I find the colours aren't particularly vibrant in general use, but the they are in the Angry Birds loading screen, so I'd guess that there's some kind of tone down colour profile set in the OS somewhere.
Bouncer5 said:
So your telling me if the screen breaks, Just replace with an iPad screen+digitizer? Or am I clutching at parts?
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not exactly I'd think. While they use the same screen, they don't use the same bezel dimensions IIRC. Bezel is part of the screen, so buying the slightly different iPad one wouldn't work I don't think.
stevenmu said:
I think there must be differences between displays. I've found mine to be very bright. I leave the brightness slider around 30% and find that's very bright, even a bit too bright when using in a darkened room.
I find the colours aren't particularly vibrant in general use, but the they are in the Angry Birds loading screen, so I'd guess that there's some kind of tone down colour profile set in the OS somewhere.
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turn off auto dimming in screen and lock setting give much brighter display.

Gamma Adjustments

There's been talk about adjusting the gamma levels to increase the black level and get rid of the washed out look. After looking at this chart, what will we be able to make the black's blacker without creating the "crushed" effect I get on my Note??
The attachment is only the test image, not a pic of my screen
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda premium
I was just searching for a gamma adjustment tool for my nexus 10. I could you point me towards any discussions or hacks you know of please?
Nuwidol said:
I was just searching for a gamma adjustment tool for my nexus 10. I could you point me towards any discussions or hacks you know of please?
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Discussions have been in the original Dev forum in the kernel thread. No luck so far and doubt there will be
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda premium
Nuwidol said:
I was just searching for a gamma adjustment tool for my nexus 10. I could you point me towards any discussions or hacks you know of please?
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There is none...doubt there will be either.
Bataga said:
Discussions have been in the original Dev forum in the kernel thread. No luck so far and doubt there will be
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda premium
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suzook said:
There is none...doubt there will be either.
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Why do you guys think there won't ever be one? That truly disappoints me.
They're skeptics. I think more than a couple devs will find a way to improve this display. It may take a while for this tablet to become popular enough.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda app-developers app
amdfanTO said:
They're skeptics. I think more than a couple devs will find a way to improve this display. It may take a while for this tablet to become popular enough.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda app-developers app
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We are not skeptics...its based on facts. We have some awesome devs who have looked at the kernal and have stated we more than likely won't have adjustments.
Google could add it to the kernel as an update. That is, if they felt it was necessary. They modified the gamma and grayscale of my nexus one through stock updates. On the galaxy nexus, google didn't do a thing, even though the issues were well documented. Hopefully google addresses this. Its true that so far nobody has been able to access the gamma lookup table. Maybe some of these features can be ported, or maybe these will be added to the kernel as the new exynos chip is in more devices.
Damn being an early adopter. I know for my next tablet I won't make any concessions on the display again. I just saw the kobo arc reader, and its screen was flawless. See it to believe it. And its less than $199 for the 7inch, plus a $20 gift card. Google just rocked all their loyal users by allowing a display with rather mediocre image quality (with the exception of viewing angle) to be put into a premium tablet. It is objectively the worst display out of all the $400 plus tablets. They go bananas on the processor, and drop the ball on the screen. Its obvious this tablet is for developer, not consumer use. Guess I shouldn't have assumed that google would adhere to industry standards as a reference for image quality.
