Business Proposal! & - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hi all, I would like take this opportunity in asking for your help and advice. I register and early last year with the view of starting a new service business. Offering companies a full service and tailored mobile applications, such as remote access to backend databases, but my own work got the better of me. So does anyone here want to try and give it a new go? And hopefully make some money. Any ideas welcome. :idea:


[Q] Full Sail Mobile Development - direct link
Online Full Sail Mobile Development Bachelors
I might be happy doing this for myself, what are the pays, anyone know yet? I don't mean greediness, but I'm also loving it.
Interesting. I teach at fullsail and was unware of such a program. If anyone is interested in it let me know and If there are any questions about the program that you can't have answered let me know, and I will see if I can find anything.
Edit: Yea that came off as a sales pitch and thats not the case. If I can be of any help I would be more then happy to, but I will also give you my personal opinion
shadd01 said:
Interesting. I teach at fullsail and was unware of such a program. If anyone is interested in it let me know and If there are any questions about the program that you can't have answered let me know, and I will see if I can find anything.
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Very nice. I will probably take the online courses for Mobile Development next year.
As an alumni of EBBS I'm quite happy to see Full Sail to offer more courses focused for this market!
My buddy went to Full Sail for Show Production and Touring. i went down several times to visit him. the Full Sail staff is awesome. everybody was just cool and easy to get along with. good to see they're branching out into mobile development!
For any of those who end up deciding to enroll, here is something that might end up being useful...
[APP] Full Sail Online Mobile
did you enroll & grad? how is it?
i was thinking about going here for Audio Production/engineering..but thats too far from my home state
i think i'm going to enroll for the online mobile development...i spoke to an admins rep and shes helping me get going with fafsa and all that stuff...i've heard mixed reviews about the course..saying it's out of date and its too specific, but i've done research..i have an associates in graphic design and i think this bachelors will make a world of a difference
I am currently a student of the online Mobile Development program living in California trying to complete it. I can tell you it is pretty hard if you are working full time.
I am currently in my second year and I am struggling. I really enjoy being a Full Sail student, but you have to be prepared to have a TON of information thrown at you super fast. That is probably the biggest challenge. Imagine never once having worked with a language such as Javascript, and have it thrown at you in a single month while working full time and having a family. Its difficult.
Each course is only a month long, and the amount of stuff you have to absorb is overwhelming. But again, this is what we sign up for. I struggle a lot and I am under constant pressure, but there is a sense of accomplishment when you actually see your projects come to fruition.

Seeking Android Developer

Hello All,
This past summer, I formed a focus group consisting of university students from various technology disciplines. Together, we conducted an analysis on what businesses and individuals need in order to get started with NFC. Our findings developed our first hypothesis. The team then put its findings into motion by creating a business model canvas, cloud based product and conducting many interviews with potential users.
The technology start-up community here in Helsinki has a keen bias toward learning and adopting “The Lean Start-up” methodology for building successful products. Indeed, I find myself supporting many of the principles and ideas that Eric Ries proposes. Currently, my project is in stealth mode. Nonetheless, I have been actively building product concepts and things are gaining momentum.
If it's anything to gauge things by, just last night me and my buddies were counting how many NFC cards we already have in our wallets. NFC is really moving rapidly here in Finland. In my case, I had 3. One was for the "K" chain of stores, a monthly bus card and the last one was for the gym.
Right now, I'm looking for a person that knows how to code Android. I need a small app built and it probably can be done in about 8 hours or so, depending upon the persons level of expertise. Here's what the app needs to be able to do.
Nutshell version:
1. When the app is launched it automatically logs into the users account and knows who you are.
2. When the users touches a NFC tag the UID is read and sent to the backend via https.
3. Our backend server takes the UID and provisions it accordingly.
4. Once provisioned, confirmation is sent to the app which instructs the user to touch the tag again in order to write it.
Right now we are just concerned with building the minimal viable product as regards this app.
The next step will be to tie everything we already have together with the app and beta testing it through pilot projects we have lined up.
The purpose of this thread is to find out from others where I can find someone skilled enough to help me with building this app. I thought I could do it myself using tools like "appinventor" from MIT but that didn't work for me.
