Download / Upload throughputs - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

does anybody know if there is a tool for measurements of XDA's DL and UL throughputs? I know there is the Bytecounter.exe but I would like to have some tool that would show also 2D graph and give statistics (something similar to Dunmon for desktops).


Where can we download Microsoft Remote Display Control?

A member of this forum suggested to use Microsoft Remote Display Control so you could write SMS using your PC. He gave this link
but when I tried opening that page from microsoft website, i can't find the right link to downloading that software. Something else were posted there. Could someone help me find it pls?
Download the "Windows Mobile Developer Powertoys" (link at bottom of page). RemoteDisplay is part of it.
if it's easier, here it is
Thanks guys,
However, I found out that the controller is slower compared to its counterpart developed by SOTI. Not to mention the skin that really reflects the image of your unit. If you try to compare their delay when clicking menus and programs, Microsoft is indeed slower. But I still appreciate the effort guys, i really do. Thanks.

Hack to enable geocaching on the Athena Camera!

I found this on a French site, by changing the registry you get an extra camera mode that adds current position in the EXIF part of the file!
You need to edit the key : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\Camera\P9 change from 0 to 1 (P9 is the Geocoding profile).
No need to soft reset, just go into the camera and set to Geocode mode (see capture)
The files get stored in My Documents/POI (maybe so they appear in Tom Tom?).
Anybody know of cool ways to use this feature? Flickr? Googlemaps?
Sorry if this has been covered already!
Oh hell yes.....
Madhadder said:
Oh hell yes.....
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You mean it HAS been covered? could not find anything thru search....
I could never get it to work, it says the GPS is searching, but when I look at the photos I cant find any GPS coordinate data.
Anyone else actually try it?
I think Madhadder meant "oh hell yes I can't believe its so easy to add this feature you just made my week".
I'd like to say:
Oh hell yes!
GuardianZX9 said:
I could never get it to work, it says the GPS is searching, but when I look at the photos I cant find any GPS coordinate data.
Anyone else actually try it?
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I think the data is included in the file itself in a special zone that holds info on model of camera etc.
There are some applications that "place" the pictures on maps, I do not know much about this but want to find out! The ideal would be to place them on googlemaps...
techntrek said:
I think Madhadder meant "oh hell yes I can't believe its so easy to add this feature you just made my week".
I'd like to say:
Oh hell yes!
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Good but as much as I would love to take credit for this find, it is in fact from this site :
8th post down.
edeplano said:
I found this on a French site, by changing the registry you get an extra camera mode that adds current position in the EXIF part of the file!
You need to edit the key : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\Camera\P9 change from 0 to 1 (P9 is the Geocoding profile).
No need to soft reset, just go into the camera and set to Geocode mode (see capture)
The files get stored in My Documents/POI (maybe so they appear in Tom Tom?).
Anybody know of cool ways to use this feature? Flickr? Googlemaps?
Sorry if this has been covered already!
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there are so many line items under that folder. Could you be more specific?
I assume that the GPS must be turned on to give the correct position prior to taking the picture, am I right?
ahmadfarid said:
there are so many line items under that folder. Could you be more specific?
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P1-P9 are profiles for different camera modes. You'll notice that the "Enable" key is 0 in Profile 9. Change it to 1 and you should be good.
Also found this info on GPS passion, and was going to share, but never found the time....
I did the hack on my Ameo last weekend, and played around with it a little. It is ofcourse quite an amazing feature, and it does impress people that sees it, but given the quality of the camera in the Ameo, I'm not sure how usefull it will turn out to be, I would be a little embarassed to upload any Ameopics to Google at least.
Here is what I've found out sofar, if someone finds that useful.
When you start Camera, you get a new option when you choose your Photomode, called GPS. - This starts up the GPS automatically, and once it gets a fix you are ready to shoot.
The pics you then take are stored in /my documents/my Poi - which is created.
These pics will then have the GPS position included in the Exif data.
Haven't yet found a PPC software that is capable of reading these data, but if you read them with your ordinary pc, you can input them into google Maps (on PPC for instance) and it will take you there.
Picassa will read the data, and you can input them manually into your mapsoftware (the format is: xx yy' zz'' aa bb' cc'') but I would recommend "Panorado Flyer 1.2" which is a great free and small application. It gives you some new options in the context menu, so you just right-click your Gpspicture and choose "show location in Google Maps" - and it opens up Google Earth and takes you there.
There was some discussion on the precission of the GPS Data, actually on this very site I'm pretty sure, maybe the kaiser section(?) , someone noticed the last 2 decimals recorded for latitude and longitude allways were the same, so the precision was less than 100 meters, but the good news is this is not the case with our Athenas, they are very accurate!
I don't think I'm allowed to distribute Panorado Flyer here, but here is the link for you to download it yourself.
Hopefully someone will make a similar app. for PPC, which would make this feature so much more useful.
Here is a link to the free version:
And here is the commercial and probably more functional version (did not try it, but there is a demo):
I went to a birthdayparty this week and took a GPSpic inside an apartment on the 7. floor to demonstrate to all how brilliant the Ameo is, got a fix and shot a pic. The pic stinks, but if you want to try Pandora, you should be able to rightclick it and fly over here, even if I downscaled it....
And I just tried myself, and the GPS data did not survive the upload so it does not work, sorry.
Here is a shot of what Panorado rteads for that pic:
works well here
Actually you can use this format directly into Google earth, which is simpler I think:
55,685278 12,584445
Ok Midget, on my setup the GPS data was lost when I d'loaded my own pic from the post.
Also had to try it out on my old uni with an external GPS, but it doesn't have the P9 option, could that be because of the old HTC Camera version (3,00 build 21424) or must it have an internal GPS?
Anyone got the newer Camera version (like the one from the Ameo WM6 - 4.01 build 27598)?
hammermedia said:
P1-P9 are profiles for different camera modes. You'll notice that the "Enable" key is 0 in Profile 9. Change it to 1 and you should be good.
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oh!..ok..i'll try it right away..
The new mode came right up when I made the registry change. Can someone confirm where the data is stored? Seems there are 2 places mentioned here.
That's freakin awesome! Possibly rates as my top feature of the moment! Good Hack!
And @ techntrek - it goes into my \microdrive\my documents\my poi\
I have using panorado software but the error for several pictures on same place (1 square meter) is very large, some hundreds of meters...
beginner said:
I have using panorado software but the error for several pictures on same place (1 square meter) is very large, some hundreds of meters...
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That is what you will also get when you use googlemap. It can be hundreds of meters off.
I read recently that US goverment wants to decrease the accuracy of GPS. I wonder if it is the result of this project that I noticed that the inaccuracy has been magnified lately.

