poll - XDA or phone+pda - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

What is your choice?
Hybrid devices like O2 XDA, Orange SPV, Nokia communicator etc.
Mobile phone + pda
All opinions welcome.

Bit of a silly poll as at least 90% of the people that come here probably own xda's :lol:


New XDA?

I read in this month's issue of Stuff magazine that a new version of the XDA will be released later this year.
Browsing on internet I found only one link that showed a picture of a xda with a blue back panel and could as well be the original model.
Has anyone heard about this and maybe know where to find more info on this (if O2 will support them for instance) and some specs and maybe photo's?
There will be a new version of the XDA but it's not certain yet which company/ies will be releasing it. I heard some rumours about bluetooth, more memory and a faster processor, I haven't heard anything on SDIO support yet.
Bluetooth would be great, WiFi would be fantastic. Maybe even GPS and a 56K color screen (for the freaks among us to watch movies)?
Anyone know the mail adress/website of HTC who makes them? Have some requests of my own....
Hope someone will post here as soon as they find out more..
If it has the newer Xscale CPU it's very likely it will support SDIO. The SD controller is build-in the CPU and all Xscale CPU's support SDIO.
Ok, first off, getting your electronics info from "Stuff" magazine is like getting steak grilling tips from PETA. Plus all magazines like that are typically posted about two months after they are written, making them pretty useless for new developments.
Secondly, predicting a new XDA is like predicting that the sun will come up tomorrow, that winter will come in a few months, or that the curry I ate today will sting my ass tomorrow. It's obviously going to happen.
It's worthless until they say "on this date a new XDA with these features will be available." And when they can do that, you'll already have read it here two months earlier.
pc pro
i have a pc pro subscription. They had a review of the new iPaq with pocketPc 2k3. they went on to mention that all the pocket devices will be getting the update. including XDA.
Tomorrow never comes? But we old get older, and hopefully wiser...
Right Carlos...
One of the main reasons for a forum is for guys like me to wonder about stuff. Ask questions to other users with the same interest. Sometimes intelligent questions and some times less intelligent, but always within the region of interest of other forum readers. If you feel a threat is dumb, don't read it and especially don't reply on it. No need for smart-ass remarks here, we just want to chat about stuff we like.
I had a question, couldn't find it in the forum so I asked. Big Deal.
is like getting steak grilling tips from PETA
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Anyway, PPC2K3 will appear on the XDA: Maybe not today; maybe not tomorrow; but soon and for the rest of your life.
::Bonkers eyes that revolve around three times per second because of copious amonts of beer:: Oh, not allowed that emoticon yet?
No need for smart-ass remarks here, we just want to chat about stuff we like.
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Sorry, I wasn't laughing AT you, but WITH you... I posted what I did because many people don't realize just how that publishing process goes--it's very lengthy and full of PR assholes. Those "what's new in electronics" columns are one of my pet peeves. And I'm a gruff asshole by nature anyway, so it came out worse than intended.
Hehe, no harm done. At least you were true about Stuff Magazine and most of it's other companions.
So.... When is the new model comming out?
Playboy says next week...
..... it will have more intellectual articles about geopolitical situation? :wink:
in this article
Taiwanese ODM High Tech Computer (HTC) Corp will ship an updated PPC 2003/ARM4 version of its Falcon (aka Spaceneedle, Wallaby) PPC Phone Edition design, as sold by AT&T, mm02 and T-Mobile, before the end of June.
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and yesterday being the end of june, they seem to have missed the deadline... : [
This may be of interest..
I spoke to T Mobile UK about when the MDA was going to be introduced. They said that it was originally going to be introduced in March but now has been put back to the end of this year (because of techical difficulties?).
I wonder if they are planning to introduce the new unit.
New XDA details
This s the response I received from Carrier Devices regarding the New Qtek (XDA):
"There are plans for a new Qtek device, however I can't give out any official information. It won't be available until the end of the year, but will have Built in Bluetooth, SDIO and be tri-band"
please refer to topic http://xda-developers.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1500 for further information about the XDA II
I guess I got my initial question answered, so as far as I'm concerned, this topic is now out-of-date
thanx for all the replies!
New XDA gets a mention at the register
As usaul no details about it though
The article on the register hints at WiFi.
Saying that users can seamlessly jump from hot spot to gprs...
Bet it will all cost a small fortune though!!
Who cares Martin! Us suckers will still buy it, it's only money!
If somebody has the time...
Bring back the wishlist for XDA II and make it a sticky.
Bring on SDIO and the bluetooth!!!!

Screen savers

Hi All
i am thinking of getting an XDA (Cheap as well) i assume that they are worth getting then due to the amount of people in here!!! can you use PC screensavers on the XDA ????
cheers in advance for the advise
no pc ones do not work, but there are some out there that you can use on the xda, theres a fish one, a matrix one and two others i know about.
Depends what you mean by screen saver?
I hope you mean for the time whilst dockin/ charging. I've also seen a picture viewer type, ie picture frame XDA. There are numerous others out there. But whilst my XDA is in its cradle, its normally ignored..
There are also animated today screens out there. Just like any of the other colour mobile phones, but a lot better!! I used one that was a game of solitaire for a while.
I bet you thought it was a simple question, one answer "go here" never happens!!
Go to www.pocketpcthemes.co.uk
There are more Pocket PC themes than you could imagine!!
thanks for the help, so where can i get some PC Type games/utils/apps for the XDA FREE???
is there anything out there worth playing around with ?
wow hows that for archeology
reply'ing to threads which are more the 2 YEARS! old
god, has it really been 2 years, i have progressed to the XDA II since this was posted
thanks to all the help on my post as well as this site. this has to be the best site for this type of phone anywhere on the net...
cheers everyone

from XDA back to a mobile phone

My upgrade t610 will arrive later this week. Must be a good phone, as its been out of stock.. A few instability issues with the XDA have made my mind up. This is what I now choose:
t610 - main mobile (like normal people..)
XDA - as a PDA. (like a posh git!)
Can anybody who has gone this illogical way back in time also, please give some advice, and comments. Is it easy to cope going back to an ordinary mobile handset again? Or did you move back to the XDA . .
All comments very welcomed please.
hi i dunno what id do without my XDA lol
i was like this with nokias when the 3510i was 1st released i had one of the 1st units out i thought it was the dogs bollocks then the 7210 ect.. came out i was like um im bored of this so i was gonna get a big pda phone i though......
7210 i could only just afford, 7650 i want badly and i can only just afford, p800 out my league, spv i want but id like the XDA more but XDA was way way out my price range
so i was going to get the spv as my mate had the spv and another had the 7650 i was impressed by both....
but one day browsing ebay i found an XDA for £190 buy it now so i got it and i was like damn being with nokia all that time and moving to another make is a big step....
but after
nokia are cheaply made peices of ****e :| now campared to the XDA
but now i have kinda like taken a fancy to the 6600 and 3650 but the thing that sucks about them is no SD slot :| only mmc and only 128mb tops which plain sucks.
so i want the XDA 2 when its out but i know im not gonna be able to afford that.
but if the XDA1 had bluetooth i would keep but i really want bluetoohe
this has made me thought of getting a 3650 and then a ipaq 3870 so i can use the net on the move using bluetooth and also have a mobiule phone/camera to take pics and put them on my ipaq.
but im not too sure as i love the XDA lol
sorry for the comfusion just i wont be able to move down from XDA to a normal phone it would have to be PDA style or ahve PDA features atleast
once you have tasted the cream how can you go back to uht long life milk on your corn flakes? just buy jeans with big pockets.
The Xda promises me a mobile office and to a certain
extend it has. I no longer feel guilty sitting in a coffee bar when I should be behind a desk
I can envisage working well into my old age too if it means I can sit in a beach somewhere instead of behind a desk. And when my memory finally goes....
speaking as an XDA newbie - I've had mine about a month now - and not to mention the CPW billing issues :evil: ... I personally have to agree, but that there is a time and a place for each unit. Let's face it there are times when the XDA is just a bit inconvenient and you wish you had a sturdy little nokia in your pocket.
The beach thing sounds great, but do you really want to use the unit in that environment ? that's when your digi fun-cam-fone comes in handy for me.. 8)
I've also suffered a few glitches which make me wonder if they haven't got the application quite "right" yet ? (a la 3..) for true mobile comms - certainly the costs are prohibitively expensive, i.e. the service providers need to drop costs to consumers and speed up the service. But also the phone software doesn't seem to work too well with the PC side ? Or is that me ? :wink:
So in summary I think there's a place for the XDA, e.g if my music career takes off I can be fully mobile with all my demos in tow etc - the possibilitys are endless, but for now I'll keep checking my pop mail from work, playing pacman in meetings, getting annoyed that I can't get through the company firewall to get work e-mails (bugger that one!)
he he I dont actually take my xda to the beach.
What I am trying to say is that I am more in love with the concept of mobile computing and how it can change the way we work.
I mean why retire when you can continue "working" at the beach if you know what I mean.
To free us from the tyranny of being tied to our desk or office thats the promise.
This is very exciting and I am looking forward
to seeing what came out in this type of devices.
There is of course a portion of the population (even a majority) that cannot be bother with the complexity
or for whom voice call reliability is absolutely critical and lets face it the xda is not quite "there" yet.
Hi All,
It's an interesting argu ... however, let me remind you all how we can now have a tablet PC instead of the old days when I was lucky to get XT with 20MB HD PC on my desk. I believe the XDA (as a concept) is still a baby. It has its own challenges (battery life for now). Also, the wireless comm is evolving too fast (GSM -> GPRS -> UMTS -> ... ??? ) ... I can see that day comming when you will no longer be able to say is it a phone or computer :wink:
For now, one have to decide: either you need a mobile computer, or a computerized mobile
Hmmmm...something to make you think here:
'tis true alquerty - I myself did a support job where I was laptop based, and found myself working from home due to the timings of various procedures. The line started becoming blurred for me then.. checking logs whilst shaving and all sorts..
Going back to the previous point about the XDA being a baby. Absolutely. The idea of us having a mobile unit that does everything has surely been around for yonks. Thunderbirds, Joe 90 - video watches and all that. We're getting there, that's what I meant about the application, it just hasn't been fully realised yet - give 3G a little while and we'll all be there soon anyway :lol:
Bring the points together and you could end up with this nightmare-ish vision of the future, with no communicative boundaries. You can always be found. But I guess the question you have to ask is "do you want to"? - Which is where I think the doubters come in - I guess they just like their privacy, and regard voice as definitive ? (i.e. "if I'm speaking to them then I'm available")
Interesting debate !
The Nokia Communicator has a good principal. I think these things go back to the nineties? Anyway, the office away from the desk.. You open up the communicator, and there it all is waiting for you. qwerty keyboard, reasonable screen, and some useful apps.
I remember the best thing that nokia did with that was the fax. You were able to send and recieve faxes with that thing superbly.
From memory this might have been the first mobile with speaker phone as well. Stick the phone on the kitchen table and sit round it having a conversation. Pioneering days.
Yes ppc has come a long way. Playing strip poker on the sly and such is great. But the fundamentals of the business users are not forfilled. For this market a reliable functioning piesce of equipment is required. Nokia seem to have this side covered?
Anybody ever seen a nokia communicator (9190 I think...) being used with a pocket pc? How daft would that be!!!
well my XDA is now sold ill miss it getting a 3650 to try out.
if i dont like it then straight back to the XDA but ill get a 64mb version this time round thats if i dont like the 3650.
if i like the 3650 ill get an ipaq with built in bluetooth and a gps unit so that way i can still use the net using 3650's bluetoohte and have a cam and pics in instant + mms and reliable signal on the phone
shame bout it being a sybian phone and not CE
>>shame bout it being a sybian phone and not CE
If its CE then it wouldnt be reliable would it and you are back to square one? HaHa
ok ok its getting better with each rom update
Must be a good phone, as its been out of stock.
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Don't delude yourself. A year ago I wanted a T68 badly to use with my Jornada via Bluetooth. Must be a good phone--it was back-ordered three weeks, right? First one was DOA. Second one lost the "up" direction on the joystick in about a week. Third one went two months before it just started rebooting itself. Replacement for that was DOA.
Meanwhile I moved up to the XDA and cannot imagine going back. I had to use a regular phone for most of a day when I hosed up a radio stack update and thought I was going to lose my mind.

