XDA stopped Synchronizing - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Dear All,
My XDA stoped synchronizing with my PC via the USB , I have tryed to change the computer, the cable, everything but no luck, it only works with Infrared , Any help please

Hi abuseif.
got the same problem. solved it by turning on the phone! you can only get a connection via activesync when the smartphone is tunred on.
hope this may help you

You may also want to check ActiveSync isn't disabled for USB - go to File, Connection Settings and have a look for a tick against the USB option.

I had the same problem - solved it by soft resetting the phone.


USB Device Not Recognized - help.

Hey guys,
i have a little annoying problem with the USB cable for the HD.
since yesterday, it wont respond.
im getting thos messages:
i cant Sync between any files and that sucks..
anyone knows how to solve this problem? the USB cable only charging my device and with now sync.
can that be any related?
the system updated last night and since then it happened
TNX for the help..!
BTW, i tried RESET the comp, the HD, and nothing changed.
USB Device Not Recognized
was this working before? you say you are using windows 7
is that a new install and now you cant connect to your phone?
you can removing the updated drivers that was installed, this could put things right for you.
try removing activesync and do a fresh install of activesync and if that does not help remove usb drivers and re-install them with out connecting your hd.
almost every time i have had my pdas or phone not being able to connect to activesync it has been software or drive related.
hope this help and you get is sorted

[Q] flashing HTC HD2 from TMOUS

Hey everybody,
I'm new to this flashing as well...
I have a Tmobile US HTC HD2...
I installed the HSPL3 after getting the Windows Mobile Device Center...
It was installed successfully, but after that whenever I connect my HTC to my PC, I can hear the ding but my PC is not recognizing my device and there is no connected icon on the HTC as well.
I tried all the USB ports and nothing worked. Without connecting my device to the PC you know you can't flash any roms as well...
Any help please...
sureshkgopalan said:
Hey everybody,
I'm new to this flashing as well...
I have a Tmobile US HTC HD2...
I installed the HSPL3 after getting the Windows Mobile Device Center...
It was installed successfully, but after that whenever I connect my HTC to my PC, I can hear the ding but my PC is not recognizing my device and there is no connected icon on the HTC as well.
I tried all the USB ports and nothing worked. Without connecting my device to the PC you know you can't flash any roms as well...
Any help please...
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Are you trying to do this while your screen has the three colors?
If so....does it say USB at the bottom or serial?
not while bootlegger mode. I used that for installing the hspl3.
my pc didn't discover the connected device and there was no connected symbol (which you get on your hd2 on the top right side, next to 3G n/w symbol).
when I connect, it shows that as a mass storage device on my pc and the safely remove hardware sign shows up.
I hope this explains my problem.
settings menu all settings connections usb to pc tick active sync untick 'faster data' reboot the pc, reboot the phone. Should be fine.
Thanks Sam, it worked. Unticking the 'faster data', did the trick...
Thanks again.

[Q] Please, I need your help

Hi dear,
I have TG01 WM 6.5 and I'm trying to use headset WH-203 that came with the set. Once I connect it to TG01 the following massage appears:
(Unidentified USB Device
Enter the name of the device driver for this device. For information, see the device manufacturer's documentation.)
Note that this headset came with the set, so for sure it is compatible.
Do you have any idea to solve this problem?
try to hard reset the device
I did, but the poplem still exists.
any other idea.
Hi dear,
I have TG01 WM 6.5 and I'm trying to use headset WH-203 that came with the set. Once I connect it to TG01 the following massage appears:
(Unidentified USB Device
Enter the name of the device driver for this device. For information, see the device manufacturer's documentation.)
Note that this headset came with the set, so for sure it is compatible.
Do you have any idea to solve this problem?
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Go to Start > Settings > Connections > USB to PC. Check or uncheck Advanced network functionality. Now try to connect.
If this don't solve the issue, hard reset.
If that don't solve the issue, you have missing drivers which sounds very odd, as I use this USB cable all the time to connect my usb to it and never had any problems!
In fact, I tried hard reset, and I tried using the headset befor restoring my data from the backup, but the same massage appears.
I think there should be a driver associated with it which is not available.
Any one knows?
Thank you
In fact, I tried hard reset, and I tried using the headset befor restoring my data from the backup, but the same massage appears.
I think there should be a driver associated with it which is not available.
Any one knows?
Thank you
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When you connect to ActiveSync doesn't it automatically download drivers? :s Did you install Windows Device/Mobile Center using the CD that comes with the box? It generally downloads all your drivers on connection (or so I presume!)

[Q] USB connection - Activesync Problem!

Firstly, sorry about my English.
I am using HTC HD2 about 6 months. I was able to connect my phone with my pc by USB. But nowadays, i can't do it.
My PC is using Windows 7 64-bit.
Now, my problem is:
When i connect USB cable, there is no notification or sound in my PC. (like "a device connected to PC" or "a new hardware found" etc.)
Phone can be charged via USB connection with PC but I can't use activesync.
Otherwise, when i connect PC and phone by Bluetooth, i can use WMDC.
I controlled "USB to PC" module in my phone. I tried "enable faster data synchronization" checked and unchecked. And i checked "Ask me first..." But there is no effect
And also, i tried it in another PC (which is Vista) and another USB Cable.
And when i shut down the device, and i open it while pressing volume down button, bootloader opened but in bootloader screen there wasn't a text like "USB". There is a text "Serial".
I make hard reset but it doesn't effect too.
What do you think about my problem? May it be about USB input of my phone?
I used to make HSPL in my phone and he has custom rom now.
If the problem is a hardware problem, is it out of warranty? :S
Please help me.
buraakk said:
Firstly, sorry about my English.
I am using HTC HD2 about 6 months. I was able to connect my phone with my pc by USB. But nowadays, i can't do it.
My PC is using Windows 7 64-bit.
Now, my problem is:
When i connect USB cable, there is no notification or sound in my PC. (like "a device connected to PC" or "a new hardware found" etc.)
Phone can be charged via USB connection with PC but I can't use activesync.
Otherwise, when i connect PC and phone by Bluetooth, i can use WMDC.
I controlled "USB to PC" module in my phone. I tried "enable faster data synchronization" checked and unchecked. And i checked "Ask me first..." But there is no effect
And also, i tried it in another PC (which is Vista) and another USB Cable.
And when i shut down the device, and i open it while pressing volume down button, bootloader opened but in bootloader screen there wasn't a text like "USB". There is a text "Serial".
I make hard reset but it doesn't effect too.
What do you think about my problem? May it be about USB input of my phone?
I used to make HSPL in my phone and he has custom rom now.
If the problem is a hardware problem, is it out of warranty? :S
Please help me.
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It maybe because you are using Win 7 64 bit. Try installing 32 bit as well and see if it cures your problem.
Also see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/946765
Thank you for your attention.
Unfortunately, i tried it, too. In another PC, whose OS is Vista 32-bit. There is no sound or notification at PC
Actually, i've searched so many topics in this forum.
And i am almost sure that my problem is a hardware problem.
Because i tried so many things in settings of PC and Phone but there is no change.
I just wanna ask you, guys, if i send my phone to service, is there any problem about my phone's HSPL and Custom ROM situtation??
So the problem is hardware problem and most probably my USP Port is damaged.
Do you think they tell me that "your phone is out of warranty bec. of HSPL!" ?
faulty cable or faulty usb port. search out the "stuck in car kit mode" thread and compare the symptoms.

[Q] Problem with connection to PC

My LEO can't connect to PC, even in trasnmitting data mode. The only way to do this is start phone in bootloader mode, and then upload ROMs via cabel. I've tried to upload few ROMs including orginal ROM. What is more when sb's call me automatically is turning on handsfree mode. Active Sync in working via bluetooth. Please help me.
madanldz said:
My LEO can't connect to PC, even in trasnmitting data mode. The only way to do this is start phone in bootloader mode, and then upload ROMs via cabel. I've tried to upload few ROMs including orginal ROM. What is more when sb's call me automatically is turning on handsfree mode. Active Sync in working via bluetooth. Please help me.
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What OS is your PC?
You need Windows Mobile Driver if you use win vista or win 7, if XP, use Active sync. Download it from Microsoft website.
If you already has that driver, try to run in Admin mode (Vista and 7) or else try different USB port, or even change the cable.
Good luck
connetion has worked properly before. I've installed all needed stuff, and I've checked on other cable, other OS and PC. Transmittig data mode ist'n worked too. Connection is working only in BL mode.
Always going to handsfree when call comes in can somwtimes be associated with faulty USB. There's a thread somewhere called "stuck in car kit mode".have a read, see if the symptoms match. In the meantime, try giving the USB port a clean with a (very dry!) Toothbrush.