Titanium SpeedCam pannel ??

Hi, Anybody knows if there is currently available a titanium panel for speedcam alerts?
If not, would anybody be willing to create one?
I have some ideas of how this could work, but I have no idea how to develop it..
here are some thoughts:
Condensed pannel:
- show the current speed and alerts from speedcams (when activated)
Activated pannel
1st page - on/off button and connectivity status
2nd page - current speed, speedcam proximity and alert, buttons to add and remove speedcam (2)
The speedcam information would come from a csv file loaded by the user..
something like this...
What do you guys think?
+1 great idea. Can't do it myself but hopefully someone can/wants.
Lets just hope that someone with developping skills take interest on this one..
Nobody interested in this?
Would this be too complex to achieve?
guess not everybody knows what ur talking about ...
what is a speedcam? A camera to make highspeed videos (500 fps)?
brainsample said:
guess not everybody knows what ur talking about ...
what is a speedcam? A camera to make highspeed videos (500 fps)?
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I assumed this would be a known term.. This has nothing to do with the camera function of your mobile. It is related to the traffic cameras that takes pictures of your car when you exceed the speedlimit of a given street thus resulting in a traffic ticket.
Most GPS/routing applications (Garmin, Igo etc.) have the capability of showing alerts when you approach one (if you load the POIs for them). There are also some specific applications that also perform this function (RadarFree), however most are limited to a specific region and already have an automatic update function for the POIs of its speedcams locations which makes the app useless in other countries.
There are quite a few sites around the world that are currently tracking speedcam locations based on user inputs. These locations can often be downloaded on csv format (usually a few others as well) by everyone.
The idea of this pannel is to display the information you need straight from our homescreen without the need to open a different screen to load it, and also to allow the user to input his list of speedcams (this way it can be used in any country).
Let me know if there are still any doubts regarding this.
cheers. (wm version available in windows marketplace)
whats the advantage of a titanium panel? This program will talk to you, and its worldwide, and FREE.
avd said: (wm version available in windows marketplace)
whats the advantage of a titanium panel? This program will talk to you, and its worldwide, and FREE.
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For one this application requires internet connection and you should have a reasonable data plan to be able to use it. Also this database isn't very updated in all countries.
The advantage of the pannel I'm suggesting is that it doesnt require an internet connection, the information will be easily displayed in your homescreen without the need to open an additional program which usually tends to lead to more RAM consumption, and you can use it anywhere you can download the information for.
Personally I see a lot of benefit in this when compared to the current solutions in place.
Another thing in comparison to trapster is that I don't need to see the map, I just want it to display the speed and the speedcam alerts. Such information would fit perfectly on a pannel in Titanium.
Try POI-Observer from
It's free, highly configurable, works standalone as well and will overlap any other window when approaching speedcam.
It's not however a Titanium panel but stays in background when no speedcam nearby.
jlito said:
Hi, Anybody knows if there is currently available a titanium panel for speedcam alerts?
If not, would anybody be willing to create one?
I have some ideas of how this could work, but I have no idea how to develop it..
here are some thoughts:
Condensed pannel:
- show the current speed and alerts from speedcams (when activated)
Activated pannel
1st page - on/off button and connectivity status
2nd page - current speed, speedcam proximity and alert, buttons to add and remove speedcam (2)
The speedcam information would come from a csv file loaded by the user..
something like this...
What do you guys think?
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SaBo said:
Try POI-Observer from
It's free, highly configurable, works standalone as well and will overlap any other window when approaching speedcam.
It's not however a Titanium panel but stays in background when no speedcam nearby.
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Thanks for the suggestion SaBo, although it does have some of the functions I'm looking for it is not a simple tool to use. I actually needed to read the manual to understand how it works, plus I feel that you have put to much work to get it running.
I rather use something simpler, and would still like to see it in titanium..
starting to loose hope here... really thought this would be a good idea for lots of you ...
Well... can't have it all can we?
Added a poll just to see how many would be interested in such app...

[Q] Help: files to apk

I would appreciate any help:
I have an app that accesses a special web page (about 300 MB). To the volume of data the user not to pull too hard, I would like to grab the latest version of the page in an app (an app in addition to the main application), since the transfer of individual files takes too long.
Can someone give me maybe tips on how I can do that, or perhaps there is a finished manual?
Thanks and Best regards

Searching for an app that can split image

There is a nice app called LongShot
It can take screenshot of a full web page and even a page in an apps. My problem begins when i want to upload it to Twitter. Twitter has its own image size\resolution limitation, so the longer the web page is, the blurrier it's going to get. To solve this problem i thought maybe there is an app that can let me split as much times as i want the web page screenshot and then i can upload the image divided by how many times i need.
Here is an example of a long screenshot:

