[Q] Display sharpness - Optimus One, P500, V General

i didn't find any topic regarding the sharpeness of the Optimus One, so i created a new one. Well, i bought this phone for my wife and i'am really suprised about the great quality of this phone. I use myself a Galaxy S and so i'am a little bit spoiled regarding the display. But i have already seen that the sharpness could be better with a 480x320 resolution (e.g. Sony Ericsson X8). The X8 has a better sharpness related to the small texts in the settings menu. So, is there a possiblity to get a better sharpness on the Optimus One?

Sorry to say but you cannot do much.
You can only change system font with something smoother. That's the only thing you can do.

You can't change anything. X8 text looks "sharper" just because of a smaller screen (0,2inch).

I agree with heino81.
Screen quality is rather poor.
The screen of the Galaxy i7500 (oled) was in another league.

It is poor but you can enjoy the speed of the phone + it never runs out of ram !
I miss indeed the i7500's OLED screen. It was excelent, but it was only a nice looking phone, the lack of ram kept it out.

badeaioan said:
Sorry to say but you cannot do much.
You can only change system font with something smoother. That's the only thing you can do.
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Do you have any link regarding good system fonts?

There are some here on the forum. I will post the link when I get home.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App

I use ubuntu one!

Zecanilis said:
I use ubuntu one!
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Thanks, I downloaded it (edit - ubuntu 10.10) and it's quite a bit better than the standard font.
However, there are still some anti-aliasing problems (notably with bigger black letters on a white background), which are probably due to the 256k colors of the screen (the right gradations of grey may not be addressable or something like that)

about AA
I personally don't understand the propagation of antialiasing on a low resolution device. It makes the font blurry and causes lots of small input lags when you zoom or scroll. Even on my desktop computer when I first tried windows vista a few years ago, the first thing I did was turning the font smoothing off. Too bad there's no choice for that here.

As far as the sharpness of texts, no, there's really nothing we can do about it. The screen they put in the O1 was not designed to display a lot of pixels, unfortunately.
On my boyfriend's O1, I find that we can't use certain widgets because they look just horrible on his screen (clockr, D3 clock and some other minimalistic widgets that display lines and numbers/letters only).
I suppose it's unfair to the O1 because we're comparing it against high res phones (im using an x10), but LG could've given it a better screen cos it kinda ruins the experience.


Is Atrix Screen lame or im wrong?

I Brought the Atrix but i have some doubts about it.
First, its the second time i got and Device with the screen a little bit Yellowish, when compared to the white from the notebook, First was the Ipod touch that compared to my brothers one, looked yellowish, then i compared to an iphone then the iphone looked more yellowish than mine. and now Atrix.. Is this normal?
And I have some problems with colors, i dont know if its Android that has less colors or else
take a look at this screenshot:
can you see the "layers" in the wallpaper? in the Pc Screen it Look perfect. Who guilty for this problem? i dont remember seeying this problem on my ipod.
Check to see if there is an option for "high quality drawing" in this launcher. Better, unninstall launcher and see if that happens on stock too.
About the colors, yes, it's yellowish. Many cellphones are, unfortunately. Thats a bit of detail Nokia always gets right and no one notices or talks about it.
Hahah Oi Viamonte, tbm so brasileiro, mas vamos manter o ingles. Ok ill try those methods
Tried the High Resolution Drawing, didnt helped =/ is this normal in other phones like samsung galaxy S2?
Lordareon said:
Tried the High Resolution Drawing, didnt helped =/ is this normal in other phones like samsung galaxy S2?
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Those tend to be to blue.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
The banding is most likely caused by the fact that the Atrix actually has a full 24bit screen and most other phones hop along with 18bit (dithered). On top of that most applications like the Android Gallery only display in 16 bit colour (Moto probably didn't bother to fix it either). Since there's no dithering on the Atrix (as it isn't required) you end up with banding. Just assign the wallpaper using another app which does it directly (there's a few on the market). Or, if you run CM7 you can force dithering the performance menu. Until more 24bit apps come out the CM7 dithering trick is probably the way to go.
The yellowish tinge is likely because most other screens actually fall on the reddish side (especially AMOLED pentile types).
The Atrix screen is beautiful. Try getting the black wallpaper from the market. Some people say movies look bad. People play the wrong movies. Get Moboplayer and a hi res 720 movie. The screen and colors are again beautiful. The only issue with the screen is it is not good in daylight. Set the brightness to 60 or 70....this phone amazes me every day.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

[Q] Do you notice the screen size difference?