Anyway, if you are interested in learning more please drop me a note.
Thank you for your interest,
I'm not saying it is overly complicated but, it will take more than 8 hours to get this thing to a working product. Not only is there the task of setting up the back-end of the app but also the layout of it. You then have to consider how it will talk to the server as any thing other than a basic webview, which completely defeats the point and purpose of a stand-alone app, requires use of web services which will require the setup and integration of said service.
Point is, it's much more complicated and involved than you seem to understand. Good luck with your project but you might take some time researching what it is you're wanting so as to better comprehend the time and effort involved.
Actually it's not that bad as you think. The web service is up and running. Now I need an app to get the UID from the tag and send it over to the web service so it can be provisioned. Once that's done on the back end the back end then sends a confirmation to the app to write the tag.
Does this help you?
Suomalainen said:
Actually it's not that bad as you think. The web service is up and running. Now I need an app to get the UID from the tag and send it over to the web service so it can be provisioned. Once that's done on the back end the back end then sends a confirmation to the app to write the tag.
Does this help you?
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Well, if you've gone that far the only other question I have is, why not finish it out? If all you wish to do is read an NFC tag and pull then send its UID to the web service, you should be able to do so at this point. The android tutorials cover basic NFC use which is what you are trying to accomplish.
There may be some confusion?
I thought in the opening intro I wrote that I explained trying to build it with MIT appinventor?
You wrote "I thought I could do it myself using tools like "appinventor" from MIT but that didn't work for me.". So it sounds like you hadn't made much progress and/or thought about not using appinventor. Are you still trying to do this using appinventor or do you want to build a native Android application?
I would like to have a Native Android App. I'm not a coder but wanted to take on the challenge using the Appinventor tool but found it would not work for me. Now, I'm just looking for a person that knows they can code the app and can get it to do what we need it to do.
Are you looking to pay a developer for this work? if so, I could probably take a look.
@ wseemann, Thanks for the offer! Right now the team that I have put together has been formed by folks interested in NFC. Each person contributes to the team a unique piece of his/her expertise toward our end goals and vision... The obvious hope being to get this "startup" off the ground...
Suomalainen said:
@ wseemann, Thanks for the offer! Right now the team that I have put together has been formed by folks interested in NFC. Each person contributes to the team a unique piece of his/her expertise toward our end goals and vision... The obvious hope being to get this "startup" off the ground...
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Ok, good luck.
Thanks! Please also feel free to pass along the word to your friends and others you feel may be interested. Feel free to message me as well.
Thanks again!

[Q] I did you a favour, then what?

Whenever my automated system finds an Android App Review online it sends an email to the developer telling the link to the review.
Each day I get between 5 - 10 thank you mails from both large app companies and indie developers, which I guess is a good indicator that it's a great tool in order to be able to take advantage of the review in their marketing. (I know how hard it is to be seen with a good app)
The question is, how do I monetize that service?
You have to pardon me if I sound desperate, but I actually am desperate and starting to worry about my ability to provide for my family.
Do you have an idea on how I could either monetize the service, or give it away to someone who can actually afford running it?
There are three main problems with it:
- Donations doesn't work (noone evidently donates anyway, so that went down the drain)
- Advertising, might have worked but there are far too few visitors.
- Most dev's have an invalid email address specified for their account at google play, which makes them not receive the notice from the service,
They can however subscribe for reviews of a certain package name, but how the heck could they when they don't even know the service exists?
I feel so stupid for having these great ideas and realize them, just to later find out that the only thing I've gained is more time away from my kids. I am honestly starting to loose all energy for the creation process of apps, web sites and services, just due to the fact that I can't even reach out enough to make anything out of it. And I can't afford advertising the services/apps/whatever crap I've made. Which even might be an indicator that I should stop trying, but I can't really do that either since I struggle to even afford the food for the month, yeah it's gotten that bad, and I hate sounding this pathetic.
Anyway, the link is in my sig called something like 'Android App Reviews' if you wish to have a look in order to give feedback on my question.
Maybe it's just a bad day 'cause I'm not usually this whiny, but even on a good day, the question stands.
Ah.. whatever. You have a good idea, let me know.
very nice idea, perhaps most of your emails mistakenly get weeded out as SPAM. I have an APP published on Google Play with our company gmail address there, but in more than one ocasion we had people trying to contact us and those emails got to the SPAM folder automaticly by mistake and we never saw them.
DarknessWarrior said:
very nice idea, perhaps most of your emails mistakenly get weeded out as SPAM. I have an APP published on Google Play with our company gmail address there, but in more than one ocasion we had people trying to contact us and those emails got to the SPAM folder automaticly by mistake and we never saw them.
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Thanks, actually I was very glad myself when I got an email from my own service once, so yeah I think it's a great idea also.
So yes, one problem is, as you mention that most emails probably ends up marked as spam.
The other problem is money, it's running in a very low priced environment and actually doesn't require much juice to run but I can't afford maintaining it if it doesn't generate enough income to even support itself.
I would consider running it for nothing and I could even spend some personal money just for the satisfaction and appreciation, but given the gravity of the current financial situation in my family I can't do that.
So let's just see what happens, and thanks for taking the time to read.
have you tried selling it? For about how much would you be willing to sell it? As i said the idea is pretty awesome and you got it pretty much nailed down. Perhaps with a few tweaks to the search algorithm it could be the next Google for Apps!
have you tried selling it? For about how much would you be willing to sell it?
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- Actually, no I haven't tried selling it yet as I don't have any experience selling these kinds of things, and don't really know where to turn.. So I haven't really thought of for how much I should sell it for,
what do you think something like this could be worth?
Thanks again
Actually i have no idea loool
I would buy it if I had the means.
The value of it probably based on how many views does your site has per day, how many apps does it have categorized, how many it crawls per day... idk.
For example i tried searching it and it seems to have few apps catalogued... my app ( isn't there.
EDIT: About how much do you spend on it a month? If it's not much and you're willing to give it away because can't afford it I wouldn't mind getting it lol, i think i can keep it alive.
If you want to generate income from your site, you have to run your site like a business. The ideas you have in your first post are too linear, especially for a small website with limited exposure (i'm sure you'll know ). Websites and youtube channels grow in exposure and size exponentially. Your site is still in the growth state of a business life cycle (the slowest, most challenging phase of business), so it's best to get as much exposure as possible, which means expanding.
- Try to create some sort of quasi-partnerships with other sites by sharing content or linking to each other. I've noticed you have some links on the side of your site, but try to get in contact with 'bigger names' out there
- Create a youtube channel and start reviewing apps like that. That way you have another avenue of traffic to your site
- Reviews of products may also be an idea.
Hope this helps It's what I can remember from business studies classes >.<
sup MetalDroid, any news?
I'd go with what SammiSaysHello said, you need to run it like a business. Personally I'd make the homepage look more like a professional a sales page and introduce a subscription fee if you want to use it for more then one app. Or even a one time fee for more then one app. I end up logging onto my developer console several times a day so I'd gladly pay a couple bucks a month to have the reviews sent straight to my inbox.. Just my two cents
Sorry for not posting an update, I've been having the mother of all flues on and off for the past several weeks now!
sup MetalDroid, any news?
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Well, actually yes. The associated twitter account is growing, and the number of web page visitors is also increasing. Very slowly but I'm still positive about it. I've also, shockingly, had a few interesting partnership/business proposals drop down in my mailbox, so I'm gonna have a look to see what is offered there..
If you want to generate income from your site, you have to run your site like a business.
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I'd go with what SammiSaysHello said, you need to run it like a business
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You're right, that seems like a logical next step. I might add a low subscription fee if you wish to use for more than one app,
that seems like a very good suggestion, I'll have to wait a couple of days though to see how things turn out from some of the email proposals
I've had.
If you're interested I'll keep you updated on what happens, and I'm very grateful for your input,

Looking for Dev to Partner With

I am searching for a developer.
I have recently seen big increase in revenue and would like to scale up with someone who can build apps for ANDROID.
I have experience marketing the apps
Recently i have seen a big jump in revenue (pic attachment)
If you are interested, please message me on here. Then we can discuss on Skype.
dirtyman115 said:
I am searching for a developer.
I have recently seen big increase in revenue and would like to scale up with someone who can build apps for ANDROID.
I have experience marketing the apps
Recently i have seen a big jump in revenue (pic attachment)
If you are interested, please message me on here. Then we can discuss on Skype.
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Can you tell give us more details about how you get that increase and what you're looking for?
I'm an Android freelance developer, and I could be interested.
What is the project about? Thanks
Is this offer still valid ?
I am .NET % android developer . Have 5-6 apps published already.
Let me know if you need dev still.
New Platform That Can Help You to Receive Bids For Your App Idea
Hi you can sign up on, this free platform basically helps you to get approached by several developers, for your requirement. All you need to do is simply post your idea and wait for the bids to come.
You will have the freedom to compare the bids and take a decision to go ahead accordingly.
gpuig said:
I'm an Android freelance developer, and I could be interested.
What is the project about? Thanks
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I am currently looking for a freelance developer who, if can deliver, stands to gain a lucrative repeat-customer. Solar is booming, and I have been developing an App for one of the largest solar sales and installation companies in the state of New York. Our company has attempted to deploy technology to our outside sales lead generation team, but without much effect. The key missing ingredient in their puzzle is an easy-to-use, efficient, and stream-lined interface in which to seamlessly record data into our Salesforce database. I have conceptualized this project in great detail, and have even begun developing it myself using an Android Studio environment. I have successfully used the Salesforce Mobile SDK to log-in to our test.salesforce server, and have also successfully received data from our test server onto my tablet. I also have a working satellite-google maps, but am in dire need of an experienced developer to help bring this project to completion.
Ultimately, the plan is to provide an offline-capable version, utilizing the Salesforce SmartSync and SmartStore features provided by the SDK, but in order to prove the utility of this application to people at the company with the ‘ink-felt pen’, I plan on three phases of development. First, a internet-reliant version of the application, which can upload data into Salesforce in real-time, from the field. We will then deploy the app during phase two, in order to generate user-feedback and trouble-shooting support, while we gear up for phase three, the offline-capable version. The offline-version gives the ability for us to grow our lead generation team without having to provide everyone a monthly data-plan. It is the icing on the cake to the big-wigs of this project.
I am available 24/7 via Skype.
Add Roflologist.
PacManSolar said:
I am currently looking for a freelance developer who, if can deliver, stands to gain a lucrative repeat-customer. Solar is booming, and I have been developing an App for one of the largest solar sales and installation companies in the state of New York. Our company has attempted to deploy technology to our outside sales lead generation team, but without much effect. The key missing ingredient in their puzzle is an easy-to-use, efficient, and stream-lined interface in which to seamlessly record data into our Salesforce database. I have conceptualized this project in great detail, and have even begun developing it myself using an Android Studio environment. I have successfully used the Salesforce Mobile SDK to log-in to our test.salesforce server, and have also successfully received data from our test server onto my tablet. I also have a working satellite-google maps, but am in dire need of an experienced developer to help bring this project to completion.
Ultimately, the plan is to provide an offline-capable version, utilizing the Salesforce SmartSync and SmartStore features provided by the SDK, but in order to prove the utility of this application to people at the company with the ‘ink-felt pen’, I plan on three phases of development. First, a internet-reliant version of the application, which can upload data into Salesforce in real-time, from the field. We will then deploy the app during phase two, in order to generate user-feedback and trouble-shooting support, while we gear up for phase three, the offline-capable version. The offline-version gives the ability for us to grow our lead generation team without having to provide everyone a monthly data-plan. It is the icing on the cake to the big-wigs of this project.
I am available 24/7 via Skype.
Add Roflologist.
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I am android freelance developer with 3+ years of experience.
Some of my work can be found here
Please PM me I am interested to work..
dirtyman115 said:
I am searching for a developer.
I have recently seen big increase in revenue and would like to scale up with someone who can build apps for ANDROID.
I have experience marketing the apps
Recently i have seen a big jump in revenue (pic attachment)
If you are interested, please message me on here. Then we can discuss on Skype.
