Net2Phone - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Can you in install Net2Phone on the xda???

Frank said:
Can you in install Net2Phone on the xda???
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No. They do not have a Pocket PC version of their Net2Phone software. And if they did, the GPRS connection has crapy properties for voice calls, so you would need to make a GSM data call, and hope they have something with a low-enough bitrate to deal with the 9600-if-you're-lucky connection.

You searching for an ip-phone software?
Use netiphone PDA it is for free..
(but only useable over wlan devices, 9600baud are not enough bandwidzj)


WIFI instead of GPRS

Hello i have PDAVIET and i have a problem when i m connected to a wireless spot, and i want to signin to msn it uses my GPRS connection although i am already connected to the internet.
Any suggestions?
click cancel on baloon tooltip,and i'm not sure about your rom version,pdaviet maybe?
yes sorry
))) did you solve the problem ?
nope sorry
I'm with rom and I also experience this. I tried using Live messenger connected to activesync through usb cable connection, but instead of using the activesync connection, he tries to connect over gprs!!!! Argghhhhh!!!
Beside iassael, the others who run are also experience this bug??
i think so and i also had the same withh
well, I don't have wifi by my computer, but I soon will, so I'm interested in this issue...what about trying what this guy says;
It is a solution to a different problem, so maybe a bit of a long shot, but something he says there;
The beauty is that Windows mobile knows it needs to use the "GPRS Internet", only when other connections are not present.
Now you don't have to mess with selecting a proxyless connection when connecting to a WiFi source, or using activesync
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made me think it could be worth a try.
did you fix it?
I dont see how this will work. If default is set to not GPRS, you have to have wifi or connected to computer. it will not use GPRS as backup. at least i havent been able to get it to think that way on WM5 and WM6.
any solutions to the login problems using ? I still couldn't access MSN with PDAVIET ROM

Bluetooth communication problem

I am really getting frustrated over here!
i cant seem to be able to send files from my pc to my prophet thru the usb bluetooth dongle...
can anyone help on that plz..
i can connect and pair and even send a virtual contact card, but i cant send files!
You should enable the Option "Receive all incoming beams."
You can find it here: Settings->Connections->Beam
neo83 said:
You should enable the Option "Receive all incoming beams."
You can find it here: Settings->Connections->Beam
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i did that!..
is there some kind of software i should use!
can anyone guide me on how to do it step by step plz
Receive all incoming beams has absolutely nothing to do with bluetooth! please don't miss lead others if you are not sure. well turn on your bluetooth, click on a file you want to send then click on "beam file" then wait for your phone to find the other device. also the way it works on my laptop is that at the same time i have to click on the bluetooth icon on my laptop and set it to wait for receiving a file, then on my phone I can see my laptop's name under the "Infrared" then all i have to do is to click on send. If this procedure didn't work on your rom and if you are using wm6 , well some of the wm6 roms in here have problem with bluetooth, wait for the one coming out in less than two days (touch V7/Crystal V1) they don't have any problem with bluetooth.
I am sure, that Beam is related to IR and also to Bluetooth
On my xda neo with Gullum V6 it only worked after enabling this option.
Look at the Orbit-manual and you will see, that it is so!
"To receive a Bluetooth beam
Your device will not detect and notify you of incoming Bluetooth beams
unless you set it up to do this.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Beam.
2. Select the Receive all incoming beams check box.
3. Make sure your device is turned on, visible, and within close range of
the device that is beaming the information.
4. When prompted to receive an incoming beam, tap Yes to receive the
beamed information."
Source: (Page 96)
neo83 said:
I am sure, that Beam is related to IR and also to Bluetooth
On my xda neo with WM6 it only worked after enabling this option.
Look at the Orbit-manual and you will see, that it is so!
"To receive a Bluetooth beam
Your device will not detect and notify you of incoming Bluetooth beams
unless you set it up to do this.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Beam.
2. Select the Receive all incoming beams check box.
3. Make sure your device is turned on, visible, and within close range of
the device that is beaming the information.
4. When prompted to receive an incoming beam, tap Yes to receive the
beamed information."
Source: (Page 96)
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I'm sorry I was wrong ! well I learned something , thank you.
although still the method I explained above is correct for sending a file from your ppc to another device.
@hma4 Yeah...We are here to help each other ...Btw...Thanks a lot to you and to Gullum for your efforts to make a good rom...I am waiting for it!!!
neo83 said:
@hma4 Yeah...We are here to help each other ...Btw...Thanks a lot to you and to Gullum for your efforts to make a good rom...I am waiting for it!!!
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ok guys... am glad someone is helping me out
i successfully managed to send a file from my prophet to my laptop
but till now i cannot seem to be able to send the other way around (from my laptop to my prophet)...
i have my dongle attached and working with the bluesoleil bluetooth stack...
ZuZ said:
ok guys... am glad someone is helping me out
i successfully managed to send a file from my prophet to my laptop
but till now i cannot seem to be able to send the other way around (from my laptop to my prophet)...
i have my dongle attached and working with the bluesoleil bluetooth stack...
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ZuZ read the neo83 manual, it's really comprehensive
@neo83: I hope you like this new rom! we almost fixed all the bugs and it's blazing fast !
hma4 said:
ZuZ read the neo83 manual, it's really comprehensive
@neo83: I hope you like this new rom! we almost fixed all the bugs and it's blazing fast !
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i did
but the software i am using keeps giving me error whenever i try to send a file..
i think it is a software compatibilty issue..
do u know any software that i can use to send files by bluetooth?
ZuZ said:
i did
but the software i am using keeps giving me error whenever i try to send a file..
i think it is a software compatibilty issue..
do u know any software that i can use to send files by bluetooth?
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Why not using the integrated Bluetooth drivers in XP SP2 or Vista?
For me it works without additional software!
Good luck!
neo83 said:
Why not using the integrated Bluetooth drivers in XP SP2 or Vista?
For me it works without additional software!
Good luck!
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i have the windows vista ultimate and the bundled bluetooth drivers dont work with the bluetooth usb dongle i have.. so i downloaded the latest bluesoleil drivers for vista and using it to transfer files..
are u sure that the integrated bluetooth drivers work with a usb dongle?
ZuZ said:
i have the windows vista ultimate and the bundled bluetooth drivers dont work with the bluetooth usb dongle i have.. so i downloaded the latest bluesoleil drivers for vista and using it to transfer files..
are u sure that the integrated bluetooth drivers work with a usb dongle?
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OK. I have also Bluetooth dongle and there was a cd with some software. I didn't install this sowfware, because XP Pro SP2 and Vista Business could find the right drivers...and everything works fine with the integrated in Windows Bluetooth Wizard. It depends on your Bluetooth dongle maybe...
I also think that the problem is in the additional software that you have installed...
neo83 said:
OK. I have also Bluetooth dongle and there was a cd with some software. I didn't install this sowfware, because XP Pro SP2 and Vista Business could find the right drivers...and everything works fine with the integrated in Windows Bluetooth Wizard. It depends on your Bluetooth dongle maybe...
I also think that the problem is in the additional software that you have installed...
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just downloaded and installed the toshiba software for the bluetooth and it works gr8
the only downside is that it is an evaluation for a period of 30 days
so i have 30 days to find its crack or a better one..
but FINALLY i can send and receive via bluetooth
thanx All
I heard before that Blue Soleil didn't work with Vista, but the MS drivers should though.... Obvious your experience differs. Perhaps something to do with the radio.

Neo as WiFi Modem via cable?

It's possible to use my Neo via USB cable at my PC and use a WiFi connection to a WiFi router for surfing on my PC?
Router ----> WiFi connection to my Neo ----> Cable connection to my PC (surfing on it)
animelover said:
It's possible to use my Neo via USB cable at my PC and use a WiFi connection to a WiFi router for surfing on my PC?
Router ----> WiFi connection to my Neo ----> Cable connection to my PC (surfing on it)
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I was searching for such a solution some time ago but had no luck...if this was possible it would be really great!
there is a small app called wifirouter:
zeroed said:
there is a small app called wifirouter:
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Thanks, but this tool only routes a GPRS/UMTS connection to WiFi, but we are searching for a tool that routes WiFi through USB (to say it very short) - animelover: correct me, if I'm wrong!
But nevertheless: Thank you!
zeroed said:
there is a small app called wifirouter:
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welll, this enables ur neo as "Access Point" for other wifi enable devices and they will use ur data plan ( on ur device GPRS/UMTS) via it, ultimatly u have to use a wifi dongle ( i dont know whether such thing exist) to access net on PC.
nandlal_mk said:
welll, this enables ur neo as "Access Point" for other wifi enable devices and they will use ur data plan ( on ur device GPRS/UMTS) via it, ultimatly u have to use a wifi dongle ( i dont know whether such thing exist) to access net on PC.
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I think the original question can be translated to: How can we use the Prophet as an WIFI dongle?
rondol1 said:
I think the original question can be translated to: How can we use the Prophet as an WIFI dongle?
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yes, thats right.
but i(we ?) dont know how it can be done.
rondol1 said:
I think the original question can be translated to: How can we use the Prophet as an WIFI dongle?
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Yes, you're right! That's what I want to do with my Neo!
animelover said:
Yes, you're right! That's what I want to do with my Neo!
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...and me too!
Did you guys found an answer for that? See if it is the same as my question: I have a notebook with internet (cable) and I want to use my cell phone as a router, to conect another computer via wireless. Is it right?
see if it helps
This is exactly the sort of thing I would like to do. All the solutions to date use the Internet sharing directed over the GPRS but not the WIFI if available. I would be happy to connect to it via active sync or bluetooth (the former probably being easier).
Hope somebody finds a tool or a hack to do it as this would be a great addition to the Prophets functionality.

Share Internet for T-01A

Hi everyone, I have tried share internet for my T-01A but no way success, I used WMWIFIROUTER, PDANet, ICS but alway notice error.
Someone tried that matter share experience plz.
What do you mean? You try to connect your TG01 to internet on wifi router?
Yes,I can not share Internet from 3G to PC by use Internet Sharing or WMWIFIROUTER, need some help
Yes,I can not share Internet from T01A(as modem) to PC by use Internet Sharing or WMWIFIROUTER, need some help
thanhchaua6 said:
Yes,I can not share Internet from T01A(as modem) to PC by use Internet Sharing or WMWIFIROUTER, need some help
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So you want use your T01A as a modem for your PC.
I think an other person had same problem. Solution is lock for some third part software any for wm have to work with it.
For Nokia is (Nokia PC Suit) but for wm I don't know.
Just check on Google.
bojan6 said:
So you want use your T01A as a modem for your PC.
I think an other person had same problem. Solution is lock for some third part software any for wm have to work with it.
For Nokia is (Nokia PC Suit) but for wm I don't know.
Just check on Google.
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that was me its not as simple as installing 3rd party software unfortunatly. my problem and it sounds like this is the same problem are that our phones will not allow us to access wifi, usb or bluetooth networks while we are connected to our cellphone network. it's one or the other, not both.
my guess is is that our providers dont want us doing such things so the
did something to prevent us from doing this.
honestly ive given up.
You can try one of this. your Windows Mobile device as modem for your laptop
more info
I think this problem have origin active sync. I didn't find a internet sharing in wm 6.5. Its go be little bet difficult to configure it.
But don't give up quip trying.
thank for your help, but seem that way no work,I can use same time Activesync and EDGE on T-01A

Tg01 as router

how does it work? im trying this for a long and for me is almost impossible:
my tg01 seems to work with it but in fact there is no connection.
Thanks in advance
papoble said:
how does it work? im trying this for a long and for me is almost impossible:
my tg01 seems to work with it but in fact there is no connection.
Thanks in advance
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Connect it to your PC with a USB cable, and make sure the ActiveSync partnership is working (ie, you can browse the phone from within My Computer).
Now head into the Start Menu on your TG01 and click "Internet Sharing". Make sure the PC Connection is set to USB, and the Network Connection is set to your Mobile Network. Hit the Connect button at the bottom.
That's it
Thanks, for your time, but is the way to connect with pc wireless i meant (and i dont want connect bluetooth) so i just wanna know the way to use my tg01 as wifi router.
perhaps with the program called 'wifi router' ?
google might help you out finding another program if that doesn't work. but that's not for free.
best regards
papoble said:
Thanks, for your time, but is the way to connect with pc wireless i meant (and i dont want connect bluetooth) so i just wanna know the way to use my tg01 as wifi router.
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Then I think you need a seperate application - should do the trick !
Wifi router software
Wifi router software