Do you notice that the screen is smaller compared to a 10.1 inch tablet? I am going to see one to compare soon.
I am also interested in the 2 year warranty but is this only online in the UK?
Also, is there any way to remove the Sony Apps and it's customised app launcher.
Er yeah its suppose to be smaller than 10.1 Its advertised as a 9.4 screen and yeah you can use other launchers and uninstall most of the apps that arent system related.
I just wondered if it looked smaller with the human eye and if it affects use/typing.
Can I use the stock launcher?
tweaker101 said:
I just wondered if it looked smaller with the human eye and if it affects use/typing.
Can I use the stock launcher?
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Not at all in fact I think the screen is near perfect in size for a tablet. My preference for screen has been Ipad's "square" type screen and Sony's smaller screen vs 10.1. I imagine Samsung's 8.9 would be similar too.
You can use whatever launcher you like.
As a seriously early iPad adopter (3 days after USA launch) and a Touchpad owner (STILL the classiest hardware but too heavy) I can honestly say I had not even thought about this until your question here, that answers it I think. there was a lot made of the less vivid colours on the Sony screen but I much prefer the natural colouration.
Just spent some time comparing the Sony to the ipad acer and galaxy.
You don't notice the screen size difference as that number of pixels is the same. The same information is shown on screen just slightly smaller.
If you've got particularly fat fingers typing may be an issue but I found the keyboard more responsive and easier to use than the ipad 2, in other words the slightly smaller size was not an issue for me.

Fist Impressions with Radar/WP7

I just got my Radar in the mail today and I have to say, my first impressions are very good. I'm coming from Android so when I saw the kind of dated specs for this phone, I was a little hesitant. But just like the all the reviews say, this phone is buttery smooth with plenty of power. You can't judge this phone against Android cause it's two different OS's. Windows doesn't need the horsepower that Android needs and the software integration with the hardware is tight and beautiful.
Love the hardware as well. Coming from a Galaxy S, I was happy with the performance but the phone was just too cheap and plasticy for me to ever REALLY love it's looks. The weight and unibody construction on this phone is awesome and I love it.
The unremovable battery might have been a deal breaker for me with a high end Android phone as I had an extra battery for my Galaxy S. But all the reviews said this phone gets well over a day of with moderate use so I'm not sweating that anymore.
NO LIKE::: There's not much I don't like and it's gonna take me a little longer than a few hours to get used to this phone. However, there is one thing about this OS that is bothering me. Font size!! Lets start with the browser....No setting in the browser to make the webpage larger like in android. And when you try to zoom in, the text doesn't re-flow. Also, font size in the people section like in your twitter feed is small as well. I don't have the best eyes but they're already starting to hurt. This complaint is pretty minor but in a way, it's major as well. If you get tired of using certain features on your phone cause it makes your eyes hurt, then that's kinda of a problem.
Overall though, love this phone and I'm happy with the purchase.
Oh and one more thing to add. The call quality isn't very good at all.
The text reflows if you double tap. It's by design.
sala91 said:
The text reflows if you double tap. It's by design.
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Yes but only a little bit. The text still isn't large enough for me to comfortably read, at least for a long time. I'm talking about pinching and zooming as close as you want and the words re-wrap to fit the screen like in Android, so you don't have to scroll back and forth. Other than that, I'm happy with the browser. I think it's a smoother experience on WP7.
And honestly, my complaint above about small font throughout the OS is starting to get to me even more. The things I do most on a phone are taking in info, like browsing my favorite sites, Twitter, Facebook, and RSS. And all these processes hurt my eyes after a while. Example, look at the Facebook app. The font is small cause the top of the screen is taken up by FACEBOOK and then the tittle of the page like MOST RECENT. I actually love the facebook app, it's just the small font I hate. I wish I had a bigger phone cause I think it would be Ok if it was a 4.3 inch screen or so.
In the end, I hate to say it cause I love this OS but I think i'm gonna sell this phone. I'll just have to wait until a bigger phone comes out or Microsoft makes it an option to make the font bigger everywhere. It sucks cause this OS is so much more beautiful and cohesive than anything else. I'm a big fan, but my eyes aren't letting me enjoy the experience. I hope to be back to WP7 soon.
seanp666 htc titan has a very big screen. try that.
sala91 said:
seanp666 htc titan has a very big screen. try that.
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text wouldnt be any better oneit since the pexel density is so low.. reviewers said they had to zoom in to see most stuff on browser clear, a shame =/
stratax i dissagree. to me titan is so big i dont zoom anything there
sala91 said:
stratax i dissagree. to me titan is so big i dont zoom anything there
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Thats weird, couple reviews i saw said it was pixelated when you looked closely and text wasnt that clear
stratax said:
Thats weird, couple reviews i saw said it was pixelated when you looked closely and text wasnt that clear
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For reference, it has a higher PPI than an iPhone 3GS. So...
jeremyshaw said:
For reference, it has a higher PPI than an iPhone 3GS. So...
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and that screen was tiny haha. here is what everyone is saying.
"The HTC Titan is quite large thanks to its 4.7-inch display. We were slightly disappointed to find that the resolution for this LCD is standard WVGA–480 x 800 pixels. This means the dots per inch (dpi) specification will be quite low, and users may be able to make out individual pixels in some situations, which can be unpleasant when reading text. However, it should make viewing videos a joy, especially when sharing the screen with friends."
I would love to check out the phone myself. but dont have $600 to put into one lol.
even if you can see things fine.. why would they put qHD on the sensation and then 720p display on the rezound, etc. but not the titan when it has a even BIGGER screen? that just confuses me xD maybe it has something to do with WP7.
i just got one radar for my wife.... i like the size and the aluminium body.. the camera is good, and takes panorama shots as well..
smoother then my HD7...
I'm coming from the hd7 also. And I find the size of the radar and its screen to be to annoying. Font size is an issue for me as well. The plus? WiFi tethering.
So, is the tethering free? It was so easy to activate and use, but I don't want any surprise charges.
AdamBlue said:
So, is the tethering free? It was so easy to activate and use, but I don't want any surprise charges.
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Depends entirely on your carrier.
Sent from my Radar 4G using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Brooose said:
Sent from my Radar 4G using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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drewmaloy said:
I'm coming from the hd7 also. And I find the size of the radar and its screen to be to annoying. Font size is an issue for me as well. The plus? WiFi tethering.
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and the camera. The camera is orders of magnitude better than the HD7's.
stratax said:
and that screen was tiny haha. here is what everyone is saying.
"The HTC Titan is quite large thanks to its 4.7-inch display. We were slightly disappointed to find that the resolution for this LCD is standard WVGA–480 x 800 pixels. This means the dots per inch (dpi) specification will be quite low, and users may be able to make out individual pixels in some situations, which can be unpleasant when reading text. However, it should make viewing videos a joy, especially when sharing the screen with friends."
I would love to check out the phone myself. but dont have $600 to put into one lol.
even if you can see things fine.. why would they put qHD on the sensation and then 720p display on the rezound, etc. but not the titan when it has a even BIGGER screen? that just confuses me xD maybe it has something to do with WP7.
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Every negative comment I have heard about the Titan's screen is from people who don't actually own it or have used it and are just speculating. I'll search for more reviews (since I plan to buy the Titan Friday) and see if I can find anything else out.
here are my first impressions of this nice device (in german)
But I've got a question by the way? Is it normal that the alphabetical jumplist in apps menu is missing?
No. That should be there...odd.
According to :
You get the letters in the app list when you have more than 45 applications.

Color banding?

I just saw a review of the Xperia S saying the screen is amazing but pictures have an awfull color banding!
Is that true?
If yes can you try ''wallpaper set and save'' app? It's the only app to set wallpapers without banding due to software
vegetaleb said:
I just saw a review of the Xperia S saying the screen is amazing but pictures have an awfull color banding!
Is that true?
If yes can you try ''wallpaper set and save'' app? It's the only app to set wallpapers without banding due to software
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I think it's utter nonsense. Nobody else has mentioned it in their reviews (just the contrary actually) and I've never seen it myself on any of the videos.
I've seen a video where they compare the screen of the Xperia S and (I think) the Galaxy Nexus, and it showed all the different colour gradients, and the Xperia S was miles better. I can't find it now that I'm looking for it though!
Yardglass said:
I think it's utter nonsense. Nobody else has mentioned it in their reviews (just the contrary actually) and I've never seen it myself on any of the videos.
I've seen a video where they compare the screen of the Xperia S and (I think) the Galaxy Nexus, and it showed all the different colour gradients, and the Xperia S was miles better. I can't find it now that I'm looking for it though!
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Yep have the same feelings here, but not every reviewer is capable of reviewing ;-)
Here's the infamous review
We definitely need owners to share their thoughts about this possible issue, this is a potential deal breaker if real.
vegetaleb said:
Here's the infamous review
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Thanks for sharing, it was good and I liked the shots very much. Nice videos.
I had color banding on both Nexus 1 and sgs2, obviously with wallpapers having blue sky.
It was a software bug because as I said with ''wallpaper set and save'' the banding disapeared on N1, on sgs2 it was a custom rom that solved it.
The key problem is that some versions of stock ''Gallery'' are coming with 65k colors instead of 16M. Dunno why they are still doing this mistake...
I just got the Xperia S and no pictures of mine has color banding or other issues like my OLD nexus
Alien987 said:
We definitely need owners to share their thoughts about this possible issue, this is a potential deal breaker if real.
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I recently replaced my Xperia S due to yellow tint issue. This new one has no yellow tint but has colour banding issue on some things like on the front page of the XDA app. Will post pics if peple wanna see it.
Mine is being repaired at the moment for the yellow tint issue as well. I have a loaner HTC wildfire s for the moment. The xda app splash screen just is banded. It's exactly the same on this phone.
Some other apps seem to have a little color banding, but imho it's usually just because they are optimized for lower resolution devices. The situation will propably change a bit since more devices with hd screens are being released.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using XDA
I checked out the XDA app's slash screen, and holy smokes that is some serious banding. But that's not the fault of the phone, as I presume the image is actually banded like RiotRick says.
Places I found banding is for example on the News and Weather app on the tabs, the gradients of gray are clearly visible. On my old HTC Hero it is not noticeable in the 65k colours.
But I'm skeptical to push the fault on the screen though - I'd say it's far more likely that the app itself using images that weren't rendered for 16M colours and the xhdpi. I can safely say that it DOES NOT colour band the static timescape wallpapers (it is silky smooth), so just by that I do not think the screen or software is at fault.
Alien987, if you really are on the fence due to screen deal breakers, I would be more concerned of the colour renditions of the LCD screen at off-center viewing angles. Personally, it doesn't bother me as I'd be looking at it from the center when I use it, but my cousin pointed it out when she was trying to watch the game I was playing when she was sitting beside me (she uses an iphone 4, so I guess she is acute to how nice screens look? =S) (oops sorry I went sorta off-topic)
To be clear the screen on the Xperia S exhibits no colour banding with images 16bit and over just like most other screen types, the reviewer clearly doesn't know what they are talking about and goes into zero depth to try and justify the claim.
Colour banding only happens when the on screen image is of a lower gradient then say 16bit, most images in applications deliberately have a lower gradient (8bit) for lower memory usage in their apps so u will see this banding since a lower colour pallet is used.
Mobile screens these days even pentile, don't have an issue with colour banding as they are of a high quality.
Check a 24bit image on the screen and you will see zero colour banding in all colours.
Ah, excellent explanation, smc! I had a hunch, and you definitely much more sense of it
Sent from my LT26i using XDA
Theverge is a bunch of samsungsold fanboys tbh
Sent from my LT26i using XDA
Honestly, I think the verge review is biased.
They seem to be more interested in the One X than Xperia S.


The Essential Phone has a crazy crisp display. Just kidding, this is automated text so who knows if this screen is any good. So, you be the judge! A higher rating indicates that it's extremely sharp and clear, and that you cannot see pixels with your naked eye.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
Very clean and clear display brought new life to wallpapers
Mine looks great. With a high quality wallpaper (shout out to Backdrops) the device really shines. I was worried about it being LCD rather than AMOLED, however after using it for three weeks now, I still prefer the PH-1's display over my old Nexus 6's display. I've had other people comment on how crisp and beautiful the colors look, even iPhone users who gawk when I tell them the pixel density is greater than any iDevice released (and even not released yet!) I love my PH-1.
have to agree and add that i actually tried a live wallpaper and actually am still using it BECAUSE its so sharp. I NEVER use live wallpapers tried this one for giggles https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.maxelus.livewallpaper.amoled&hl=en and the PH-1 sold me. Just seems different somehow
mallman said:
have to agree and add that i actually tried a live wallpaper and actually am still using it BECAUSE its so sharp. I NEVER use live wallpapers tried this one for giggles https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.maxelus.livewallpaper.amoled&hl=en and the PH-1 sold me. Just seems different somehow
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I tried Tree of Love love wall paper and love it as well:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.agcdev.hearttree
This is the first live wall paper used and has stayed as my background henceforth
Sent from my Essential Phone using XDA Labs
Honestly? Display is good but not great. I'm a bit spoiled when it comes to this. Used to Samsung Super AMOLED screens, so any LCD just feels like a downgrade. My wife likes it better though because you can actually turn the screen brightness lower if you're lying in bed reading a book.
I am having trouble picking a wallpaper for this phone. Even my Nexus 6 made these pictures pop better than this phone. Might be a software issue though. When watching videos, it doesn't look that bad. I mean you will only get so much out of an LCD screen. This isn't really anything special.
matistight said:
I am having trouble picking a wallpaper for this phone. Even my Nexus 6 made these pictures pop better than this phone. Might be a software issue though. When watching videos, it doesn't look that bad. I mean you will only get so much out of an LCD screen. This isn't really anything special.
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I found that somehow I like the dark wallpapers better on this screen than the amoled on my z2 force which supposedly has better blacks.
mookiexl said:
I found that somehow I like the dark wallpapers better on this screen than the amoled on my z2 force which supposedly has better blacks.
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If you like grey yeah. But I have 3 Essentials (only one I am keeping) and they all have imperfections around the edges of the screen, so with that picture you have the top left might not look perfect, and even then it would look grey rather than black. Not having this issue with the Razer Phone, but the screen isn't as bright as the Essential so who knows. Didn't really have an issue with the Moto Z2 Force either, but I can tell that its a plastic oled rather than a glass one
mookiexl said:
I found that somehow I like the dark wallpapers better on this screen than the amoled on my z2 force which supposedly has better blacks.
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what icon pack is that and the clock widget and the time on the top left corner and are you using a certain launcher. would love my EssPh1 wallpaper to look like that...:good:
AndrewX85 said:
what icon pack is that and the clock widget and the time on the top left corner and are you using a certain launcher. would love my EssPh1 wallpaper to look like that...:good:
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Clock is command center, it's what us moto mod users used to see the battery of our moto mods but it works for this phone. The clock is just part of stock Android Pie. I'm using Nova launcher beta (just Google it) and luver icon pack. Here's the wallpaper too. Just something out of my Google plus community