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More details of what you are looking for would be good.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Free mobile app


I need a favour to locate or trace my phone that was stolen few days ago.This mobile One plus 2 nord,I got it couple of months back after saving almost 70% from my salary i get from my part time job for 3 months just to pay downpayment amount and buy this mobile on no cost emi and this was my only way to afford my dream phone so i did it but very unfortunately my joy turned into my worst agony and misery when someone stole it while i was asleep in my hostel room .Please help me please i beg to the person who can help me anyone,please i am in worst situation right now i don't know what to do,i worked my ass of to earn that money for mobile and then to lose it like this is nothing less than some curse on me.please try to understand my situation and how much grief and pain i'm experiencing right now i cannot really tell,it's like literally for me to lose a important organ of my body because what i have been through to buy an expensive mobile like this.I am just a college student.
I work in a part time job to pay expenses not included in my govt. scholarship and that is everything apart from shelter and food also saving for my master's degree,so that i can get a sufficient earnings job to support my family and studies of my younger brother,i belong to a middle class family.
A FAMILY THAT can only afford food and some essential medicine for mom&dad and nothing apart from this we can afford(like educational expenses,new clothes only once in a while when necessary and we can't even think of a little luxurious like nutritionaly good food,decentclothes,4/2-wheeler,stuff like that) INSPITE of all the misery of our live, I am proud of my family BECAUSE even in a life like this we live life happily and honestly,dnt care much but we do work really hard every single member in our family trying to make our life better and WE are more resilient against our Vulnerabilities.
please help ...All these things i have mentioned about my family are not to get sympathy or anything like that but to paint a quite picture of my real life bad situations and Vulnerabilities inorder to get authentic,honest and sincere help from uh.I am not in situation to get exploited and honestly i don't need aympathy or any any kind of motivation right now,I just need genuine and reliable help by anyway possible to get my mobilephone back. Please i beg uh for help.please help it is a humble,honest and desperate appeal for help from a very poor human.please help me if uh can please please 🆘️🆘️🆘️ atleast uh can clearly see without any doubt after all the stuff i told uh the importance and value of my mobile in my life.
You can find mobile information in attactments and please ask for any additional information anything required...
You could try logging in your Google account on another device and installing find my device(android) or the web version of it. If you have lucky you can find it. I hope you find it!
5 colors, 5 fonts....not sure if I can take this seriously.
So we have to find out your phone which is stolen?
The hell is this ?
Very sorry to hear this! Even I got my phone stolen some weeks ago. It was pickpocketed in crowd. I had all kind of docs, memories in that phone. I cried almost everyday for the first couple of week. Even imagining the moment I noticed my phone stolen gives me fearful goosebumps. Reading through your post makes me realize we are in the very same boat.
Well, following are the major actions I took after losing my phone in chronological order:
1. The night phone got stolen, went to cyber cafe to ask what things to do. They asked for phone receipt
2. The following day, went to police, did both eFIR and written FIR. You gotta ask them humbly and in cultural manner. Keep visiting them in a week or fortnight
3. Posted on socials about the incident
4. Went to ask for CCTV recording but they denied. Also, police said the thief won't be visible enough coz I was in crowd when theft happened
5. Bought new SIM of the phone number
6. Got IMEI blacklisted and on-track by police
7. Put flyers around the area
8. Became religious
9. Tried inacting the scenario at the same place in hope of catching thief but police took cautious measures after my stolen report so probably thief not gonna do that anymore in that locality
10. Asked family, friends, strangers, netizens about their losing-their-phone experience
You can try these.
If you're Indian, then we have a specialized website for stolen phone cases. Otherwise, you can internationally blacklist your IMEI through any trusted worldwide operating IMEI blocking website like this. I am not associated with this website in any manner.
Also, please inform any other potential action that you think can help both of us retrieve phone. I am open to DM. I expect an acknowledgment from you. I hope my post help you in any way possible.
To XDA moderators, I am very new to XDA forum, though I have been reading developer related posts from here since years. I have read the guidelines but still, if I have broken any rule in this post or it has potential of getting deleted/blocked, please inform me first. Love to its members! Sweet and mature vibes!!
I am new in this forum. I have some questions about this forum. These questions are shown below :
I need a favour to locate or trace my phone that was stolen few days ago.This mobile One plus 2 nord,I got it couple of months back after saving almost 70% from my salary i get from my part time job for 3 months just to pay downpayment amount and...
If any one information about this thread. Please guide me below. I am very confused about that.

