XDA Doesn't power back up with power button, or incoming cal - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

XDA Doesn't power back up with power button, or incoming call.
Help, does anyone know how to prevent this? When the phone powers off on a normal powersave, there are times when I can't power up via button; also if a call my xda, it does not power up and acknowledge call...in fact on the 'phone I am calling from, I just hear it ringing until it diverts to voicemail.
The only way to fix is a soft reboot. Any clues?
Thanks, Jed :lol:

Maybe it is a software conflict problem, I always let my phone shutdown by power saving mode automatically, and it still can power on or receive phone call.
My rom version is 3.15.15 / Radio 4.16.

This happended before I installed software... any other clues

would you expect anything else from an Microsoft OS ????

I am having the same problems and have not find a solution yet. Seems it only happen when the XDA goes into powersave while an application is running. Anyone any solutions on this one?


WM6 Prophet Device Off Problem

I have tried nearly all ROMS released on this forum (eg. PDAMobiz, Gallum, PDAViet On all ROMS I have tried, I have the same problem.
Although I turn off the device pressing the power button on the right side, time to time it turns on automatically without me pushing any button. (every 3-5 minutes)I believe that the cause is I use Direct Push all the time and when it starts to sync the phone turns on unintentionally.
Second, The "Lock all buttons expect Power button" option is selected in the Buttons settings. However when I first turn the device off, no button is functional as expected. But after 1-2 minutes when I click Comm Manager(or now TouchFlo) button, the device turns on again.
This is very annoying because I put the phone in my pocket and it turns on and I start calling people or sending messages without me knowing that
any help appreciated.
ogorur said:
I have tried nearly all ROMS released on this forum (eg. PDAMobiz, Gallum, PDAViet On all ROMS I have tried, I have the same problem.
Although I turn off the device pressing the power button on the right side, time to time it turns on automatically without me pushing any button. (every 3-5 minutes)I believe that the cause is I use Direct Push all the time and when it starts to sync the phone turns on unintentionally.
Second, The "Lock all buttons expect Power button" option is selected in the Buttons settings. However when I first turn the device off, no button is functional as expected. But after 1-2 minutes when I click Comm Manager(or now TouchFlo) button, the device turns on again.
This is very annoying because I put the phone in my pocket and it turns on and I start calling people or sending messages without me knowing that
any help appreciated.
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I'm not shure if it helps but my last version of the touch version does not use the Comm Manager button for the Touch Cube... and I tryed to simulate but pressing power of and then tried to press comm manager button several times and it did not turn on
ogorur said:
I have tried nearly all ROMS released on this forum (eg. PDAMobiz, Gallum, PDAViet On all ROMS I have tried, I have the same problem.
Although I turn off the device pressing the power button on the right side, time to time it turns on automatically without me pushing any button. (every 3-5 minutes)I believe that the cause is I use Direct Push all the time and when it starts to sync the phone turns on unintentionally.
Second, The "Lock all buttons expect Power button" option is selected in the Buttons settings. However when I first turn the device off, no button is functional as expected. But after 1-2 minutes when I click Comm Manager(or now TouchFlo) button, the device turns on again.
This is very annoying because I put the phone in my pocket and it turns on and I start calling people or sending messages without me knowing that
any help appreciated.
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Just a hunge and only partial answer, but have you made an email account and have the setting configured to check at intervals? My experience is that the device turns to active then. I have put this setting to manually and no problems witk unexpected "turnning on" since then.
(Doesn't explain the Comm button issue though...)
The problem persists both for Gullum and also for PDAViet I have e-mail account set to receive mail "as they arrive"(I use direct push) so that should be the problem. Everytime it starts to sync the device turns on. I cannot change this setting to manual because I use e-mail more than phone on my PDA (I have 150-200MB data usage per month )
I cannot find a reasonable answer to the comm manager problem because for the first 2-3 months everything works as it should be both later comm manager button wakes the phone up.
Thanks anyway. I think I should carry on using good old WM5.
ogorur said:
I have tried nearly all ROMS released on this forum (eg. PDAMobiz, Gallum, PDAViet On all ROMS I have tried, I have the same problem.
Although I turn off the device pressing the power button on the right side, time to time it turns on automatically without me pushing any button. (every 3-5 minutes)I believe that the cause is I use Direct Push all the time and when it starts to sync the phone turns on unintentionally.
Second, The "Lock all buttons expect Power button" option is selected in the Buttons settings. However when I first turn the device off, no button is functional as expected. But after 1-2 minutes when I click Comm Manager(or now TouchFlo) button, the device turns on again.
This is very annoying because I put the phone in my pocket and it turns on and I start calling people or sending messages without me knowing that
any help appreciated.
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i had the same Problem,
i noticed that the problem is only if i turn on identification information in "Settings/Owner Information/Options"
so i turned off and never had this problem
I am using PV and got the same problems. auto on every few minutes. I try to set the Active Sync (Servermode) to manual, disable GPRS and it is same. no idea at all. If somebody can help that I appreciate very much.

Power button not turning the phone but on

After an upgrade to dcd latest ROM 2.2.6 and Radio I have found that when my phone sleeps or I turn it off it doesn’t always turn back on I need to soft reset it. I am even tried an earlier Rom version 2.2.1 and still the problem.
This is a Telecom New Zealand phone and as for normal practice they don't give out their Rom's so I can't just flash back
With some playing I think I have tracked it down to only causing this issue when my data push is enabled ie, don't sync up to an exchange server and the phone works fine.
I am aware from other posts there are others out there with the same issue, can you check if this is the same with your phone. Turn off all your data connections and delete your exchange server and see if you phone then behaves.
I know people are saying it could be the Bootloader but if the above is the cause then I don't think it is in the loader and maybe dcd can help us track it.
I have tracked this problem down to when activesync does a Microsoft Direct puch while the phone is in standby. To connect to our work's mail server we need to also create a VPN connection (not using SSL) as long as I put in a wrong name or password causing activesync never to be able to sync then the power button turns the phone on everytime. If I also connect and sync (while phone is on) then dissconnet my VPN and and change password then the phone still works fine.
Does anyone has any idea where I should be looking, as I would like to have my Direct push email working.
Sorry to jack your thread, but I have a very similar problem. Sometimes when my phone goes on standby when I'm on the phone and my conversation is finished. I cant power back on my phone either. The green light still flashes, but the power button does nothing! Anyone have that same problem?
I've also had this problem. When I press the power button the phone would enter standby mode and when I pressed it again it wouldn't wake up. The only way around it I found for my phone is to install S2U2 and set it so it activates when the backlight turns off. That seems to catch it before it whatever happens to not let the phone wake up happens. So now when I press the power button, the screen cuts off and S2U2 opens. Hope this helps.
I have similar problems. Maybe I'll try using S2U2 ...
Same problems, doesn't seem to wake up if it goes to sleep while VPN is running... any fix?
I had the same issue when I flashed my ROM with the USB connection. It could be the bootloader. because I then used the SD card bootloader and re-loaded my ROM from the SD card and it resolved the issue.
I would recommend reinstalling from the SD card using the no2chem.

HD2, hanging on unlock

Very annoying problem this, ive only done the ROM update offered by T-mobile to fix some bugs.
Now it will randomly stop responding when you press any button on the phone it doesnt do anything. If you hold down the power button then tap it again sometimes it comes to life. Ive called it when it does this to try and wake it up as it were or send a text, nothing it doesnt even recognise they have been sent after the restart. All i can do is a soft reset. Anyone have a clue what could be causing this?
Step83 said:
Very annoying problem this, ive only done the ROM update offered by T-mobile to fix some bugs.
Now it will randomly stop responding when you press any button on the phone it doesnt do anything. If you hold down the power button then tap it again sometimes it comes to life. Ive called it when it does this to try and wake it up as it were or send a text, nothing it doesnt even recognise they have been sent after the restart. All i can do is a soft reset. Anyone have a clue what could be causing this?
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I have this problem as well. sometimes pressing the power key all that happens is the keys light up but no response on the screen, you may fin dif you leave it a few minutes it will start to work again. I'm not an expert in these things but it seems to be similar to if you have a faulty memory stick in a pc. I'm on my 5th replacement from HTC on just 6 moth of owning the phone. Its a complete nightmare and renders the phone completely useless. Send it to htc for repair. check any return handsets very carefully they send you as they sent me 3 handsets with the screens incorrectly fitted. Take date stamped pics of your handset also before sending so you can prove the condition of it before it was sent to them.
Step83 said:
Very annoying problem this, ive only done the ROM update offered by T-mobile to fix some bugs.
Now it will randomly stop responding when you press any button on the phone it doesnt do anything. If you hold down the power button then tap it again sometimes it comes to life. Ive called it when it does this to try and wake it up as it were or send a text, nothing it doesnt even recognise they have been sent after the restart. All i can do is a soft reset. Anyone have a clue what could be causing this?
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I am also suffering from this.

I9100 Stuck During A Call And Won't Hang Up

Hello all.
I have been using the I9100 for the 3rd year now, and about a week ago, i started to get the following bug:
When I am in a call, sometimes, without me doing anything, i stop hearing the other side.
When I try to hang up and end the call, i press the red button - AND NOTHING HAPPENS.
For 5-10 minutes while the phone stuck in a "call state", the call disconnects and the phone seems to return to its senses.
Other solution is to restart the phone - all that is really frustrating because it still takes about 5 minutes to return to the call - which sometimes can be important.
Anyone experienced such problem - and maybe found a solution?
What firmware are you on?
andrewwright said:
what firmware are you on?
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Save you're data and factory reset and wipe cache in recovery. Are you rooted? Either way it will /should sort the problem.
Yeah i used to have the same problem when i was on stock 4.1.2. But i didn't have any problem of hearing the other side, only when i used to press the red button to hang up, the touchscreen wouldn't respond. The solution to this is very simple. Just go in the settings and check the option which says "use power key to hang up". After this whenever you press the power key during a call, it forces the phone to hang up. That should solve your "hanging up" problem.
Hit thanks if i helped! :laugh: :laugh:

Power button problem

Story was a bit messy, so i rewrited it.
Here's the deal.
I'm using headset and bluetooth car audio very often. I'm quite sure that when i bought the phone, i was able to wake the phone up during the call, using the power button, without the call being disconnected.
Now here's the problem, when i make a call, and want to check anythingo on the screen, i have to wake the device up, that needs power button to be pressed, and that immidiately disconnects the call. Any of you guys have a clue what could go wrong or maybe i need to see some settings to fix it?
I thought it only happens on bluetooth but yesterday i found out it happens also when using headset.
thx in advance
Hmm, if you are during a phone call, your phone should be awake?
I just know that you can reject a call by pressing the power button, that's an android feature.
No, it shouldn't be awake.
I'm not talking about rejecting a call either.
I've already solved the problem. It was an option in accessibility options, called "end of connection".