Google should have used the Asus infinity screen. Lower res, but MUCH better in gamma and color.
The Acer a700 has an even nicer screen than the infinity. They should have used that.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
suzook said:
Google should have used the Asus infinity screen. Lower res, but MUCH better in gamma and color.
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no no no
never lower res for me
i love the res and the pixel density on my N10
as for the gamma the gamma line isnt equal
i have just checked and the N10 has a slight higher gamma at lower shades (around 1.8)
and that is not to bad.
as for the higher shades it is around gamma 1.6 and thats worse
so even if we can adjust the gamma we need a tool to get the gamma line equal/straight at 2.2
if we just raise the gamma now the blacks are going to crush with a to high gamma while the whites are going to be correct.
but of course we can get closer to gamma 2.2
we can get gamma 2.2 for the lower shades and around 1.9 to 2.0 for the brighter ones.
that would be just perfect
Edit: as for the colors and colors brightness the N10 is close to reference.
all colors RED/GREEN/BLUE has equal brightness.
that is with this low gamma in count.
also the contrast and blacklevel/whitelevel is close to reference.
the color temp is also close to 6500K and that means that the grayscale is correct (white is white on the N10)
so the ONLY thing that messes up this display from showing a reference picture is the low gamma.
to bad that samsung screwed that one up
---------- Post added at 06:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 PM ----------
suzook said:
and have stated we more than likely won't have adjustments.
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source on that?
i dont belive you
I still don't get it, if it isn't at the kernel level how the hell did Google and Samsung calibrate this display? Why is it that we can't tweak it no matter what we do?
pg_ice said:
no no no
never lower res for me
i love the res and the pixel density on my N10
source on that?
i dont belive you
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Anything higher than full HD on a screen this size is a waste. And you want a source? Check the Dev section.
suzook said:
Anything higher than full HD on a screen this size is a waste.
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its not trust me
do you own a N10 or are you just talking?
The biggest problem I have is this thing can't show purple at all because of the screwed up gamma.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
pg_ice said:
its not trust me
do you own a N10 or are you just talking?
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i own both. display on infinity looks better.
suzook said:
i own both. display on infinity looks better.
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i still dont belive you.
the screen on the N10 rocks even with its low gamma
you must have a bad device..just change it and use your infinity as a beer mat
pg_ice said:
i still dont belive you.
the screen on the N10 rocks even with its low gamma
you must have a bad device..just change it and use your infinity as a beer mat
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really? WTF? its known the screen on the n10 doesnt have as nice color and gamma as the infinity. the n10 kicks its a$$ in every other way though.
pg_ice said:
i still dont belive you.
the screen on the N10 rocks even with its low gamma
you must have a bad device..just change it and use your infinity as a beer mat
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Wtf dude, go die in a hole. Asus Infinity screen is way more punchy than the Nexus 10. You are an idiot, go to the nearest Walmart and look at the damn display on the infinity. A higher screen resolution does not amount to better colors.
You might be saying those words and doubting others if they have a Nexus 10 by justifying your purchase, but its true that the Infinity, heck, even the TF201 has better colors on them. Be objective dude, screen res is not screen color.
beerope said:
Wtf dude, go die in a hole. Asus Infinity screen is way more punchy than the Nexus 10. You are an idiot, go to the nearest Walmart and look at the damn display on the infinity. A higher screen resolution does not amount to better colors.
You might be saying those words and doubting others if they have a Nexus 10 by justifying your purchase, but its true that the Infinity, heck, even the TF201 has better colors on them. Be objective dude, screen res is not screen color.
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lol...thank you

[APP] Screen Filter

Just wanted to share this application with you .
set your display brightness to 75% with adapt to light and set screen filter 48% and see you viewing angles, i felt it has improved for two reasons from .253 the screen calibration has been better and deeper colors along with this layer of filter dulls your screen to give you better colors ( darker / saturated ) try it for yourself and post your best setting for the filter..
Hit thanks if this app helped you
I'm pretty sure most of us here have known this app for quite some time now.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337
Capt said:
I'm pretty sure most of us here have known this app for quite some time now.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337
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I am just sharing, in case someone doesn't know!
Ib didn't know about this. Sov Thank you very much.
@ capt. Not everyone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
deff not everyone thanks for sharing
some ppl just have to be rude...
True buddy some people love to be rude
Press Thanks if you like my Work/Advice
tried this on my nook color and didnt like it. but then again, it doesnt have an AMOLED screen or an ambient sensor...
ill give it a whirl and see if it like it better than the built-in auto brightness

KCAL settings for best display color and contrast and also get rid of ghosting

OK, at some point I will finally update the calib.cfg file again. But for now here are the settings I am using with a KCAL enabled kernel to remove ghosting from my screen as well as drasically improve contrast and colors.
I use Kernel Adiutor:
Under 'screen' section >
Screen Color (This kills the ghosting a lot of users are experiencing as well as removes the blue tinge the screen has):
Red = 250
Green = 250
Blue = 235
Minimum RGB value = 35
Saturation Intensity = 27
Screen Hue = 1520
Screen Value = 112
Screen Contrast = 132
I have been running it for awhile and it looks fantastic and I have not had anymore ghosting. It also makes the screen look similar to my Note Edge when I first got it. Contrast is improved a LOT. Colors are better. They are not over saturated. Very close to natural. Whites are white and not blue (at least on my display) etc.
Please let me know your results.
Works good here!
any way to change these values without root as I updated to the new tmobile update and atm there is no root method
dudeawsome said:
any way to change these values without root as I updated to the new tmobile update and atm there is no root method
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I don't think so, no. These require a kernel with KCAL integrated. You can kinda adjust the screen values without root by going into settings > general > accessibility > vision > screen color adjustment > manual
But that's about the best you can do beyond nonroot screen filter overlay like cflumens supports etc
Thanks Helf. with this tweak, the display looks great!
by ghosting you mean image retention right? if that is the case, well this is awesome! Thanks
A little bit over 15 hrs and no ghosting. My only beef is how the blues look but it's a good configuration overall, easy on the eyes.
Paapa said:
A little bit over 15 hrs and no ghosting. My only beef is how the blues look but it's a good configuration overall, easy on the eyes.
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How do the blues look? I need to put the phone with a color calibrator and check it. Mine look pretty close to natural when I eye ball it. I'll keep working on it
helf said:
How do the blues look? I need to put the phone with a color calibrator and check it. Mine look pretty close to natural when I eye ball it. I'll keep working on it
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You're doing a great service for us all. Blue's and greens come off slightly dull like they could use a little saturation but if it's at the cost of prevent the ghosting effect i understand.
Paapa said:
You're doing a great service for us all. Blue's and greens come off slightly dull like they could use a little saturation but if it's at the cost of prevent the ghosting effect i understand.
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hm. The colors in general are probably a little duller. The vibrancy and contrast and all is usually cranked up on phones Samsung is especially awful about it. People like the 'pop' though. I just compared several shades of blue and greens with the screen at max brightness using the camera app, the colors are almost dead on to my eyes. Granted i have to manually drop the ISO a couple notches because the phone wants to automatically crank it too high (like true-to-life brightness/colors around my work desk it wants to use an ISO of 600 and ISO 200 was real world accurate. heh).
helf said:
How do the blues look? I need to put the phone with a color calibrator and check it. Mine look pretty close to natural when I eye ball it. I'll keep working on it
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You have spectrophotometer? I would love to see some values to use, but wouldn't it be different between devices? No panel is exactly the same, or?
I seem to remember that being reiterated quite a lot on various display discussions I've followed in the past.
askermk2000 said:
You have spectrophotometer? I would love to see some values to use, but wouldn't it be different between devices? No panel is exactly the same, or?
I seem to remember that being reiterated quite a lot on various display discussions I've followed in the past.[/QUOTES]
Yeah. I don't have a fancy one. It's old but works lol.
There is a variance between panels but it's not as severe as it has been in the past.
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Been trying these settings for a while, personally I really like them. Thanks Op!
Anyone else have any settings to try?
Do you use these settings along with Comfort View? Or do you leave the Comfort View setting turned off?
Sent from my LG V20 using XDA Labs
askermk2000 said:
You have spectrophotometer? I would love to see some values to use, but wouldn't it be different between devices? No panel is exactly the same, or?
I seem to remember that being reiterated quite a lot on various display discussions I've followed in the past.
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rick09 said:
Do you use these settings along with Comfort View? Or do you leave the Comfort View setting turned off?
Sent from my LG V20 using XDA Labs
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I use it with CF.lumen.
I don't use comfort view. If you enable it with my settings on you'll have a really yellow display.
Be sweet if there was a way to get kcal with stock kernel. I do get the image retention on mine pretty bad sometimes
KUSOsan said:
Be sweet if there was a way to get kcal with stock kernel. I do get the image retention on mine pretty bad sometimes
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Try this out :
I haven't yet. I am curious if it'll work.
Just tried on h918 it doesn't work.
helf said:
Try this out :
I haven't yet. I am curious if it'll work.
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Just tried it as well on H918 running WETA with stock kernel and it installed and activated properly but nothing changed. Tried a few different configs and reboots just to see but nothing. Thanks for the share though. It'd be just what I'm looking for if can get to work
Is there any chance applying these changes would cause auto brightness to stop working? Possibly it's coincidence, but I changed my screen settings to exactly how it was in the OP, and since then I've noticed auto brightness no longer works on my phone? I don't see how making these changes would cause that but I figured I'd ask here to be sure, or to see if anyone else has the same problem.
Sent from my LG V20 using XDA Labs