Windows mobile 2003 Second edition available yet

I have the O2 XDA ii and was wondering if the Second Edition of windows mobile 2003 is available yet? I see on Microsofts developer site all the tools are available for it, so i'm presumming its now available. I'm desperate for the different screen orientations.
Hmmm, given O2's past performance, expect to see it sometime around November.
It's always bugged me that O2 think the XDA is a mobile phone, and that they have to test everything to make it fit for the dumb consumer market. A good 50% of XDA owners are very tech savvy, and probably involved in the IT industry, if not developers. Just look at this site - so where's the consumer equivalent, with 20-30 new topics every day with titles like 'how can I get my O2 Active menu to show pictures of kittens?'
Personally I wish O2 would treat their 'developer' SourceO2 site as a proper technical resource, offering low level documentation and potentially unstable new software to the tech community at their own risk. But it's not going to happen. In fact, I've just tried to log on, and the site's got a server side bug. Bet nobody notices until Wednesday. Thank heavens we at least have this site.
you said it. O2 in Ireland is a joke. The only reason I ended up on it in the first place was to get my hands on the XDA II. Soon as my contract expires, I will port over to vodafone (although, in honesty, they are not much better).
Maybe the option is to install a firmware update from another XDA II that is WM2003 SE and modify the rom? Which brings up the question, what could be used to cook the rom from another provider, and replace the settings with the ones I need for O2 (if anything exists yet). i notice there are plenty of cookers etc for the XDA, but haven't noticed anything for the XDA II, but then again, I could just be being dumb as although I have been developing for 20+ years now, I am new to the world of XDA II so forgiveness is asked if i'm asking the obvious or downright stupid
I just got word from O2 support that WM2003 SE for XDA II is planned to be shipped sometime Q4 this year. Based on past performance - I'd say December 2004. :x
I just got word from O2 support that WM2003 SE for XDA II is planned to be shipped sometime Q4 this year. Based on past performance - I'd say December 2004.
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Sounds about right for 02 :evil:
as a follow upo to
Which brings up the question, what could be used to cook the rom from another provider, and replace the settings with the ones I need for O2 (if anything exists yet). i notice there are plenty of cookers etc for the XDA, but haven't noticed anything for the XDA II, but then again, I could just be being dumb as although I have been developing for 20+ years now, I am new to the world of XDA II so forgiveness is asked if i'm asking the obvious or downright stupid
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I have modified ms_.nbf and added new startup logos, and uploaded it to the phone using HimaUpgradeUt.exe.
If I just send that rom alone to the phone, the phone will lock at the serial / usb v1.03 screen, so I have to send all the images up, which is a pain. Once I have done this, and restart, the phone displays my new boot images.
The problem is, is that there is some config files in 02's cabs that overwrite by boot images again, so next reboot and the phone ends up back as it was. I know there are programs such as XDA2_boot_image_changer_by_akira to do the job, but I need to write this into rom.
Any suggestions welcome

[Q] TG01 - what do you do with it?

After seeing a few new threads start up recently, it was interesting to see how different users have explored the boundaries of TG01 and got the maximum out of it!
I was surprised at certain things this mighty beast can do! I am opening this thread with a hope that we will get more input from TG01 users in terms of what can be done using TG01! May be other users like me will benefit now and in future by knowing that there is no limit to surprises TG01 brings
So question is simple with simplers answers:
What do you use your TG01 MOSTLY for? Please vote for the options and if I have missed out something as 'the most common' act on TG01, then feel free to add comments!
Please can I also request anyone who does something different with their TG01, to post links so that other users could try it and share their views too?
PS: Keep this thread fun but full of information!
Please ADD this to your signature and brag how cool your phone is!!
37 views and only 1 vote!! come on guys, share how good your phone is!
i have already voted nice thread!
Reading, of course!
One of the thing that every day I do with my TG1 is...reading. I've already read a lot of e-books anywhere..if I'm waiting, on a cue...my book is ready to keep on reading from the last paragraph that I read the previous time.
I had installed an app called µBook, but few days ago I discovered Freda, an free EPUB (and other formats) reader that suits perfectly in our TG01
You can download the last version from http://www.freewarepocketpc.net/ppc-download-freda.html
Good thread!
Pere said:
One of the thing that every day I do with my TG1 is...reading. I've already read a lot of e-books anywhere..if I'm waiting, on a cue...my book is ready to keep on reading from the last paragraph that I read the previous time.
I had installed an app called µBook, but few days ago I discovered Freda, an free EPUB (and other formats) reader that suits perfectly in our TG01
You can download the last version from http://www.freewarepocketpc.net/ppc-download-freda.html
Good thread!
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I love e-books myself, but I couldn't read them on TG01 as I always thought you end up buying and spending lots (I tried B&N) - I am downloading the one you suggesting, it might make me the most happiest and complete TG01 owner ever!
If you know any more TG01 owners, please ask them to come forward and share more so that we get more out of this beast
olyloh6696 said:
i have already voted nice thread!
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I was a bit unsure if mods would like it !
Mate, if you know more TG01 users on the forum, please ask them to vote and share so that we get more out of TG01 from everyone's experience. This might even reveal what sort of tasks are best performed on TG01
It's really good to see from the votes so far that, Browsing on TG01 is what is done mostly!
Considering the complaints of battery drain and crappy IE that comes with TG01, I am sure most of us have ended up using faster browsers and better batteries!
Anything worth sharing to have better browsing experience on TG01 guys?
I do something more than this! (please post a comment and share)
Yes it help me to progress with ROM dev and in english ... of course !!!
Good thread man !
EVEALEX62 said:
I do something more than this! (please post a comment and share)
Yes it help me to progress with ROM dev and in english ... of course !!!
Good thread man !
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Thanks a lot
It is getting more useful and informative as we get more votes!
Already we know that it works as a great device to browse! So many people use it for browsing..
and many votes for 'I use it for something else' too, but only 2 users mentioned some useful info for us. I wish we will have more ideas for tg01
Most of us still use it for browsing - inspite of claims of bad battery life!
I think it's because of amazing speeds we get with Snapdragon?!
I presume we use Opera/SkyFire/IE - any other browsers you think can work better on TG01?
Hello Everyone!
I am writing this post in most of my threads so that everyone is well informed. I am not sure if you will get annoyed to see the identical post in more than 1 thread. The only reason being, I want everyone who visits particular thread to know that I am going to be a rare visitor on TG01 forums from now.
As you might all know, I went on 3 weeks holiday (it was AWESOME!) only to find out that Orange had sent me a letter confirming that I should F***O** and they won’t be interested in either paying repair costs/ offering replacement handset/ offer any sort of money back for the malfunctioning TG01(s) (6 replacements to be precise) they have supplied me since January 2011! Since last 5 months, I wasn’t able to develop or help with roms/themes as I din’t trust my phone’s behaviour (it froze randomly making hard to know if it’s rom/theme doing it or actual phone). However, I have tried my best to help out in forum and also with beta tests.
My TG01 is now officially in coma. It doesn’t last more than 5 minutes without restarting. This has annoyed the piss out of me and I was helpless financially. However, I have managed to sell this TG01 for spare along with few old WinMos and Symbian phone to get me enough money to buy a brand new San Francisco (the cheapest option out there for smart phone at the moment!)
So, to keep the story short, all these threads, might not see any help at all from me in terms of development. I will still be willing to help anyone and everyone (whatever can be done without a TG01). If anyone would want to use any of my work so far – please feel free to PM me and I will happily share ROMs/THEMES/files etc that will help you to carry on the projects further.
It’s been absolute charm being a part of this forum and will miss it! I will be around in San Francisco forums anyway, so drop me a PM if you ever think of me
Long live TG01 and WinMos
(already saving up to buy new WP7!)
EVC4 Development System
I use the TG01 as a software development platform for a GPS application - see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1117192
I'm still using EVC4 as it's simple, effective and free. More modern tools are too complicated for my simple mind, and seem to produce enormous slow applications.
I had to produce my own SDK using Platform Builder, but now find this works on most ARM devices; although it grizzles a bit, it gives full source-level debugging. It does mean I have to use XP for development - has anyone got EVC4 to run under Vista or Win7?
I like the TG01 as it's fast and has a big screen. I think it's virtually unusable as a mobile phone.

